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On 6/20/2024 at 3:19 PM, toty said:

ISIS are not Muslims


So nasty Muslims are not Muslims, but nasty Christians are all Christians!  Have I got that right? :) :) :)

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Posted (edited)

The church and its supporters are making an effort and spending money to distort the image of Islam, but they fail every year, and Islam, the religion of God, is victorious, and the number of converts to Islam increases.

The reader is not stupid and can distinguish between the church mercenaries who are paid to lie about Islam and the true Muslims.


The church is dying from the wonderful sight of Muslims  in the pilgrimage and mosques and thousands converting to Islam compared to their churches empty of people, some of which are now being sold

God says in the Qur’an

(32) They want to extinguish the light of Allāh with their mouths, but Allāh refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.


Watch... CNN presenter expresses her astonishment at the organization of Hajj rituals in Saudi Arabia

A former priest tells the touching story of his conversion to Islam while performing the Hajj rituals


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3 hours ago, toty said:

The church and its supporters are making an effort and spending money to distort the image of Islam, but they fail every year, and Islam, the religion of God, is victorious, and the number of converts to Islam increases.

What church and what money?  This is just a baseless claim.  As for the number of converts, you do realize this is primary geographic?  This is to say, Muslim countries with higher birthrates are contributing more Muslims to the base.  What statistical analysis do you utilize to make this claim?

3 hours ago, toty said:

The church is dying from the wonderful sight of Muslims  in the pilgrimage and mosques and thousands converting to Islam compared to their churches empty of people, some of which are now being sold.

Again, what Church are you referring to?  You may think that Christianity is a single entity, but like Islam, it is actually divided under many banners.  In fact you will find that Mormon Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world, although many Christians don't consider Mormons Christians, just like you don't consider certain Muslims to actually be Muslims, by your measure. Until of course you count them as Muslims to boost your argument that Islam is outgrowing Christianity.

3 hours ago, toty said:

God says in the Qur’an

(32) They want to extinguish the light of Allāh with their mouths, but Allāh refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.

Frankly, I couldn't really give two hoots about Allah and his light, so for me there is nothing to like or dislike really.


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10 hours ago, toty said:

The church and its supporters are making an effort and spending money to distort the image of Islam

The practitioners of Islam are doing it all by themselves. No need for any apocryphal church to spend any money. If you paid any attention to the real world, you will find that Christianity is bending over backwards to be inclusive of Muslim believers.

And more on topic:

And a bit about the Kaaba itself


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Posted (edited)

I mean all your churches and recruiting people like you to fight Islam and recruiting mentally ill non-Muslims on the Internet to distort the image of Islam.

Poor people

See what they teach them in church
 قصة امرأة أمريكية تعلمت الإسلام لكي تحاربه فأصبحت مسلمة



These are children of the West, and their non-Muslim families and neighbors are converting to Islam
every day

Childbearing is not the main reason for increasing the number of Muslims

20% of Arabs
And 80% of non-Arab countries in the world

I'm talking about
  Increase the number of non-Muslims converting to Islam from Western countries
There is a continuous increase in the number of those who convert to Islam from religions other

As for Europe, Islam is spreading rapidly that astonished Westerners, who worked hard to evangelize people by all means, until the institutions of their Christian faith around the world reached a quarter of a million missionary institutions, on which in 1991 AD approximately 181 billion dollars were spent, without the desired results bearing fruit, unlike Islam,  People just read a brochure, or hear a tape.
and they  will convert to Islam

Praise be to God for the tremendous transformations of Islam
one  the major reasons Islam is the fastest growing Religion all over the world due to consistency of the scientific prophecies in Qur'an discovered recently in modern science

Unstoppable Spread of Islam! - Here's why Millions Convert!

 The Unstoppable Rise of Islam In Canada - 2024

 The Unstoppable Rise of Islam In Japan - 2023

 The Unstoppable Growth of ISLAM in NIGERIA | The Fastest Growing Religion

05-12-2018 Dr. Zakir Naik: The Quran And Modern Science

Edited by PaulS
I have permitted the post but removed the 7 x spam videos. Please restrict your posts to engaging discussion and not just spamming the thread with videos. User has been granted significant leeway in the Love & Compassion thread in posting Youtube spam.
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