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Posts posted by PaulS

  1. I don't know what it is properly labelled, but I lean toward thinking that God 'is' everything.  So anything that happens is - happening to God, is within God, and is of God.  I think this fits your understanding of the 'universe unfolding' too, Rom.  God simply is the existence of everything.  I don't know if that means God has any sort of consciousness or understanding of what is happening in any sense of the word as it means to us, but for me it leaves room for the mystical (the things that I have experienced that don't have any explanation to me) but also helps me accept non-duality and the understanding that life just 'is'.  For me it also explains this physical body and its current consciousness 'dying' and its atoms disassembling and moving off to find new uses elsewhere, but never leaving the closed system (i.e. the universe unfolding - God).

  2. 10 hours ago, John Hunt said:

    As a side note (that's a great summary), I think the snake is actually more interesting than that. He's a divinity who's crept in from a different tradition. The symbol on the pharaoh’s forehead, he’s one of our oldest religious characters, seen as a god in his own right in many religions, often associated with healing, wisdom and immortality – more significant for most of history than God Himself. He was widely worshiped in Canaan and around the world – and still is; in India for instance the serpent goddess Kundalini is the creative power in the universe, representing the divine feminine, and can be accessed at the base of your spine through Mantra, Tantra, Asanas or meditation. He is still the emblem of medicine. Gnostics saw him as a serpent God. Indeed, he was worshiped by the Hebrews, may even have been their main god for centuries – Moses plants a serpent rod in the wilderness so the Hebrews can look on it and be healed (Numbers 21:4-9). The rod is given a name, Nehushtan, and is worshiped by the Israelites for several hundred years before King Hezekiah breaks it in the eighth century BC (2 Kings 18:4). So in the Genesis 2 and 3 version of the story, written around this time, the snake, once present in the Temple in Jerusalem as the great Brazen Serpent, is now cursed by God, condemned to crawl on its belly and eat dust (Genesis 3:14).

    Thankyou.  That's an interesting point about the snake, John.  I have read comments about this before but never delved into it much.  It certainly seems plausible that the story could knock off two birds with one stone - why humans have a hard time surviving but also an opportunity to surreptitiously sledge other beliefs.

  3. 10 hours ago, John Hunt said:

    Thought my strictly evangelical parents weren't fundamentalist enough.

    Wow, I bet you were a fun guy to be around, John! :)

    10 hours ago, John Hunt said:

    I do kind of miss that certainty though.

    I know what you mean - Certain that your beliefs were right, certain that those with an alternate view had no idea what they were saying, and certain that no matter what hardships you faced, in the not too distant future you'd be kicking back drinking milk and having an endless supply of honey for your toast! :).  It made life pretty easy to bear, so I understand the attraction.  Until the cognitive dissonance sets in - then you're buggered! :)

  4. 13 hours ago, romansh said:

    Sounds like you were seriously bit, by the belief thingy. Did you ever enter the angry atheist phase when losing your faith? For me it was no big deal, as I never had much invested in faith anyway. Or did you just go straight to the more moderate agnostic phase?

    I don't get the sense tMJW is questioning his faith. But he does seem angry and very unlike the kindly JWs we tend to meet in person. When you were losing your faith did you have a tendency to lash out at those that  posed difficult questions?  I suppose it might be understandable, it would have been bad enough questioning one's own faith, you don't need someone else doing it for you.

    Very seriously, Rom!  I was raised from day one on it, 'gave my life to Jesus' at 14, truly and fervently believed 'in' the bible, taught Sunday School, and talked to Jesus every day. I was a worthless sinner who was otherwise destined for hell but fortunately, I managed to see the light, unlike those from my school and early work years who I was told were deliberately choosing to disobey God because they thought they knew better.  Those unbelievers were deliberately rebelling and were refusing to accept what God was offering them.  I evangelized, went to Church morning and evening (on Sundays), belonged to our Youth Group who met on Friday nights, and for my teen years played basketball within our Church community (i.e. the Churches of Christ and later the Baptist basketball associations).  My Church and larger Christianity, was my entire world.  

