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Posts posted by JosephM

  1. Jake,


    I missed your presence. Yes, it is a most difficult time for most and at the same time a most natural event. It seems good to me that you were able to be with him. I also lost both my Mom and Step-Dad over the past 2 years. My Mom with Alzheimer's and Leukemia was a long time of both sorrow and growth for all in the family. My Step-Dad died more suddenly in my arms and I was also present at the moment of my mothers last breath. The experience can be very transformative for those left behind and I am looking forward to hearing your experiences through this trying time.


    Love in Christ,


  2. Hi Bill,


    It seems appropriate in this area as long as we are just expressing our view.


    I would ditto all your life affirming points. Mathew Chapter 7 found an approach for me.

    Some of the teachings you have listed as don't help such as "hate your father and mother" to me, is just a poor translation and is found only in Luke 14:26, (only 1 of 4 gospels) but seems not worth disputing because an argument on whether the Greek word was used to mean prefer less than rather than hate may be obvious to me from study but not to others. Most of the others you mentioned can be taken in a different context and a couple of the others you mention have not been revealed to me and could be in error.


    Personally, if they speak to me that is fine and if not, I am not offended and just let them pass. I don't see that for myself as cherry picking just because they speak or don't speak to me (I have no control over this) because some I have read and let pass and then 10 years later received the understanding. Kind of like judging nothing before its time. Are there errors? I believe so but it really doesn't matter to me because the teachings that did speak were only used as an approach that for me were successful for a more direct connection.


    Just my take on your questions on Point 1



  3. Hi everyone.


    On 14th October (my birthday) I will be launching my novel, THE LILITH CHARM, online in the format of a blog, for everyone to read at their leisure. The official address will be http://thelilithcharm.blogspot.com/. So at the moment I am madly polishing to have it ready every spare moment I have. On Sunday I went to a huge multi-faith celebration as the state I am in is celebrating 150 years of existence! Was covering it for Focus, an Anglican newspaper I write for. Not sure if I can attach it here but could paste I guess. Joseph, how should I go about it? Finally I am anxiously waiting to see if my PhD application is accepted and I will be starting that next year! And that is me caught up!



    Hi Adi,


    Any short articles you write that you feel would be of interest to progressives could be pasted under the General Resources section as long as you have copyright authority. Anything really long that may be of interest and related to the TCPC community can have a short description and a link placed in the Link section. Books that are progressive in nature that can be read on line can be linked there with a short description also or submitted for interest in reviewing and commenting in the Book Discussion area much as you see in that section now.


    Hope that answers your question, if not feel free to PM me .


    JosephM ( as TCPC Moderator/Admin)

  4. Bright and sunny day in Kentucky with cool temperature of 63 to warm up to the low 70's. Very cool for this time of year. Spending the day 'piddling' around the house, relaxing, some reading and checking in on board a few times for the day. Took a motorcycle ride with the wife and another couple for a cod fish dinner to Cracker Barrel yesterday evening. Weather was refreshing and the fish was outstanding. Hoping your day is filled with love.



  5. I will agree with you Dutch, And when he shall appear, you shall be like him.


    Wife fixing a pork loin smothered in dill weed/seed and Rosemary with potatoes. Waiting on kids and grandchildren to share such a meal and perhaps my favorite pie... Lemon supreme. Officially of retirement age today. If your under 62 keep those SS wages coming in... :lol:


    Have a great day,


  6. What a coincidence, Tomorrow, I'll be 62. Seems just like yesterday I was a toddler. Life is good even if I don't make it to tomorrow. :lol:

    Today I did the grass and edging, some misc around the home and took my wife of 4o years out with some friends to dinner at Fridays. Next week I'll have to do better as it will be 41 years. I think I'll keep her. :lol:



  7. Just what is considered inappropriate or an uncompassionate Post on this site?


    It is of course, fine in your post to state your view as an opinion, position, interpretation, perspective, understanding, belief or reference a writing etc regardless if it differs from others. You can even say you agree with or disagree with another though that is not necessary as your point or post will probably speak for you. Having said that, additional comments inserted such as those below add nothing to the dialog except to provoke, demean, and separate us and make it 'personal' even if it is prefaced by "in my opinion" or IMO. Here are some examples that have been used here.

