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Some Christians claim that pigs are not forbidden in Christianity, and they deduce this with flimsy evidence

It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.”
((Matthew 15:11 ►)

In fact, this saying has nothing to do with banning pigs or not, but rather as part of a response to the Jews when they reproached the disciples of Jesus for not washing their hands before eating. On the contrary, the intention of the Lord Christ with his words is to show that moral impurity is far more dangerous than physical impurity.

” Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.” “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Matthew 15:11-20

1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places.
It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”
[Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why
pork is forbidden.

2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible
prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth
not the cud; he is unclean to you”.
“Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch,
they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you

The laws of God are one from Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them
the worship of the One God (the Father) and not of a human being or an idol or anything you can imagine
and Prohibition of fornication, alcohol and pork

Dr Zakir Naik proved that having Pork is prohibited haraam in Islam as well as in Christianity

Why did Paul contradict the disciples regarding food and Sharia laws?

لماذا ناقض بولس التلاميذ في قوانين الطعام والشريعة؟

 The Unstoppable Rise of Islam In Japan - 2023

Most Feared Yakuza Gangster Becomes a Muslim

 U.S. Military Officer's Fascinating Journey to Islam

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Praying over ones food is not enough. One should be making the correct food choices in order to be healthy. Any thinking outside this is not healthy, on a nutritious level.

Pork should be on the "do-not-eat" list because it is scientific fact that pork contains a slimy parasite --Trichinella spiralis,

A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.

This indicates that ova found in meat do not die when exposed to high temperatures

Then, modern scientific studies provide us with important information concerning diseases and harmful germs that are spread and originated by pig. Among these harmful things are germs and a tapeworm called “Treichine” (trichina) which grows in the flesh of swine and occupies human intestines resisting all medicines used to discharge it. Also, such an armed tapeworm may cling within one's muscles, resisting medicine to remove it. Thus, science gives a clear-cut justification for the prohibition of the flesh of swine and the wisdom becomes visible.

According to Larousse, a French encyclopedia, the noxious worm “Treichine” (trichina) passes along the human body heading to the heart, and then, settles in one's muscles, especially in chest, eye, throat and midriff, where its embryos remain alive for years.

لماذا يستحلّ المسيحيون كل الطعام برغم تحريم بعض الطعام عليهم؟ - حوار حمزة مع مسيحي  youtube

Why do Christians eat all food even though some food is forbidden to them? Hamza's dialogue with a Christian




هل تتبعون يسوع أم بولس؟ عدنان رشيد في حوار هادئ مع مسيحيين youtube




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Modern science to your rescue @toty

Eating properly cooked pork poses a minimal risk to health, provided that the meat is handled, prepared, and cooked correctly. Here are the key considerations to ensure that pork is safe to eat:

  1. Cooking Temperature: Pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 145°F (63°C) as recommended by the USDA. After reaching this temperature, the meat should rest for three minutes before being consumed. This temperature is sufficient to kill harmful pathogens such as Trichinella spiralis (which causes trichinosis), Toxoplasma gondii (which causes toxoplasmosis), and various bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli.

  2. Handling and Preparation: Proper handling and preparation of pork are crucial to avoid cross-contamination with other foods. This includes:

    • Washing hands, utensils, and surfaces thoroughly after handling raw pork.
    • Keeping raw pork separate from other foods, especially those that will not be cooked.
    • Thawing pork in the refrigerator, microwave, or cold water (not on the counter).
  3. Storage: Pork should be stored at the appropriate temperatures to prevent bacterial growth. Refrigerate raw pork at 40°F (4°C) or below and consume or freeze it within a few days. Cooked pork should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking and consumed within three to four days.

  4. Quality and Source: Buying pork from reputable sources reduces the risk of contamination. Look for pork that is fresh, properly packaged, and within its sell-by date.

When these guidelines are followed, the risk associated with eating properly cooked pork is very low. Most health concerns related to pork come from undercooked or improperly handled meat.