    You may recall my faith started to get challenged when I was around 18 or 19 and by the time I was 20, I had decided Christianity was bunk (fundamental Christianity that is, but I didn't know any other way to understand Christianity).  It was so clearly a human construct.  When I first started questioning, it was really within.  I didn't go to my Christian friends and family and question them.  I guess I didn't feel comfortable because they were firmly committed (or so it seemed) and the few times I did express doubt, I was told I was backsliding or choosing to ignore God's Word, etc.  I noticed that my Christian friends did not feel comfortable with me showing that I was having doubts.  That's where I think this Christian anger in defending belief comes from - a subconscious fear that if one goes down this path and questions their beliefs, they could end up in a whole world of hurt and standing outside of their community looking in.  For me, all the people who I grew up with, who I spent my days and evenings with for the first 20 years of my life, who were my only friends and social circle for so long - within a couple of years I had nothing to do with them.  That was partly my choice but largely theirs.

    I did take more of a moderate agnostic path as I was leaving.  I remember being interested in other religions and cultures and learning about how similar they were to Christianity in so many ways, but at the same time completely different.  I began to see how this was more human nature at work than some supernatural entity.  I just worked through this over the next couple of years, with lots of guilt and momentarily relapses back into Church (but not for long) until by 20 or so, I was finished with Christianity.  It wasn’t until I was around 40 that I revisited it and learnt stuff that reinforced my earlier gut instinct.

    I do remember being very angry with God whilst I was on the way out.  How dare God send people to an eternal Hell (or some other kind of God-absent eternity) for basically being human!  I didn't know that some Christians believed more in extinction of sinners than eternal suffering, but that doesn't change my opinion of such a God much.  I demanded, requested, and begged God to show me a sign or talk to me or do something to reassure me that He was real.  How hard could it be for such a powerful entity to just sound like a voice in my head, or appear apparition-like to convince me, just something.  But alas, I was talking to myself.

    Look, I don't really think that MJW is questioning his (or her) faith, as far as they are aware.  But I do think that sometimes the anger to defend comes from the deep-seated fear that they could be wrong.  I don't think people even realize it, but there is a very real fear, I think, amongst many Christians, that if they open the door too wide and let doubts in, they will fall apart and all will be lost.  

    When I was losing my faith I didn't lash out but then again nobody posed difficult questions to me.  I just got told I was 'rebelling' and told to get back with the program.  Nobody even really wanted to know why I was doubting.  I think they didn't want to hear because they too were scared of hearing the doubts and maybe being 'infected'.  I didn't get angry - I just thought, how can I be a part of this? - I can't - this stuff just isn't true.  I didn't have a black hole to fall into though - I was working, had a social circle, and really just moved on with my life.

  5. 15 hours ago, romansh said:

    Paul ... that's "no fair". I was hoping tMJW could actually read the thing for himself and come up with this. This is now your idea and not his.


    Sorry Rom, I just don't like to see any creature of the Lord suffer! :).  But seriously, I've been in MadJW's position before and appreciate how scary and difficult it can be to question what you have been told most of your life and have been convinced is the only way to see things.  I anticipated that MadJW already had his (or her) mind already set on how they understand things.  I was hoping to show how this whole concept about 'sin' is misrepresented by Churchianty (mainly with good intention, but still nonetheless misrepresented), and how this theology of sin and needing a saviour in Jesus only developed over a long period of time and didn't exist since the beginning of 'creation', as these Genesis stories clearly reveal.  

    12 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    It's easy to tell your unbelievers- you no NOTHING about the account. Nor Bible words.

    Clearly we're not doing 'nothing' about the account - after all we are sharing & demonstrating to you what so many unbiased biblical scholars have shared over the last few centuries.  Bible words mean everything to Christianity - when it suits the narrative.  No Christian likes their theology being challenged, especially by the very book which they thought they understood.  But here you are given an opportunity to counter these points and put forward any logical argument you may have, but you choose not to.  Maybe ask yourself why you do that.

    Please peruse some of the older threads here.  There is a wealth of information here about topics that I am pretty sure your research hasn't even touched upon (based on your understanding as expressed above).  There is nothing to be afraid of and as some would say, the truth will set you free.

