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Progressive Christianity Hotlines?

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Hello. My name is Lauren and I am a 22 year old graduate student based in Orange County, CA. About 4 years ago I completely lost my faith. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and previously struggled with an eating disorder for 5 years. I’m desperate to be happy again. I’ve tried everything else (therapy, medication, a support system, distracting and healthy activities) but I can’t stop yearning death. 

Does anyone know any progressive Christian hotlines that I could call for religious advice?

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Hi Lauren,

I'm sorry but I don't know of any specific PC advice hotlines.  There are possibly some PC congregations in your area, but other than that I only know of online resources, such as the TCPC site attached to this forum (here: https://progressivechristianity.org/) and also the various discussion threads within here.

Many of us have battled with losing our faith in traditional Christianity and speaking from experience, I know it can be very, very hard.  Please, keep breathing, keep pushing through.  You will come out the other side eventually.

If you are contemplating suicide, please contact a secular suicide hotline.  They are an excellent, non-judgmental resources that can help you if you are in this position.

Whatever is going on Lauren, know that there are people who love and care for you, and people like me who hope you can find peace after losing your faith.  I lost mine too once upon a time, and have come out the other end happier than ever.  It can be done.  You will get there eventually.

Feel free to raise any questions or discussion points here also if you want to.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lauren

On 12/28/2021 at 12:51 AM, Lauren R. said:

About 4 years ago I completely lost my faith. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and previously struggled with an eating disorder for 5 years. I’m desperate to be happy again.

Might I suggest that it's a mental health issue rather than a religious one - I know what you mean, I come from a very  evangelical background. My sister couldn't cope with the mis-match between what our church taught and the reality of the world, and developed schizophrenia. There is life after this; happiness - or at least contentment, I'm not sure anyone can be really happy all the time, it's not in our natures - can be found again. Keep trying the therapists. All the best.

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