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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Karen, Thanks for those words that to me seem clear. It does seem clear to me that we are not free as long as we are operating out of the bondage of "our cultural programming that dictates our choices". Wheras acting out of wholeness is our real identity and that is true freedom from the bondage of laws, rules, and conditioning. Perhaps that is what Merton was trying to say in the OP but it was not as clear to me in the words he used? Joseph
  2. Derek, Two things i do not at this time find agreement with. The first it seems to me in freedom it is stated "and the perfect hatred and rejection of what is evil, so that everything you do is good and makes you happy," I would think that in "true" freedom as he defined at the end, making choices as God would, there is neither good nor evil. How could there be room for perfect hatred? Secondly, the statement "when we decide to do something that seems to us to be good when it is not really so, we are doing something that we do not really want to do, and therefore we are not really free." The statement has made the attainment or the goal of the good the measure of freedom while perhaps all we can do for now is act out of our best intentions for good as we perceive them and not be so concerned with the results with our limited knowledge. But of course if we knew the right choice (had all knowledge before the choice) to get what we as Merton says and defines as what we "really want to do", we would make that choice. But then of course to me, choice disappears as choice, so true freedom as he defines to me is void of any concept of choice and also of any concept of evil. If on the other hand if what all this is saying in your OP is that if we had complete knowledge of all things (as God) our "true" free choice would always avoid self deception and grief and lead to our real happiness and perfect love. I would agree. Because you have made the definition of truly free as being as God. So my question is , what is he really trying to get accross except to say true Freedom is to be as God?
  3. Well Paul, that is an interesting position you place yourself in. Everything you experience is subjective in this world. Without the senses to perceive the world, the world would not even exist for you. Do you wonder if this experience of the world is genuine or just psychologically brought on? What does it matter? You are here now and know you exist, that to you is genuine. If you have no aware experience of God then what good is it to wonder if you were to in the future whether it would be genuine or not? It seems to me hypotheticals have no real existence in reality. When it happens, it will be real enough and there will be no wondering if it is genuine unless of course you decide you like to wonder about it. I perceive that all who genuinely seek, find. Joseph
  4. Hi Paul, There is quite a bit of information already written and discussed as Jenell said but to answer your specific in short. I think as you expect, God is not so small as religion seems to make God seem. Conceptualizing God can only point and won;'t to me provide what i think you are looking for. I believe you, as many are and i was after a similar time of perceived separation, looking for experience rather than idea or words. Because, "you'll never know that its true til it happens to you." (lyrics to a song that grabbed me) In short, when the time was ripe, i experienced God without form yet as the very being by which i exist and cannot be separated from. In that experience in which i have no magic button in words for others, i knew that God has been with me always regardless of my acknowledgement or realization. When i have the most primal thought that i can have being, "I" or "I am" but without words i am at the door-less door of God who is All in All. There is nothing more i can really say. Joseph PS To me, to realize God is just a matter of awareness.
  5. Hi Karen and George, Its seems to me there are no shortage of films these days related to social justice. There are a few tear-jerking movies i have recently watched on netflix concerning ethnic cleansing and orphan life and such. Hopefully they heighten our awareness of such things and move us to respond where possible rather than making us numb to them. Joseph
  6. Brent, Thanks for your response.To be fair, i should mention that in spite of my surface findings concerning authority and to me, some strange authoritative statements, which i cannot easily verify, i do agree that a more complete look at the papers might well prove items of value as you say. However, i don't read very much in the way of books anymore but have in the past found value and truth in many if not all of the books i have read. While i appreciate the presence of such writings as you have introduced, i am at the stage of my journey where i am no longer looking for a book with answers to questions or seeking Truth through intellectual study. So in all honesty i will probably not open the Upapers again. Having said that, that is just a personal thing for me. That the Upapers might be very beneficial in value for some or all and perhaps even necessary for some in their journey i would not refute. So thank you for sharing and i will now bow out unless a specific item comes up in this thread that specifically interests me or i have something related to share. Thanks for your kindness and the manner in which you have responded. Joseph
  7. Well after an hour...... here are my questions? Brent , I started reading the foreword and I couldn't get past the first 3 versus without questions of verifiability and then skimmed through some sections. First of all i find authoritative declaration statements such as .... 1:0.3 The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father, the eternal maker and infinite upholder of all creation. 1:0.2The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return. All of which sound good but none of which i can verify as true. How does one know that all planetary systems were made to be inhabited by different types of intelligent creatures? Could not some be there for other purposes? Is it verifiable or must i just believe it? How do we know the enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father? Can we even verify that there are more enlightened worlds (which there may be) or is it just an assumption or authoritative claim of the author or the beings that supposedly passed the information to the author?   How then can one verify the authoritative nature of the book except to accept it by its subjective claims on an individual after reading which is no different than any other religious book making claims? It sounds good so far but how is its claims of origin and statements any more authoritative, valid or its claims more believable than the book of Mormons? I'm trying to address George's initial concern that you answered i think very well but after reading a bit i am surprised to find little that my analysis can validate. Must i read the whole papers or practice it as a religion or tradition to prove its authoritative nature to be valid? Remember, with me, at least, you are communicating with an individual who doesn't even believe the Bible is authoritative. Yes i find many of its words inspirational and teachings of personal value and much that rings true and many things that are verifiable along with some that my experience and research indicates is most probably invalid, but am persuaded no more-so than some other religious books . Sincerely with questions that speak to me and no disrespect meant for the papers or your personal beliefs, Joseph
  8. I think that is fair enough. So i take it you believe it is authoritative from your own exhaustive analysis of the content? If so, to me, that seems like a wise approach to any book. or papers. I'll have to read a bit to see if i have any questions or challenges for you. Joseph
  9. JosephM


    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this forum as member posts are those of the authors of the posts and do not necessarily reflect any official policy, direction or position of Progressive Christianity or ProgressiveChristianity.org also known as TCPC , its management or employees or its Discussion Forum. Posts or statements inserted and specifically designated (as Moderator) or (as Admin) are the views and opinions of those entrusted to operate this forum in service to Christianity.org (TCPC) and reflect a best effort to carry out its relevant mission as encompassed in the ProgressiveChristianity.org mission statement and exemplified by the principles stated in the 8 points . While moderators and administration act both as members and in their respective capacities, it is important to note which capacity they are operating in by their signature as indicated above. Any weight given for their views as members because of their assigned position is completely left up to the judgement of the reader. To assign weight or authority to a post, strictly by any assigned member title, while it may be commonly done, is not recommended by Administration here unless the post specifically is stated as done in that capacity such as this one. JosephM (as Administrator)
