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Why did God send prophets such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them?

To warn us against following the polytheists and atheists who are corrupt in the land and those who doubt the path and the straight path of God, who cares about the interest of the whole society.

Freedom in thinking and creativity does not mean deviating from God’s commandments, and every person does what he wants according to his personal whims, even if the person harms himself or others.

Because in this case, the criteria for good and bad will differ from one person to another
What seems true to you will seem incorrect to another person because the constant criterion is personal interest only

Homosexuality is a deviation and destruction of offspring in the land and has serious medical damage to both parties

But for some people, homeopathy is harmless


is actually the logic behind why Catholics believe in a realm or state called "Limbo", because of infants dying they are not pure enough to enter into heaven because of inheriting Original Sin, so they are in this in-between state until the day of judgement. Purgatory is similar but doesn't have the same pre-mortal aspects to it.

We on the other hand believe in Fitrah, that the soul is created pure and that it is the interaction with sin in the world, and temptations of Shaitan (Satan) that makes it needing of repentance - which is also why God sends Prophets and messengers to give us the map of salvation.

We do believe in an intermediate state, called Barzakh, but it doesn't function like the intermediate states in Christian theology.
In Islamic theology, a soul is accountable only for it's own actions, whether it is good or bad to itself or towards others.


A large number of Filipino soldiers pronounce the Shahada and convert to Islam


أحد أشهر الباحثين الأمريكيين يدخل الإسلام ويتصدى للإلحاد بالقرآن – Reputable Doctor Refutes Atheism!

UK Gangster Reveals the Real Reason Why prisoners Convert to Islam

U.S. Military Officer's Fascinating Journey to Islam

Muay Thai World Champion Shocked the World by Unexpected Conversion!


A Muslim's Smile Transformed this Film Director's Life Forever

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On 7/26/2024 at 12:54 PM, toty said:

Why did God send prophets such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them?

The assumption that God 'sent' prophets seems to me something that appears true to 'you' because of personal interest. 

On 7/26/2024 at 12:54 PM, toty said:

.... and every person does what he wants according to his personal whims, even if the person harms himself or others.

Religious people do this all the time.  Many don't care if their stories of eternal punishment harm others.  Many don't care if gay people are forced to deny their sexual orientation.  Many don't care if raped woman cannot get an abortion. Many don't care for the harm caused by their personal religious beliefs.  It cuts both ways, @toty


On 7/26/2024 at 12:54 PM, toty said:

Homosexuality is a deviation and destruction of offspring in the land and has serious medical damage to both parties

What a load of bunk! There is no more medical damage from being gay than there is from hetero sex.  Of course there can be damage from rough or forced sex, as there can be in a hetero situation or even when a grown man has sex with a child (think Mohammad here).

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Posted (edited)

Your words are nonsense

. God sends prophets to guide people, not for personal interest.

A person who is committed to God's religion does not harm people, but rather follows God's rules that make people happy, even if it is with some hardship that people endure for their happiness in this world and the hereafter

In Islam, there are rules regarding abortion, when to perform an abortion, and some cases abortion is allowed.

Hell exists, not symbolically, and homosexuality is forbidden, all of this is mentioned in the Abrahamic religions.

God does not forbid anything except for the benefit of people. God forbade adultery and homosexuality because of the psychological and medical harm they cause.

And we thank all religious people because they care about the fate of people and returning them to the path of God
Whether with good tidings and entering heaven or by mentioning hell to the stubborn infidels and atheists

Edited by PaulS
Large swaths of cut and paste religious propaganda do not contribute to discussion on these threads. Enough tolerance - time to engage @toty, or desist.
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Hi Toty,


I've glanced through your latest post. In it you have:-

Called the posts of others "nonsense".

Implied that you yourself are harmless.

Implied that you make people happy.

Claimed that an actual Hell exists.

That homosexuality is forbidden.

Gone into great detail as far as what God does and doesn't want, forbids or allows.

Called those who disagree with you "stubborn" and "ignorant".

Really mate, need I go on?

You actually offer no proof for any of these claims; it is simply what you believe and have been taught.

In the New Testament St Paul speaks of the "fruits of the spirit" which are:-

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.


