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Posts posted by Cynthia

  1. "I know it's a challenge for me, and I am desperately trying see what "the visitors" might be pointing at, rather than looking at the visitors themselves."



    Cool.... thanks for the ah ha!!!! I love to read Rumi, but haven't ever spent much time at it... perhaps this year. :) Any good sources anybody?

  2. When they don't deliver mine, I just go and pick it up. They generally seem confused that I might expect otherwise :>. Makes the phrase "going postal" more sensical, don't ya think??? Can you imagine the H%^^ of working there??????


    Hope you get your mail!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You're a genius! Thank you!!!! That's been driving me crazy lately!!! Your mitvah for the day! :)


    Here's a quote from the description of Jesus and the Gospels: "Professor Johnson asserts that the portrait of Jesus addressed by such an approach, legitimate and compelling though such an approach may be, leads to questions that are virtually "impossible to answer satisfactorily" through proper historical methods. "


    Sounds pretty interesting!


    www.teach12.com I like to get the audio CD or tapes to listen to as I do mundane tasks - painting (rooms), laundry, cleaning, etc.

  4. I have Early Christianity - it was perfect to come out of the historical phase of my journey!!! It basically discusses, as we do, that the basis of christianity is Experience over the course of 2 thousand years and thousands (+) of people - it's not the dogma that keeps people interested, it's the experience that so many have. Hope it goes on sale soon! I'll look at the other - their website is hard for me to get in a reasonable font... it looks like about a 6 point and I don't know how to fix it!!! :angry:

  5. Despair???? Feelings of being forsaken???? Watching the world climb happily into a handbasket with a guide with visible horns and call him a Christian???? Just theories :P


    " I'm a progressive Christian and would rather attend a church where following Christ is actually meaningful in people's lives."


    Agreed - I'm in a theologically conservative church that is very socially active and sincere with a large membership that runs the gamut of theology. It works for us.

  6. We toasted with sparkling apple cider - in good crystal champagne flutes! (after dusting :>) Movies, napping, up for the ball drop too! I'm betting we all enjoyed ourselves way more than 90% of the people who think party is a verb!!!

  7. You're definately not alone!!! In a very childish (but somehow satisfying :huh::P ) way, I often stop singing for the "bad theology" parts!!!


    I came to the conclusion that helps me: Just because idiots do it, doesn't mean it's idiotic. :rolleyes: Even the Westminster Confession notes that the church will not be perfect until Jesus returns.... just other fallible human beings... just like me... how annoying! But, how little to do with my relationship with God. Y'know???

  8. It took us about 2 weeks on the library list - just got it and started it yesterday. So far pretty good. James is Jesus' elder brother - Joesph's from a previous marriage. Joesph and Mary never have lain together because of the overwhelming nature of her previous liason :) . It starts with Jesus at 7 - and as they leave Egypt - he begins to learn about his nature although his family has kept it from him believing he needs to be a little boy first. Pretty neat actually!

  9. I tried to read the article, but it came up too small and I'm not sure how to change the font :blink:


    For what it's worth, I've found that people who get caught up in finding the organization that they agree with 100% often miss out on the "spiritual growth" thang... it's a distraction. CS Lewis would love it!!!


    Glad you're here - it's a good place to try out ideas, learn, and not get "the look"!!!

  10. I imagine that's a difficult concept to accept. Catholicism seems to be cultural as well as religious, perhaps more so than protestant churches.... ???


    I keep wondering about thoughtful American Catholics and how long it will be before the Vatican excommunicates the American church altogether. It seems like a huge conflict is inevitable as they talk of tightening the requirements for the Eurcharist, etc..... I'd be very interested in your opinions.


    Godspeed on your path. God is big- - - you can find Him in whatever way makes a thin spot for you - even if the church doesn't like cafeteria style worship :D

  11. I need to go back and look, but CS Lewis answers this well in (I think) the first chapter of Mere Christianity. The idea, generally, is that since people (independent of religion) agree that some things are right and some wrong and often agree on specifics, there must be a source of those ideals. He, much more eloquently than I, argues this as a proof for God. I found it quite persuasive in my unsure days.

  12. I found this on B-net and thought you all would enjoy it. Merry Christmas!!!


    One Swami's Christmas Eve Meditation

    Here's a guided meditation by Paramahansa Yogananda. Perhaps, if you are celebrating Christmas this year in a non-traditional way, you will find this inspiring.


    Meditation for Christmas Eve



    Lift your eyes and concentrate within. Behold the astral star of divine wisdom and let the wise thought in you follow that telescopic star to behold the Christ everywhere.


    In that land of everlasting Christmas, of festive, omnipresent Christ Consciousness, you will find Jesus, Krishna, the saints of all religions, the great guru-preceptors waiting to give you a divine floral reception and everlasting happiness.


    Prepare for the coming of baby Christ by decorating an inner Christmas Tree. Around that sacred tree lay gifts of calmness, forgiveness, nobility, service, kindness, spiritual understanding, and devotion, each one wrapped in a golden covering of goodwill and bound with a silver cord of your pure sincerity.


    May the Lord, on the Christmas morn of your spiritual awakening, unwrap the gorgeous presents of your heart offerings sealed with tears of your joy and bound with cords of your eternal fidelity to Him.


    He accepts only the gifts of sacred sound qualities. His acceptance will be His greatest gifts to you; for it means that, in return, the gift He will bestow on you shall be nothing less than Himself. In giving Himself, He shall make your heart big enough to hold Him. Your heart shall throb with Christ in everything.


    Enjoy this festivity, the birth of Christ, in your mind and soul and in every living atom. By daily meditation you will prepare the cradle of your consciousness to hold the infinite baby Christ. Every day will become a true Christmas of divine communion.

  13. All things will be well, and all things will be well, and all manner of things will be well.


    Christianity, or faith, gives me the assurance that whether or not I understand it, God has a purpose (to prosper, not harm) in it all. I know that I can't understand it all and I trust that He can, so I can relax.


    The wonder of significance and love, IMO, Jerry, is that there is ever anything but static. Those moments of Knowing, brief flickers of contact give me hope and trust that sustain me. I tend to think that it is not God not broadcasting, but me not tuning in well.... once I learn (as I do over and over :( )to get quiet and do the things that put me back in tune my life and sense of God improves.

  14. :D It's a Winnie the Pooh classic tale! Pooh and Piglet are going for a walk in the woods. They become lost. As they search for the way home, they come across footprints and are sure that the Heffalump is after them with malice aforethought. Eventually, after they have paralyzed themselves with fear, Tigger comes to the rescue and shows them that the Heffalump prints are their own as they have been walking in a circle. Too good!!! :D
  15. Ok, my turn... not much of a surprise! This was fun Alethia - thanks! It does remind us that we are made in the image of God... I guess we would agree at this point that ineffable is a part of that :D


    You scored as Emergent/Postmodern.




    You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don't think they connect to modern culture very well. No one knows the whole truth about God, and we have much to learn from each other, and so learning takes place in dialogue. Evangelism should take place in relationships rather than through crusades and altar-calls. People are interested in spirituality and want to ask questions, so the church should help them to do this.





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