  10. It seems to me there is no need to be convinced either way in this issue. In my view, all a person can do from a positive point of view is remain agnostic or open concerning the issue unless or until things are revealed personally, While i may see things differently and be persuaded by my own experience, it still only seems that way to me. Life to me is subjective here and perhaps life in this world is more of an illusion (as in an erroneous perception of reality) than it seems to be. Just more musings
  11. Yes George, it would certainly seem that way to me also
  12. It seems to me that happens often. Your question "Would God play favorites like that?" , in my view seems like an unfair question as it assumes that because both were prayed for but one was wiped out and one was saved that fairness is negated by God without actually being aware of all knowledge and understanding of the whole. In my view, God answering or intervening through any method does not mean that you got your request, only that there is an answer. Here is what seems to me from experience. I evangelized for a number of years and ministered to people i had never met before sometimes in other states. Many were looking for healing. I wanted all of them to be healed but it seems there was only an unction within me to pray for certain people. People who were in some way ready were perceived as such and if i was a willing vessel to 'step out on a limb' (which might feel like falling off a log backwards), so to speak, i could invoke the divinity inside me and them as one to intervene and bring about a change. Without that unction if i prayed without first perceiving or feeling an unction to intervene and connected, i could 'see' that bringing about the change would not be of benefit and would not serve the whole. Why? Frankly, i can't say because it was just known without words. I felt as if i were that person i was praying for and at that moment knew them as myself and simply understood why without words. My faith was never put at risk because i was just a willing vessel, not the one doing the work. So is God unfair? Is our concept of fairness of God narrow and limited when viewed in the scheme of the whole? Perhaps these are tough questions to answer to the satisfying of the mind. It seems to me religions do attempt to do so but only within the confines of conceptual theories, limitations of language, cultures and changing of times and science. So again is God unfair? I think not. Does God intervene by prayer? In my life it seems most definitely so. Why do i believe this ? Personal experience and by choice if there is really such a thing, If so, i choose to surrender it in trust to that which i perceive sustains me and at any time can extinguish this personality and continuing story know as Joseph and his life story without violating that trust. Why? Because "I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ" (not a man but the 'smearing together' with God) Just my thoughts to share, Joseph
  13. Yes it would, and i enjoyed reading your experiences above. I have some strange ones myself. Of course after telling some will always ask "yeah, well what about all the other people who prayed and got nothing?" That could be the subject of a whole other topic too. Joseph
  14.   While i would agree with Jenell that prayer need not be about changing the course ahead and does provide guidance and support, and... i would also agree with Bill that many may pray in such a manner that they are always asking God to intervene and do something in the best interest of other ....thinking God changes things....... I would not rule out the possibility that when a genuine awareness on the prayers part of a connection with God is made, God does indeed intervene as the divinity that is inherent in the individual praying. As i have said before either providing peace with no change in the issue at hand, a word of guidance that provides the impetus for the individual praying to intervene, or provides the unction and anointing to go beyond the natural to alter laws we are familiar with to change or eliminate the issue by spiritual manipulation of the natural in harmony with the words declared. Or a combination of the 3. I believe this is what Jesus did and what all are capable of doing that realize that connection. This is participation in the kingdom of God with power but this is seldom taken because it is rejected as a possibility and thus shut off from consciousness. Therefor, in my experience, this individual participating in the more so-called supernatural works of God by conscious union with the spirit of God is rare. It is my experience that all prayer is heard by God even before spoken but the answer being received is dependent on a realized 2 way connection that when successfully realized, if even for a moment, is void of doubt and limitations. My point of disagreement, if any, is that i do believe God intervenes and changes things by using those willing in both natural and supernatural capacities. Whether that is viewed as God intervening or us doing is a matter of semantics and personal view but in my experience the real work is always done by God. The question, "Does God answer Prayer" ? from the OP In my view, YES , Always, but hearing may require a conscious connection and the answer may not be the one expected. Joseph
  15. Dutch, On Intercessory prayer. Since we are not addressing whether prayer is superstition or works i will be brief. To me, and in my experience, effective intercessory prayer is the realization of connection with the whole where there is no separation, time, or distance, or natural law limitation and when that connection is made the answer to the issue is present whether it be an at peace with the issue, an inclination or word for action or an unction with power that is able to declare and see the evidence of that which cannot be seen but will certainly manifest itself. (yes, in the last part as in the supernatural though perhaps one day it will not be considered as such) Just my contribution, Joseph
  16. I would add... THE BIG BLUE - Starring Jean Reno and Rosanna Arquette (2000) ))
  17. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=5][size=6]The One and the Innumerable[/size] By JosephMattioli[/size] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=5]Within this world one perceives innumerable individuals identified much like oneself but appearing with different discriminating thoughts and appearances of infinite varieties. As one looks into the vastness of space one perceives stars and planets and with the aid of science one perceives other galaxies also. With such immensity of the universes so seemingly endless in size and populated with such diversity of beings ‘here’ and perceived or believed to be ‘there’, how can one but think of himself otherwise as but an innumerable particle of sand in the sea? So then in our mind it appears that we are minuscule and many in number while the universe itself is quite large and beyond comprehension. Howbeit that the very opposite of that assumption is true? A man considers his waking state as reality and his dream state as fiction and knows little of his sleep state and therein lays the key to the One and the many. In the wake state, one is aware of a body and mind that senses and perceives images. One is aware of a mind that has a continuity of time and space so that it appears as reality. One is aware of an individual identity with a name and character considered as I and gross body that is subject to well defined limitations and teachings of Newtonian principles. The eyes point outward and discriminate images that give the perception of a ‘here’ as being the location of the senses or ‘I’ and a ‘there’ as the object of witness being others or objects. How could one not but assume that ‘this’ duality of existence is reality? On the other hand, when one is in the dream state, there is also a body and the senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch. In this state the body is more subtle and has fewer limitations. It can move from one scene to another without consciousness of the moving. Its physical appearance is not always the same. Limitations of gravity and other restrictions seem to have only minor influence and can be negated. Death seems not to be possible as one never dies in his dreams no matter what seems to happen. Other people are present and it is known who they are but their appearance is sometimes quite different than in the waking state. If one were to awake and then go and ask that person if