I see little or no evidence of such fruit in your posts. 

Please take a look at yourself. 


All the best. 

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35 minutes ago, tariki said:

Called the posts of others "nonsense".

I personally don't mind having my posts called nonsense, and I am more than willing to share my insights on the 'nonsense' I find in other worldviews. I find annoying though that @toty is incapable of actually entering a conversation. He simply parrots scripture, Naik and others. He does not seem to have any original insights into Islam.

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8 hours ago, toty said:

Scientific Proof for an Atheist on Existence of God - Dr Zakir Naik

Of course the correct answer is that science does not "prove" things. If Naik were educated in the philosophy of science he would understand this. Do you understand this @toty?

Trawling through some of the replies came across this from an apostate:



As a born muslim and currently agnostic, I can tell that if you found this video convincing then you need to research more about history. Lies of Zakir Naik debunked:

1) the idea that heavens and the earth were joined entity and got separated later (which you call it as big bang) was a common belief in those days mentioned in egpytian and Sumerian myths.
2) Qur'an doesn't mention even a single time that moon's light is reflected light. It just mentions noor meaning light. Which is a scientific mistake actually. Just becoz different words are used to describe sun and moon doesn't mean moon's light is described as reflected.
3) people in those days believed that sun is revolving around the earth to cause day and night. That is what mentioned in the Qur'an indirectly. Because it constantly mentions sun's movement associating with day and night.
4) the idea that heavens were once smoke/vapour is already mentioned in the creation story of Bible.
5) even the idea that every living thing made from water was proposed by greek philosophers eg. Thales which was a common belief in those days.
6) this is the biggest lie. Qur'an doesn't mention that earth is ostrich egg shaped. Dahaha doesn't mean that. Not a single classical dictionary/tafsir says that. Which is even admitted by muslim apologists like Mohammad hijab and other Arabic scholars.


Incidentally, while it is true that the Earth is an oblate spheroid, it is more spherical (and smooth) than a typical billiard ball.

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18 hours ago, toty said:

Your words are nonsense

No, nonsense is saying things like "Homosexuality.....has serious medical damage to both parties". Tell me @Toty, have you actually thought for yourself how two gay women medically damage themselves in a loving relationship? Even two gay men for that matter?  It simply is NOT a medical issue and such statements are just religious bigotry on display.

18 hours ago, toty said:

A person who is committed to God's religion does not harm people, but rather follows God's rules that make people happy, even if it is with some hardship that people endure for their happiness in this world and the hereafter

Incorrect. There are stories after stories after stories of people who have been harmed - physically and psychologically - by religion.  Both from sometimes being a part of said religion, and at other times because they are not a part of said religion.  The only people who don't see this as a problem are the religious people themselves!  One might say they are 'blinded' by their religion to the harm it can cause.

18 hours ago, toty said:

Hell exists, not symbolically, and homosexuality is forbidden, all of this is mentioned in the Abrahamic religions.

No, a place of eternal suffering and torment does not exist. In fact, such a place is not even biblical - you need to read the Old Testament better I think.  Nonetheless, Mohammad erroneously adopted Christian dogma and included Hell in his Koran.

18 hours ago, toty said:

God does not forbid anything except for the benefit of people. God forbade adultery and homosexuality because of the psychological and medical harm they cause.

Again, you couldn't be further from the truth, as your religion and you religious dogma has captured your mind. Try to open it to understand that love is experienced in many ways, not just by marrying children and having sex with them, like Mohammad did.

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Posted (edited)

As I told you before, dear readers, the mercenaries of the church are keeping you away from studying religions and comparing them, especially Islam.


If Islam was bad as they claim, why do thousands embrace Islam every day after studying it?

Scientists, artists, football players, politicians, army and police officers, your families and your children.


They are afraid of the spread of Islam and the closure of their churches.


Beware of them because they distort the image of Islam and the image of Christ by claiming atheism.

They are not atheists.









There are suspicions and false fabrications from  the enemies of Islam about the Prophet Muhammad and other prophets, the Internet is full of them to distort the image of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad





I always say that the true life of the Prophet should be studied from reliable sources in specialized Islamic centers



This subject is the favorite of Islamophobes who find here an opportunity to attack the Prophet (sws)



There are some variations in the exact age of lady 'Aisha among historians.