    If you believe otherwise you just haven't really studied enough.

    In my opinion, you don't know what you are talking about.

    I have a PH in theology and you are just plain wrong.

    Your statement has no validity in it.

    Interpreting it that way is stupid.

    Believing as you do shows a lack of intelligence.

    Your position IMO shows a laziness on your part.

    In my opinion you are not a Christian as you suppose.

    Your remarks show you have done very little study.

    Your view shows a lack of understanding.

    Your view is nonsense.

    You are wrong or your advice is not helpful to others.

    Your belief is foolish

    and .... Any direct inference that gets personal by implying non agreement with the view expressed makes one less than acceptable;

    The things these 'type' of statements all have in common is that they add nothing to the dialog in the way of explaining your view, trying to understand the other or edifying the other. Others can form their own opinions based on the differing post. These things do not need to be said. They appear to me as somewhat rude or at the least, uncompassionate remarks of a personal nature against the one with a differing view that can be offensive or demean another and provoke further exchange of remarks that do nothing to stimulate insightful thought or cause one to consider a different perspective. They seem to add little to community.

    If one takes pleasure in saying these things then perhaps there are more convenient sites than TCPC for that type of dialog. Compassionate is a word used frequently here. TCPC as an organization believes in principle behavior is the fullest expression of what we believe. (Point 5) The dictionary uses some other words that a have similar meaning to compassion being ... sympathetic, kindly, understanding, tender, charitable, benevolent, lenient, kind -hearted, tender-hearted, merciful and such other behavior. Therefor, it would seem good to me that when we write posts, we consider if we have written it in a compassionate way to others who might have a differing view than ours.

    Perhaps many of us (I included) at times may come short of this definition in our posts, which to me, is understandable. Yet it seems to me a good goal to work toward when discussing such things as religion, spirituality and the like which are sometimes difficult in that the subject matter often triggers such emotional responses. It seems to me good to have such a site which places such emphasis on compassion over what one deems 'correct belief'.

    JosephM (as Moderator/Admin/Site Owner)

  8. To All,


    I think it would be fair to say here, that TCPC supports the journey of all who come here, and at the same time, leaves the transformation process of ones journey in the hands of God, Absolute Reality, our source, All that Is, no Name or whatever name a member here would apply.


    Agreement or disagreement is never required of one. No one has to become like one of us to be acceptable. If someones post speaks to you, that is good. If not, that is also good. Perhaps you have something to add that will speak to others or that they can consider. Yet in all cases, behavior speaks louder than words. I repeat, we are not here to convert people, or require them to agree with a posted view regardless of any credentials one might have.


    Our mission is primarily one of outreach and support (full mission can be read here) Lets be supportive of others right to decide for themselves what they shall believe while demonstrating by our behavior and respect that love for one another is always a top priority. Views as long as they are respectful of others will never get you warnings, suspensions, or banned from this site as long as I am Administrator and have agreement by those who service I am under as a team member. On the other hand, insults, personal demeaning remarks, name calling, putting down others with differing views as somehow less intelligent, promoting private agendas, using this site primarily for advertising and in general being disrespectful of others will bring on these things. Everyone can make a mistake but, please try to recognize any you may make and apologize while it is yet day so I need not get involved.


    I realize other sites may be more tolerant of behavior than we are here. However, I am not trying to be other sites. Many here have written and indicated they are in support of our moderation and some even thank us for bringing things to their attention. Some are not happy with me or the moderation here and have not been afraid to say so. I accept their right to be as such. Actions may not always be in line with what some may believe is 'right'. I accept that as their legitimate view and to me, they are welcome here as much as I am. Yet it is important to remember I have a responsibility to fulfill and must be guided by our mission and 8 points of TCPC as i am led. Please try to work with me to keep discipline to a minimum and try not to take it too personal if you are cautioned in any of your posts. There is always growth possible for all of us where choices are presented.


