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Spiritual Activist


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Greetings, fellow Christians(?)


I have to put the question mark in because I'm wondering why I'm already receiving warnings about what I can and cannot post regarding my Christian spiritual activist experiences. No, I am not a Progressive Christian but a modern Gnostic Christian. However, since the Jesus Seminar published The Five Gospels that include as fully legitimate the Gospel of Thomas, a decidedly Gnostic gospel where one can find the precedent for the Gnostic "solitary path" which is the one I walk, I was hoping that Progressive Christians would recognize my Gnostic Christianity in a kindred spirit of seeking knowledge of what Christianity is about and our roles in it as advocates of Christ consciousness. But perhaps I was wrong. I have to put a muzzle on what I say here lest Progressive archonic principalities smite the Gnostic interloper's membership which is actually par for the course for Gnostic Christians who were, after all, the very first victims of Christian persecution. Not much has changed since we Gnostics were run out of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD and our gospels destroyed, only a changing of the guard and their minions.


Sorry to be wary of this forum right off the bat but what else can I be when I'm already on trial with the administrator after posting less than 10 posts? Unlike the rest of you I was commanded to "introduce myself". Well here I am:


I'm a Gnostic Christian visionary. I'm Jewish through my mother's lineage. I have spiritual visions and act on them when they include things to do. I have received four major spiritual visions plus been led to the pagan roots of Christianity via the Canaanite, Vedic, and Egyptian connections to Judeo-Christianity. I have been put on the Egyptian connection to the foundation of Christianity since 1964 although I didn't know it at the time but was again directed to Egypt in my original religious conversion experience in 1979 and again didn't know it. In 2008 I knew the Egyptian religion was connected to the Gospels and now believe Christianity to be a Jewish Egyptian Mystery Religion that speaks and thinks more in Greek than Hebrew.


I believe in spiritual reality underlying the material universe. I was converted from near atheism to lasting belief in God and the Spirit of Christ through a three day religious experience that involved non-stop synchronicity experiences which my prior science oriented mind could not begin to explain. Since that happened I have periodically received over the years many spiritual revelations, enough to start a new religion except I follow the Gnostic Solitary Path so I share my stuff, some of which includes remarkable events that have happened as evidence of divine intervention in our times. My spiritual work is recognized by religious leaders who have participated in the major visions so I come here not seeking anyone's approval but to share evidence of spiritual movement in our modern world. Yes, this runs counter to the prevailing Progressive stance I've seen posted here which to me wants to both remove God as Other from the Christian equation to make it all based on self-centered authority and to replace the mythic Christ with a man-made creation, Jesus as a Stoic social-change philosopher and not the God-Man revealed in the Gospels. Once you know about the Egyptian connection you why the Gospels presented Jesus Christ the way they did.


I don't want to be antagonistic and on guard here so I'm hoping for some tolerance of other Christian p.o.v. being allowed to be voiced here on this Progressive Christian forum. Yes, I will be posting my spiritual experiences if I'm allowed to do as other regular members can do so here which is telling what happened to them. I don't have any organized religion to peddle to anyone but I do have reports of what I and others involved have concluded are most definite Signs of the Spirit manifesting in our world as we enter the new aeon. I want to share them with you because Christianity is going through a most profound change now that the Egyptian connection to the roots of Christianity is being thoroughly examined as never before. It's a great time to be alive!


Water Bear,


Rocky start notwithstanding, welcome, and I hope your time here is mutually beneficial to all. If you look at some of the previous threads around, you will see that other Gnostics post here, and our local definition of Christianity is an extremely broad one (it goes way beyond Nicene & Chalcedon).


Welcome waterbear,


Thanks for the introduction and sharing a bit about yourself. Those who self-identify as Christian Gnostics are certainly welcome here. We also have Jews, Quakers, Buddhists and Athests represented here to name a few . All are welcome to express their views as long as they are done in a respectful manner. Occasionally our members cross the line but for the most part this is a very civil forum.


