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Everything posted by AletheiaRivers

  1. Gnosticism, overall, teaches that this world was created by the "demiurge" and that it is an evil, fallen, horrible place to be completely rejected. This includes marriage, sex, any form of pleasure or any attatchment to this world. Thomas is on the cusp of being Gnostic. The Gnostic teachings aren't as overt in Thomas as they are in other Gnostic texts, but the flavor is there. Most scholars consider Thomas to be a Gnostic text, mostly because of the last verses (if I remember correctly), but some scholars don't think Thomas is Gnostic at all.
  2. I was raised nominally Christian (a kind of blend between JW and Mormon). I wasn't baptized until I was 20 as a JW. In my late teens I dabbled with new age and magic, which made my Christian baptism and "conversion" stories really cool to all the JW's in my congregation - Former Satanist (in their opinion) comes to the "truth" and the light. Question: WHY are you Christian, rather than Buddhist, Pagan, Hindu, etc ... ?
  3. My cats are all used to dogs and I would be sure to get a dog that likes cats (or a puppy I can raise with them). What I'm not up to doing right now is walking, training or "pooper-scooping". My cats are all indoor kitties. Other than the litter box, they are self sufficient. No "Let me out right now or I'll ..." All that said, I did look at some free puppies today. They were Pomeranians though and I want a bigger dog than that. Each weekend it's a huge fight to stay away from the pound. :-(
  4. Hehehehehehe Order me up a red one will ya? Actually, my tastes are more low-key - how about a Jetta or a Passat?
  5. Prosperity Gospel or Word of Faith - Wikipedia definition Basically the idea is, if you BELIEVE enough, have FAITH enough, PRAY enough, God will give you what you ask for: health, money, power, etc ... Which implies (and I've heard it said straight out on beliefnet by supporters) that if you are sick, or poor or are unknown then you don't believe enough, pray enough or have enough faith in God. I find it a sad, sad, sad theology, both in Christianity and in New Age.
  6. I haven't seen the movie although I plan to. The book I just bought said to take most of it (the movie) with a large grain of salt though. I think the author of the dummies book said that the movie portrayed Lewis way to seriously?
  7. Lily, I think the board ate your comments. Dang hungry board!
  8. Lily, I'm so psyched for Narnia! I've been reading the series and I just bought "CS Lewis and Narnia for Dummies" which I've been enjoying very much. It's part biography of Lewis and part Narnia "cheat sheet".
  9. LOL Cynthia. You didn't have to do that! I hope you like it. I bought it in hardcover when it first came out and read it immediately, so it's been a while. I remember being deeply touched by the views of some of the contributors. At the time that I read it I wasn't even sure if I believed in God anymore and the writings in "God at 2000", as well as "The Soul's Religion" by Moore (totally unlike his other books, imo) helped me to move past my doubts. I also read "The God We Never Knew" by Borg and "Is There a God" by Swinburne around the same time. Good books all.
  10. Until I get this dang "electrical vertigo" (sounds like a new dance eh?) under control, I'm afraid I'm going to have to remain a cat lady only. Probably for the best. My cat Circe would most definitely boycott me if I brought home another addition to the family. Someday though. Somewhere out there is a charcoal grey standard with my name on it!
  11. Bob, I'm so psyched! I've recommended that book for years and you're the first to say they've got it. I loved it and am ready to read it again. Let me know who your favorite contributer was, when you're finished.
  12. The cafe sight is for ALL off topic discussion, (serious or lighthearted), that doesn't deal directly with Christianity. Don't worry about being "too serious" in here. It's no problem imo. I guess I should update you all. I haven't started the Topamax yet. I had a 72 hour migraine about a week ago, which made me seriously wish I had started it (although it probably wouldn't have helped, as it would have been too soon). I actually don't get headaches. My migraines are "complicated". They last anywhere from an hour to 14 days. I get seriously horrible vertigo, visual aura (flashing lights), photosensitivity, phonosensitivity and an electrical humming, buzzing sensation (that comes in waves for 2-3 days) in my head that makes me wonder if I'm having seizures. Anyhoo ... I appreciate Des' response because, at first read, it did sound alot like a "Louis Hay" or "prosperity gospel" idea was being put forward. From your second reply Jen, I can assume that is NOT what you were proposing. Thanks for the clarification.
  13. The doodle is not in the shelter proper, actually. It's being fostered. I fell in love with Standards when I lived in Michigan. Our neighbor had one. Since then I've come across quite a few people who have them and all loudly sing their praises - very smart, don't shed, very gentle, easily trainable .... My niece just adopted one (6months old) from a shelter in Idaho. Her and her partner took it out on their boat. The dog (Oz) was afraid of water ... Ironic considering standards are water hounds bred for bird hunting. They taught it to swim and now he goes water skiing with them.
  14. Utah, California, Washington, New York, Michigan and back to Utah - 5. Were you raised Christian or did you convert from another religion?
  15. Pssst, Fred. You forgot to ask a question!
  16. We've been using petfinder as well. The search on Saturday turned up a "Golden Doodle" - 1/2 standard poodle, 1/2 golden retriever. What an awesome dog! The dog had been trained as a companion dog, however, and so the shelter was looking to place him as such. 6 months old. Potty trained. Sigh.
  17. So have you seen the movie "Must Love Dogs" yet? I haven't, but plan on it as I am a huge Cusack fan. My hubbie and I have our feelers out to adopt (hopefully) or buy (second resort) a STANDARD poodle.
  18. This sums up my hopes and beliefs quite well. Monist! Monist!
  19. Reminds me of your quote from Crafton! Spooky eh? I have gotten very frustrated when I've come across poor "reviews" of Generous Orthodoxy and thought "You didn't even read the book!" or "Did you read the SAME book I did?" He is so awesome! He's trying very hard to bridge the gap, to create dialogue, and he IS getting walked on. I hope he knows how much his work is appreciated and doesn't give up his efforts. Thanks for posting that Cynthia!
  20. My turn again I guess. :-P I thought about this for a while and I'd have to say my mother. Although she doesn't directly influence my life now, the act of being my parent has influenced every aspect of my life. My father, of course, would be a close second. Being raised Christian (ish) would make Jesus right up there too. Question: What is your favorite animal, domestic or otherwise, and WHY?
  21. Fred's Thread It did wander "off topic", but I thought I'd bump it anyway. PS - I do think a NEW FORUM would be cool, with sticky threads, each thread dedicated to a different point.
  22. Hehehehehe. Your Welcome!
  23. Joan Chittister is awesome. I really want to read her biography. Karen Armstrong is a great writer as well. I'm looking forward to reading her bio also.
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