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Everything posted by soma

  1. Science has a profound impact on all aspects of life spreading into our thoughts and culture, transforming paradigms, inspiring and changing our perceptions about the universe and our relationship with it. It is demonstrating that we have many possible outcomes to choose from and it is our observation that makes that choice. Christian mysticism on the other hand, is about developing a direct insightful experience, relationship and communion with the beautiful, reasonable energy of the universe and its awe-inspiring power deep within, calling it God. Science and mysticism offer us the depth to be able to change the direction of our basic concepts and outlook of the world around us by pointing to Infinity and something beyond matter. I like what Joseph Cambell said and his quoted to follow your bliss. I accept the plain label of Christian with all its faults and path to bliss, but instead of viewing the universe from the perspective of Infinity radically changing our thoughts for the better in a whole-world view of unity, observing our finite self in infinity we find Christians looking for a group that they can feel superior to, for example, putting down the Muslims, blaming them for ISIS when we created ISIS when we invaded Iraq. We Christians are following our political leaders to make Muslims bad only demonstrating that we are really not practicing the mind of Christ. After 9/11 we have more people killed from Americans shooting Americans than from terrorism, but we go after Muslims making them the target of our anger and hate. Christianity, my religion needs to lead people to their bliss instead of a superiority complex that makes it easy to manipulate congregations. Authoritarian regimes and countries use this technique because it is effective, the problem is it causes individuals pain and leads them away from their bliss. P.S. I was lost for words reading all the experiences people here have experienced with the death of a loved one and I offer my sincere condolences.
  2. I would love to join a conversation on Quantum Physics, it blows my mind also.
  3. The power of Christianity has not penetrated our institutions or people who need help because it has not penetrated and grown in individual Christians, revealing a nonphysical universe that acts in response to our thoughts, emotions and innermost beliefs. Underdeveloped spiritual individuals control and use Christianity to expand their role in the church and institution using deficiencies, bitterness, fear, superstition and guilt when people want wholeness, peace and love so maybe that is the reason they go to Scientology so Christians start bad mouthing Scientology when they don't even know about it. We Christians need to learn how the world is a welcoming, friendly environment that is intended to provide us with everything that we need. Accordingly, reflection helps us to understand the wonderful things that are happening every day when we nurture the seed of spiritual wisdom and observe the infinite inside as we become insightful, loving beings as Christians. We need to offer something positive and not just negative commentary on what is perceived as competition. We don’t have to say a word because others will feel our divinity and will become aware and feel the pull of their own spirituality at the same time so we Christians do not have to think we have to save them, which chases them away. We do not have to be annoying Christians, preaching as if we are better than other people when we are doing this in our lower consciousness lacking interior strength and dynamism. We are blind if we think we are going to change others to become Christian when we can’t even change our selves, but with awareness we can purify our own being and become a better Christian. We don't have to save the world when we can't even save ourself. If a person goes on a different path they are not radicalized that is just paranoid thinking, We can support their decision and when they are willing to change they might just ask for for commentary.
  4. Letgo I like your name because it says it all. I agree with you about language. I lived in many countries and have noticed some languages do not have words that are present in other languages and they have a different takes on different concepts. Therefore, language express culture well, but can be limiting compared to direct experience.
  5. Bill I wear the label Christian and agree with you totally, you expressed it well.
  6. Bill you stated that in a very intelligent and wise manner. Thanks...................
  7. Realspiritik thank you, I enjoyed it too.
  8. Fatherman I agree with you. My mind sees the halograph and can understand the science that every part of the halograph has the code for the whole halograph similar to our DNA, but to get a taste of the unity I need to go beyond the thinking mind. People watch movies, take drugs, drink, fall in love, and children spin around getting dizzy to alter their consciosness, we are fortunate if it happens naturally watching a sunset, meditating, playing sports, music or lost in contemplation taking us beyond the senses and observation.
  9. I think diversity is good because it makes us question our principles, mind and way of life. Diversity does not destroy the Christianity we are familiar with; the rituals, the symbols, or the history because it is only helping us approach the ultimate truth of life and increase the scope of awe in our religion.