he or she was with you in your dream they would certainly deny it to be true. In fact even people who are known in the conscious state as dead sometimes appear in the dream state. In the dream a world exists and one is aware of an existence and identity and familiar surroundings that are often quite different from the waking state. From a perspective of the waking state, one must wonder how all these people and that great big world can fit into that tiny little body and mind laying on the bed in the dream state. One must wonder how one can see, smell taste, hear and feel with such clarity while the eyes are closed, the doors are shut and the world is actually outside ones room. One assumes it cannot be real because of this and it must be just ‘imagination’ or some function of the mind and therefore not reality. On the other hand from the perspective of the dream state it is most convincingly ‘real’. There is a ‘here’ and a ‘there’, people and the five senses and a world still remaining outside of oneself. In contrast the waking state perspective of this dream state shows the world as certainly ‘within’. Which of these two states is closest to reality? Obviously ones response might differ depending on which perspective state one is looking from. Nevertheless, it is not difficult for the spiritual aspirant to see that truth is not found in the waking state as it is filled with as so many different limitations, views and thoughts and perceptions as there are people. How can truth be that state which is constantly evolving, changing, in a state of flux and impermanence? As the Mystics and avatars and great men of old have repeatedly said, “Truth is found within”. In the third state, deep sleep, individual identity is lost. There is no ego/mind or conditioned perception to err. There is no ‘here’ or ‘there’. There are no people and the world disappears. There is ‘being’ but there is no concept such as time. There is no beginning and there is no end. There is no location to be found. There is only presence, silence, perfect peace and completeness. This is the state we know little about because it is beyond the ego/mind of consciousness. This is the world beyond mind yet is the source of all that appears both of form and formless including mind. This is the indescribable One from which the innumerable many seem to appear. This is the Self, God, Atman, Christ, the Buddha, Truth, the unconditioned, Reality, Krishna, All that is, I or whatever name one would apply. It is the realization for which individual identity eventually seeks. It is the end of all paths. It is the end of all drama and seeking. It is the end of all suffering and the source of light that makes possible the illusion of both the dream and waking state. It cannot be described in words just as the smell of a rose cannot be described and understood by the speaking of words. Being beyond mind such a state can only be experienced by the mind as a subjective transformation. It cannot be found because it is not something that is lost. It cannot be lost because its existence is present and eternally always. One can realize that that which is eternally present cannot be gotten otherwise it would not be permanent and that which can be gotten is subject to loss. Realize it here and now and one will see there is nothing to get that one does not already have. Discover who it is that seeks and asks all the questions and all questions will disappear. When one admits the existence of the world one must admit a seer who is none other than oneself. Find oneself so that one may know the relationship between the world and the seer. When one seeks the Self and abides as the Self there is no world to be seen. Reality is then the seer and not the world. Liberation or enlightenment is abandonment of the false and remaining as ‘Being’. Enlightenment is the point where the One and the innumerable are one and the same. Where neither subject nor objects exist and all is complete as ‘One’ expressed as the infinite ‘I’.[/size] [/center][/center]
  18. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=6]Understanding Good and Evil[/size] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=4]by Joseph Mattioli[/size] [size=5]What is good and what is evil? This is a question asked throughout the ages. No finite definition has ever come to unanimous agreement and if it had it lasted only for some fleeting moments and then passed away with the society that created it for expediency purposes. Even with our modern nation, what was once considered good to many such as slavery was later thought of as evil. The taking of land from the Indians was once justified by many as good for America but was not deemed as such if you were in the moccasins of an Indian. Time changes circumstances and circumstances changes our definitions. Why is this? It is because the terms good and evil are deemed opposites. The demarcation line of one versus the other is a line subjectively defined as whatever the controlling caste of a society at that time defines. Opinions and positions on such matters change. Killing in the United States now is considered evil but even that has exceptions. When we are involved in War, we make heroes of those who have killed many and dare not call them evildoers. Good and evil, they are abstract terms that only have reality to the individual or society whose mind makes the distinction. Granted, every action or thought has a consequence regardless of where one draws the line between good and evil but nevertheless they are abstract terms of ever changing perceptions. They are terms that have even reversed meanings in history depending upon who perspective we are looking from. Is good created by God and evil by some other sub-god such as Satan as some religions would have us believe? It would seem that that would not be the case. If God is God and creating good then he must also be the creator of that which is its opposite or evil. One can not hold the title of creator of all things and create an abstract term as good and then blame the creation of the opposite on that which is created. Yet, there is another way to look at it with a deeper understanding. Maybe God is neither creating good nor evil? Perhaps God only created creatures with a mind that had that potential of choice and the ability to make such distinctions if desired. Opposites then are a product of duality of the mind. Perhaps God is the potential yet partakes of neither? Other creatures of creation do not seem to have such distinctions. In the animal kingdom we witness life and death and killing endlessly and yet we neither call it good nor bad. It is accepted as a natural part of life and evolution. Man having evolved as part of creation with a thinking mind is able to create thoughts that are not necessary for survival alone yet are chosen to take command of earth and become a god himself. To do this he needed to make his own rules of operation that could change with his whims and desires. He needed to make himself as independent as possible from the creator himself. He needed to control food supplies and resources so as to no longer seem to be accountable to the rest of creation but only to himself. Evil was thus born in the mind of men. Evil born of opposite scales of right and wrong, good and evil, desirable and undesirable, ugly and beautiful, love and hate and a myriad of other judgments. All perceptions, opening up a Pandora’s Box of demarcation lines changing with his every whim, custom and transient thought. So then, perhaps man did through choice choose good and evil as a subjective reality in which to live and have pleasure of his own seeming creation. If God created neither, those terms are merely illusions created in the melodrama of man’s mind making a reality out of nothing. What need has God for such folly? What need does he have for such absurdities of mind? What need does he whose source of power is unlimited and enemies are none have for a mind that is subject to doubt, hate, anger, jealousy, fear and guilt? What need would he have for revenge and war? What need does he who is complete and knows all things have for thinking or even language of such terms? What need does God, whose completeness is peace and existence is love, have for desires and the affairs of men who through choice choose folly for transient and fleeting moments of happiness and pleasure rather than his eternal essence present within them? What is good and what is evil? A conundrum, a riddle I say. They are but illusions of man’s mind that have no basis in the presence of reality in God.[/size][/center][/center]
