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Not sure I have a place in any denomination

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I have weird beliefs after a painful deconstruction and I am not sure I fit anywhere. 

I think many key OT stories are mythological. 

I don’t believe in hell and I am open to heaven or even reincarnation.     

I think revelations is just a story and not prophecy.  

I don’t think we needed a savior but I think Jesus came to show us what God is really like.

I am not sure Jesus was God.

Any idea where someone like me might fit?  I call myself a Christian.  



Edited by Buckeyeinwv
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20 hours ago, Buckeyeinwv said:

Any idea where someone like me might fit?  I call myself a Christian.  

Some would argue, wherever you are is exactly where you should be. If by 'fit in' you mean someone to affirm your position ... I am the wrong person for that ;) I'd be happy to question your beliefs though.



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  • 1 month later...

That same feeling is what led me to be part of a non-denominational church despite the fact that I don't share all of their beliefs (ex. eternal conscious torment).  I figure at age 65 if I haven't found a niche by now, I probably never will...

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On 4/28/2024 at 11:27 PM, beaconmike said:

 I figure at age 65 if I haven't found a niche by now, I probably never will...

Probably not......😀 But then, what would it be a sign of if each and every church member echoed exactly the same beliefs, the same affirmations? 


True life is surely more to be found in acceptance of others irrespective of their beliefs? 


As Thomas Merton has said, Christ is to be found, not only in our own hearts/beliefs, but in the voice of the stranger. 

However strange it may be. 


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On 4/28/2024 at 3:27 PM, beaconmike said:

I figure at age 65 if I haven't found a niche by now

Your niche is exactly where you are now. You have found it but have not realized it yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/9/2024 at 10:07 AM, Buckeyeinwv said:

I have weird beliefs after a painful deconstruction and I am not sure I fit anywhere. 

I think many key OT stories are mythological. 

I don’t believe in hell and I am open to heaven or even reincarnation.     

I think revelations is just a story and not prophecy.  

I don’t think we needed a savior but I think Jesus came to show us what God is really like.

I am not sure Jesus was God.

Any idea where someone like me might fit?  I call myself a Christian.  



Hi Buckeye,

Not sure if you're still reading here (sorry, I've been away awhile).  It can feel difficult to 'fit in' with Christianity once having deconstructed the dogma most Christians have been taught. Certainly Progressive Christianity, whilst not a denomination in its own sense, is a train of thought around Christianity that I see you enveloping.  Perhaps try and find such a 'progressive' church in your area (see our mother page https://progressivechristianity.org/ ) for some resources and a network of like-minded churches.



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