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Everything posted by JosephM

  1. JosephM

    Quips And Quotes

    These simple lyrics of a song were instrumental in triggering a positive transformation in my life. "You'll never know that its true til it happens to you"
  2. Karen, Bill and others, This conversation is amazing to me. I watched ST regularly but my memory of and fitting together of the pieces can't compare what has come out in this conversation. I haven't posted because i can't contribute anything except amazement. Thanks, Joseph
  3. Neon, I guess my real point is i don't think debate or more talk will build bridges. There comes a time where it has been talked to death. Kind of like the fundamental Christian message you hear from the fire and brimstone preachers. The message is old and everyone has pretty well heard it and some PC's like myself are weary of it. Like Janell, I would rather not go there. Rather, it seems to me less talk and debate and more actions of kindness and love will go further to persuade others that perhaps their view was wrong. And if not, so be it. it seemed to work for me. Peace, Joseph PS. By now with 85 posts in this thread along with more in other threads the answer to THE question of the thread. by Kath. "I'd like to know how Progressive Christians feel about it" (Homosexualsity and the Progressive Christian), the answer IMO should be fairly clear. POINT 4 - By calling ourselves progressive,we mean that we are Christians who invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us in order to be acceptable (those of all sexual orientations and gender identities)
  4. Neon, Since you ask....My personal view is in agreement with Spong. Debating it here specifically is to me "preaching to the choir" for the most part. I don't think many minds will be changed on the subject by debate. I was a fundamentalist against homosexuality and my mind wasn't changed by debate on the subject of homosexuality. What did it for me was not having either side pushed on me or told what was true or not true biblically but fellowshipping with homosexuals as an equal member of humanity and finding that ones choice of lifestyle in those matters of those i was in contact with had no bearing on love and kindness shown to others. In fact it was my conclusion that those i met were far more considerate and sensitive and thoughtful in matters of heart than many of my straight friends. To me, that speaks louder than any words or the Bible. You see, i don't need to know if one is gay or not. It is your own business. It simply makes no difference to me anymore. I guess you could say i can feel his frustration with homophobic. I want to move on as i'm sure Spong does. Joseph
  5. As far as the original question goes, and the topic title "Homosexuality And The Progressive Christian" , it seems to me most obvious that ALL progressives here that subscribe to the 8 points are inclusive of those who practice homosexuality and THEY support gay rights to some degree. That is not to say that all of those progressives believe or think that a homosexual lifestyle is wise or considered honorable. It only means that those who identify themselves as homosexuals are welcome to participate in our community and worship life without those that are not homosexuals insisting that they become like us that are not in order to be acceptable. It also seems to me that those who may not subscribe to all 8 points and still consider themselves progressive Christians may feel it is not acceptable and an abomination to God. Those are a minority here. However, in my view, if one does believe in the Bible being accurate and God's inerrant word, it seems to me a moot point to debate those writings, as the Bible seems pretty clear to me on the issue. Yet since, i do not subscribe to the Bible as God's word to us, and the few homosexuals i know personally are very kind, compassionate, and caring individuals, i am of the opinion that they are no less acceptable to God than i who am called straight. Having expressed that as my 2 cents, i retire from this long and often repeated thread topic that seems always to be filled with posts that to me always brings me to the same conclusion. Joseph
  6. in Florida at the moment monitoring and maintaining the forum

