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Introducing Myself

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As you can see, I am Tom. I am a semi-retired pastor. I recently severed from my denominational ties after a lifetime of friendships. My entire life is profiled on LinkedIn. You are welcome to the details, but I would not want to bore you with them. Feel free to look me up at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomsims/ or connect with me at https://linktr.ee/tomsims.  These days, I write, coach, mentor, teach, and still preach online to my Facebook/YouTube/Blog congregation. I have been considering the need for affiliation for this expression of church among like-minded people. Your fellowship looks promising. I am beginning to discover what Fowler meant by universalizing faith without making any claims on having arrived there.

Here's my picture for what it is worth.

It is good to meet you.

Tom Sims

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Welcome Tom.  We are a fairly meagre group when it comes to ongoing commentary, but there is also a LOT of information here in the archives from previous threads.

Hope you enjoy participating here.

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Welcome Tom,

An all too familiar story. Also had to sever ties as fundamental churches no longer invited me to teach or preach more than just their doctrine.

Keep up the good work.

Peace, Joseph



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