    JosephM ( as Moderator/Admin)

  9. Text, images and articles that are not the property of the poster should not be posted on the forum without the consent of the owner. If a complaint regarding copyright is received by TCPC, its owners, moderators or administrators, the poster will be held solely responsible for the infringing materials and the posts will be removed. TCPC cooperates with authorities on copyright matters. It is your responsibility as a user of this Message board to assure your own understanding of copyrighted rules and laws which often differs from country to country.


    When you signed up to to register it was required to check a box that you agreed to the forum rules which included to be responsible for your own posts.


    For an article on "Are you breaking the Laws on an Internet Forum?", and for information on US Copyright Law and fair Use , check here.....





  10. THIS IS OUR MISSION AND PUBLIC STATEMENT ABOUT US. Note point 4 that ALL are welcome including Agnostics and those of different orientations. Also note that point 5 is more concerned with how we behave toward one another than what we say we believe. Please at all times be courteous to other members and treat them as you would expect to be treated with respect and sensitivity to differing beliefs.


    The mission of The Center for Progressive Christianity is:


    » To reach out to those for whom organized religion has proved ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive, as well as to those who have given up on or are unacquainted with it.


    » To uphold evangelism as an agent of justice and peace.


    » To give a strong voice both in the churches and the public arena to the advocates of progressive Christianity .


    » To support those who embrace the search, not certainty.


    About Us: The 8 Points


    By calling ourselves progressive, we mean we are Christians who...


    1. Have found an approach to God through the life and teachings of Jesus.


    2. Recognize the faithfulness of other people who have other names for the way to God's realm, and acknowledge that their ways are true for them, as our ways are true for us.


    3. Understand the sharing of bread and wine in Jesus's name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God's feast for all peoples.


    4. Invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us in order to be acceptable (including but not limited to):

    believers and agnostics,

    conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

    women and men,

    those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,

    those of all races and cultures,

    those of all classes and abilities,

    those who hope for a better world and those who have lost hope


    5. Know that the way we behave toward one another and toward other people is the fullest expression of what we believe.


    6. Find more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmatic certainty - more value in questioning than in absolutes.


    7. Form ourselves into communities dedicated to equipping one another for the work we feel called to do: striving for peace and justice among all people, protecting and restoring the integrity of all God's creation, and bringing hope to those Jesus called the least of his sisters and brothers.


    8. Recognize that being followers of Jesus is costly, and entails selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege.

  11. If you do not plan on participating by at least introducing yourself and posting now and then. please remain an unregistered guest. All new members are expected to post an introduction in the Watercooler area and familiarize themselves with our guidelines for each forum prior to further posts. Registered members without any posts in a reasonable time viewing profiles will be considered Lurkers and occasionally we delete those members as part of our cleanup.

    Our members profiles are for participating members only.
    Thanks for your understanding...

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    PM Instructions --- Log on by clicking "sign-in" i the upper right hand corner of the main forum page with the user name and password that you registered with even though you haven't yet been approved by admin. (you have temporary PM (Person Message) validation privileges with the name and password you set up)

    Go to the bottom of the main Message Board page where it says in small blue print 'The moderating team' . Click on those words. When the list comes up Click on the PM button to the extreme far right of my name (JosephM) which will bring you to your personal messenger screen. You can PM me from there. I will get back with you as soon as possible. Since I am at this time the most active user with full Moderator and Admin privileges I suggest you always PM me first but if you prefer, (glintopewter) who also has some Admin access can also be sent a message and help by clicking PM to the far right of his name

    Looking forward to your participation on this board.

    Love in Christ,
    JosephM (as Moderator/Admin)

    PS AGAIN .... Please insure you are not blocking our email validation with your email filter. You must have a valid email address that we can send your admin validation key to so we can complete your enrollment. Please insure you are allowing messages that come from @tcpc.org

    If all else fails and you are in the validation process and you need to talk to me by phone....go to my profile (JosephM) and click on the Call Me box. Guests do not have access to profiles but if you reached validation email status you should be able to go there.

  12. BobD,


    I agree that belief, as mental assent to a set of creeds or doctrines, leads to divisiveness and conflict. But I don't think we should use the words belief and faith interchangeably. Using the word knowledge to mean faith (as I think you are doing) implies mental certainty.


