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Everything posted by mystictrek

  1. Check out the new low that Bush has reached in CBS POLL -- 34 per cent! > READ > http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/27/...in1350874.shtml
  2. I wrote: "I understand that the great Karl Barth was asked by someone in an American audience to state his theology in a sentence. He started singing: "Jesus loves me This I know For the Bible Tells me so ... " It's that simple. It's that profound. It's that fantastic. It's Good News. (I guess I will always be a preacher!) / The churches associated with the RR have learned to sing this song anew with drums and keyboards and guitars. Why can't we do that?" Des wrote: "Maybe I am analyzing this too but.. I don't know if it's just me, but I really don't like that hymn/song very well (nice tune and all) but it annoys me. It is in the Jesus=God idea. The only way Jesus can actually love you is for him to be here in the physical sense (since I see Jesus as a person), which he isn't. So it stands to reason the only reason that he would actually love you is for Jesus to be God. / I also have a bit of a problem with Amazing Grace which I think is quite beautiful as music goes. There are maybe a zillion verses and one of them goes "we've been here 10,000 years (humankind).." well that all goes with the fundamentalist view of the humans existence for 10,000 years. Then there is the major problem with it of "saved a wretch like me". Well the guy who wrote it was a slave trader, nice of him to say. :-) / Gosh sorry for my ranting. I understand that if you want to work as clergy in a nursing home you absolutely MUST know Jesus loves me. And as I think I think Amazing Grace is very beautiful as music and sometimes the words aren't that important I think." +++ I think you missed my point. I am advocating that Progressive Christians can claim Jesus language since we understand that Jesus lives in a metaphorical and sacramental sense (Borg). I believe Barth was saying that the Bible is a great source of wisdom teaching grace upon grace, unconditional love, shared and sustainable abundance and other great ideas and practices. Let's teach the world what Jesus language really means. God is Love! A special human being named Jesus revealed this truth like no other. Or can you name others? He lives! Gosh! Am I becoming a Born Again Christian? Borg says that we need to reclaim that metaphor too. It's a major principle of mysticism, the perennial theology. READ > http://members.tripod.com/~parvati/perennial.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perennial_Philosophy
  3. October's Autumn wrote: "My experience is most of them are quite comfortable with the simple answers and aren't willing to seek or have in interest in seeking truth. Try and tell them the truth? They just respond by telling you that you are going to hell " +++ I don't believe most people who have been attracted to the churches associated with the Religious Right will tell us that we are going to Hell. I believe that most of them were attracted to a congregation which offers a simple message coupled with a lot of love and music which rocks. The threat of Hell is background noise these days. It's still there but quite diminished in most of the rhetoric. That's why their success has been so big lately. Most Americans and most people of privilege and power everywhere don't want to deal with our society's sinfulness which is threatening to destroy our nation and even our whole planet. This includes greed, environmental destruction, addiction to pleasure, militarism, projection of all sin on to other people and nations and religions and ... you know the drill! They know that they won't be confronted with our society's sinfulness in the churches associated with the RR. What we have to do is get in there and care and proclaim the true Good News of shared and sustainable abundance, of justice and peace, of liberation and compassion while not neglecting the need to change, the need to confess and repent. We need to keep trying to get our message through to the many, many people who want a more mature faith, the mature faith of PC. We need to believe that most people really do want a faith fit for an adult, a faith fit for the global village of the 21st century, a faith which promotes the search for more and more truth and wisdom from whatever source provides truth and wisdom. But we must never forget that people always also want a faith fit for a child, a faith which rocks! We PCs so often neglect the obvious. I understand that the great Karl Barth was asked by someone in an American audience to state his theology in a sentence. He started singing: "Jesus loves me This I know For the Bible Tells me so ... " It's that simple. It's that profound. It's that fantastic. It's Good News. (I guess I will always be a preacher!) The churches associated with the RR have learned to sing this song anew with drums and keyboards and guitars. Why can't we do that?