  10. Fatherman you said earlier that the mind gets in you way. I also feel this as the mind is linear, we think we are doing many things at once, but in duality we are really doing them in a sequence one thing after another very quickly as the synapses fire very quickly. I think science helps us with the mind as it is an intellectual activity carried out to better understand the world and how nature works by direct observation of natural phenomena. It experiments with the natural world to gain information that we can organize in order to make better use of our resources and have a deeper familiarity with our existence. I feel our consciousness, which is beyond the mind helps us make up our own mind, to mold our will, in order to master our self and expand our perspective in the halographic universe or the supernatural by being happy and loving. The most genuine thing I fee being human can do on the physical plane is to feel this contentment, be calm and grateful because we have to be honest with ourself. For me to be greater than my pain I need to be able to discriminate between what is eternal and temporary in order to change the outcome of my life. We influence the world, our experience of life, and our perceptions with our thoughts in the same way that a quarrelsome person lives in a confrontational world and a loving person lives in a tender affectionate world. Spirituality, which as a Christian I would call Christian mysticism helps us to gain a new perspective on life where we experience spiritual bliss and draw it into our lives as we cherish our revelations, dreams and soul experiences. Other people get these experiences in other ways, it could be music, sports, philosophy, science or a combination and it doesn't matter if they can observe beyond the mind and if they can't because their dharma is to observe through the mind. Most people Christian, progressive or atheist don't understand my abstract, spiritual experiences and that is cool, I respect their position and hope they respect mine.
  11. Fatherman, I juggle the same way you do by getting in one mode and then shifting focus to another, but life keeps me in the middle of the road. It reminds me of a story where the teacher was giving advice to his students and he told the complete opposite to another student in the sitting. When called on it, he said if a person is driving too far to the right I tell them to move to the left and if they are too far to the left I tell them to move to the right. From your post you seem natural, balance and skilled so enjoy the balls while they are in the air, you seem harmonious with the different forces being thrown at you.
  12. I feel we are physical, mental and spiritual and that we are not one of these, but all of them in combination. I think it is wise to separate them to analyze their purpose and function so we can utilize them to the max. As a Christian I don't think Jesus came to remove us from the physical plane, but to show how to live in harmony on this planet.
  13. Christianity is not broken, I think the problem is we are not living it. We are concerned with atheist and other religions, but we are not concerned with ourself, our soul, spirit and relation to the whole, God. We need to apply our Christian principles to our life if we are Christian and stop hasseling everyone else. Our Christian actions speak louder than our words. We have a lot to learn from other religions and atheist who can teach us humanitarian values without threats from a God. We have a live example in the US at this time, with Pope Francise living and speaking about Christian values encouraging people to think and help others, and the Republican leaders attacking him in defense of their policcal stance using their Christian values. Upon hearing what the Pope wrote,Ted Cruz a senator said: “He clearly doesn’t understand the true meaning of Christianity. I’m not sure what kind of socialist upbringing he’s had, but true Christian principles are found in taking from the poor — not giving to them. How will the poor ever better themselves if we don’t make them work for it, at a very low paying wage? We can’t continue to let Obamacare corrupt the Pope, which it clearly has.” Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/leading-republicans-bash-pope-francis-claim-he-doesnt-know-anything-about-christianity/
  14. "I feel that I still am not quite there with my second question: how can we make an argument that Christianity (or anything else) is worth exploring?" I feel as a Christian if we experience the Divinity within we can't and don't need to talk about it because it will radiate out through our actions. I think we do more harm talking about Christianity as a substitute to living it.
  15. I feel religion is like food, we acquire a certain diet to achieve a particular effect may it be physical or mental. People join or separate from a religion because they obtain something ranging anywhere from love to hate with a physical mental our spiritual effect. The problem is we get comfortable where we are at and stop moving, which is ok because we aren't going anywhere anyway so may we enjoy the buffet of life especially since I am in Vegas for 3 weeks. People who may be attracted to the the people at their level where ever that gathering might be or not to feel superior like others stated.
  16. Johnson, Great to hear your blessing of 3 children as they are the teachers, fresh from the other side. We are conditioned to material ways, but they are free spirits.
  17. Zeke, I like your attitude, curiosity and spiritual enthusiasm because it will help you find our individual place in creation and appreciate the true meaning in life; therefore, the rules and programs of the church carry little significance if they don’t lead us to a spiritual experience. The universe cooperates with each of us, working in partnership to give us the best, but we must be curious, still the mind to become aware that the universe is working with us every second and not against us. Glad to see your energy here.