  7. To All, For brevity sake in reading threads and to save unnecessary use of computer disc storage space, often you will find it is beneficial for the forum and not necessary to quote an entire post that is long (or short for that matter) if it can be viewed immediately above your post. Using the add reply button rather than reply when appropriate will both save reading space and storage which makes reading threads faster and more efficient. Also if you are replying just to one paragraph that is not immediately above, it would be helpful to include in your reply only that paragraph applicable to your response. I realize it is easier just to click the reply button to copy the whole post but it certainly is not beneficial for those printing or reading complete threads and at this time our disc space is running low. Your cooperation is appreciated. Joseph
  8. Kath, You can go to our main site here to look up progressive churches that support the 8 points which includes to be inclusive of gays. Here PS No log-in is required to use the search function for churches on the right side of page or other areas of the site for that matter. Joseph
  9. Hi Kath, Point 4 of the 8 points pretty well covers it but if you use the search function, you will find many discussions concerning homosexuallity or you can continue this one if you like. It has been a well discussed subject here. Joseph
  10. Dutch, That's what you get when you live by a mile high city. Stop down sometime and visit us when you get tired of the cold. Joseph
  11. Finishing packing for a Florida winter. Be on the road for 2 days heading south. See you all then from a new location to catch up on all the interesting posts. Joseph
  12. Run here... There.... Everywhere.... Stop... Reflect.... Rest.
  13. That is wonderful news Marsha, Also so glad you got a different twist on the second coming message. It seems to me to make much more sense that way. Joseph
  14. Marsha, I had the same initial experience some years ago with ACIM. I seemed to always be looking for something to disagree with so i also shrugged it off. Now when i read it, i find in it and other manuscripts things i can agree with and let that which i can't receive just pass. There seems to me much to be gleamed by looking for the positive in ACIM and for that matter in all inspired writings and rather than disagreeing with that which appears in error to allow it to pass pre-adventure i might remain open to those things. I have found when i was ready some of those things i once perceived as error were only because of misperceptions i held on to. My granddaughter wanted to send some happy faces in my message and type her name,.,,,, so i will suffer her for now.... rachel Joseph
  15. Marsha, It certainly is difficult to leave a congregation. I have personally found many wonderful people in all the churches i have attended. Unfortunately it grieved my spirit to sit through services time after time with the same fundamental message that just didn't fit right with me. And most of all not being able to share the things that i felt were being revealed to me by the spirit without being shunned as 'backslid-den'. Anyway, those days are past and many have remained close friends and i am now able to attend any church or place of worship on a temporary basis with love and compassion for all and respect their right to believe as they choose. Its so wonderful to have the perspective of more women here. Look forward to reading more of your posts. Joseph
  16. Thank ya, thank ya very much! No, first time for me. Wasn't a real Elvis fan in the 60's. Went more with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin type singing to name a couple back then. At least i could understand their words... Have the same problem with some modern music...
  17. Best of luck with the move Dutch and i assume you are happy to put everything behind you. I'll be heading to Memphis for a week or so this Monday. Heat here has been blistering. Hoping Memphis is an improvement but will take whatever is. Going to the Elvis impersonator semi-finals with RV friends. Never been to Memphis. Got to check out their barbecue. Joseph
  18. Greeting ParSal, Good to have you here and thanks for your story. From our experience and science we see that there is indeed life and death all around us. In a sense most would say death is the opposite of Life. But i would say death is the opposite of birth only because Life itself is One and has no such opposite. While we see the changing of life forms all around us ever evolving, there is evidence to support the destruction of life but perhaps it is only a change of form. Some forms are dense enough to be visible while others are invisible. Then there is the formless also that cannot be described in the words or terms of form. As Mike, i believe pointed out, most all religions postulate the transformation of identity. In Christianity, we die to self yet become alive in Christ. These are only words but there is a realization that they point to. That is part of the journey each one of us as separate makes. But the real question is... Are we really separate identities or are we in the formless One Whole without division? The world of form clearly seems to say we are separate individuals but a deeper search subjectively reveals that in essence we are formless and One. As long as one strongly identifies with form, there will be a fear of death and an attachment to form. That self shall surely die because that is the nature of form and creation (birth and death). This is quite natural and normal and a cause for alarm only to him/her which thinks and identifies with that which is created and dies. In my view, that which sustains and is the essence of this life cannot die because it was not created and in it you move and have your real being. I think Sri Ramana Maharshi said it well when he said.... Just a view to consider and find peace in, Joseph PS Your wife is alive in this present moment and this present moment is all we have. Enjoy it fully.
  19. Good question Karen, The women one that is. When i attended church on a most regular basis (three times a week and more) i found that there were always more women than men at the extra activities especially prayer meetings. At the prayer meetings i almost felt out of place at times. I wonder if that was just common to churches i attended or if others had experienced it the other way around? On this board, you are correct it seems to be dominated by men. I hope that will change and as Admin will be addressing that issue. I would be interested in the reasoning of others why. As far as current events, i am made aware of them more than i prefer. Too much negativity seems to be reported in the news. They all have a different level of importance to different people with no one standing out to me. There are many problems in the world today and i do what i can where i can have an effect according to the power that is placed in my hands to do so. However, i cannot allow what i have no control over to change to trouble my heart. Therefore i remain a bit detached. For this, i have been labeled at times apathetic or indifferent. This is mainly because of my words. In reality, my actions leave me with a clear conscience and no regrets. Soma, have a great time with your kids. Joseph
  20. All templates are capable of using template tags, and as such when you edit any type of template, there will be a "template tag help" link. Clicking this produces a sidebar (there is then a link in the sidebar to open a separate popup) that details all of the template tags you can insert to include IP.Content data within your template. However, with database and article templates, there are additional variables that are passed into the template to allow it to manipulate and display the HTML that represents the content. For instance, different data is retrieved and available when you are looking at a list of articles compared to when you are viewing a single article. You need to know what these variables are in order to be able to properly modify the template to display data in the manner you want, and as such, a template variable help popup is available that will detail the variables available for each template type. When you are editing a template, click on "template variable help" and a new window opens displaying the variables you can expect to be available to the template with a short description of each variable. If you get stuck, this help window can help shed some light on the variables that are available, what values they should contain, and how you can use these variables to your advantage to build a more dynamic and useful interface for your database.
  21. JosephM

