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 Scientists converted to Islam because the Qur'an provided solutions to their research

 SHOCKED THE WORLD!! 2 doctors convert to Islam after treating patients

 SHOCKING!! Scientists converted to Islam after researching prostration

 Why did these 5 Scientists Finally Accept Islam

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13 hours ago, romansh said:

The Qur'an being accurate is just a theory

It is astounding that anybody today, let alone somebody who presents themselves as a Doctor, cannot understand the term 'theory' when it comes to science. Being a qualified Doctor and surely familiar with science such as germ theory, cell theory, and even the theory of General Relativity, I can only think that he is deliberately misleading his audience for an ulterior purposes.  What do you think causes this dishonesty & deceit on the good doctor's part? 

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14 hours ago, PaulS said:

What do you think causes this dishonesty & deceit on the good doctor's part? 

I don't think that it is dishonesty or even foolishness. It is more a case of his neural pathways have been set in a particular way and the neural pattern is difficult to change. Think back to your evangelical days, how easy was it to have a new pattern of thought set in? It is as though there was a loose thread and you tugged on it and the belief system unravelled?

For me, it was when I lost my belief in free will. Gus Lott kept questioning me about it. I realized I could not defend the concept any longer. That was some seventeen years ago. For three weeks I went into a funk. Since then I have been trying to sort out the implications of no free will.

Simply, the good doctor has not pulled on that thread. It can be scary.

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5 hours ago, romansh said:

I don't think that it is dishonesty or even foolishness. It is more a case of his neural pathways have been set in a particular way and the neural pattern is difficult to change. Think back to your evangelical days, how easy was it to have a new pattern of thought set in? It is as though there was a loose thread and you tugged on it and the belief system unravelled?

For me, it was when I lost my belief in free will. Gus Lott kept questioning me about it. I realized I could not defend the concept any longer. That was some seventeen years ago. For three weeks I went into a funk. Since then I have been trying to sort out the implications of no free will.

Simply, the good doctor has not pulled on that thread. It can be scary.

So I digress a little bit, but without free will, where does that leave the rest of us in preventing dangerous religiously-minded individuals from committing acts of terror?  How do we stop extremist Muslims from blowing themselves and others up or flying planes into buildings, extreme Christians from reacting violently to authority (e.g. Waco texas), or extremist Hindus from burning Christians alive.

It seems these extremists put their religious belief before all else - how does one help change that paradigm?

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Posted (edited)

How you Can Refute Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution of Human Being, Dr. Zakir Naik Q&A



I really like his lectures


Atheism: An Irrational Worldview? Pt 1 || Subboor & Rob



 Atheism: An Irrational Worldview? Pt 2 || Subboor & Rob


Islam, Evolution, and Darwinism with Subboor Ahmad



Edited by PaulS
User is restricted to posting one video per post, to encourage discussion about subject matter and not just spamming thread with videos.
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On 7/1/2024 at 4:49 AM, toty said:

How you Can Refute Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution of Human Being, Dr. Zakir Naik Q&A

Here is a response for Naik's misleading "missing link" answer

Charles Darwin acknowledged the existence of gaps in the fossil record and the incomplete understanding of the mechanisms of evolution in his time. This acknowledgment was often interpreted as the concept of "missing links" in the evolutionary theory. Here is the context and some specific points Darwin made regarding these issues:

Context of Darwin's Acknowledgment

  1. Incomplete Fossil Record:

    • Darwin was aware that the fossil record available during his time was far from complete. He recognized that many transitional forms between species were not yet discovered, which he referred to as "missing links."
    • Reference: In "On the Origin of Species," Darwin wrote: "The geological record is extremely imperfect and this fact will to a large extent explain why we do not find interminable varieties, connecting together all the extinct and existing forms of life by the finest graduated steps."
  2. Transitional Forms:

    • Darwin discussed the absence of intermediate forms in the fossil record, which he expected to exist if his theory of gradual evolution was correct. He attributed this to the rarity of fossilization and the vast spans of time involved.
    • Reference: He stated, "Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? ... Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?"
  3. Nature of the Fossil Record:

    • Darwin acknowledged that many species might not leave any fossil evidence due to the conditions required for fossilization being rarely met.
    • Reference: He pointed out, "But I must here remark that the circumstances, under which each species has been exposed to competition and to the consequent struggle for life, probably differ considerably in different countries."

Darwin's Approach to These Issues

  • Explanations and Predictions:

    • Darwin explained the gaps in the fossil record by emphasizing the imperfect nature of geological records and predicting that future discoveries would fill in many of these gaps.
    • He anticipated that more transitional fossils would be discovered over time, providing stronger evidence for his theory of evolution.
  • Scientific Honesty:

    • Darwin's willingness to discuss the limitations and gaps in the evidence for his theory showcased his scientific integrity. He did not claim to have all the answers but provided a framework for understanding evolution that could be tested and expanded upon by future research.

Post-Darwin Developments

Since Darwin's time, numerous transitional fossils have been discovered, supporting his theory of evolution and filling many of the gaps he noted. Examples include:

  • Archaeopteryx: A transitional form between non-avian dinosaurs and birds.
  • Tiktaalik: A transitional form between fish and early tetrapods.
  • Australopithecus: A genus that includes species that are transitional between modern humans and earlier primates.


Charles Darwin did acknowledge gaps in the fossil record and the incomplete understanding of evolution, which were often referred to as "missing links." He attributed these gaps to the imperfection of the geological record and the rarity of fossilization. His honest acknowledgment of these limitations highlighted the predictive power of his theory, as many of these gaps have since been addressed by subsequent discoveries in paleontology and evolutionary biology.

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Dr. Zakir explains this to those who adhere to atheism despite the fall of Darwin's theory



Islam, Evolution, and Darwinism with Subboor Ahmad



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1 hour ago, toty said:

Dr. Zakir explains this to those who adhere to atheism despite the fall of Darwin's theory

As explained before Naik is wrong.

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8 hours ago, toty said:

Dr. Zakir explains this to those who adhere to atheism despite the fall of Darwin's theory

Ignoring the science and claiming the Theory of Evolution has fallen, is just plain old WRONG.  It is disingenuous, I would say even ignorant, to make such a claim.  Ignore the science all you want - it won't help you.

But you certainly have one thing in common with fundamental Christians - you both fear science as displacing your religious beliefs.  

To that I would say - Don't be afraid.  Embrace the curiosity and try to open your mind to the possibility that people who wrote ancient books some 1400-2500 years ago, simply did not understand the earth like we do today.  It's not their fault - it's the times and context in which they lived.

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1 hour ago, toty said:

How you Can Refute Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution of Human Being, Dr. Zakir Naik Q&A

You have already posted this and it has been answered. You completely ignored the answer! As you do for most posts.


1 hour ago, toty said:

Islam, Evolution, and Darwinism with Subboor Ahmad

I had a brief look at it when you posted this the first time. If you like we can through it together and discuss the various video chapters one by one. 

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