We know that at the time, there was no commune to register the child in a national register or certificate issued by the hospital mentioning the exact moment of birth, and therefore only parents could we Given the age of the child



We have no proof of a national register of the Arabian Peninsula of the 7th century AD! We only have suggestions, estimates and approximations.







Aisha was 18 years old at the time of the Hegira (ie at the time of the Prophet's immigration) and she became his wife at the age of 19-20, this is the minimum age what she can have!












Here we have Aisha explicitly from here narrations state that she had reached puberty ever since her parents had been following Islam





The Prophet, peace be upon him, visited her in her father's house, and she reached  of puberty



This is her saying









    Narrated AISHA: I had seen my parents following Islam since I attained the age of PUBERTY. Not a day passed but the Prophet visited us, both in the mornings and evenings.”



    [18] Sahih al-Bukhari volume 1, Book 8, Hadith 465







In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) did not take consummate the marriage till she reached the age of puberty and was able to bear having sexual intercourse. For that reason, she may Allaah be pleased with her used to say, "When a girl reaches the age of nine, she becomes a woman." [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi] Imaam Ash-Shaafi'i may Allaah have mercy upon him said, “I saw a grandmother who was only twenty-one years old.” This means that she and her daughter as well became pregnant before the age of ten years.







 little Christian women married and had intercourse very early for centuries, intercourse that would be punishable by law today. In France, it was not until the Revolution and the break with Christianity that the age limit rose to 13 years.



Now if we follow the reasoning of some Islamophobic Christian missionaries, we should consider that all Christians were pedophiles, and that Jesus and Paul were accomplices in pedophilia since they did not condemn these practices that existed in their day.





Mary married Joseph when she was twelve years old, meaning that she was young, and Joseph her husband was over ninety!!

Most Christian historians agree that Mary the mother of Jesus was between 12 to 14 years old when she married Joseph.

    This was very common during that historical time period.



- Roman women married and had sex at the age of 12 and under, before having their period, with husbands who could be their grandfathers.



- Since no New Testament writings condemn this practice, not even Paul who gave recommendations on marriage and married life, Christians have continued to follow these customs.



- The Council of Trent convened by Pope Paul III in 1542 confirms the age of marriage at 12 for girls



See here

اجابة تسحق الفم






Christians question Mohammed’s marriage to Aisha but shamefully accept Joseph’s marriage to Mary?



Mary was 12 and Joseph was 90? | SPEAKER’s CORNER 11/11/2018








 Was the Age of Aisha r.a 9 Years old or 19 when she got married? - Dr Zakir Naik





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Hell is found in the Abrahamic religions

Bible verses that deny unconditional love


Indeed, some among Christians believe that their "All-Love" God does not allow His Creatures to be damned for eternal hell. For these people, this punishment would be unfair because, always according to them, why punish eternally a fault which is not?
As paradoxical as it may seem, the God-Love of Christians: The Jesus of the NT, speaks of hell many times more than in all of A.T. Let us see the verses in question:

33Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? "(Matthew 23.33)

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ”(Matthew 25,41)

22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[c] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”(Matthew 5,22)

 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
"(Matthew 5,29-30)

All of these verses make it clear that an everlasting and painful retribution awaits unbelievers in a place where there will be gnashing of teeth and weeping. It would be better to cut off eyes, hands or feet than to have to undergo this terrible punishment intended for the ungodly.

As we see, eternal hell is a reality in the Bible. Those who dispute this reality have only to contradict us on the matter and surely they will never succeed. The verses are explicit on the matter. Now we can ask ourselves several remarks:

1) the NT Jesus who is a god of love speaks of eternal hell in the N.T. much more than in the A.T. (notion almost unknown by the way!)

2) the wicked will suffer an eternal and exemplary punishment for their misdeeds

3) how does this very particular category of Christians reconcile their conception of Love with the eternal punishment of hell?

4) Christians are hypocrites when they tell us the "good news" of the Gospel because there is also very, very bad news in the texts for non-believers

Prabhakaran Asks Dr Zakir, "Will Non Muslims go to Heaven or Hell?"