    Faith to me does mean "acceptance and trust" -- being centered in God, faithful to a relationship with God, a commitment of the heart-- attitudes that tend to reconcile us to others, lead to mutual respect and understanding. At least that is the way it seems to me.


    Hi rivanna,


    I think alot of people share your definition however I agree with bobd because I define faith as it is defined in Hebrews 11:1

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


    It seems to me this agrees with Jesus's teaching but not with the current use of the word faith By some of the church orginizations and most Christians. Faith to me has nothing to do with belief. Faith is 'seeing' the evidence in the spirit. It leaves no room for belief which may or may not be true. Faith on the otherhand is 'knowing'. Just a different view to consider though most will concur with your view.


    Love in Christ,


  13. Are we to follow Jesus' example even unto the cross? I mean, when Jesus says to: "Pick up your cross, and follow me" What does he mean?


    Is the cross really about personal salvation, or is there something more to the message?


    There is a nature within each of us that has the potential for all that you might deplore in this world. The NT speaks of it as the 'carnal nature', or by implication as the old 'creature' since it references us in Christ as a 'new' creature. This nature is said to be " 'enmity' against God as it is not 'subject' to the laws of God and neither indeed can be" (Rom 8:7) 'enmity' = hostility - 'subject' = to be under obedience (Greek)

    This nature leads naturally by nature unto 'death' which is separation. It is a cross we as humans all have to bear. It came because of choice which the majority of us have no remeberance of at this time. To return to our rightful estate 'heaven', completeness, peace and love (which are the things we really want but seek as separate from God's light in a world of our own creation of opposites). It is necessary to 'crucify' = extinguish or subdue that nature to reaslize our true estate and unity. The cross is symbolic only and any blood sacrifice thought to be necessary for our redemption/salvation is purely from the standpoint of the carnal nature itself which is error.



    Are we all expected to do the same as Jesus did, and give ourselves for the future of mankind, or was that taken care of when Jesus was crucified?


    I don't know?


    We are not 'expected' to do anything. God has no expectations because expectations are founded in belief about and God is beyond such a concept. God 'know's that in the fulness of times all will return to source. (Eph 1:10) (References are just for those who might require such to my statements, my authority to make such statements is not derived from references)


    I think it is irresponsible to put our burdens on Jesus, and let him suffer for our faults, when we should be taking responsibility for our own actions. (It's about principal)


    I have a son, and if he was punished for something someone else did, I would be angry. Why is it ok for us to let another pay for our mistakes (sins) If only in mind? Why would God honor such a practice?

    If anything, I think the cross 'may' represent what is expected of every man...to die in his/her sins, and give themselves for the lives of others.


    In my view this is very insightful on your part. The significance of the cross of course could be better represented as what is required to step out of error rather than what is 'expected' as I have explained above.


    By this, I mean, to do our part for generations to come. To set examples now, spread love, and work to make the world a better place for future generations. To give ourselves for the cause of anothers gain, which I think may have been what Jesus was actually trying to do. (To simply show us the way)


    I do believe Jesus was sent by God, but only to show mankind the way to survive 'ourselves'. Not to take away our sins, but to die so we might understand that we (mankind) are responsible for ourselves, and each individual must die also.


    He simply set an example to follow,


    Excuse my pickiness.... But Jesus wasn't "actually trying to do" anything. He did it. He extinguished or subdued the flesh and suceeded in returning to the Father. His original teachings described the way he did this and it seems to me there remains a sufficient amount of his original teachings in the New Testament writings to point to that very way if one waits on God's spirit to quicken that which is true and dissolve that which is in error because of mans inability to understand and correctly relay the original teachings.


    As for forgiveness...


    I think true forgiveness is only obtained by forgiving oneself. We don't need another to do it for us, imo. Life after death? Who knows?


    Yes, wonderful observation. It is also helpful to remember that forgiving another is a pre-requisite for forgiving oneself.



    This is my view. As you can see, it greatly differs from typical Christianity, which is why I don't know if I could even be considered a Christian at all...even progressive.