  19. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center]Free Choice? Or Choice by Evolution of Consciousness? [/center][/center] [center][center] By Joseph Mattioli [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] The majority of human beings are mostly convinced that they are the author of their thoughts, choices and therefore their destiny. No doubt human beings make choices but are those choices free choices or inevitable choices that are not free but limited to their context. If so, then by definition, the choice is not free choice, but an inevitable choice that is bound or enslaved by their present level of consciousness and the circumstances by which that event occurs. Let’s examine this closer. When a five year old child, who is not hungry, is presented with a choice of his favorite flavored lollipop or a bowl of salad; which will he choose? Circumstances being such, greater than 99 out of a hundred will choose the lollipop. Of course, if the child is sick, he may choose to forgo either choice. Still, the choice is made and one makes the choice limited to his or her intellect, programming, desires, and surrounding circumstances. With grown-ups, this process of choice becomes more complicated yet it is not much different. The particular choice one makes will be bound and limited to ones understanding or perception, desires, variable conditions, previous programming and tendencies. As consciousness evolves one hopefully makes better choices but in all cases those choices are still bound by ones imperfect programming, understanding and desires. While life presents itself with a myriad of choices, most seem to take place automatically coming from the unconscious mind. The choices are greatly affected by ones in-born intelligence level, the family, group, society, and national programming by which one is brought up in. And, in addition, is modified by the millions of mini-events and variety of daily perceptions of experiences and external stimuli that present themselves to the discriminating mind. Choice then is based, for the most part in the mind and its outcome is inevitable based on all of the above which is uniquely different in each individual. Yet though the data upon which the choice is made is different in each individual at any given time, ones choice taken is really the only choice that one could make at that time. Why is this seemingly linguistic slight of hand even important? Why is understanding the concept I am writing about important for one to understand in the context given? What does it matter whether one considers it free choice or just choice? At the present level of understanding in this mind, it is very beneficial to have a clear understanding at what is being implied. Understanding and awareness is key to the evolution of consciousness. Understanding that choices are not free in the sense that one might think of them helps us to empathize with our fellow frail human beings whom are in the same boat. This truth helps us release our anger and un-forgiveness of others , who through ignorance oppose themselves and releases our compassion for them. Cherie Carter-Scott said: “Anger makes you smaller while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.” Mahatma Gandhi said “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” Jesus is recorded saying, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Emphasis is on ignorance because they know not what they do is a reason. One may think those suicide bombers, warmongers, liars, religious fanatics, those that are hateful and those that risk their lives for thrill or meaningless causes have free choice in the matter. Jesus didn’t think so. If they could be any different at any particular point in time by their personal choice then they would be. Their choices are a product of the evolution of their consciousness just as is yours. Any statement such as ‘they should have’ or ‘could have’ and the like are nothing more than hypothetical and have no existence in reality. Even the Buddha would agree as this is the essence of his teachings based on the Pali Canon recognized by Buddhist scholars as the oldest record of what the Buddha actually taught: Absolute changeless permanent reality, the unconditioned, itself alone is, all else has always been, is, and always will be just a state of make-believe fiction, a state of delusion worn like a costume with multiple fabricated viewpoints, with each self-sustaining itself in a self-perpetuated state of self-ignorance, until each decides to come to closure through self-enlightenment and self-awakening His teachings point out that man operates in a make believe state of delusion worn like a costume with multiple fabricated viewpoints. This makes him incapable of free choice because his choice is determined by his attachments and ignorance. Through his endless variety of choices and circumstances, all founded in self-ignorance, one eventually through conscious evolution, stumbles upon the truth and begins a meaningful journey to self-enlightenment. This of course is through no credit to oneself as it is an innate progression and destiny of all consciousness. (Though not spelled out in his teaching above, it is the present understanding as spoken by this mind) The self actualization by which ones true being embarks on the path to enlightenment is not by free choice but by consent of the will. All choices then are bound by the level of consciousness and understanding that exists at the time of choice. Only a fully enlightened or awakened being with full understanding of context would have free choice but then it disappears as choice. This is because choice itself is a non-existent reality. This understanding may seem harsh, different than yours or difficult to understand. That is okay because even ones choice to believe what is written or not is bound by ones context of consciousness. Therefore, you have no free choice in the matter and only if you were predisposed to believe or your context has changed since you read this can you choose to believe what is written here. [/center][/center]
  20. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=5]A Tree Like Me[/size][/center][/center] [center][center][size=4]Joseph Mattioli[/size] As I sat upon my back deck the other day, I looked at a tree that was somewhat distant but clear enough to make out its branches and leaves and I sat in wonder as it moved ever so gently in harmony with the wind. The thought then occurred to me; what is it that which I see? To some it might appear a thing of beauty, to some a resource to supply a need, to others an obstruction in the way and to yet others an ugly and unbalanced tree with a crooked trunk and form lacking in desire to ones specific taste. What do I really see? For perceptions differ and the tree has as many appearances as from the point of view it is observed in the Universe. So, what is it that I really see? And I looked once again with my eyes and mind determined not to allow any adjectives to arise to obscure my perception and with thought and feeling at bay, I looked real hard without so much as a thought and even the noun of ‘tree’ disappeared. All I could see was a form consisting of shades of light and darkness and color. I realized that it was only linguistics and it was but my programming that had defined it to me as a ‘tree’. The reality that it was indeed there was confirmed by the verification of all others who sat on my deck and saw it in times past. Though we each saw it from a different point of view, when nevertheless stripped of its adjectives, we saw the same tree. So the tree was verifiably a reality. Even if one lacked the sight of ones eyes, we could both use other senses we possessed such as feeling by touching the tree and though the adjectives would be again different, we all would confirm the reality of its presence. In all cases the tree would differ in perception limited by linguistics and past programming of likes and dislikes which was the observers’ point of view. As I realized all this, I contemplated how this existence that I referred to as a ‘tree’ could come through so many different eyes and arrive in the mind as the same tree but with a reality of its own discriminating description of appearance by each being. There was some part of the mind that was coloring what we all saw differently. I reasoned from this that it was the same with all Nouns and Pronouns. All appeared differently depending on the adjectives and adverbs applied by the mind yet it was the same Noun or Pronoun to all those of common language. Reasoning further, I could only conclude that an understanding that was closest to the truth could only fit by relinquishing all adjectives and adverbs and nouns. The thought then entered my mind that if all beings applied the same rule then there would be much more agreement of what is real and what is perceived. I then went through the question and reasoning; is it the tree that sees? Is it my eyes that see or the mind that sees? It could of course not be the tree or only the outside of me would be seen. It is obviously not the eyes that see or they would have existence of their own. No the eyes were just an opening or door for light to enter. The seeing must therefore be in the mind