The risks associated with consuming undercooked beef and pork are somewhat similar in terms of the types of pathogens that can be present, but there are notable differences in the specific pathogens and their prevalence. Here’s a comparison of the risks:

Undercooked Beef:

  1. E. coli (Escherichia coli)

    • Cause: Especially E. coli O157, which can cause severe foodborne illness.
    • Symptoms: Include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), and vomiting. In some cases, it can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a serious condition affecting the kidneys.
    • Prevention: Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 160°F (71°C) to kill E. coli.
  2. Salmonella

    • Symptoms: Include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and vomiting.
    • Prevention: Cooking beef thoroughly can eliminate Salmonella bacteria.
  3. Campylobacter

    • Symptoms: Include diarrhea, cramps, fever, and vomiting.
    • Prevention: Proper cooking of beef ensures the destruction of Campylobacter bacteria.
  4. Tapeworm (Taenia saginata)

    • Cause: The beef tapeworm can be transmitted through undercooked beef.
    • Symptoms: Mild symptoms include digestive disturbances, weight loss, and abdominal pain.
    • Prevention: Cooking beef to a safe temperature can prevent tapeworm infection.

Undercooked Pork:

  1. Trichinosis (Trichinellosis)

    • Cause: Caused by the parasitic roundworm Trichinella spiralis.
    • Symptoms: Include gastrointestinal issues, muscle pain, fever, and swelling of the face.
    • Prevention: Cooking pork to at least 145°F (63°C) is essential to kill the Trichinella larvae.
  2. Toxoplasmosis

    • Cause: Caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
    • Symptoms: Flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, and severe cases can affect the brain and other organs.
    • Prevention: Properly cooking pork ensures the destruction of Toxoplasma parasites.
  3. Yersinia enterocolitica

    • Symptoms: Include fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
    • Prevention: Cooking pork to a safe temperature prevents infection.
  4. Hepatitis E

    • Cause: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) can be transmitted through undercooked pork.
    • Symptoms: Include jaundice, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
    • Prevention: Cooking pork thoroughly kills the Hepatitis E virus.

Key Differences:

  • Parasites: Trichinosis is specifically associated with undercooked pork, while beef can be associated with tapeworms (Taenia saginata).
  • Viruses: Hepatitis E is more commonly associated with pork, whereas it is not a typical concern with beef.
  • Bacteria: Both meats can harbor E. coli and Salmonella, but the specific strains and prevalence can vary.


  • Bacterial Infections: Both pork and beef can be sources of E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter infections if undercooked.
  • Proper Cooking: Ensuring that both types of meat are cooked to the appropriate internal temperatures significantly reduces the risk of foodborne illness.

In conclusion, while there are some pathogens unique to each type of meat, the primary method of preventing illness is the same: proper cooking and food handling practices. For pork, the main concerns are trichinosis, toxoplasmosis, and hepatitis E, while for beef, E. coli and tapeworms are more specific concerns.


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And chicken as a bonus:

Undercooked chicken poses significant health risks due to the potential presence of harmful bacteria. The primary pathogens associated with undercooked chicken include:

Undercooked Chicken:

  1. Salmonella

    • Symptoms: Diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Symptoms typically appear 6 hours to 6 days after infection and can last 4 to 7 days.
    • Prevention: Cooking chicken to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) ensures that Salmonella bacteria are destroyed.
  2. Campylobacter

    • Symptoms: Diarrhea (often bloody), fever, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. Symptoms usually develop 2 to 5 days after exposure and last about a week.
    • Prevention: Thoroughly cooking chicken to the recommended temperature kills Campylobacter bacteria.
  3. Clostridium perfringens

    • Symptoms: Intense abdominal cramps and diarrhea, typically 6 to 24 hours after eating contaminated food. Symptoms usually resolve within 24 hours.
    • Prevention: Proper cooking and prompt refrigeration of leftovers can prevent the growth of Clostridium perfringens.
  4. Staphylococcus aureus

    • Symptoms: Sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Symptoms usually start within a few hours of consuming contaminated food and can last 1 to 3 days.
    • Prevention: Good hygiene, proper food handling, and cooking chicken thoroughly can prevent Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning.
  5. Listeria monocytogenes

    • Symptoms: Fever, muscle aches, nausea, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, meningitis or septicemia. Symptoms can appear within a few days or up to 2 months after exposure.
    • Prevention: Cooking chicken to the appropriate temperature and preventing cross-contamination are key to controlling Listeria.