    Am I wrong for thinking this way? I'm curious to know the progressive stance on the subject of the cross...




    Yes it differs from typical Christianity definitions. However you can consider yourself by whatever tag uou desire, whether Christian or Progressive Christian. In the end it makes no difference what you call yourself. You are God's regardless of your label. May your understanding and knowledge of God grow without limits of a label.


    Love in Christ,


  14. I adamently disagree. If God is God then we can completely know God through Reason. God is afterall, the author of Reason. God certainly did not give us a brain and the ability to use it and then tell us to stop using the brain we were given!




    Hello October,


    It seems to me if God were a man then your statement might be true. Perhaps you might consider this. The things that are seen are made from the unseen. God is a Spirit. Form is manifested from non-form. Reason is a product of form and with it cannot 'see' beyond itself. The brain is created and is temporary and cannot know God through its devices. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. Just as the eye can only be an eye and cannot be an ear and likewise the ear can only channel sound and not sight, the brain cannot 'see' beyond itself. It can reason and create theology and myths about God but it cannot know God. The good news is that the 'real you' is not the body and mind but rather eternal spirit and through that spirit 'knows' God.


    Just a different view to consider,

    Love in Christ,


  15. I'm really interested in this notion that Spirit has no needs. If that's true then perhaps it's the other way around. Our needs are met by Spirit (i.e. the specific pattern of Godstuff that we eminate from), rather than something meeting our spiritual needs. If our Spirit needs anything, it's for us to get the hell out of the way!


    When I speak of the Spirit that has no needs, it is refering to the One or God. It is my experience and view that in true reality there is only God. There is nothing more or anyone else. And yes, all our needs are met by Spirit/God. All individualized consciousness are phenomena that come from the One. We refer to them as spirits because it is attached to an identity and is in a sense not physical but does manifest in the physical. When we get out of the way, both in physical and spiritual form we find we have no form yet are manifested in all forms and there is only One. All else is phenomena or make believe fiction worn like a costume of many colors til we awaken to our true nature. When awakened, you will say as Jesus did, I and my Father are One. Subject and Object disappear along with 'here' or 'there' , time ceases and no languaging is necessary.


    Love in Christ,


  16. All these answers were meaningful to me...especially the contrast between spirituality and religion by Joseph.


    October, you asked what is the difference between a psychological need and a spiritual one--isn't it likely that all psychological needs can be met by people, or some earthly condition? Whereas with spiritual needs we're talking about longing that nothing in this world can satisfy...the "God-shaped hole in the heart."


    Wonderful post rivanna. I think your last paragraph may be the most direct and best answer geared to my perception of what October is looking for. I hope her question is answered to her satisfaction.


    Love in Christ,


  17. Do we need another denomination or do we need another reformation? I agree with Robert Funk in this article from the Westar Institute's publication, 'The Fourth R'. Here's the link:




    Thanks for the link Russ. As long as another religion or denomination is not in the reformation perhaps that would be fine. The article was very well expressed and contains many views seen posted on this site.


    Love in Christ,


  18. Wow, these are good posts. As soon as I read this discussion on the word spiritual I dug out my books written by Joan Chittister. My favorite is "Called to Question" A Spiritual Memoir. A must read for anyone interested in these posts. The whole book explodes with thoughts about this topic. Her last paragraph in chapter 2 "Spirituality: Beyond the boundaries of religion. " says, "Spirituality is a commitment to immersion in God, to the seeking that has no end. It is a consciousness of engrossment in God that defies convention, that lives beyond convention, that eclipses convention. Religion, the finger pointing at the moon, is not the moon. Simply keeping the rules, accepting the conventions, and loving the pomp that comes with religion will not get us there. For that we need a spirituality of search. Thanks for reminding me I have this book in my closet. Bob VE :)


    Thanks for sharing Bob VE,


    I especially like the phrase "Spiritually is a commitment to immersion in God". And also the rest including the part concerning the comparison of finger pointing to the moon not being the moon. Perhaps some of these words will help answer OA questions but as you seem to know, words are a limitation to experience.


    Love in Christ,


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