    Please do remember this is a general discussion section of the Forum.  So please, debate a point, provide logical argument (discussion), and ask questions by all means.  But simply responding to other people's evidence and argument simply by saying "Nope, you're wrong" is a time waster for everybody.  We would all like to see your counter argument to the points made above and questions asked, but you seem to not be prepared (or able) to do so.

  6. 14 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    He was given a command, and he REBELLED against it.

    BTW- How do you think 'sin' was introduced?

    The first biblical mention of sin is Gen 4 (sin is never mentioned in the Garden of Eden Story) and coincidentally, the first mention of sin provides no explanation of how sin was introduced.  Further, when God cites sin in Gen 4, God is telling Cain that he can 'master' it.  At this point in the bible there is no such thing as an eternal curse of 'sin' on mankind that needs an external saviour or separates mankind from God.  As we can read for ourselves in Gen 4 -  'sin' is masterable by man.

    Your language seems influenced by Church teachings - where do you get the words 'rebelled' and 'command' from?  Genesis 3 only says that God 'said' this or that.  You don't have to put words in God's mouth - Genesis 3 is clear enough and God does not talk about commands or rebelling.  For those that believe God inspired the words in the bible, I find it strange that the words God so inspired, seem not to be considered 'adequate' enough and require 'beefing up' to make a point by those who think some point about ‘sin’ needs to be made (a point that wasn't even there in the original story).

  7. 4 hours ago, romansh said:

    It was a tree of knowledge of good and evil. An important distinction.  For me it points to thinking in terms of good and evil not actually doing good and evil. For example before partaking in the fruit is was ok to go around starkers. But once knowing of good and evil ... Adam and Eve had to cover up their naughty bits, because it was somehow bad in their minds to be naked. 

    This of course is akin to hell being a state of mind existing in the duality of good and evil. Once we take this duality on board we can't be in this innocent Garden of Eden.

    Abrahamic based religions have been promoting to various degrees this duality for millennia.

    It is like tMJW's car salesman metaphor or allegory.

    Thanks Rom, that was an editing omission so I have corrected it in my original summation.  And yes, it is clear to me (as it is to you) that the offence committed here was learning to tell the difference between good and evil.  What offended God in the story was that it meant Adam and Eve were like gods themselves with this knowledge and the threat was that if they also partook of the tree of life, they would be immortal, whilst holding this knowledge.  Genesis makes that very clear, but too many Christians listen to what they have been taught (Churchianty in action I would say) and turn the story into something that it clearly is not. 

    Ancient Jews never saw this story as a disconnection from God and in fact the Hebrew Bible is replete with examples of how God has maintained a connection and even a physical presence with his 'chosen people'.  Similarly, they never believed in a negative afterlife, but rather Sheol was (as you point out on another thread) this sort of shady netherworld that 'every’ soul went to.  In some extremely rare cases the Hebrew Bible cites a couple of examples where humans were elevated to god-like status and got to join God in a 'heaven' per se (Moses and Elijah who were physically taken up into that realm before they suffered mortality).

    I don't think it's extreme to be saying that the actual evil that is being committed here is the misrepresentation by Christianity of stories that we know are not what Christianity say they are, simply because this serves the purpose of maintaining a religion.  

  8. 7 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    For example, who did Jesus say should be worshipped?


    I'll answer you after you answer my repeated question.  Do you consider the stories of the bible where God commands genocide, rape, and killing of babies as God actually wanting these things to happen, or are these writers that God has inspired to write a story, or are they just myths and tribal storytelling?

  9. 5 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    An old man wants to cut the hours he works at a used car lot he owns, so he hires YOU to manage it FOR him, 
    giving you a wonderful benefit: you can drive any of the cars home at the end of the day- and even for 
    holidays, vacations, etc...with the stipulation NOT to ever drive the '57 Chevy in the corner- or, he says, I will FIRE you!

    What do you think he feels if he stops by early in the morning watching you drive that Chevy back onto the lot?

    Well, he might feel like he needs to sit me down and see how my jeans are fairing, and then he might say "Look, you have to go work somewhere else because if you don't you might find my Limo and then I'll really be in trouble because you'll live forever?"