Key Differences from Pork and Beef:

  • Prevalence of Bacteria: Chicken is particularly known for its association with Salmonella and Campylobacter, which are less common in pork and beef.
  • Cooking Temperature: Chicken must be cooked to a higher internal temperature (165°F or 74°C) compared to pork (145°F or 63°C) and beef (160°F or 71°C for ground beef).
  • Handling and Cross-Contamination: Chicken often has higher contamination rates, making proper handling and avoiding cross-contamination especially crucial.
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13 hours ago, toty said:

Pork should be on the "do-not-eat" list because it is scientific fact that pork contains a slimy parasite Trichinella spiralis

Here are some other animals also known to also be susceptible to containing trichinella, if not farmed correctly, or cooked properly:

  • Walrus (Allah never spoke to the Inuits)
  • Horse / Bear / Deer (Allah never spoke to North American Indigenous peoples)
  • Various species of reptile and birds

Pigs weren't divinely singled out, rather locals during those times identified the risk associated with poorly farmed and poorly prepared pig meat.  Modern humans typically don't suffer from trichinella spiralis these days because of better hygiene and food preparation activities.

13 hours ago, toty said:

A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die.

This indicates that ova found in meat do not die when exposed to high temperatures

Incorrect.  Actual science shows that cooking pork chops to an internal temperature of 77° C in a conventional oven, convection oven, flat grill, charbroiler or deep fat fryer did inactivate encysted T. spiralis larvae in pork chops.



Religion-based science is simply not accurate @toty

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13 hours ago, toty said:

Praying over ones food is not enough.

Just whilst we're on the topic of praying over one's food - I think this is worth considering for Muslims and Christians alike:

No photo description available.

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Why You Should Avoid Pork: Nutrition, Potential Benefits & Harmful Downsides

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

November 5, 2023
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The Problems With Pork




Trichinosis Dangers

Did you know that pigs carry a variety of parasites in their bodies and meat? Some of these parasites are difficult to kill even when cooking. This is the reason there are so many warnings out there about eating undercooked pork.

One of the biggest concerns with eating pork meat is trichinosis or trichinellosis. This is an infection that humans get from eating undercooked or uncooked pork that contains the larvae of the trichinella worm. In some countries and cultures, they actually consume pork raw.

This worm parasite is very commonly found in pork. When the worm, most often living in cysts in the stomach, opens through stomach acids, its larvae are released into the body of the pig. These new worms make their homes in the muscles of the pig.

Next stop? The unknowing human body that consumes this infected meat flesh.

Similarly to what these worms do to the pig, they can also do to humans. If you eat undercooked or raw pork that contains the parasite, then you are also swallowing trichinella larvae encased in a cyst.

Your digestive juices dissolve the cyst, but that only unleashes the parasite into your insides. The larvae then penetrate your small intestine, where they mature into adult worms and mate. If you’re at this stage of trichinosis, you may experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Approximately a week after eating the infected pork, the adult female worms now inside your body produce larvae that enter your bloodstream and eventually burrow into muscle or other tissue. Once this tissue invasion occurs, symptoms of trichinosis include:

    High fever
    General weakness
    Muscle pain and tenderness
    Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
    Sensitivity to light
    Swelling of the eyelids or face

While no one particularly wants to consume worms, trichinosis is a serious illness that you should do virtually anything to avoid. Abdominal symptoms can occur one to two days after infection while additional symptoms usually start two to eight weeks after infection.



2. The Pig’s Problematic Digestive System

There are reasons that the meat of the pig becomes more saturated with toxins than many of its counterpart farm animals. The first reason has to do with the digestive system of a pig.

During the digestive process, animals (including humans) get rid of excess toxins as well as other components of the food eaten that could be dangerous to health. Since the pig’s digestive system operates rather basically, many of these toxins remain in its system to be stored in its more than adequate fatty tissues ready for our consumption.

Another issue with the pig is that it has very few functional sweat glands and can barely sweat at all. Sweat glands are a tool the body uses to be rid of toxins. This leaves more toxins in the pig’s body.

When you consume pork meat, you too get all these toxins that weren’t eliminated from the pig. For instance, there have been examples of pigs and pork products being contaminated with:

    Ochratoxin A
    Other toxin-related outbreaks

In fact, we should all do what we can to eliminate and cut down on toxin exposure. One vital way to do this is by choosing what you eat carefully.



