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Coming Out Of An Ex-Gay Experience


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Recently I've been attending RCIA with the Catholic Church. However lately I've been attending their ex-gay group Courage and have become quite depressed.


I've since dropped out of both and wondering where to go from here. I'm kind of angry at the Church as a whole for the rotten experience I've had.




You are of course welcome here. Also, there are a number of Christian churches that are accepting of Gays.




Mrld, I am sorry about your experience. It does not sound nice or healthy. The problem is with them (IMO) and what is their loss is our gain. So feel free to be who you are here. Please may I extend a warm welcome to you. Your among friends. :D


Welcome mrld27,


I hope that that the threads you read and particpate in here, offer you some peace and understanding.







You are more than welcome as another seeker of truth. The world to me seems to be occurrence, experience and understanding. Everyone unfolding their inner spiritual realms, unlocking the outer realms of the universe, and freeing the mind from subjective authority and desires that influence circumstances. This means that everyone is right in their own unique, spiritual experience. May we all enjoy the dance, the dancers and the light. Many Christians it seems can't see the light or hear the music in the spiritual realm so their reactions seem to be in the cultural phenomenon. People in Christianity are interacting and thinking those interactions are real, the truth, when they are not. The Divinity within you sees the light and hears the music, may you dance to it and inspiror others. Glad to have you aboard.




I am so sorry to hear about your rotten experience with Courage. I used to teach RCIA back when I was still a practicing Catholic, and while I am a straight female, I have several gay friends. One of the other post repliers said the problem is with them and I heartily agree. The very fact that they have a "ex-gay" program only hightlights the utter ignorance of the RC Church. Being gay or being straight is how we are, and we cannot and should not try to change gays. Hmm, I wonder why there are no "ex-straight" programs??


I left the Catholic Church several years ago for many reasons, not the least of which is their horrible treatment of gay people.


You are welcome here, just as you are. I now worship at an ELCA Lutheran church, so if you are looking for a denomination to join, that is one possibilities among others or just being a progressive without church worship is fine too.




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