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Everything posted by romansh

  1. Merry Christmas to one and all ….
  2. The concept of sin exists … it might come in different guises from enjoying a delightful cheese cake to, lets say, genocide in the millions. Not everyone may exhibit this concept, but most seem to, in some shape or form. We might put it on some relative scale or in terms of some absolute. That as far as I am concerned is a part of reality; no ifs and buts. Similarly the concept of red exists, some colour blind people might not have this concept, but the concept exists. We are conflating the concept of sin which clearly exists with actual sin. Colour in a sense does not exist. My perception of the kitchen chair is that it is red. That does not mean it is red, not even if seven billion trichromats describe it as red. Similarly with sin. If we want a more accurate description of 'reality' … there is only one reality, but many descriptions, we need to some heavy lifting. Our perceptions are not reality, but they are reflections of that reality; and those reflections may contain aberrations.
  3. Some people refer to these as acts of God Some people see God in everything and play hopeless word games saying God is love and by logical extension tornadoes, fires etc are God too. Speaking as someone who has lost their son to debilitating epilepsy, I have thought about it. Of course the people that do believe in acts of God, natural evil (what is an unnatural evil?) or plain old evil, loving gods, sin etc cannot help themselves. But that is OK; it cannot be otherwise in the moment.
  4. I must admit I don't buy into this post modernist relativism subjectivism business. We don't think ,say, the influenza outbreak of 1918/19 as evil. Today we see it as undesirable but in relatively neutral terms. We don't ascribe a malignant intent to this flu. Yet with people we seem not be able to do otherwise than ascribe a malignancy to phenomena like Hitler. The virus could not do otherwise, yet we seem to believe Hitler whose constituents and the behaviour of his constituents/substrate are more less identical could do otherwise. So I think it is plain nonsense to think of one arrangement of molecules as sinful and another as not, even on a subjective basis. This concept of sin/good/evil should be dumped.
  5. I am reminded of Dante's quote when dealing with thormas's discussion …. 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'
  6. The interesting thing Paul, is that thormas suggests he can do otherwise … but we keep seeing the same ol' patterns behavior from thormas.
  7. No … do you want to play or should I go home?
  8. Yes he did say that … but what exactly is heat?
  9. What I think Joseph is trying to say is that good and evil don't actually exist, beyond that of a concept. It is the conceptual good and evil we think of as being on a continuum or as opposites.
  10. The problem with your logic lies here. Hitler is no different to say AIDS, the Influenza outbreak of 1918, some dirty big meteorite wiping out much of the life on Earth. Each have shaped who we are today. Some things we think could not have done otherwise. Other things we think, erroneously, could have done otherwise.
  11. Your assertions to which I replied. Sin is a recognizable term … as are most terms? Ah an apple that has gone bad, has gone sinful … really? Bad and sin are synonymous. I was questioning whether sin exists, not whether the concept of sin exists. So it is on topic. I never said that. In fact if I break my word the aggrieves party has many paths they can remedy the issue, should they choose to do so. The real explanation lies in the free will topic which you have deemed off topic. I did not say that. I said my responses are a result of conditioning. What are the sources of your responses? If you lived in 0 CE Greece, your responses would be quite different, I suspect. At that time women and children were considered chattel. Yes … I am even nice to you because of my conditioning. I am not a self made man, thereby relieving god of an almighty responsibility. This is a complete non sequitur thormas. For an example, I know of two people who knew they were depressed, yet they killed themselves anyway. This could be discussed on the free will thread. What? In what way am I acting? The fact I can separate an intuitive/conditioned response from a philosophical viewpoint … shows I do "choose". Well you have them now … perhaps you can provide list of books that you read that are not about ultimately apocryphal texts
  12. Depends on whether you believe in free will. Yes … Christians do enjoy their revenge. To be fair others do too. Once one understands that "forgiveness" is just a stepping stone to understanding that there is nothing to forgive anyway. I don't want to harm/hurt my wife. Not even risk it. Its not a case of some universal dictum that something is wrong. In the great scheme of things the universe is just fine. There are bits of it I have been conditioned to dislike. For example a 28 year-old having sex with a 14 year-old. My conditioning gives various responses to female on male, male on female, male on male and female on female. Also I am aware that my conditioned response would vary with the culture and time that I find myself in. No I have not read any ancient books … I have read Ehrman and Weyler on the subject. Read a good deal of Campbell. Started Plato's Republic, but could not get into it. Routinely read the New Scientists and if you actually care about my reading habits … here is a summary of most of the books I have read over the last ten years. Quite possibly … Giving opinions of experts does not tell me about your opinions.
  13. I am currently reading Sapiens by Harari … excellent book As far as I can tell you did not answer my question(s) but different ones. Should try question marks. ;+) But if you want to know what I think about sin … I think it is a crock as concepts go. It does not exist beyond some people's imaginations. Breaking contracts … that is what we have civil courts for. Breaking our word … it happens. Could not be otherwise. Sex outside of marriage … fine, not a problem. Committing adultery … has a potential to hurt people that care about you, I personally would avoid that sort of thing. Would I divvy things up into right and wrong … in the sense of good and bad … certainly not. And the good thing is I don't need expert interpretations of what are ultimately apocryphal texts.
  14. I really do sympathize with Paul's discussions with you. I have made my determinations, I was wondering what yours were. Not those of some nebulous third party.
  15. So … breaking a contract intentionally is a sin in your book? Is sex outside of marriage a sin? Say casual sex for enjoyment? Or casual sex with another when one is married in an open marriage?
  16. indeed and this is recognized yea these many years later, So is fornication outside of marriage a sin according to our assembled experts, and is it Human?
  17. And what do your experts say on whether sin exists, beyond a concept that is?
  18. Well this seems closer to the truth. Using ancient texts to confirm our biases/opinions when the texts confirm our biases. I suppose alternatively we can semantically twist the meaning of the texts to conform to our biases/opinions.
  19. For me, seeking contentment, happiness etc is not the way. Noticing when you have them is enough. Yeah … I remember taking our son to BC Children's Hospital. Seeing the cancer ward for children was educational. Seeing other kids with epilepsy was instructional too.
  20. Fair enough … but if I were to take a away love your enemies and hate your family (ignoring fleet footed apologetics for the moment) as my wisdom from the NT, then it would be wise of me to review this as to whether it makes sense. And here I don't mean looking for the context as I is suspect it might be the end point driving the method. While I agree this is not on topic, I do find it interesting. We have had a similar discussion before, where error checking has not been a priority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus#Non-Christian_sources If you have any other sources please feel free to update wiki. Well we can look at history, and see if particular wisdom strategies have worked. I know it is tough to double blind replicates, but experiments might we worth a go, especially in low stakes environments. I think computer simulations will be increasingly instructive. The problem is the universe is fundamentally chaotic. So having a set of wisdom (traditions) while no doubt useful, won't work in every situation.
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