  10. On some other threads here on the forum, the topic of evolution, what it means to believe "in" the bible, and an understanding of exactly what Adam & Eve did on that fateful day, has prompted me to share how I believe Genesis 3 should be understood.  I'll warn you now that it is NOT what traditional Christianity, literalists and fundamentalists think, but I think Christianity has stolen the myth of The Fall and misused it to turn it into something that it was never intended for or to be.  So I hope you enjoy the read and feel free to discuss my take on it.  All references are made using the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible (which seems to be regarded as the most accurate translation of the writings that make up the bible that we currently have to work with).

    Firstly, I think it is clear that whoever is writing this story is using age-old stories, told around the campfires of ancient peoples comprising of the various tribes who inhabited the region we today call the middle east.  I think Genesis 1 & 2 are a good example of these stories being told for generations before charcoal was put to papyrus - they are different stories with significantly different timelines about what was created when and why - but both were captured in Genesis because both were told throughout the region.  

    These people lived in more harsh conditions than we in the western world enjoy today - a shorter lifespan, no healthcare, no unemployment benefits, more wars and disputes over precious territory, famines, etc.  But like us, they pondered and questioned the meaning of life.  They wondered why their family and friends died, why sometimes they went hungry, why animals killed them and their livestock, why crops failed, etc.  And so, like all ancient indigenous peoples, they came up with their own myths, legends and stories to explain their situation and circumstances, as they saw it.  Here's what these people say in Genesis 3.

    Firstly they introduce the snake as exactly that, a snake.  Verse 1 - "the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that God had made".  Not Satan, not the devil, but simply an animal as we know it today. The serpent may have been more crafty, but it was just a wild animal like any other God made.  Of course in this myth the wild animal can talk, but you get that with myths.  Side note - In Australia we have the world's oldest surviving indigenous culture (some 60-90,000 years old) and many of their ancient stories also include talking animals.

    Now the crafty serpent convinces Eve to partake of the fruit from tree the in the middle of the garden (the tree has no name in this chapter but in the previous chapter there was reference to God growing a tree of life and a tree of the knowledge of good and evil in said garden) because her eyes will be open and she will be like God, or gods, knowing good and evil. 

    Let's forget for a moment that back in Genesis 1:29 God has just said that he had given every tree with seed in its fruit to them for food, because well, that's just a little inconvenient.  Maybe God was just generically saying eat what you want, but forgot to single out the tree of good and evil as prohibited.  Maybe that tree was a late bloomer.

    In any event, we read that Eve takes a bite, shares it with Adam and then indeed, they understand good and evil, and woe and behold, the greatest evil that they can realize, is that they are nude!  This doesn't sound all that evil to me, but hey, this was an ancient and hard place to live when people were telling these stories and I expected nudity was more a big deal than it is to most these days.

    So anyway, sometime later God is strolling through this garden and of course Adam and Eve are hiding in shameful nudity.  I'm guessing God must have been fully clothed - I wonder what God was wearing?  God finally finds them both and Adam quickly throws Eve under the bus and blames her for him eating the fruit of the tree of good an evil.  God quizzes Eve and she too confesses but says the snake (not Satan, not the Devil) tricked her into eating the fruit.  

    Funnily enough, the first one that God gets angry with is not Adam and Eve, but the snake, and what does he do, well God curses the snake to do snaky things - slither on the ground, face in the dust, biting at people's heels and getting a crushed head from a stray boot as a result.  A pretty normal ancient story that anthropomorphizes animals.  You obviously recognize here that there's no mention of the  snake growing horns, or getting a barbed tail, or becoming a hideous scary looking creature, no condemnation to a lake of fire, etc etc.  It is, a snake.

    So starting in Verse 16, God punishes his created kids - the woman gets to suffer pain in childbirth, but of course she will still maintain desire for her husband and he will rule over her (yep, that patriarchal society wasn't about to let women off the hook - after all somebody needed to do the crap jobs and men still needed to, ahem, 'meet their needs').