and not the eyes. When a blind man who has not the capacity of eyes is asked what he sees. He will answer he sees darkness. He is still aware of seeing but all he sees is darkness. It is the same darkness that we who have eyes see when we are placed in a room devoid of all light. So then seeing must be in the mind and in the mind exists what I perceive as reality. Yet again there must be a seer that is watching the mind because I am aware of seeing and thoughts even while I am seeing the tree. This awareness of consciousness seems unaffected by what it sees. It witnesses emotion yet it is without emotion. From all this reasoning, it appeared that only when I relinquished the discriminating mind, did I see the tree as it really is. When I let go of my beliefs the space was created to see things in more of a light in which they are. In the stillness of my mind it was better described as an ’it’ than a tree. Upon focusing, its existence in that case appears as being not apart from me. If the same reasoning were applied to all the other nouns including human beings than it suddenly makes sense why we all see the same thing when the mind is observing and still. The same source is creating it in all minds. At this point there is an appearance or observation that there is not any separation between us and what we are seeing. It seems to be an appearance of a creation that is the same creation that is not separate or in parts but one with all that is (existence itself). The whole concept of separateness then becomes clear that it is nothing more than an illusion of the discriminating mind distorting the truth creating positions, opinions, and opposites that in turn fortifies separateness. Each one of us by a distortion of reality by mind has been creating a separate reality of our own that is founded in fallacy and ignorance. Distorted by an infinitesimal amount of thoughts, experiences, choices and societal programming applied to reality ‘it’ has created a reality that exists only in the mind of the creature who views it as such. Such reality has no basis outside of the mind. All of a sudden it becomes clear to me that the appearance of the tree and its growth through the years is not really even a sequence of events but more a sequence of appearances in my mind from an arbitrary point of view of time. All of a sudden it becomes apparent to me that things are not caused by external events as previously thought. All of a sudden it appears to me that all causes in this world of form are not caused by conditions that are external but rather the appearance of conditions are merely an effect of the unfolding of creation from the un-manifest. All of a sudden the perfect justice of the world is seen as the thoughts or actions of the discriminating mind creating its own reality that at that moment creates not only its thought or action but also its effect simultaneously so that they are one and the same. Suddenly, sowing and reaping make sense. As you measure others it shall be measured unto you is no longer an abstract. As you judge, you shall be judged becomes the ultimate justice as your judgments of others is not to the other but in actually to yourself with its corresponding un-folding in the concept men call time. All acts of love become not an act to others but to self. All acts of kindness become not an act to others but to self. All of a sudden the commandment to love thy neighbor as thyself is no longer a belief to be followed as a commandment but is the dawning of truth that in reality whatever you do to another, you really do it to yourself. There are then no victims or perpetrators. They are one and the same in endless cycles of self inflicted pain and suffering in a universe of perfect harmony and justice where the concept of time makes it to appear as a separate unrelated event. Man’s justice system fails miserably even with the best of intentions but the inescapable truth becomes known that the killing of another goes not unpunished. There is no Judge that sits behind a desk to judge nor God that awaiting your appearance at his throne for all judgments is at the hand of ones true Self as chosen by ones actions simultaneously and not as a result of the action itself. I suppose in the end, no one is hurt because it now appears as an illusion and melodrama of life in which all characters are fictitious as one begins to awake as if in a dream. In the words of my Dad as he approached death he said “Son, life is a joke”. Perhaps he had a glimpse of life’s illusion and saw it as a great Cosmic Joke. Whether one chooses to believes in God or not makes no difference to God. One finds there is indeed no existence in reality outside of God. He is present both in the un-manifest and equally in the manifest in all that exists. He is even it that which I now see as illusion. That is because even illusion itself could not exist without the essence of All That Is. Some know him as God, some as Allah, some as Christ Consciousness, some as Buddhahood, some as Krishna Consciousness, some as All That IS and some as Divine Consciousness or other linguistic terms. I have seen him as a tree while sitting on my back deck and find the words of this writing lacking much in both grammar and revelation. Yet I find in me that which is in you and which is lacking in nothing. Small bit of poetry written by my hand about 1967 while in the Air Force and sent to Linda in a letter and titled ‘A Tree Like Me’. Didn’t know what is was at the time, just words in my head that sounded neat. A tree that grows beside the waters; A tree whose branches sweep majestically inside; Is sadly led asunder; But time has come; It grips the Earth; No longer filled with hunger; But only strength to reach the sky; And shade the earth below. [/center][/center]
  21. [center][center]The True Gospel Message[/center][/center] [center][center]Enlightenment from a Christian Perspective[/center][/center] [center][center]Joseph Mattioli Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent (metanoeo) (in Greek) means to think differently for the (basileia) realm of (ouranos) by implication happiness or elevated state is (eggizo) made near or at hand. Note: The kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God are used interchangeably in the New Testament yet are two different words in the Greek. Heaven denotes the elevated state and God denotes Divinity or the source. John 3:3-6 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. [4] Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? [5] Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Truly, Truly, unless a man is (gennao) regenerated or brought forth of the water (flesh) and of the (pneuma) Spirit/vital principle he can’t go in the realm of (theos) Divinity. The two are different. Flesh is (sarx) flesh as in meat of an animal and Spirit is Spirit/vital principle as in essence. To regenerate is to renew again which signifies that something of the Spirit was set aside or forgotten or lost and needs to be renewed to enter back in to the realm of Divinity. In reality nothing is really lost but in this world of duality it is as if it is lost. Luke 17:20-21 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Here it is plainly told that the realm of Divinity does not (erchomai) appear or come with (parateresis) observation or ocular evidence. Further more he tells us the realm of Divinity is (entos) inside or within you. The outside world would not exist without the presence of the life force from within. (Within and without are from the perspective of this world as in true reality there is neither) Col. 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: To whom God/Divinity would make known what is the (ploutos) wealth as in fullness of the glory of this (musterion) secret or mystery (as in hid) which is (Christos) his anointing (his Divinity) as in the idea of contact in you, the hope of glory (his apparent fullness or presence). 