دينكم ليس ضد العنصرية! محمد حجاب في حوار مع مسيحي



Q&A: Why Would God Create Us to Go To Hell? | Dr. Shabir Ally


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1 hour ago, toty said:

As I told you before, dear readers, the mercenaries of the church are keeping you away from studying religions and comparing them, especially Islam.


Not sure exactly who the "you" is that you are referring to, but as far as myself, you are completely wrong. On and off I have studied and read about ALL the major Religions of our world for over 50 years. 

To accuse anyone who disagrees with you as being ignorant of such study is simply another symptom of your own ignorance. 

Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that it is virtually useless addressing you here. 


PS. Just to add, the "conclusion" of all my own studies is that Grace - pure and simple - is the key to unlocking Reality. That you seem to know only of "works" is to me a deep tragedy. 

But hey, nevermind. 

All the best. 



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4 hours ago, toty said:

Indeed, some among Christians believe that their "All-Love" God does not allow His Creatures to be damned for eternal hell. For these people, this punishment would be unfair because, always according to them, why punish eternally a fault which is not?

What is the penalty for lying in the Islamic tradition? Because toty you are a liar! Not in the sense of commission, but in the sense of omission. I have asked you several times are you and @akay the one and the same. akay has been warned about copying and pasting without attribution. And here you, toty, are copying and pasting @akay without attribution. 

@toty I have humoured you so far ... but no longer.

Transparency and credibility of factual facts (muftisays.com) 

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4 hours ago, toty said:


As we see, eternal hell is a reality in the Bible.......The verses are explicit on the matter. 


If you were to truly STUDY religions other than your own you would see that there are in fact very many verses in the Bible that EXPLICITLY speak of a FINAL restoration of ALL THINGS "in Christ". 

The verses you cite are "explicit" on the subject only because of your lack of genuine study.


I would refer you to many books by eminent Christian theologians on the matter:-

 "That All Shall Be Saved" David Bentley Hart

"Patristic Universalism" David Burnfield

 "The Larger Hope" Anthony Johnson

 "All Shall Be Well" Edited by Gregory MacDonald

 "Once loved, Always Loved" Andrew Hronich.

(There are many more. The verses you cite are all explained within the context of Universal Salvation, a doctrine widely taught in the early Christian Church by many Church Fathers of the first five centuries of the Christian era)


Please come back to me when you can say that you have studied all the books referred to. Thank you.


PS. Could you also list the books on Buddhism that you have studied, and those on Hinduism. Maybe also those on Taoism. Just so we can know the depth of your knowledge of Religions other than your own. Thanks. 


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8 minutes ago, tariki said:

I would refer you to many books by eminent Christian theologians on the matter:

I don't see anything by Zakir Naik our resident 'eminent' on all things.

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1 hour ago, romansh said:

I don't see anything by Zakir Naik our resident 'eminent' on all things.

As far as I know, the guy is a money launderer, at least according to Wiki!

Wiki also states:-

Naik believes that Muslims who convert from Islam should not necessarily receive death sentences, but that under Islamic law those who leave Islam and then "propagate the non-Islamic faith and speak against Islam" should be put to death.[ Another source states that according to Naik, "There is no death penalty for apostates in Islam... until the apostate starts to preach his new religion: then he can be put to death."

Apparently he also preaches "peace between the religions", which just goes to show. 


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@toty some identical posts for your "Indeed" post

  • Dec 25, 2021 Somalinet ... sorry my security suggested I avoid this site
  • Dec 29, 2023 Muftisays ... @akay
  • Dec 7, 2023 Nairaland ... @eninn
  • Feb 25, 2024 Yogisource ... sorry security blocked me
  • Feb 18, 2022 Defence ... Revol, 
Edited by romansh
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14 minutes ago, tariki said:

As far as I know, the guy is a money launderer, at least according to Wiki!

Wiki also states:-

Naik believes that Muslims who convert from Islam should not necessarily receive death sentences, but that under Islamic law those who leave Islam and then "propagate the non-Islamic faith and speak against Islam" should be put to death.[ Another source states that according to Naik, "There is no death penalty for apostates in Islam... until the apostate starts to preach his new religion: then he can be put to death."

