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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. Thanks Paul and Angel, Angel, you can also subscribe to the threads you are interested in and set your profile to receive email notifications. Our site is hosted by Invision Power Services. I never had the need to use the RSS function before. I will put in a work order to see why the emblem is present but not working as i get a "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it." error when i use it. Joseph
  2. Perhaps i should already know but since i don't, what is RSS?
  3. Paul, I have heard the parable told by Buddhists oriented people using a different story but making the same point. Life here certainly appears to me as an integrated dance. And who is to say what is good and what is bad without seeing the whole picture? Joseph
  4. Great advice Steve. I have come to the same conclusion. Joseph
  5. Thanks for the info Steve. i was not aware of his passing. Many here have benefited from his influence and works. Joseph
  6. Paul, There are 32 executive Golf courses here in The Villages Florida. I'll be playing on 1 tomorrow morning and another on Friday and another on Sunday. Retirement is great here in the Villages. Oh It was a smile of course. Enjoy Straya. Joseph
  7. Speaking for myself, i don't believe i have any.
  8. Paul, This could possibly be only one dimension of many. Some may me classified as non forms because they may not be visible through the 5 senses. We may live in a multiple universe or a Multiverse. There is also the concept discussed in physics of Mutiple Time Dimensions , however, all of that study is beyond me. Joseph PS Also when it is said "God is Love", i don't think that word has the same meaning commonly conveyed such as "sexual passion or desire, a profoundly tender, or passionate affection for another person, "
  9. Hi Ricklee, I would like to echo what Paul said concerning the fact that you are definitely welcome here regardless of any differing opinions as long as conversations are respectful of the those who might differ in their opinion. it is my view that claiming that because a book says it is the word of God no matter how many times does not make it so. To me that is circular reasoning.. In fact... Is it not really the words of men? To the best of my recollection, Jesus is not recorded ever writing any words except perhaps in the sand.To me, your posit automatically eliminates the possibility of any evidence to the contrary of its words. Many fundamentalists have spoken the words "But what if i am right" . That same statement can be said from other religions. I could ask you. if the bible is so plain and simply the word of God then why does there exist so many versions and translations.? So many denominations of Christians? Is God a respecter of persons that he would speak to only certain men and not others directly? If by some remote possibility you are correct and i am in error then what have i to fear from a just, merciful, and loving God for my genuine ignorance? Do i force myself to believe something i have been shown using the faculties i have been given is not true? Joseph
  10. To All, Please disregard any "Account Suspended" Messages you may have been receiving over the past few days while trying to access this site. . We have had some technical difficulties that have been rectified and are now back online. Thanks for your patience, Joseph
  11. Hi Rick, It seems to me you have used the "either" "or" logic in your above post. You say "He was either who he was or he was the biggest religious liar who ever came on the scene." (Jesus) In my view, you seem to have discounted other alternatives. Perhaps all that is attributed to what is recorded as Jesus saying is not actually what Jesus said? That would not make him a liar since he is not credited with writing anything himself concerning his words. One would have to believe the Bible is inerrant to make the case you do. Personally, i do not accept it as such. Just saying.... Joseph PS I think you will find this thread by Progressive Christians interesting and applicable to your claims --> . The Bible as innerrant.
  12. Slipperyslope, Thanks for the blog link. I found what Spong said inspiring and quite worthy of reading. Joseph
  13. Greetings Bingle, So glad to hear you have started a journey that is more meaningful to you. You are not alone in your findings. Doctrine and dogma is simply not a goal of most Progressive Christians as to me PCers seem to prefer to live more with uncertainties and discovering truth for themselves than in blind acceptance of passed down rhetoric concerning the things of the spirit. It seems to me that Truth resides in each one of us and is simply awaiting remembrance. Perhaps that is what was meant when it was recorded in 1 John 2:20 "but you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth" and 1 John 2:27 "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth" May you be blessed with clarity in your journey. Joseph
  14. TOM Love your introduction and insight. Joseph
  15. I personally would not call it arrogance. Our progress, especially as evident in sports has been to constantly push our perceived limits to new boundaries. Perhaps many of the limitations we perceive as limitations are of our own making? Joseph
  16. Good input Paul. I wasn't able to find a specific topic either and i don't see it as fulfilling either. However i can't deny it is now more popular as far as number of users and activity than this forum. Rom, I can't get it on my land line either. Perhaps we can get some other comments from some Facebook users who have used both? Joseph
  17. After looking more closely at Progressive Christianity on Facebook, i see it has an enormous and faster growing base compared to forums such as this one which appear to be on the decline. It appears that Facebook entices more active members and is more friendly to the latest phone technology than discussion boards. What do you see as the advantages or disadvantages when comparing the two? Our Facebook page can be seen HERE. Joseph
  18. Rodger, Your posts are a duplication of what you placed on this site in December of 2011 and can be found HERE ON OUR SITE. I don't think you need to repeat them. http://tcpc.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/2590-rodger-tutt/ Joseph
  19. Starjazz, Welcome to the PC discussion board. You may be outnumbered but you are not alone in your thinking. Junp into any discussion that interests you or start your own topic. I think you might get some good ideas on working in something into your church as you suggest by reading a few threads in the Progressive Christianity forum section or Debate section and picking a topic that to you personally doesn't sound "so in your face" . Here is one i think might be good for starters but you know the people better than me so it would be best to look over the topics yourself and pick one that seems gentle enough for starters. Again welcome, Joseph
  20. To me, Good and Evil are subjective concepts. There is nothing inherently evil except to the mind that judges it so. As Paul in the NT is recorded saying. " Except for the law, i would not have known good and evil. " "All things are lawful to me". It is the law that slays us and condemns us. Both the written and also the unwritten laws. Laws we write on our hearts by judging and measuring others. (for those that have not the law-Gentiles- See Paul's letter to the Romans) To him that esteems something as evil to him it IS evil. I think the story in Genesis is clearly an allegory and confirmed by many of the reported teachings of Jesus and Paul that to try to make up your own 'good' and 'evil' and live by the letter of a that law leads to death (spiritual). That is the fall and to walk in a spirit of forgiveness and non-condemnation is life from the dead or that fall. Joseph
  21. Angelo, To me, the "Oneness" in the Point 1 statement "Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life"is not a "concept" but rather an experience. It is not meant to be a dogma or creed in progressive Christianity. It seems to me that when one tries to conceptualize the word, whether it is God, Sacred, or Oneness it takes away from the experience since these words are only pointers to that which can only be experienced to be known. PC is, in my view, a personal journey and only one of many paths to the same end. Joseph
  22. Welcome Angelo, Was raised a Catholic also as most were from the North East part of the country. Perhaps when i was a child, it did something for me but now i look back on it only as a stepping stone to something more. Hoping you continue to find this forum refreshing and contributory to growth on your path. . Love in Christ, Joseph
  23. Paul, Concerning my use of the word love above: It is important to note that there is no opposite to love. It is a state of being. The word love that is often used with hate as an opposite is a dualistic term that describes an emotion. God, the Universe, or whatever cannot hate that which it is one with. Joseph. Rom, Since we are limited by language, i think it is fair enough to use attributes for God though i admit they can be easily misunderstood . I would say God is both transcendent and immanent though one could say God is neither and i would not debate it. Some would even say not immanent and not transcendent, not neither, nor both. Take your pick at the conundrum.
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