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. If any man be in the anointing contact of God, he is a new creature (as in regenerated freshness): old things are (parerchomai) neglected / set aside / passed away, all things are become ( kainos) new as in freshness. Luke 18:29-30 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, [30] Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting. Left (aphiemi) house or parents, or wife or children does not mean go away or abandon but rather ‘laying aside’ the attachment and desires associated for the realm of Divinity‘s sake. It is a preference of preferring one above the other and not necessarily a physical leaving. This is because there is no where to leave or go in the physical to find the realm of Divinity which is within. It is clear the reward for leaving the old is great in this PRESENT TIME and in the world to come. (See fruits below in Galatians 5:22) Romans 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We arrive at this state by the simple considering or reckoning ourselves (as in Repent or thinking differently) to be dead to sin (which is ignorance of the flesh or what some call ego, vanities of the flesh or the old creature which is a result of a false center of self or false thinking) and alive to our true being in Divinity through the same anointing that was in Jesus. In simpler terms the only task to be accomplished is to let go of the identification with the flesh nature (ego or old creature) as one’s real self. Of course, only when one is ready or sees through introspection the fruitlessness of his present state and path will he even be drawn to think differently in his search for truth. Removing the obstacles standing in the way brings revelation understanding and truth which is present all along but obscured. These obstacles include but are not limited to learned and preconceived perceptions of reality, subjective opinions, upbringing, subjective experience, false teachings, and mentations with a mind that operates on dualities, is limited, subjective and incapable of discerning truth from falsehood without the intervention of the Spirit. Since Truth is self evident and already present within, then the key to the kingdom and the fruit is letting go of that which is not true (or as most would say that which is false). This realignment of self to our true nature of Divinity brings about a change in context. (You are what you worship) That change reveals itself in fruit. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, [23] Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. These are the fruits that are manifested from this anointing called Christ in you in Christianity, which is your hope of the presence of God/Divinity in you. The fruit of faith is not the same as believing but is truth itself as defined in Hebrews 11:1 (the substance or evidence of things not seen with the eyes) Many are worried that by realignment of their thinking they may manifest evil instead of good with their fruits being the opposites of above. However, it is an impossibility to willfully remove the obstacle of duality and end up with opposites as they don’t exist except in the duality of the mind of man which has to be surrendered to God or reckoned dead. There is no such thing as death, evil, fear, anger, hate, pride, conflict, judgment, force or even time in the world of non-duality. They are not possible because they can exist only in mentations in the world of effects and form. That world is changing and evolving as the consciousness of man evolves by the transformation from the Divinity within us. Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. 1 Cor. 15:55-56 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? [56] The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. When Christ/Divinity/Truth/Light/Enlightenment is realized, physical death loses its sting which is sin/ignorance. The grave loses its victory because fear of death is gone and we know that we are complete in Divinity and physical death has no power over us. For the strength of sin or ignorance was the law or belief system. (Judgments and measuring which manifests as un-forgiveness , condemnation and fear.) It is recorded that Jesus prayed in John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: The questions will of course arise: How did we get into this predicament of separateness in the first place? How did that which was enlightened to start become unenlightened? The answer is Choice. By choice mans consciousness chose to know both good and evil (the false world of duality) and create a belief system, a melodrama and experience it with all of its attributes. As the human mind/soul gave reality to falsity, it then believed that the falsity had an independent existence. Man identified with that mind and body and became subject to suffering in the form of shame, guilt, pride and fear which existed only in his mind. And the mind creates that which it believes. Man then became unaware or as some say unenlightened of his true nature and subject to error. Creating the world of duality or opposites in a mind allows us to experience the world of form in a myriad of false ways as a separate reality of the minds creation. Being lost in its melodrama led to misidentification and ignorance of our true nature and manifested as positionality and subjective opinionating which is vanity. To the mind it appears we are many separate self existent beings but the nature of Divinity within us tells us we are one and sees allness in all of creation, both with and without form. But not to worry. Ephes. 1:9-10 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: [10] That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: 1 Cor. 15:23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. The end is sure. In the fullness of times, ALL will return (home or to source) from whence it came. In Reality, nothing is lost or gained. No one has really left in the first place as the presence of Divinity is the only reality of an omnipresent God. The absence of Divinity is merely a mentation of mind. To remove oneself from the presence of Divinity is an impossible scenario as existence itself whether in or out of form is Divinity by essence. Nonexistence is by linguistic definition a hypothetical and by definition cannot exist.) Note: Christ is not a man. Jesus manifested Christ consciousness or the connection with Divinity. But his name was not Jesus Christ even though he is referred to that way. He was called “the Christ”. It is a nature or title. In the same way, Siddartha was called “the Buddha”. It is a nature and title meaning an awakened one and is not a name of a person though it is often used that way.[/center][/center]
  22. Guilt By Joseph Mattioli Guilt is an invisible pattern of the mind whether it is in the conscious mind, unconscious mind or both. It is present in most all sentient beings in degrees that range from very slight to extreme. Depending upon its intensity, guilt manifests itself in a wide range of destructive tendencies that include everything from depression, errors in choice, some level of abuse to the body, suicide and everything in between. Guilt causes unconscious selection of choices which lead to suffering as a payment for the guilt and in the worst case to self destruction. These manifestations are in a sense all self-inflicted by the choice of measuring or judging others. Understanding this helps to lift ones level of consciousness to a point that one can choose the positive over the negative to eliminate the cause of this phenomena. To break free of this invisible pattern it is necessary to realize that which triggers and sustains this pattern within ourselves. If one realizes that we are all connected to one another and all of creation, then we will note that whatever we say, think or do to another, we are doing it to self. As we go about our daily life, we are presented with an innumerable amount of choices. When someone is speaking to us we sometimes choose to analyze their motives or we choose to entertain preconceived opinions and thoughts that may or may not be accurate. Either way it is not applicable to this moment of now. We may be unconsciously measuring them in a way that creates separateness. In fact any thoughts we have about them that are not founded in unconditional love and peace is a form of measurement or judgment. We may be holding a thought either consciously or unconsciously that they have a problem or are wrong or incorrect in their way. In effect, by our belief, we have made a law by doing so in that we have pronounced judgment on self. If we now commit even a similar act, we are guilty ourselves, we have thus pronounced judgment on self creating unconscious guilt by our perceived belief. Our unconscious attachment to this guilt then attracts the accompanying patterns of manifestations of suffering and afflictions. Most of us remain consciously unaware of the connection of events and resulting cycle of manifestations of this cycle of guilt that was brought on by our choice to judge or measure another. One must at all times choose unconditional forgiveness and love for all of creation including ourselves. How all this self inflicted suffering came about may be described differently by our choice of belief but the net effect is that it is self-inflicted and requires choosing the positive over the negative to break its cycle. Some call it karma and some sowing and reaping. All may have a slightly different perception or understanding of its workings. Either way, all thoughts and actions, whether one believes or not, creates patterns whether positive or negative. It is these patterns that manifest as degrees of pain and suffering or degrees of love and peace. Guilt is False and destructive and is not a necessary virtue to correct errors in judgments. Whereas, wisdom, understanding and increased awareness will suffice.