3. Increased Cancer Risk from Bacon and Other Processed Pork

According to the World Health Organization, processed meat like ham, bacon and sausage can cause cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer actually classifies processed meat as a carcinogen, something that causes cancer. Researchers found that consuming 50 grams of processed meat each day raises your risk of colorectal cancer by a very significant 18 percent.



4. Swine Flu in Humans

The swine flu is another virus that has made the leap from pig to human. Influenza or flu viruses can be directly transmitted from pigs to humans, from humans to pigs and from humans to humans. Human infection with flu viruses from pigs are most likely when humans are physically close to infected pigs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, H1N1 and H3N2 are swine flu viruses that are “endemic among pig populations in the United States and something that the industry deals with routinely.” Outbreaks can occur year-round. H1N1 has been observed in pig populations since at least 1930, while H3N2 began in the United States around 1998.

According to the CDC, swine flu has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork. Properly prepared means cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit, which is supposed to kill all viruses and other foodborne pathogens.




Why did Paul contradict the disciples regarding food and Sharia laws?


لماذا ناقض بولس التلاميذ في قوانين الطعام والشريعة؟


Israeli Jews Converting to Islam in Record Numbers Since October 7 [Inspirational]


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3 hours ago, toty said:

Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

This is typical of you @toty. You don't do a background check on your sources

Joshua Lee Axe practices quackery,[1] chiropractic and naturopathic medicine in Tennessee.[2] He has doctorates in chiropractic[3] and naturopathic medicine; he is not a medical doctor.[2] He is also a Certified Nutrition Specialist.[4] He promotes discredited and unproven cancer treatments.[5] Allegedly his DrAxe website receives over 100 million visits per year.[6] Assuming this is true, his website receives more visitors than Doctor Oz, Dr. Mercola or NaturalNews.[7]

In 2019, Dr. Axe jumped on the keto diet bandwagon and promotes other low-carb quackery.[8]


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The biggest contradiction about all this is that pork is not particularly anything special when it comes to carrying parasites and the harm they can cause humans if the meat is not prepared properly and hygienically.  Meat farmed using modern farming methods, and stored using refrigeration, and cooked using proper & thorough cooking methods, presents minimal risk to humans.

Nonetheless, apart from pork, other meats are also affected by parasites if not farmed properly or cooked correctly.  These include beef, fish, poultry and sheep. What was more unique in the ancient middle east is they didn't know how to farm swine well, and they did not practice the good hygiene and cooking methods we have today in modernity.  Pigs are nothing special in the modern age. This is why blind adherence to ancient ways of thinking becomes outdated by modern science.

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1 hour ago, romansh said:

I am sure there must be something in the Qur'an about cooking meat properly.

What does it say about leaving chicken breast on the counter for too long, or eating raw sashimi? I understand humans have died from both of those. Did Allah not care about chicken-eaters and Japanese people?

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The opening line from Axe's website!


Pork is the most widely eaten meat in the world, making up about 36 percent of meat production worldwide. It’s especially popular in East and Southeast Asia, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania.

This should be ringing alarm bells in any intelligent Muslim's head. Widely eaten and not a problem, if handled in a sanitary fashion. It is as though the Qur'an warns people not knowledgeable in handling meat safely.

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11 hours ago, romansh said:

The opening line from Axe's website!

This should be ringing alarm bells in any intelligent Muslim's head. Widely eaten and not a problem, if handled in a sanitary fashion. It is as though the Qur'an warns people not knowledgeable in handling meat safely.

The joys of modernity - displacing ancient ideas that have passed their use by date. We CAN move forward as a species!

This pork problem (for some) is much like the issue with the bible (Leviticus 11) prohibiting eating of lobster, or oysters, or crabs, or octopus, etc etc etc (basically everything in water that doesn't have fins or scales).  Today we can imagine that was an issue primarily because of not properly knowing how to clean, store and cook these items.  Today, we clearly eat them with abandon because we understand better food production and hygiene.  Largely thanks to all those who went before us, including the pig preferers, who learnt from experience!

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Posted (edited)

God created edible and clean animals for us
  It is beneficial for humans and healthy
Will God harm us?

But humans are responsible for damaging the environment and have caused harm to animals and birds

mad cow disease

      It is a fatal neurological disease of livestock that affects the animals' nervous system and is believed to have arisen when cattle were fed high-protein supplements made from ruminant carcasses and offal.