    Then it's Adam turn.  Firstly the woman gets blamed again when God says "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife..." (hey, it's not really Adam's fault that he didn't do his own thinking...those dastardly women) now life is going to be hard for you.  No more easy gardening in Eden - you're gonna have to work for it now.  Pretty easy to understand when you're living in a region that has a lot of inhospitable territory and toil is well, hard.  One could only dream of having soft, no-weed soil for food to grow and animals to graze on endlessly.

    But most importantly we see God reminding Adam that as he had said earlier, should he eat from that tree - he will die.  Verse 19: ".... to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return".  No more immortality, but straight up death.  No eternal punishment, no eternal separation from God, no opportunity to live in a Heaven, but just good ol' fashioned dying.  Because that's what we do as humans - we die.  And people hearing those stories around the campfire then understood and accepted their mortality.  Yes, they will lose loved ones, but that's how it is because once upon a time a woman led a man astray.

    But back to the story - God wasn't all that angry with Adam & Eve at this stage, and he certainly wasn't separated from them because they were 'sinners'.  God wasn't distant, unreachable, or unable to be close to them because they were 'sinners'.  No, I guess like a loving father he knew his kids had disobeyed, but he was still their father, and so he made them some clothes so they might not feel silly.  Read it for yourself - verse 21.

    Now comes some really interesting stuff.  Most Christians have been taught that this story is about sin and separation from God and that the only way to get back together with God again is to believe that Jesus died for their sins.  But in Verse 22 we see there is another way to make sure humans don't die - eat from the tree of life that was also in the garden.  V22: "“See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever".  This is not symbolism - this is the same thing as eating the actual fruit that shows you good and evil -  eating this actual fruit will give you eternal life.

    God doesn't want Adam & Eve, who are now like the gods themselves (Verse 22 - these ancients weren't monotheistic at that time in their history - read about it), to live forever, because they know good and evil.  There seems too many Gods in the garden and Adam and Eve are now a threat to the existing gods in the story.

    So God drives out the man (no mention of Eve but we guess she's included cos she's with Adam in the next story) and at the east of the garden of Eden God places a guard with a flaming sword (do flaming swords inflict more harm than non-flaming swords) to guard the way to the tree of life - the only way to live forever according to Genesis 3.

    Now I know apologists will interpret and promote all sorts of meanings to this chapter, but they are simply not there.  Many will say that when Adam and Eve first ate, they were not simply aware of evil but that they 'experienced' evil, to the extent that they became evil themselves —sinners by nature.  But as we can all clearly see, that is never mentioned in Genesis 3. To the contrary, the writer makes it explicitly clear - God has a problem because man now knows good and evil. And if God doesn't keep them out of that garden they will partake in the only thing that can give them eternal life - the fruit from the tree of life.

    Sitting around the campfire I'm sure the ancients dreamed about the fruit from the tree of life, but alas, they could never get to it because some angel somewhere was guarding it with a big flaming sword!  And the would of dreamed of good lands, easy crops, healthy animals - and that's where the stories come into it.

    There is nothing wrong with understanding that our ancient relatives in the middle east told myths and stories like every other ancient culture on earth (the Australian aborigines, the Incas, the Mesopotamians, ancient Hindus).  They were just trying to understand their world and they came up with the best reasoning they could.  But there is no excuse now in light of what we know to ignore this and pretend that stories like Chapter 3 in Genesis mean anything other than what they say.

    My hope is that many Christians who suffer from the misrepresentation of these stories, may be set free and may come to better understand that the bible contains a lot of wisdom and beneficial stories, but that there is not some straight line from man being made from mud to eternal damnation, separation from God or destruction, whilst certain others go on to enjoy eternity without them.  We all die, it's part of being human.  Life is now - not later.

  11. 23 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    More denial.

    And this is not conducive to discussion.  You either want to participate in a discussion, or you shouldn't post.  Please don't waste member's time here with glib, brief statements, unless you are prepared to at least discuss the points. Please show some courtesy to the individual starting the thread and to those participating, and talk to the thread content.

    The original post was "Do you believe Christian teaching that Hell is a reality is an essential doctrine that is fundamental to Christian theology — that it is, indeed, a place of eternal suffering and punishment?  Or, could the existence of Hell be a reality that has a purpose other than punitive?"

    If you care to discuss that, then terrific.  If you aren't prepared to, please don't post in this thread.

