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 Scientists converted to Islam because the Qur'an provided solutions to their research

 SHOCKED THE WORLD!! 2 doctors convert to Islam after treating patients

 SHOCKING!! Scientists converted to Islam after researching prostration

 Why did these 5 Scientists Finally Accept Islam

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13 hours ago, romansh said:

The Qur'an being accurate is just a theory

It is astounding that anybody today, let alone somebody who presents themselves as a Doctor, cannot understand the term 'theory' when it comes to science. Being a qualified Doctor and surely familiar with science such as germ theory, cell theory, and even the theory of General Relativity, I can only think that he is deliberately misleading his audience for an ulterior purposes.  What do you think causes this dishonesty & deceit on the good doctor's part? 

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14 hours ago, PaulS said:

What do you think causes this dishonesty & deceit on the good doctor's part? 

I don't think that it is dishonesty or even foolishness. It is more a case of his neural pathways have been set in a particular way and the neural pattern is difficult to change. Think back to your evangelical days, how easy was it to have a new pattern of thought set in? It is as though there was a loose thread and you tugged on it and the belief system unravelled?

For me, it was when I lost my belief in free will. Gus Lott kept questioning me about it. I realized I could not defend the concept any longer. That was some seventeen years ago. For three weeks I went into a funk. Since then I have been trying to sort out the implications of no free will.

Simply, the good doctor has not pulled on that thread. It can be scary.

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5 hours ago, romansh said:

I don't think that it is dishonesty or even foolishness. It is more a case of his neural pathways have been set in a particular way and the neural pattern is difficult to change. Think back to your evangelical days, how easy was it to have a new pattern of thought set in? It is as though there was a loose thread and you tugged on it and the belief system unravelled?

For me, it was when I lost my belief in free will. Gus Lott kept questioning me about it. I realized I could not defend the concept any longer. That was some seventeen years ago. For three weeks I went into a funk. Since then I have been trying to sort out the implications of no free will.

Simply, the good doctor has not pulled on that thread. It can be scary.

So I digress a little bit, but without free will, where does that leave the rest of us in preventing dangerous religiously-minded individuals from committing acts of terror?  How do we stop extremist Muslims from blowing themselves and others up or flying planes into buildings, extreme Christians from reacting violently to authority (e.g. Waco texas), or extremist Hindus from burning Christians alive.

It seems these extremists put their religious belief before all else - how does one help change that paradigm?

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