Avian influenza is transmitted to humans

Due to human negligence, they also leave infected birds with healthy birds
All birds become infected and the disease spreads

But pig is forbidden by God


The pig eats its own dung mixed with its urine, which also contains uric acid, which causes the accumulation of this acid in its meat in large quantities that are harmful to human health.
  This indicates the impurity of its meat, as God explained in the reason for prohibiting pork, which is that it is an abomination, and this is one of the scientific miracles in the Qur’an.

He has only forbidden you ˹to eat˺ carrion, blood, swine,1 and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
[Al-Baqarah: 173]




all religions are leading humanity towards best practice.

Jesus came to fulfil the law  because his religion is deeply founded on OT teachings and I was pointing out that throwing out some OT teachings and keeping others seems a bit hit and miss.

Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them."

So now we have a problem, , no more pork on your fork.

The other problem this raises is that the OT and the NT are entirely different religions and Christians should be governed only by the NT, but the foundations of your religion are built on the teachings of the OT,



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 فضائح الكنيسة الكاثوليكية من ق*ل واغت*اب الأطفال + شاب يُسلم





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26 minutes ago, toty said:

Will God harm us?

Some believe that God will harm us if we don't believe what they tell us we have to believe! 

But as for food stuffs, humans have learnt over hundreds of thousands of years, usually by trial and error, what can and what can't be eaten. Not surprisingly, if you had dropped a European or Arab man into Australia 300 years ago and told him to live off the land, he would have inevitably died.  Yet indigenous Australians, who had been living on this continent for some 90,000 years, knew well what could and what couldn't be eaten.

26 minutes ago, toty said:

But humans are responsible for damaging the environment and have caused harm to animals and birds

Indeed they have.

26 minutes ago, toty said:

mad cow disease

      It is a fatal neurological disease of livestock that affects the animals' nervous system and is believed to have arisen when cattle were fed high-protein supplements made from ruminant carcasses and offal.

An 'intensive farming' technique now condemned because we have learnt from the experience.

26 minutes ago, toty said:

Avian influenza is transmitted to humans

This would seem to be a natural disease (introduced by God?) that water birds carry.  It is quite natural for them to get this 'flu'.  But when wild birds mix with domestic birds, then we start entering human infection territory.

26 minutes ago, toty said:

The pig eats its own dung mixed with its urine, which also contains uric acid, which causes the accumulation of this acid in its meat in large quantities that are harmful to human health.

Pigs indeed can eat their own droppings, as do hamsters, chinchillas, hedgehogs, and guinea pigs (did Allah warn the indigenous people of the Andes to not eat guinea pig?). Probably one very good reason 1500 or so years ago some people saw risks associated with farming pigs.  Like medicine, things have come a long way since 600CE.

As was previously pointed out, Pork is the most widely-eaten meat in the world (36%) followed by poultry (33%), beef (24%), and goats/sheep (5%) - Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture. Yet we do NOT have a human health epidemic on our hands. 

Either Allah was wrong, or pig farming/storage/food prep has come a long way since 600CE.

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@toty Do I have a misconception that you believe in Jinns?

The Qur'an describes Jinn as supernatural beings created by Allah with distinct characteristics and abilities. Here are some key properties of Jinn according to the Qur'an:

1. Creation from Fire

  • Nature of Creation: Jinn are created from a smokeless, scorching fire.
  • Reference: "And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire." (Qur'an 55:15)

2. Free Will and Accountability

  • Free Will: Like humans, Jinn possess free will and can choose between good and evil.
  • Accountability: They are accountable for their actions and will be judged on the Day of Judgment.
  • Reference: "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Qur'an 51:56)

3. Invisibility and Supernatural Abilities

  • Invisibility: Jinn are generally invisible to humans.
  • Abilities: They possess supernatural abilities such as changing shape, moving swiftly, and exerting influence over humans.
  • Reference: "Indeed, he [Satan] sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them." (Qur'an 7:27)

4. Living in Parallel World

  • Parallel Existence: Jinn live in a world parallel to humans. They have their own societies, cultures, and ways of life.
  • Reference: "O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority [from Allah]." (Qur'an 55:33)