    It's that easy really.

  12. 1 hour ago, theMadJW said:

    People truly believing the Bible.

    SURE it has symbolism, I'm talking about people believing it inspired by God.

    This is where you seem to run into difficulty - which bits of the bible should people believe are symbolism and which are historical fact or accurate portrayals of a message?  Who decides for you what is symbolism and what isn't?  What do you mean by the bible being 'inspired' by God - are you saying every word was like dictated by God to the writer, or is God inspiring the writer to write a myth or story, or is God inspiring the writer like dictating actual events?  

    A good example for me, and one which you seem unprepared or unable to address, are some of the atrocities attributed to God in the Bible.  Acts such as genocide, abortion, rape, and killing babies - do you consider these stories actually God wanting these things to happen, or are they writers God has inspired to write a pretend story, or are they just myths and tribal storytelling?

    'Bible believers' is just a catchphrase to me - most Christian denominations use it yet yet every denomination has a different take on it.  So I'm am trying to understand yours.

  13. 5 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    You don't see their treason , rebelling against the ONE simple test Jehovah gave them????

    Treason? Rebelling?  Is that how any parent views a child who disobeys - as a treasonous rebel?  Seems a bit harsh to me.

    The Adam and Eve story to me is a simple myth, talked about for eons by tribes of people who had no better answers to the beginning and development of life.  Like all of us, they were mulling on things like why do people die, why is life so hard, why do we sometimes run out of food or get killed by an animal.  They came to the conclusion that God or the Gods weren't entirely happy with them (ancient Israel wasn't always monotheistic and wasn't so when the Adam and Eve story was penned either).  And when they did experience the good times (crops were bountiful, people were having babies, sickness wasn't happening much, etc) they believed they were aligned with God/the Gods and so were getting rewarded.  This reinforced their understanding that when the chips were down, it was because they weren't right with God/the Gods.  We don't have to think the same as them some 3000 years later.  

  14. 18 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    Bible- the Bible (or 'little books')

    Believers - ones believing

    How much simpler do I have to break it down?

    MadJW, I doubt there is a person here who doesn't believe in the bible.  We all know it exists, we see it for sale in bookshops, we read it, we talk about it.  We know it comprises of little books and letters and writings.  We believe it was written by people.  We believe it was formulated into a single book eventually and called the bible.  We believe in it as opposed to thinking it doesn't exist (like some people refuse to acknowledge the science of evolution for instance).

    So I'm asking a question that goes much deeper than those basics - What does 'believing the bible' mean for you?  How do you describe one who is a bible believer?  For instance - Do you believe every word literally?  Do you think every story that's reported in the bible is actual history?  For instance, as I have asked once already, do you believe that God wanted Israel's army to dash the heads of babies against rocks?  Is that what belief 'in' the bible is to you, or do you consider belief 'in' the bible to be summarized another way.  Please - give defining what you call 'bible believers' a go.

  15. 2 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    All the answers on what Christ actually said has gotten me banned from evert "Bible" group online - so now I am asking QUESTIONS.

    You don't see their treason , rebelling against the ONE simple test Jehovah gave them????

    I can assure you MadJW that opinions, expressed in good faith, don't get people banned here.  Rude behaviour, insults, and a lack of goodwill in discussions may do.  The forum is a two-way street - if you want to discuss topics it is a reasonable expectation that you will both ask and answer questions.

  16. 2 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    Quit playing games- the passages containing symbols are PLAINLY stated.

    I'm not the one playing games here, MadJW.  If you're going to ask the question if there are any 'bible believers' here, you should should at least be able to define what you mean by the term 'bible believer'.  Can more accurately define or explain what you consider a 'bible believer'.

  17. 1 hour ago, theMadJW said:

    The collect of books and letters believed to be sacred, and according to it, inspired of God.

    Yes, but how do you define a 'bible believer'?  Do they have to believe every word of the bible literally?  For example, does a bible believer believe God wanted babies to have their heads dashed on rocks and acts of genocide committed in said God's name?  Or do you think a bible believer has room to interpret the bible based on their own understanding and learning?  Or do you believe other things about bible believers?  I'm asking if you can more accurately define or explain what you consider a 'bible believer'.