  23. Bible Inerrant? By Joseph Mattioli Whether or not the Bible is the inerrant (100% accurate) word of God has been an explosive issue for over the last 1600 years. Debating this point is an emotion packed event that defies rationality by rational human minds. One insists it is inerrant and another that it is riddled with errors. One says it has withstood the test of time and that it has never been disproved and another says it has already been disproved many times. If it cannot be done in Love, then getting to the truth is not worth the effort concerning this issue. I am reminded of a true story told to me by a friend who has a granddaughter about 5 years old named Autumn. He baby sits for her most weekends and has become quite fond of their close relationship. One day he grabbed her Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck dolls and held them behind his back. He then asked her, “Autumn, how fingers including thumbs do Mickey Mouse and Donald have on each hand?” Her reply, as a matter of fact was, “Pap Pa, you know they have five fingers on each hand!” To which he replied, “Autumn, what if I were to tell you that they only had four fingers including the thumb on each hand? She answered immediately and said, “Pap Pa, that can’t be. You know they have five fingers on each hand. They are my dolls and I know it is so!” He responded, “What if I was to show you they only had four?” With irritation as if being teased she replied, “That impossible and can’t be Pap Pa cause they definitely have five.” Seeing her irritation, he pulled the dolls out from behind his back and presented them to her and said, “Count them then”. She looked at the Dolls and said. “See they have five fingers” And then proceeded to count them to show him he was wrong but could only count to four. Immediately she became extremely upset and stormed away. Whether she yet believed him or not, I do not know. She might have said to herself it was some kind of trick. Sometimes we are so sure of something that we fail to even check it out when someone offers an opposing view to a position we hold. So what has this to do with the topic of the Bible’s inerrancy? Well, I would think mostly, everything. When our mind is so made up about anything it is near impossible to change it either way unless the truth stares us right in the eyes and even then we still have the option to choose to not believe or believe not what we see. So to answer this question, whether it is inerrant or not is up to you and whether or not you really want to know the truth for yourself. So I would only ask you to read one story from the Old Testament for yourself. It is located in 1 Samuel 16: 14-23 and 1 Samuel 17:32 – 58. I would ask you to read it carefully and with understanding of the words taking special note to the last 5 versus. Is there anything wrong with this story? Does it contain an error? You be the one to answer that question after careful reading. If God doesn’t show you an error then neither can I. I will include the KJV text for your reading convenience but you can use your own Bible if you like. 1 Samuel 16:14-23 But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him. [15] And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. [16] Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. [17] And Saul said unto his servants, Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me. [18] Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the Lord is with him. [19] Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto Jesse, and said, Send me David thy son, which is with the sheep. [20] And Jesse took an ass laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and sent them by David his son unto Saul. [21] And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer. [22] And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favour in my sight. [23] And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1 Samuel 17:32-58 And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. [33] And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth. [34] And David said unto Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: [35] And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. [36] Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. [37] David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the Lord be with thee. [38] And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. [39] And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him. [40] And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine. [41] And the Philistine came on and drew near unto David; and the man that bare the shield went before him. [42] And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. [43] And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. [44] And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field. [45] Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. [46] This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. [47] And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands. [48] And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. [49] And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth. [50] So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David. [51] Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled. [52] And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until thou come to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron. [53] And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled their tents. [54] And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armour in his tent. [55] And when Saul saw David go forth against the Philistine, he said unto Abner, the captain of the host, Abner, whose son is this youth? And Abner said, As thy soul liveth, O king, I cannot tell. [56] And the king said, Enquire thou whose son the stripling is. [57] And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand. [58] And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, thou young man? And David answered, I am the son of thy servant Jesse the Bethlehemite. If you see no error then the Bible to you is indeed inerrant and you have no conflict with me. If you find something wrong or in error then the Bible is not inerrant and you still have no conflict with me. Love in Christ, Joseph Mattioli
  24. April 8, 1981 Joseph Mattioli PREFACE Many times I have read through chapters in the Bible, over and over, yet found all my understanding unfruitful. In spite of all my schooling, education and so called intelligence, my understanding was void. In fact the more I read, the more confusing the writings sounded. But as a Christian, I am certain that as it is written, “God is not the author of confusion”. Just the other day, I was reading Paul’s letter to the Romans over and over and over again. This continued for three days, when finally, I confessed to God my understanding was indeed unfruitful but I was not giving up until He gave me the understanding. I read it once more and as my mind surrendered, God dropped the understanding into my heart. And as I sat there, it came out like “springs of living water”. For it came as a gift of God by grace through faith leaving no room to boast. For what I then had was that which I received of Him and not myself. And so, I take my pen and lay this revelation to words on paper that I might share the blessing with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I write this preface in hope that if there be any praise in this work; it might go to God, the giver of understanding and not the receiver. ALL THINGS ARE LAWFUL TO ME Though these words come from a letter written by Paul to the Corinthians, the revelation is based primarily on references to his text in the Epistle to the Romans .These simple six words seem to contradict our understanding of the law and commandments, yet they serve to further open our understanding to the glory of God. Paul said [1Cor 10:23] “ALL things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful to me, but all things edify not.” Just what did Paul have in mind when he said “All things are lawful to me”? He meant exactly what he said literally! And when he said “but all things are ‘not expedient’” he meant not appropriate for a particular purpose. And by “all things edify not” he meant all things do not build up or improve ones development whether it is moral or spiritual. If I’m trying to save money, wasting it is lawful but not expedient. If I am trying to help a person, I can lawfully yell at him but it edifieth not him. When Paul says “ALL things are lawful for me” he is including all things even that which might appear to be sin to many. Paul could make that statement because he was a Christian and lived in the spirit. [Rom 8:2] “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Not only could Paul make that statement but in his letter to the Romans, [Rom 7:4] “that we his brothers have also become dead to the law by the body of Christ. [Rom 6:11] Also, likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The