5. Interaction with Humans

  • Interaction: Jinn can interact with humans in various ways, sometimes possessing them or influencing their actions.
  • Reference: The story of King Solomon (Sulaiman) in the Qur'an mentions his control over the Jinn and their ability to perform tasks for him. "And there were gathered before Solomon his hosts of jinn and men and birds, and they were [marching] in rows." (Qur'an 27:17)

6. Good and Evil Jinn

  • Variety: There are both good (believing) and evil (disbelieving) Jinn. The good Jinn follow the path of righteousness, while the evil ones, often referred to as devils or demons (Shayatin), lead humans astray.
  • Reference: "And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah], and among us are the unjust. And whoever has become Muslim - those have sought out the right course." (Qur'an 72:14)

7. Immortal Until Appointed Time

  • Lifespan: Jinn live much longer than humans but are not immortal. They will die and be judged like humans.
  • Reference: "He will say, 'Enter among nations which had passed on before you of jinn and mankind into the Fire.' Every time a nation enters, it will curse its sister until, when they have all overtaken one another therein, the last of them will say about the first of them, 'Our Lord, these had misled us, so give them a double punishment of the Fire.' He will say, 'For each is double, but you do not know.'" (Qur'an 7:38)

8. Spiritual Beings

  • Existence in Both Worlds: Jinn can be present in both the physical and metaphysical realms.
  • Reference: The Qur'an narrates the presence of Jinn listening to the recitation of the Qur'an and being amazed by it, suggesting their awareness and interest in human spiritual activities. "Say, [O Muhammad], 'It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened and said, "Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur'an."'" (Qur'an 72:1)


Jinn, according to the Qur'an, are beings created from smokeless fire, endowed with free will, living in a parallel world, and possessing various supernatural abilities. They are invisible to humans, accountable for their actions, and can be either good or evil. They interact with humans in different ways and have their own societies and cultures. Their existence highlights the Qur'anic theme of a universe filled with diverse creations, all subject to the will of Allah.

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Posted (edited)


God warns us

God placed in the common sense of man not to eat an animal that eats its waste

God is the one who guides man and opens the doors of knowledge and science for him so that he can achieve the benefits he reaps from research and avoid harm.

God is not wrong, but He leaves it to man to use his mind and senses in research and conclusions

There are two groups of people

People who passed the test of God

And people are losers who failed to test God, such as those who claim atheism


it's just staggering. Islam prohibited us from eating pork so many hundreds of years ago and only now is science/man catching up and showing it's harmful for us.
same with halal slaugher and blood retention etc.]


What happens if we put Coke with pork?





 someone told me

By the way, just observation also, everytime my wife eat pork, cya faint and appear in his body that we do not know why. the wives avoiding eating pork.

There are so many animals / creatures that aren't moving fit for human consumption (and by the way it is God who pronounced it "unclean"

the reason it's considered to be an "unclean food" is because pigs have NO SWEAT GLANDS
which is how all the bodily TOXINS are released
hence with pork it all stays in the meat for the duration of their lives and it has accumulated all the while therein from birth

Enjoy the parasites, herpes, cancer, flu, near vision, gay-butt-sex, atheism and AIDS that all come from eating pork, pal!
You were warned..


the long term effect of a poor diet is bad health and high blood pressure, correct?
Try actually following the CDC (Center for Disease Control) stats long term.

What is happening as people keep to their unhealthy diets over the course of years and decades, something sensible, lifelong daily religious practice should theoretically correct?


I was visiting a brother who is Muslim. we spent the day starting with him praying, then we went to a Muslim bakery, and had breakfast. I bought some deserts and some pies. From there we went to a Muslim market. He bought some ground lamb, and some beef and we had a barbeque in his back yard. We ate like kings... and the lamb burgers were excellent. It was my first time trying one. It was better than any beef burger I have ever had.


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Asking Japanese Muslims Why They Converted To Islam

Atheism: An Irrational Worldview? Pt 1 || Subboor & Rob

 Atheism: An Irrational Worldview? Pt 2 || Subboor & Rob

Edited by PaulS
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I cooked some lamb chops last night on the barbeque, they were excellent. The salad was grown in our backyard. Not sure where the potatoes are from.



I will enjoy the bacon this morning.

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28 minutes ago, toty said:

God warns us

No it does not.

28 minutes ago, toty said:

God placed in the common sense of man not to eat an animal that eats its waste

No it did not.

29 minutes ago, toty said:

God is the one who guides man and opens the doors of knowledge and science ...

