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Saludos From Mexico


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I just joined the message boards here a few days ago. I'm actually pretty conservative in my theology, but that is what makes me progressive in my thinking. The more I read and and learn about Christianity, the more I realize how much I don't know about God. The Bible (in the translations that we have) can only offer the slightest glimpse into the wonders of God, but it seems there are too many Christians out there who "know-it-all" and try to shove their beliefs down other people's throats. The only stances I personally will not waiver from are that we are saved through true faith in Jesus, that He was the son of God and died for our sins, we are to live by faith and be guided by the Holy Spirit (this is an individual thing between a person and God, and others shouldn't interefere as so many seem to like to do), we are not bound by Old Testament law (Christianity is not a list of what to do and what not to do), and that we are to follow the two greatest commandments, which are to love God with all out heart and soul, and to love our neighbor (which pretty much encompasses the 10 Commandments).


Other than that, I really try to keep an open mind. I have no problem with people who believe differently, what they do, etc., as long as they don't hurt anybody, try to impose their beliefs on others, or criticize other people's beliefs. There is not one person who has Christianity all figured out and is 100% correct. I look forward to some interesting conversations in a place like this where I know I won't have to worry about being called a heretic, "false" Christian, etc.


The church I identify with most is the United Church of Christ in the U.S., but now I live in Mexico and the UCC doesn't have any churches here. Mexico is a very Catholic country, so I do attend RCC mass here (I was raised Catholic), although I differ with some of the official positions of the RCC. For example, I have no problem with gay marriage, women becoming priests, priests marrying, or a woman's right to choose. That's about it for now. See you on the boards.

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Welcome Ray of Light, ( i hope i got my spanish right. :) )


Your beliefs that you will not waiver on are fine with me. They are not typical of those expressed here but since you try to keep an open mind and have no problem with those who believe differently, i think you will be well accepted here. We are all on an individual journey of life and each is for now moving at their own pace. I welcome your contributions here and hope you find conversations mutually beneficial.


El Amor en Cristo,


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Welcome Ray,


I hope you enjoy participating here.


I am glad that you try to keep an open mind (other than the stances you personally will not waiver from) and I hope you might be open to much of the information offered in so many worthwhile threads here.





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Hi Ray, I think you will find throughout the history of Christian theology that much of what people consider as the mainstay of the faith was started by someone who was considered a heretic in their time. I recommend Robert Van Weyer's book called "The call to heresy" were he lists many of them.

I would not worry about being thought a heretic. For me a heretic is someone who can think for themselves and I do not believe there is falseness in that.

So welcome to the forum. I hope it brings many blessing to you.


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What part of Mexico are you living in now? I graduated from a UCC Seminary in the US and truly believe all humanity is meant to be one in love for God and each other. I´m looking for like-minded people for fellowship and to support one another in the Mexico City area.

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What part of Mexico are you living in now? I graduated from a UCC Seminary in the US and truly believe all humanity is meant to be one in love for God and each other. I´m looking for like-minded people for fellowship and to support one another in the Mexico City area.


I'm in Cuernavaca, which is about 60 miles south of Mexico City, I would love to see a UCC in either Mexico City or Cuernavaca.

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