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When a person is unable to speak they search for any means necessary to convey the message required to communicate and nourish those in need of knowledge.


Jesus used parables to convey his message, much like the innocent convicted today as when their civil rights are denied by overbearing gaurdians of corruption, the truth is blocked or denied access to expose the lies to the light and the world remains in darkness, cold the sun shines yet there is no warmth, the practice of the dark arts to create more dark hearts, the light of love is diminshed.


I can not say what I want to say if I'm not allowed to say what needs to be said, other wise I would say clearly what I mean, but I am blocked from participating...


I'm glad that my post was read, I'm sorry that I can not comment on my post and answer the questions that are asked.


I really doubt that this post will be accepted, but here I am trying and crying because I'm once again denied or worse accused of something that isn't true...


I was told that I was treated properly, and I know that if anyone else was treated as I was they would not stand for all of the violations, not one injustice but many...


My Story, DavidK is so close to the truth and yet is still miles away, I was not convicted by the Church I was convicted of a lie not once but three times I was cursed at and it was my promise to GOD that I would not curse not in public and not at work, I have complete control over my tongue and it was profanity that I was convicted of that someone else spoke... Then I was lied about and the police put a gun to my head after giving me the clothing that I was to wear, four officers against me and they had to put a gun to my head and I didn't know why? I would later learn of the second lie...


Not an injustice and the church was at the heart of it all, see I was a Mennonite member and the first liar was also a Mennonite member we were brothers by denomination, then the second lie the Church and my mother the Crisis intervention worker an involuntary committal executed with the signature of my wife my ex spouse, the death of our marriage by the pastors and the hospital staff.


Nightmares... Memories...


Sickening Sadness without empathy...


Toxic relationships, cruelty...


Stonewall of information...


Complaints denied...


And yet I try...


One more time...


I'm going to file, I'm going to say that perjury and false reports are felonies and are against the law and people who commit such crimes should be held accountable for their actions...


Defiant Tresspass...


I've been violated and I'm the victim of a crime...


I care and you should too!


Why should you care? Because this could happen to you, people are dying for lies and we can stop the death and destruction if we can stop the lies...


Worshipping the lies allow leaders to make felons of their congregations...


I don't want sympathy, I want support for a good cause to expose the liars and the lies...


A nobel cause to bring forth peace and a new day...


What is the Evolution of Religion?

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Hi McKenna and October's Autumn


I don't about your situation but I do know a lot about Mennonite Communities and the one I witnessed first hand was very unhealthy so I'm not surprised (saddened, but not surprised) that your experience was bad. I'm sorry you've had to endure all that you have. I hope you find what you need.


Hi October's Autumn,

"I don't about your situation?" You don't care about my situation? Yet you hope that I find what I need? That does sound caring, my concern is not for myself as much as for other people that have also experienced similar things in their lives, this is an easy fix, this problem is so easy to fix all we need to do is demand that people become accountable for their jobs. This thread started as a reply to another thread that I started and I wasn't allowed to reply to that thread, for some reason I have limited access to this site, I'm glad that I can comment to this thread but it isn't yet published so we will see, I have a method to resolve this issue if the problem persists.


I care about what happened to me and my situation and others and I'm doing my best to bring the problem into focus, I have many ideas and a lot to do...


My ways will not cause the harm that I've experienced, my ways are peaceful... I'll explain all of this later if permitted, I'd like to make a few comments to answer questions in their rightful place.



I'm sorry for your pain, TGWB. :(


What can we do to help?


Hi McKenna thank you for offering to help, there isn't much to do to fix the problem it really is simple, what we need to do is to support each other in our efforts to do the right thing and identify the flaws and obstacles in our paths. There are many issues that need to be addressed, so building a network of support will be the key element as a leader you become very important in what you do, I want to empower other people to be leaders and change, the direction of our country for good, let me write that again... "I want to change the direction of our country for good!" The first time I'm changing the bad corruption to good and the second time I am making the final good change by creating a new day and new way of thinking a new idea a permanent change that we will never have to experience the over burdensome criminal blight that is effecting our ability to move forward as leaders.


#1. The first change that I would recommend is to remove the immunity that the Judges enjoy as absolute power corrupts absolutely and there are way too many Judges that are taking advantange of too many people. It is the first and most simple and effective change that we could demand...


#2. The second change involves our infrastructure, we have Billions to spend on upgrading our infrastructure, but we could make small and simple changes that would save us Billions and Trillions of dollars and the repairs would only cost pennies we could really get this nation moving in the right direction...


After those two I have many more, and if only I could reach the right people to express my ideas to be heard and to not be called foolish for trying to make our nation a nation to lead and be followed with a working free market and a socialized system that works both together hand in hand... I have some great ideas to turn the tide of corruption and to give bennefits to the poor. People working for free or next to nothing deserve a break...


I have a lot of good ideas that will get our nation working, we do not have to be the terrorists... We have many terrorists working in our government right now and it would be job #1 to fix the problems and starting with my #1 fix we will be well on our way to that new day... A bright future where fairness and justice prevails, where there are checks and balances and safeties built into the system to prevent innocent people from being convicted and having to endure a nightmarish existence as I've had to put up with.


I hope this posts...

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