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Reap Your Thoughts


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The thoughts that we sow make our choice as to the character and nature of our product whether that product is our personality, our mental life or our spiritual life. When a person wants tomatoes, he plants tomato seeds; if a person wants corn, he plants corn seeds. If you want the best product you select the best quality seeds for the job, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay special attention while they are growing. If you tend your garden, water and pull the weeds you won’t have any doubts to the outcome. You know where you planted the tomatoes so that is where you will harvest them. Jesus said, “You reap what you sow.” In exactly the same way we sow, grow and reap the results of our thoughts. If you have thoughts of poverty, you will not reap richness; if you have thoughts of disease, you will not have health; and if you are angry, you will not have thoughts of peace. We sow our thoughts in the mind, they sprout and the law of growth brings them into the physical world where they manifest.


Are you saying something like: "bad things don't happen to people who maintain good thoughts?" :unsure:


If so, then what about young kids with cancer? How about the many children that suffer from sexual abuse? How many kids are living in poverty throughout the world? :( Did they do something to bring about these horrors? That line of thinking seems overly simplistic to me. I wish what you are saying could be true, but my experience tells me otherwise.


What about all the animals that experience tremendous pain and suffering?


As a Gnostic, I attribute these obvious examples of suffering to outside forces (we often call them Archons) not the individual victims. Most of us believe in original flaw. The universe was created in a flawed manner. Our world is filled with pain, suffering, injustice, cruelty..........


Bad things happen whether we have good thoughts or bad thoughts. The world around us is a random access, equal opportunity danger zone for our minds, body, and spirit. However, whatever bad things happen to us, we are able, through force of will to transcend these happenings at least in spirit, at least that has been my experience. Where the spirit goes, the rest of ourselves is bound to follow. I've seen it happen too many times for it not to be true.


I would say that on a spectrum of Christian belief I am on the boundary. I balance some traditional beliefs against more mystical possibilities that appear in Gnostic writings and tradition. If the truth be known, Christian belief in its original forms were much like this probably, or at least I'd like to believe so.The ambiguity of the early days of Christianity seem to point us in this sort of direction IMHO.


flow.... :rolleyes:


I agree with flow and Gnosteric.


I use metaphors as much as anyone. I like the power of symbolism. It's like one picture being worth a thousand words. It's even like the difference between real data and all its complications and some simplistic theory. The fruit of any idea is in how it works in reality.


Now I understand the discipline of a tomato garden, but is a person's mind really best described by that? Both atheists and fundamentalists have rigid minds, refusing to adjust to any input that there is a God or that God is different than one's father thought. I think we need surprises, and I think we need to let our mind take us a variety of places, including places I didn't want to go at first.


All sorts of people judge joy, contentment, and peace to be positive emotions, with fear, sadness, and anger being negative. Who decided this? Fear can become prudence. Anger can become determination. I'm not sure what the corresponding word is for sadness, empathy maybe? I suppose there's a peace that comes by avoiding anger at all costs. I think it's a sterile peace. Whatever the best way to live is, I don't think it's to be found in the Law of Attraction. I think it's to be found in living and learning, as they say in 12 step programs, by being honest, open, and willing. If there is no God to help us with that, what difference does it make anyway? It's pretty obvious we're not getting far on our own, no matter which way we go.


Jesus, Martin Luther King, Ghandi and other great personalities suffered. They didn't buckle under the load, but looked at their obstacles as opportunities as someone posted. I think we get what we can handle and just what is needed to grow and evolve. I have met some very inspiroring people who were handicap. I never thought they were bad in any way. These men/women are positive examples in life, words and deeds. E=Mc2, energy is conserved it just changes form. For every action there is an equal reaction, our thoughts are actions. I don't try to figure out why someone is this or that, I watch my thoughts and their reactions and I have watched positive follow positive thoughts and negative follow negative, but in algebra two negatives do equal a positive.??????


Okay, I'll buy the idea as far as our thoughts being able to shape how we experience something that happens to us. If I approach a job as a miserable chore, it will be. If I look on it as a service to God or neighbor, it becomes lighter.


As for the rest, I think you're applying the laws of physics where they don't necessarily belong. Besides, it sounds a little too much like the "name it, claim it" or "prosperity gospel". You know, if you give money (to someone) God will reward you with prosperity and if you withhold, God will withhold His blessing. Plenty of that out there. It can also all too often develop into "blaming the victim". "Of course you're poor, you have a bad thought pattern!"


Or am I misunderstanding your ideas?


You have good points and I think we have to be aware of those pit falls, I think physics can be applied as they are trying to explain the phenomena in the physical realm which has its cause in the the Spiritual. My mind acting in the physical needs these explanations to get inspirored to try to reach beyond the physical to a spiritual experience. I have been without money, with no-thing but I never thought myself as poor, I was happy in my situation.


A belief in the unity of all things has provided my mind directed to this one God with positive thoughts. I have found that negative thoughts divide my energy, dispersing it at trivial matters. Positive thoughts have given me meaning and power because my mind can rest and recharge the batteries of my physical and mental processes so it I can better pursue life with renewed energy and clearer thought. My mind functions better with thoughts that there is only one, living and omnipresent God that means that the negative is out there to teach and instruct so it is not evil , but positive because it is not afraid. Hey, two negatives making a positive. To understand and have honest relationships my minds need to be in a state of relaxation and to be able to access the deepest spiritual experience because then my mind can understand and accept things. Iit then believes God created everything in unity with all things. These positive thoughts with sufficient evidence renews my mind and increases it’s capacity to grow in the conceptual knowledge of God.


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