No it did not ... and you seem to a prime example where this is not happening.

30 minutes ago, toty said:

God is not wrong

Oh yes it is.

I could go on ...

33 minutes ago, toty said:

the reason it's considered to be an "unclean food" is because pigs have NO SWEAT GLANDS

"Pigs have sweat glands, but they are not very effective. Unlike humans, pigs do not rely on sweating to regulate their body temperature. Instead, pigs have eccrine sweat glands primarily on their snouts, which are minimal in number and do not play a significant role in thermoregulation."

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10 hours ago, romansh said:

I cooked some lamb chops last night on the barbeque, they were excellent. The salad was grown in our backyard. Not sure where the potatoes are from.

I will enjoy the bacon this morning.

Indeed, lamb choppies are one of my favourites.  And just quietly, I think we do them better in Australia than anywhere else in the world! :)

And bacon happens to be a fairly staple ingredient for my breakfast, usually eating it 2 or 3 mornings per week.

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Interestingly Canadian beef has been quite expensive in the last year or so. So there has been an influx of Australian beef. Go figure.

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11 hours ago, toty said:

God placed in the common sense of man not to eat an animal that eats its waste

Dogs eat their own excrement deliberately, yet Allah never saw fit to mention this.  The dog meat trade is most widespread in China, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Nagaland in northern India.

Rabbits also east their own waste, as do guinea pigs - two animals regularly consumed by humans - admittedly guinea pigs less so, but they're big in Peru & Ecuador.  We even have have a guinea pig meat farm in Australia! 

11 hours ago, toty said:

it's just staggering. Islam prohibited us from eating pork so many hundreds of years ago and only now is science/man catching up and showing it's harmful for us.
same with halal slaugher and blood retention etc.]

And about 1000 years before Islam, ancient Israelites prohibited the eating of shellfish, undoubtedly because of how it was stored and prepared back in those days, whereas modernity sees us happily and healthy consuming mollusks and crustaceans these days!  It's not about science 'catching up' it's about understanding why ancient people taught this lesson back in their day of poor hygiene, food storage and preparation.

11 hours ago, toty said:

What happens if we put Coke with pork?

More importantly, what happens if you put coke with Mentos! Did Allah ban Mentos?

11 hours ago, toty said:

Enjoy the parasites, herpes, cancer, flu, near vision, gay-butt-sex, atheism and AIDS that all come from eating pork, pal!
You were warned..

People have been eating pork for thousands of years.  There's a reason why it is the highest consumed meat IN THE WORLD, yet all the health fears you raise have not been realized in a modern world.  It's because the concerns are outdated and addressed in modernity.

11 hours ago, toty said:

I was visiting a brother who is Muslim. we spent the day starting with him praying, then we went to a Muslim bakery, and had breakfast. I bought some deserts and some pies. From there we went to a Muslim market. He bought some ground lamb, and some beef and we had a barbeque in his back yard. We ate like kings... and the lamb burgers were excellent. It was my first time trying one. It was better than any beef burger I have ever had.

I love a good feed of lamb too!  But don't think you're home free eating lamb:

"Though some people think lamb meat is healthy, it comes with its own risks. High consumption of red meat like lamb increases the risk of serious and chronic illnesses, including stroke, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart disease, and diabetes."

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5 minutes ago, romansh said:

Interestingly Canadian beef has been quite expensive in the last year or so. So there has been an influx of Australian beef. Go figure.

It's probably just a quality thing - Aussies beef is much better! :)

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4 minutes ago, PaulS said:

It's probably just a quality thing - Aussies beef is much better! :)

This toty thread thing must be catching.

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Posted (edited)

Despite everything, God forbade pig in the Abrahamic religions

For all the harms mentioned above, modern science has not been able to eliminate these harms like ancient times

All the pig lovers talk is nonsense

God placed in the common sense of man not to eat an animal that eats its waste

But people deviated from common sense and ate carrion, dogs, pigs, and other things
The person is the one who harms himself

Shellfish and crustaceans are not forbidden, but the Jews distorted the Torah

Praise be to God for the blessing of following God’s word

From Preaching Against Islam to Becoming a Muslim!  youtube

How Sigmund Freud Led me to Islam | Revert Story of Abdul Malik | youtube

Edited by PaulS
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