  18. Mike, You are fortunate to live in such a progressive country. I don't feel any religion has a monopoly on good or bad and they all need to evolve just like we are evolving. I think people are attracted to a religion because it speaks to them where they are at in their personal journey and can be changed if we so desire. The undetected energies inside and surrounding us has an effect on our being so needs to be comprehended and appreciated. We can do this by phasing in the awareness of our subconscious and unconscious minds in order to reflect on our belief system, our thoughts and the intuitive energies that influence our lives. One does not perceive, comprehend or control the soul, but mindfulness of it grows within like a mustard seed in the earth. Slowly but surely as we understand ourselves it is revealed that the consciousness of our soul is our advocate streaming through all the levels of existence even on the physical plane where changes are made. It does this by filling our hearts and minds with love and making life very simple. The soul is by description spiritual so enables us to live our lives wholly or holly above our nature what Christian mystics would call the Supernatural life. The Supernatural life is a spiritual journey leading to an association and relationship with God as we Christians relate or the Quantum Unified Field as others might relate. Every set of guidelines in all the holy scriptures in the world are attached to this experience and every practice of the church needs to be concerned with experiencing the Divinity within. The Bible said about Jesus, “ And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20-21) Therefore, any religion or no religion or a dab of each will do and can pave a way to this experience, which is different for everyone.
  19. I feel it doesn't matter if you are intelligent or not and my explanation follows. Good question................. Everywhere energy is found, built up in layers one inside another with the subtlest energy in the innermost stratum accessed by the soul and the slowest frequency in the external material realm. As our knowledge of life increases we gain access to the inner consciousness of the soul and grow in the understanding of life’s energies. Knowledge of the finer layers of consciousness makes the world more comprehensive and our minds more creative, peaceful and loving so we become better Christians. The higher levels of awareness encompass all the other frequencies below it so awareness of every degree of God’s manifestation is possible. Every plane of awareness is consistent with an experience of consciousness not to be feared as the Holy Spirit sustains life on all levels of existence. We see, hear, taste, smell and feel gross energy, but at the same time we can experience subtle energy. There is a limit to our senses and this boundary marks the experience of gross life because the subtle energy fields are out of our ordinary range of involvement. Technology has shown us that there are subtle levels in our world, which we are not aware of because our senses are limited to the gross strata only. In order to experience the finer energies of life, it is necessary to improve the sense of being by aligning with the soul in order to witness what is beyond what we see with the intellect. Our body is attracted to the material realm because that is where it obtains its energy, but the soul is attracted to an advanced, subtle energy that is all powerful called love.
  20. TarDevil, Your husband and children might be telling you something important. I am a Christian and feel that Heaven and the Beatific Vision are spiritual states of happiness not only after we die, but a state of being in the present moment within our soul that is at the center of our being. I don't feel we need a church to experience it because it is an individual experience even though a church can help, but it can also hinder as you experienced. Our time on earth is our moment in time to organize and arrange our thinking habits in order to enjoy and experience new higher thoughts that will motivate us to become even deeper connected to everything. The spiritual life does not put an end to our normal life and replace it, but takes part in our life to clear road blocks, energize, enrich and set free our spirit so it can work through us. Good luck working through your endeavor.
  21. Padre, You are a living Christian being and don't have to say a word. I am, just being is very important and most people don't know how to just be, a human being, not doing, or thinking just witnessing the spirit, thoughts and the pure consciousness of our lord. Words can't tell you how, but being around a person who is being can. We have to say I am before we can say I am a Christian so I think pure being is important and I feel you are already there and doing that for your congregation.
  22. Vanlentulum, good luck with your journey. It seems you have made contact with your inner self, the divinity within and I hope it gives you solace and peace in difficut times as it has no sex.
  23. evar, I like your dream, interpretation and reaction. We have a life time of experiences to reflect on and we can see they are leading us to our soul and our eternal relationship with God. The universe is a classroom on the physical plane that allows us to experience the underlying forces of freedom with choices leading to pleasure or pain in material lessons about cause and effect. The good thing is we cannot fail because we are being guided internally and externally with pain being an inspiration and our struggles a motivator to get stronger. We need failure to be successful and the only thing that can stop us temporarily is our fear of failure, which is similar to not eating because we fear choking. Enjoy the ride................................
  24. Rhino I like your courage and motto to never give up on your dreams.
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