Apparently he also preaches "peace between the religions", which just goes to show. 


According to toty ... fake news ... even as I have shown YouTube clips of Naik saying this exact thing.

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10 hours ago, toty said:

Hell is found in the Abrahamic religions

Hell as a place of eternal torment and suffering for evil doers, simply does not exist in Judaism. You need to understand this.  It was a concept adopted from Greece around 200-100BCE.  It developed in the Christian tradition and was later also adopted by Islam. 

10 hours ago, toty said:

the damnation of hell? "(Matthew 23.33)

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ”(Matthew 25,41)

22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[c] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”(Matthew 5,22)

 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
"(Matthew 5,29-30)

Can I suggest reading up on your understanding of Mathew and also several instances where the correct translation of the word hell is actually 'Gehenna'.  Scholars can help you better understand what words of Jesus are Mathew's 'creations', what he actually means sometimes when he's quoting 'hell', and most importantly, the reasons behind why Mathew is writing what he is writing concerning Jesus - not a historical account of what he said/did, but Mathew's own message and interpretation.

10 hours ago, toty said:

All of these verses make it clear that an everlasting and painful retribution awaits unbelievers in a place where there will be gnashing of teeth and weeping. It would be better to cut off eyes, hands or feet than to have to undergo this terrible punishment intended for the ungodly.

If we look at those verses in total isolation, and have no appreciation for the development of this concept of such a 'hell', which didn't enter Israel until the immediate century or two before Jesus. Judaism NEVER promoted such a hell - it simply didn't exist to them.

10 hours ago, toty said:

As we see, eternal hell is a reality in the Bible. Those who dispute this reality have only to contradict us on the matter and surely they will never succeed. 

If 'success' is measured by changing one's mind, then most likely not.  If success is measured by presenting facts - then success is guaranteed.


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Why is Homosexuality Condemned in Islam? - Dr Zakir Naik



Key Health Concerns for MSM (Men Who have Sex with Men)




Gay and bisexual woman are found to have several increased health risks over heterosexual women.  Heart disease is the #1 killer of all women, but lesbians and bisexual women have a higher rate of obesity, smoking and stress, which are the primary risk factors for heart disease. In addition, lesbian women appear to be at a higher risk for uterine, breast, cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers. Because gay women are less likely than heterosexual women to have had a full-term pregnancy, they are deprived of the natural hormones released during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These hormones are thought to protect against many forms of female cancers.

Lesbian and bisexual women are also less likely to visit a doctor for routine health screenings, such a pap smear or mammogram, which can prevent or detect cervical and breast cancers. In addition, gay woman are at just as much risk as heterosexual woman at contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). “for gay women, STDs can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, mucosa (mouth to vaginal) contact, vaginal fluid, sharing of sex toys and contact with menstrual blood. In fact, high rates of bacterial vaginosis and hepatitis were noted in lesbian women.”

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) develops when there is an imbalance of “good” and “bad” vaginal bacteria, and is most common in women of childbearing age. BV seems to be more common among women who are sexually active, and is most commonly associated with an abnormal white or milky vaginal discharge and an unpleasant odor.

As with many health problems, the sooner the issue is detected, the more likely it is that a woman will be successfully treated for the disease. “Whether you are a lesbian, or a heterosexual woman, it’s important to see your doctor if your health changes. It’s also imperative to get your yearly gynecologic exam.” Be sure to speak with your Women’s Health and Menopause Center physician about your health risk factors.


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The Prophet Jesus came to complete the law of the ancient prophets and correct the Jews' distorted belief.

Not every interpretation of Jewish and Christian scholars is correct. Many of them do not follow the words of Jesus, but rather follow their whims and the misguidance of people.



There is no unconditional love


faith and actions always work together




22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.


, Christ said


 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.


John 17:3



  Christ  did not claim divinity and restricted divinity to God (the Father) alone




And in Matthew 16-27: and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.