  18. 1 hour ago, theMadJW said:

    Hell is the topic.

    Any questions on that?

    Not really any questions.  I pretty much answered the original poster's question - would you like to put forward your idea's in response to their initial post perhaps? 

  19. 1 hour ago, theMadJW said:

    To one with an open mind. Not you.

    So you say you can prove these things, but you're not going to?  I'm not sure that helps the discussion much.  I'm not sure why your are posting these claims but then not prepared to properly discuss them.  Do you just want to come here and tell people how right you are, or do you want to actually discuss things?

  20. 56 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    The subject is Churchianty, and how it doesn't follow the Bible, like you.

    Well, you haven't actually been real big on discussing 'Churchianity' in this thread that you started on the topic, and it was you that raised the issue about dinosaurs and birds here, and it was you that was telling me that I thought there was no truth in the bible, ....so maybe you could try and communicate a little about your subject?

  21. 59 minutes ago, theMadJW said:

    The very beginning, Adam and Eve...

    I believe the story exists.  I also believe the story is a myth, a way ancient people tried to understand life and what to make of it.  This is a pretty common situation across all ancient cultures.  So in that sense I don't believe the only way to understand the Adam and Eve story is to interpret it as a literal, historical event.

  22. 14 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    Paul, I ALWAYS put my belief to the test, and I can PROVE what the Bible says- NOT Churchianity (the main church groups).

    I'm sure you are convinced you 'test' your beliefs, but having experienced fundamental Christianity myself, I now understand such tests are usually not held to the standard of what most would regard as empirical evidence.  That's fine if it's just for you, and I wish you all the best, but it is my observation and real life experience (with myself and other Christians) that such 'testing' is usually really opinion and belief.

    So you can prove what the Bible says?  What, every single sentence?  Can you prove God created man from mud?  Can you prove that Noah's Ark existed?  How can you prove the things Jesus is attributed as saying? Can you prove the name of a single eye witness to Jesus' life? Obviously the list could go on and on.  And this is way before we even look at the trickier aspects concerning what's true about any messages or meaning.  I think that we have a different understanding when it comes to 'proving' things.

  23. 14 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    Paul, then you think there is no truth in the Bible. You are DEAD wrong!

    Firstly I should point out that I never said there is NO truth in the Bible - in fact I think there is truth in some of the stories and myths and recollections that are shared by the various authors in the Bible.  Personally, for instance, I think there is truth to the concept that we should treat one another as we would like to be treated - that seems generally a good model to aspire to, in my opinion.

    But do I think that homsexuals are an abomination, that women should be subject to men, that it is okay to beat one's slave, that humans were 'created' in their current form from mud - No, I don't, but I know many Christians who think this is 'the' truth that the Bible upholds (you may not, I don't know).  So for me, there are things in the bible that I don't consider to be 'truths'.  To me it all comes down to interpretation, understanding, and often, what influences our thinking.

    4 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    You pay attention when science says dinos became birds....

    Tell me MadJW, do you pay attention to science when it determines that jet propulsion, combined  a certain way with what science has taught us about aerodynamics, works well when it comes to flying across a continent?  

    It shouldn't be science versus religion, it should be that science can empirically demonstrate certain things, whereas religion 'believes' certain things.  I doubt there are many (if any) non-religious scientists that disagree with evolution.  Clearly, with something like +45,000 different denominations, there are a wide variety of interpretations of the Bible and what it means to be a 'true' Christian and how to interpret all of the Bible.

  24. 14 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    Then you have not done deep research on the Bible.

    Yeah, it seems lots of different Christian denominations will make that assumption about me when they have zero knowledge of what I have researched (Progressive Christianity much less so of course).  They clearly do so simply because I have a different view and understanding.  Of course I could say the same about you, but I'm guessing you have a pretty certain mindset that you already understand everything in the Bible impeccably, so where would that get us? What would be the value?   I would simply say, enjoy your certainty.

    14 hours ago, theMadJW said:

    Any Bible believers HERE?

    Can you please define what you consider a Bible "believer"?  Can we clarify the rule set?


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