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October's Autumn

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Everything posted by October's Autumn

  1. oh, I misread. THought it was for anxiety. Klonopin was orginally formulated for seizure disorders.
  2. There is one with a title something like: a black Jesus by J. Deotis Roberts
  3. That too, but I didn't want to start a long list
  4. Personally, I'd skip the xanax and go with klonopin. It is longer lasting and the anxiety goes up and down less.
  5. IF I recall correctly from 9th grade English the Lady was the daughter of a King or king like person, the man was a commoner. They fell in love against the law. When they were found out this was his punishment. A 50-50 chance. In our English class we had to write the end of the story since the story we read doesn't actually have an end. Okay, now I'm going to go and look it up for the curious! http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/.../LadyTige.shtml
  6. Heaven is a mountain and a lake (and never having to shave my legs
  7. It is a touchy subject. Another example of polarization where it shouldn't be. I don't believe abortion should be illegal but I also don't think it is no big deal. The closest analogy I've come up with is someone who has a masectomy or a limb amputation. It is a big deal yet still necessary. I think abortion may often be that way. Literally when it is done for medical reasons (including rap) and emotionally when the pregnancy is unwanted. I tell my husband that a woman who has an unwanted pregnancy is in a no-win situation. She has to do what she feels is best.
  8. In a lot of minds there are only two choices. What the Senior Pastor of my church was talking about when he said "fundamentalists liberals." THink of the fish with Jesus and the fish with legs. I'm mentally designing an image that reconciles the two. Anyone who has any ideas feel free to share. I want to make my own bumper sticker. So far I've gotten: ALL truth comes from God and an image of both the Jesus fish and the Darwin fish together. The only problem is that it excludes other faiths... perhaps just a Darwin fish with "all truth comes from God" hmmmm...
  9. Currently I'm subbing at the same school almost every day of the week. They are out right now (year round, single track school). I like the school a lot and am hoping that I'll end up there permanently next year. It is certainly a pleasant, even if not perfect, environment to be in!
  10. That is typical! Reminds me of: the apparent contradictions in the bible aren't really contradictions, but... I like your explanation much better. Certainly doesn't require me to put my brain on hold I wouldn't have a problem with the idea of God guiding or allowing or using Evolution as a means of creation (what I"d hoped ID was) but they are still arguing a 5-10 thousand year old earth. Although I certainly would not allow that to be taught in a public school classroom. That is a matter of personal religious belief, certainly not science!
  11. ehh... I'm all about preservatives. They think that is why we look younger and live longer! I wouldn't be surprised. As a person who is allergic to just about everything I don't buy into the all natural stuff. I prefer my drugs made in a lab.
  12. Haivng power and using it are two different things.
  13. Grounded for LIfe was my guilty pleasure until they took it off the air. The mother was the best -- and the kid with the big hair. I think it was on Fox (didn't see it on that channel) then moved to the WB where I watched it out of pure boredom. I caught myself laughing hysterically throughout the show, though.
  14. Even if R v. W was overturned safe, "illegal" abortions would still be available. Too many doctors know how to do it for it to go back to the way it was pre-R.v.W. They fight the wrong way. They should be fighting to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. Making abortion illegal won't stop them. They've been around since the beginning of time and will always be around. In ancient times people who didn't succeed in terminating a pregnancy exposed their infants. Ignorance is bliss, huh? *gets off soap box* The way to reduce the number is through education on how *not* to get pregnant and what to do if raped. The "morning after" pill isn't an abortion -- it prevents implantation. You can also take ibuprofen which acts like progesteron and has been associated with higher numbers of miscarriages. In fact you can use ibuprofen to delay a period for a day or two. I used to do it unintentionally.
  15. I had my wisdom teeth pulled about 16 years ago -- give or take... I had one impacted tooth, two erupted. I don't remember it really hurting afterwards. Hmm... It seems it was mostly sore. THe worst part was the Oral Surgeon drilling through my jaw bone for the impacted tooth. Oh, I didn't have a fourth wisdom tooth -- apparently we are evolving out of them.
  16. I recently started sewing doll clothes. It takes up a lot of time, not exactly a lot of money -- an outfit can be made with about a 1/2 yard of fabric. How would I describe it materially? Not sure what that means. I enjoy it. It is much better for me than sitting on a computer for hours on end. My brain likes it better. Spiritually?
  17. Here is the latest from him! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051110/ts_nm/...HBhBHNlYwM5NjQ- Should we even bother with the flaws in his reasoning?
  18. The irony here is one must save those who wish for a theocracy from their own ignorance. What they don't seem to realize is that if the US became a "Christian" nation it probably wouldn't be their version of Christian. There is a reason there are so many denominations -- people don't agree. So which one of these denominations would dictate the form of theocracy the US would take on? The founders of the US were smart in separating Church from State. We'd have a change of denomination every time there was an election or change in congress. It is almost humorous to think about if it were not for the fact that history shows how ugly it is!
  19. She has her own website. http://www.sheilawalsh.com/
  20. YEah! Thanks! I've gone weeks without thinking about it and nothing Yes, Walsh...
  21. First, are you sure Jesus commanded both? Seeing as how the Gospels were written after the Pauline letters are you sure that they aren't examples of where the early Church put words in Jesus' mouth? Secondly, are you sure you understand what was being done and said at the "last supper?" (Assuming it was a historical event). Are you sure you understand what happened when Jesus was baptized? That is how it could be meaningless.
  22. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can't saying I'm trying to convert her. Just point her in the direction away from fundamentalism toward something at least more moderate (ie Fuller) She went from being a "heathen" to a fundamentalist which is fairly normal since fundamentalist are more inclined to reach out to "heathens." If our friendship continues things are going to come up because from what I"m seeing she is too intelligent to stay in the fundy way for long. I don't think you can covert an ex-fundie back to fundie world, anyhow... especially not if the leaving was an intellectual pursuit.
  23. For me, it's been a process. The bottom line was that I didn't like who I'd become and the way I treated others. I didn't see much resemblance between Jesus as portrayed in the gospels and myself, and I knew that the goal of Christianity was to be more like God and Christ. A big part of my journey was allowing the questions and doubts that had for years haunted my soul to come to the surface, to admit that they were there. Questioning was not encouraged in my religious tradition, it was blind adherence to a doctrinal statement that mattered. I came to realize that fundamentalism did not provide the 100% absolute answers that it promised and that my need for such a paradigm was self-deception on my part. We live by faith, not by unassailable answers. I also did alot of reading of material by those who are on a similar journey or whose faith came from a more liberal or progressive slant. This helped me to realize that fundamentalism was not the only way to see God, Christ, myself, or others. But again, this is a process for me. I don't know how far along I am in this part of my journey. I just know that, for the first time in many years, I am beginning to experience the peace and joy of being in a wild, unpredictable roller coast with God and just knowing that his love for me is all the security that I need. From what I've heard, Fuller would probably be a good choice. I'm sure there are others on this board who know more about this than I. I went to a Holiness Pentecostal Bible school for one year but dropped out. bloved <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds like your journey was much like mine... one step at a time
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