    Sharing links

    IP.Board 3.1 introduces a new feature that is available for any application to make use of: [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=blog&blogid=1174&showentry=4162"]sharing links[/url]. IP.Content 2.0 makes use of this new feature in the custom databases (and articles) modules to allow you to more easily expose your content to a wider audience. Along with supporting sharing of your content with third party services such as Facebook and Twitter, you can now also send an article via email, print the article, and download the article easily by clicking the appropriate icon under the article body. The additional printing and downloading features allow the content to be shared, online as well as offline. Within the articles module specifically, the article image that you upload when posting the article (optionally) will automatically be flagged for use with Facebook when someone uses Facebook to share the link. This ensures that the correct image is the one Facebook displays to other users. Similarly, we pull out an appropriate extract of textual content for Facebook to use as well. If the user is logged in to Twitter or Facebook, sharing the content becomes even easier, not requiring you to even leave the site. We hope that by providing tools to make it easier to share content on your site, your content will be exposed to a wider audience, bringing you more traffic and making your content more easily and readily available to the world.
  22. With IP.Content 2.0, articles and custom databases can now mirror a topic to the forums when a new article or database record is submitted. In doing so, IP.Content can also utilize that automatically-generated topic as the comment "storage" for the article or record. When a comment is submitted to the article, the comment is actually stored as a reply to the topic. Similarly, replies made directly to the topic in the forum also show up as comments for the record. This new functionality can be enabled at a per-database and per-category level. You can specify separate forums for each category in your article section, for instance, or you can turn off forum commenting for a specific category, while enabling it for all others. A few additional configuration options, such as allowing you to automatically remove the topic when the record is removed, and specifying a prefix and/or suffix for the topic title so that your users can more easily identify that such topics were stemmed from the articles section help round out the feature, giving you better control over how these automatically posted topics are handled. These new forum cross-posting capabilities allow the administrator to better tie in articles with the forums, giving you better opportunities to expose your content to a wider audience. Additionally, forum management of comments provides for easier maintenance and stronger managerial options of the comments, utilizing IP.Board's powerful, proven feature set.
  23. JosephM

    Media Management

    The media module in the IP.Content 2.0 ACP section allows you to quickly and easily manage multimedia files you may need to use with IP.Content. While you can certainly upload your files through FTP, or link to offsite files, you may find it easier to upload the files using the media section of the ACP, and then copy the links for use within pages, templates, and blocks. From within the media module, you can create folders, upload files, move files and folders, rename files and folders, and delete files and folders. Files can be listed and you can click on a file to view it (or right click on the file to copy the link). This simple tool can be a timesaver when you simply need to upload an image quickly for use within a page template. The media folder is defined in the media_path.php file in your forum root directory, giving you the freedom to move and organize your paths as needed.
  24. IP.Content 2.0 uses the term "frontpage" to refer to both the homepage of the Articles module, and the landing page of each individual category. We have introduced this new navigational structure to better allow you to showcase content, while presenting it in a standardized format that your users will be able to understand and jump into without assistance. Firstly, you will now be able to define "frontpage" templates in the ACP for the Articles module. IP.Content 2.0 will ship with 3 defaults: [list][*][b]1x2x2 Layout[/b] This layout will display articles in a traditional "news" style layout. [*][b]Blog format[/b] This format will display articles in a blog-style format. [*][b]Single column[/b] This layout will force articles to display in a single column, one per row.[/list] You can use one or more of these frontpage layouts, or you can create your own. Experiment with displaying articles in different formats on your homepage to determine which layout your users like best. Articles must be set to "Show on front page" in order for them to display on the homepage frontpage. In addition to the homepage frontpage, each category has it's own frontpage. The category frontpage functions identically to the homepage frontpage, except for two important factors: [list][*]Only records from within that category (and it's subcategories) will be displayed [*]The "Show on front page" setting is not honored for the category frontpage[/list] You will be able to easily review and manage the articles set to display on the frontpage from a new section of the ACP labeled "Frontpage Manager". We feel that this new area of the articles section will help showcase important articles and increase user interaction with your articles section.
  25. In IP.Content 2.0, you will notice that there are 3 separate template sections of the ACP: [list][*][b]Page Templates[/b] [*][b]Database Templates[/b] [*][b]Article Templates[/b][/list] In IP.Content 1.x, database and page templates were combined into a single "Templates" section, which worked fine for our original intentions. However, with the introduction of a separate Articles module, and additional template types related to the articles module, we decided to separate the templates so that each template type is displayed separately. This should help finding and editing your templates easier in practice, as you will be able to filter the template types and work with fewer at a time. Within each templates section, you can create containers to group your templates into logical groupings. For instance, you may wish to create a grouping for each database you create, and then place the database templates appropriately into the container representing the database itself. Or you may wish to create multiple front page templates, and group them all together in the article templates area. You can use containers for whatever purposes you may have, or not at all: it's up to you! Templates can be reordered by dragging and dropping the rows up and down, and they can be moved from one container to another via drag n drop as well. Certain meta data about the templates are stored when you create new database or article templates, allowing IP.Content to tailor other areas of the ACP to help you out. For example, in IP.Content 1.x the software did not "remember" what kind of database template you were creating, so all database templates were presented in each of the dropdowns when creating or editing a database. Beginning with IP.Content 2.x, the software stores the template type when you create a new template. This allows us to show only "category listing" templates in the "category listing template" selection dropdowns. Similarly, the template tag help popup can automatically know which template type you are editing without you having to specify. Properly making use of templates can help you push out pages on your site in a uniform manner quickly and easily, and without having to "reinvent the wheel" each time a new page is ready to be published.
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