problem in understanding comes in discerning just what ‘dead to sin’ and ‘free from the law’ really means. I will explain this later in an example. Let’s now examine the teachings in Matthew, Chapter 12, where we find Jesus working on the Sabbath in his healing ministry. Also we find his disciples picking corn to eat on the Sabbath. According to the Law of Moses and understanding in the eyes of the Pharisees, this was a sin. What the Pharisees did not understand was that [Rom 7:14] ‘the Law is spiritual’, not carnal or of the flesh for it was given to Moses by God. [2Cor 3:6] The ‘letter of the law’ (or the fleshly interpretation as written) killeth but the spirit giveth life. This you will see as I continue. To gain a clearer understanding let me contrast the law in today’s terms. Not long ago in SOME states, there existed no maximum speed limit law on interstate highways. This can be likened unto the days before Moses when there was no law given men from God. [Rom 4:15] And where there is no law, there is no transgression. [Rom 5:13] “For until the law, sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.” And again, [Rom 7:8] “for without the law, sin was dead.” Now we can all agree if there is no maximum speed limit law that we can lawfully travel at 90 mph on that highway and not be accountable to the law, nor judged by the judge. Therefore, what we now call speeding was before the law, ‘lawful’ but as you can plainly see, not ‘always expedient’. If our purpose was to conserve on gas, speeding was ‘not appropriate’ to that purpose. If our purpose was to live a long life, we would exercise caution and driving at that speed is ‘not expedient’, even though it is ‘lawful’. There might be cases such as in emergencies where it is expedient but we can still say that in the absence of law that ALL speeding is lawful but not all speeding is expedient. THEN CAME THE LAW Moses with the commandments and the States with the 55mph law. Thou shalt not speed or you will be guilty of the law. And as Moses law slew all the people so does the abundance of mans law of which speeding is only one used for example. The reason man is slain by the law is because of his nature. Mans nature [Rom 7:14] is carnal but the law of God is spiritual. Man’s nature is in the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Man breaks the speeding law for a multitude of reasons. He may be hurrying to a party, late for work, showing off, or impressing a date. In all cases, his mind is on the things of this life. [Rom 8:5] “They that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh” more than the law. [Rom 3:20] Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Just as there are many man-made laws concerning driving, everyone that minds the things of this life will someday be found guilty of a law though he might not get caught. But with God’s law none shall escape for [James 2:10] “whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all”. For he that said do not kill also said do not covet. Those that live in the flesh shall die [Rom 8:7] “because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be”. So what do we do! Shall we give up and sin! Heaven forbid. [Rom 8:9] Know ye not that ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if so be that if you so dwell in the Spirit you will not mind the things of the flesh. But [Rom 8:13] through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the flesh. For we are free from the law of sin through faith in Christ Jesus. How you ask! And shall we now that are free from the law go out and sin? God forbid! [Rom 7:12] For the law and commandments are just and holy and good. [Rom 3:31] “Do we then make void the law through faith? No we establish the law. Let me explain. The 55mph law is a good and just. It is for the protection and conservation of our people and natural resources. If I as a rescue worker exceed the speed limit to save a person’s life will the judge sentence me if he is fair and just? If I am driving a fire truck on my way to help others will the judge find me guilty? If I am a national security agent on an official mission for the benefit of others will I be condemned if I speed in necessary performance of my duty? Though I serve not the letter of the law in the above examples, do I not still live by the Spirit of the law? Am I not free of the law? You see the rescue worker, the fireman, and the security agent were on a mission not seeking their own fleshly good, but a higher good. Such is the mission of the Christian living in the Spirit. [Rom 8:1] “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” If we live in the spirit with our new nature how shall we be able to sin [Rom 8:2] for we are free from the law of sin through faith in Christ Jesus. Knowing now that the law and commandments of God are Spiritual we will keep the spirit of all the laws because we seek not our own as those who live in the flesh. What may appear as sin to one who lives in the flesh is not sin to he who lives in the Spirit. For it is lawful for me to do that which appears as sin, but I myself commit no sin as [1 Cor 10:31-32] I do it to the glory of God giving no offence to my fellow man. Yes brother, [1 Cor 6:12] All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. For this can lead to the sliding away of faith. Yes all things are lawful to those who have faith. [Rom 14:22] “Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God.” [Rom 14:23] Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. In light of the message I have covered, many Bible stories that appear to transgress the law can be understood as not transgressing the Spirit of the law. Judgment is not by the letter of the law, thank God. Else there would none be saved. [Rom 3:20] For by the deeds of the law there would be no flesh justified in his sight. [Rom3:24] But now we are “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”. If we seek not our own, [Gal 5:22-23] “ but the fruits of the spirit being love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law. Neither is there any death, but everlasting life.” May God Richly bless you in these fruits is my prayer.
  25. [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][size=5]A Path to Enlightenment[/size] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center]By Joseph Mattioli[/center][/center] [size=4]Enlightenment means many things to many people but is defined in the dictionary as the ‘The state of being enlightened’. To one on a spiritual quest its meaning takes on an abstract quality meaning to experience true reality. [/size] [size=4]Enlightenment is not something you attain or find. It is something you already have and exists within you but the unconscious you is not aware of. It is sometimes referred to as Divine Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, the Buddha within you and other names. The realization of enlightenment can bring about a profound transformation but it is my purpose here not to describe the transformation but to simplify a path in the most common of terms[/size] [size=4]Realization appears by the removing of obscurations to the awareness of this state. These obstacles in no particular order are:[/size] [size=4]Your belief system[/size] [size=4]Your opinions and feelings[/size] [size=4]Your perceptions of reality[/size] [size=4]Your Judgments (The taking of Positions based upon your perceptions)[/size] [size=4]Your duality of opposites in thinking[/size] [size=4]Your limited ability to forgive[/size] [size=4]These things pretty well make up who you think you are and are an integral part of your thinking. It is the death of the old man and the birth of the new that Jesus spoke of. In simplicity, if you could stop thinking and just be aware you would discover enlightenment is yours. It would dawn upon you. (Physical death is not an option… thinking is not a physical phenomenon.)[/size] [size=4]If one followed a path of focus on unconditional love one would also arrive at enlightenment. Unconditional Love dissolves the obstacles naturally and is the heart path. Removing the Obstacles is the mind path. Either way Love or enlightenment are synonymous because in that state only Love, Peace and joy exist along with existence itself which is Truth.[/size] [size=4]How does one remove these obstacles? Simply put, by the letting go of their association as one’s real self. In other words, one lets go by surrendering all thoughts other than love and peace to God. This is done by focusing on being aware of your thoughts and surrendering them to God continually. At first this is only done by conscious affirmation but soon develops into a non-verbalizing state that becomes automatic. As you become increasingly disinterested in those thoughts and you start seeing them for what they are then they no longer control your choices and actions. This removes the obscurations (opens the door so to speak) for enlightenment to rush in and you find you are at home.[/size]
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