We ask all new members to introduce themselves prior to posting though it is not always the case. that they do. You are not being singled out and will now be removed from moderator approval of posts from this point forward . Your intrioduction goes a long way toward a more tolerant reception and understanding among members as many may now be able to better relate. We occasionally get new members with their own private agenda who come to disrrupt the board so we are sometimes overly cautious especially if they 'come on strong' so to speak as guests without a formal introduction.. Thanks for your cooperation. Perhaps we can have a mutually beneficial and mutually respectful relationship.


Again welcome,



PS Your two not yet approved posts prior to this introduction were deleted so you might have a fresh start here in light of your introduction and a clearer understanding of our forum. You are now free to start any new topics or reopen a hypocrisy thread if you like with your views as long as it is done in a civil and non-attacking manner of other members..


Welcome Waterbear, The gnostic faith is also welcome because it is free, open, and creative. We are not going to tell you how to act; particularly, what to believe, but we deserve the same courtesy. We want to use our brains and modern knowledge to move us closer to Spirit and not whipped with insults. The gnostic style believes seeking God is more important than finding God by a certain dogma or belief so there is no need to put others down if they don't agree.


welcome waterbear,


I think I just might be the buddhist referred to............anyway, I think I am tolerated because I am deemed to be harmless.




Welcome, Waterbear! Although I am a Quaker, I am familiar with Gnostic gospels and teachings. My Gnostic reading has changed my thinking concerning not only my here and now, but understanding of the teachings of Jesus. Again, Welcome! :D




Welcome to the forum. What I most like about this forum is that you don't even have to be a branded Christian to read and participate! I have found the lack of absoluteness, the preparedness to share without the need to defend, and the willingness of participants to question themselves, quite refreshing and interesting. I hope you will enjoy.




If I am allowed to share my radical Gnostic Christian beliefs and experiences here I will be a happy camper because honestly I haven't yet found a religious discussion forum yet that will tolerate me and my kind whatever they are (fellow tardigrades--"but we have excuses for our poor school attendance and bad grades"..). Usually, it's the "no proselytizing allowed" club that comes down on me even though I point out the fact I follow the Gnostic Solitary Path and urge no one to join any group think organized religion. God is a relationship between you and God. But once I start posting the spiritual activist stuff I do acting on these religious visions I get, well, that's seems to go over the top for tolerance. You can have your religious visions but for Pete's sake don't tell anyone about them. Lest they think you're crazy since nobody but loonies do that these days. No prophecy bearers allowed. And soon afterward, my posts trying to share my spiritual experiences get deleted and me banned as persona non grata. Am I being paranoid? I'm waiting to be proven wrong and hope this forum might be the one place I can relax and be my charming mild-mannered God-crazed fanatical California crazy self. Now is that too much to ask for? :rolleyes:


Welcome Waterbear,


Believe me, the people on this forum are open, understanding, and welcoming. They accepted me quite graciously, and I doubt I fit anyone's definition of a Christian - though I profess to be one. :D BTW, I like the term "spiritual activitist".


Waterbear, I'm sorry this began badly for you. and, apologize if i may have been perhaps rude in anyway myself.


I would like to suggest you spend some time browsing and reading a variety of threads to be found here, follow a few of our previous discussions through, before jumping to some of the conclusions you seem to have come to. We've other gnostic Christians that have participated here, and I am myself a Mystic Christian, very far from being only an intellectual...elswhere in the threads of this board, you can find where I have shared mystical experiences and a very personal relationship with Spirit.


Take some time to get to know us, and where many of us that participate here are in our journeys. This is far from a godless or anti-spiritual reality group.


Welcome. I hope we can get off to a better start.




Welcome Waterbear. I think many of us here know what it is to feel rejected at sometime because of our spiritual/religious leadings. I hope you find this a warm and welcoming forum from which we can all gather something from. Many blessing to you.


So far, so good. But will you still love me when I'm genetically modified to become a tardigrade six feet four????





Btw, I know you all have been wondering about my waterbear suit. Well, here it is before I change into my super suit in the nearest handy water closet before going off to save the world.




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