Key Verse: 2:22, “You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”


 the main theme of the entire book of James: faith and actions always work together. In James’ time, there were some people who claimed to have faith without any practical evidence. They thought that faith should be grounded on sound doctrine and that was most important; which is true. But they tended to dismiss action as irrelevant. They claimed to have saving faith without any visible evidence in their practical lives. James refuted this idea very clearly, saying that faith and deeds work together, and that faith without deeds is dead. Genuine faith always produces actions.


Yes, hell exists, according to the Bible. Despite the Bible’s clear teaching of both heaven and hell, it is not unusual for people to believe in the reality of heaven while rejecting the reality of hell

The Bible speaks of the reality of hell in the same terms as the reality of heaven (Revelation 20:14–15; 21:1–2). The concept of a real, conscious, forever-and-ever existence in hell is just as biblical as a real, conscious, forever-and-ever existence in heaven. Trying to separate them is simply not possible from a biblical standpoint.

 I do agree with the day of God's judgement where all men will be judged according to their works


Jesus used various metaphors when speaking about hell since he knew that his first-century listeners would understand these metaphors. One such example is found in Mark where Jesus used the phrase “where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched” (9:48) to describe hell.

The clearest reference to hell was made by Jesus when he told the story of the rich man and Lazarus found in Luke 16:19-31. Notable in that passage is the following:

    The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire. (Luke 16:22-24)

As you can clearly see from this passage of Scripture, Jesus believes in hell. The rich man was in torment and in flames. He begged for a small amount of water to relieve his suffering and also begged that Lazarus be sent to warn his family of the very real dangers of dangers of hell.


Dr Zakir Naik Scientifically & Logically Proves to an Atheist the Existence of Hell & Heaven


 Is 'Christianity' leading you to Paradise or Hell? - Dr Zakir Naik


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Christ and Muhammad, the prophets of God, will not bear the sins of people

Only God the Father will judge our deeds on the Day of Resurrection
Jesus, peace be upon him, was not killed, nor was he crucified, and he will not bear the sins of people

The most common belief among Christians is the belief that Jesus died for our sins, but the question is:
Who said that Jesus died for our sins?

Actually when we look at the verses Christians use to prove this belief, we find that 95% of these verses are from Paul’s epistles, and the verses used to prove this belief from the Gospels are very few, which puts a question mark on its source and whether Jesus really told that he would die on the cross for our sins.

we as Muslims don’t need to believe that God needs to be a man or to be crucified for our sins, because God is mightier than that, we actually believe that this is a blasphemy and an insult against God. For sin to be forgiven by God, mans should repent faithfully to God, and acknowledge his sins, and God is the All Forgiver and All Merciful who will forgive him if He really knew he is really intending to repent and stop the sin:

110. And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allāh will find Allāh Forgiving and Merciful. ( Holy Quran 4:110)
Doesn’t God forgive sins without Jesus dying?

No need for all that so that God forgives my sins, and this is what is also said by the Old Testament:

Eze 18:21″But if a wicked person turns away from all his sins that he has committed and keeps all my statutes and does what is just and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

Eze 18:22None of the transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him; for the righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Did Jesus know that he came to die for our sins?

God only punishes the guilty in Islam and does not harm the innocent
Muslims do not believe in blood sacrifice and they do not believe that a holy man like Jesus should die such a cruel and humiliating death. He bears the sins of mankind while he is innocent

It is better for God to forgive without bloodshed, because He is able to do so, as in Islam, God forgives without killing an innocent person and shedding blood.
God only punishes those who commit a sin, and does not punish the oppressed


And in Matthew 16-27: and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.

. Christ Himself decides that each person will be rewarded according to his deeds. This contradicts inherited sin and salvation by crucifixion, because the text indicates that salvation is through work and not by crucifixion

Christian concept that jesus will die for their sins Vs Muslims Allah's forgiveness


Who is Deceived by the Satan, Christians or Muslims? - Dr Zakir Naik


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5 minutes ago, toty said:


There is no unconditional love

If such is what you think then so much the worse for you. Unconditional love (Grace) is the only foundation of the "works" that are "in Christ". 


As you ignore virtually everything said to you or asked of you (i.e. revealing exactly what true study YOU yourself have done regarding the various Religions of our world) I shall ignore all the points you seek to make - or rather, the points Dr Zahir Naik makes and you simply parrot. 


All the best

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