  4. But ... can't any human institution be the sword which keeps us out?
  5. Jesus has a different view on this. He seemed to think there was everything wrong with being/getting wealthy! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most of the wealth the rich & privileged of Europe & US & Canada and the elite elsewhere have accumulated has definitely come at the expense of others. The gap is growing and the waste and greed and selfishness committed by most of the rich and privileged is outrageous and quite wrong. The planet is in jeopardy because of this greed and waste and selfishness. Billions live in poverty and war zones. Will there be anything or anybody left in the wake of what a few million of our current selfish, greedy, wasteful, destructive privileged class has done? It is our duty, our obligation, our responsibility to challenge this outrageous behavior on the part of a few million or maybe tens of millions who now seem hell bent on destroying the planet and exploiting the poor and oppressed and marginalized. Not to mention the all but forgotten future generations. What Jesus said! What Jesus did! What Buddha said! What Buddha did! love, mystictrek
  6. Books I keep coming back to include: THE BIBLE THE SAYINGS OF THE DESERT FATHERS A COURSE IN MIRACLES THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY by Aldous Huxley MYTH & RITUAL IN CHRISTIANITY by Alan Watts THE WAY OF ZEN by Alan Watts THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY by Marcus Borg SPACE FOR GOD by Don Postema HANDBOOK TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS: THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS by Ken Keyes QUANTUM THEOLOGY by Diarmuid O'Murchu PLEASE UNDERSTAND ME II by David Keirsey YOGA: THE SPIRIT AND PRACTICE OF MOVING INTO STILLNESS by Erich Schiffmann AWAKENING THE BUDDHA WITHIN by Lama Surya Das THE CELESTINE VISION by James Redfield ZEN MIND, BEGINNER'S MIND by Shunryu Suzuki SPIRITUAL GROWTH: BEING YOUR HIGHER SELF by Orin channeled by Sunaya Roman Enough for now! I have 2 shelves of favorites: about 50 are Christian or semi-Christian and about 50 are Another Wisdom Tradition & New Spiritual Movements. I have noticed this 50-50 split in my favorites for years now. I guess that's why I have one foot in the church and one foot in the New Age and hope to see The New Church for the New Age emerge more and more.
  7. I don't know whether a sincere dialogue of the type you seek is possible. I believe that anyone who can observe and understand what is going on in the world these days would eventually come to the conclusion that the world, especially in the United States is changing in an accelerated manner, and not for the better. Many people simply will not acknowledge these changes and prepare themselves accordingly. Our major belief systems simply are ceasing to have much meaning to the people, especially those who reject any meaningful changes in traditional social institutions. When weaving was mechanized in England in the late 18th and early 19th century, these sorts of people were called "Luddites". After working for a long time in administration at a large research university in a capacity which required me to look into the future in many ways and ascertain what the new sciences and technologies were going to do to change the world, I did a lot of writing about my opinions regarding the levels of change that were likely, and which were already underway. This was in the 80's and 90's. I usually don't feign modesty, but if I were the sort of person who doted on telling others "I told you so " I certainly could have done it many times in the past fifteen years or so. The information's out there. Most people refuse to absorb and acknowledge it for what it is. Nobody even tried to dialogue with me regarding my findings. They only wished to attack me personally, and they were quite successful in destroying everything I had going in my life except for my spiritual beliefs. A classical case of nearly killing the messenger. But I did not and do not take any of it personally. Creative people are here to do one thing, create meaningful things and then move on with their lives. I've done that. Progressives look into the future and attempt to plow the ground for the planting of seeds that will grow into things that will benefit humankind in general in as many ways as possible. Reactionary people ALWAYS try to bury new viewpoints and put them where the sun will never shine on them. The current administration's many faceted assault on basic scientific research is a reflection of its primary directive of serving the political interests of such reactionary people, or should we refer to them as a contemporary version of the legendary Luddites. I for one DO NOT believe that dialogue is likely, but that opinion is based on my personal experiences and what I have observed and learned about the passing scene. Maybe you can make it come to be. I wish you well. I don't know. Maybe I've given up on some of my brothers and sisters who do not seem to care about humanity and the vicious world that they seem to be creating while we watch the process as daily entertainment. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe I'm too cynical. Probably so, but I'm quite willing these days to sit back and let future chips fall where they may. I have a favorite cartoon on my refrigerator. It shows two penguins facing each other. One of the penguins has a very large orange fish swallowing him from his head down to his waist. The Penguin who is not being swallowed by the fish is saying to the other, "Relax, God's in charge". That's good enough for me these days. In that spirit I'm with Aletheia's opinion on this one . Sorry for the rant, But you're a psychologist so I figured that you could take it for what it is and see my side of things. flow.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I find hope in the tradition of the prophets who spoke truth to power and sometimes convinced people to change and sometimes didn't and sometimes were even killed but they spoke boldly because God told them to speak boldly and to ask people to confess and repent. Americans, particularly privileged and powerful Americans, need to confess and repent for we have misused our privileges and our power and we are continuing to do so. We must keep speaking out in hope and love not knowing how effective our message will be in changing the collective mind of our society but know ing that we must try.
  8. How about: "while some Christians believe .... others believe .... While labels do sometimes become necessary, avoiding them as much as possible might be a good thing. I don't really fit the label of Progressive Christian because I am envisioning the day when a new integrated faith replaces traditional Christianity taking the best of our Christian tradition along with the best of many other wisdom traditions and new spiritual movements. An essential Christian belief for me is the trinity (so I can't be a Unitarian). An essential practice is Holy Communion. What I like to call the new church for the new age has to incorporate many of the great teachings of our Christian tradition while welcoming many more great teachings. I believe God is making this happen and I'm simply one of many messengers telling humanity that the day has come for something new to happen. The motto of my Presbyterian denomination says it well: "Reformed and always being Reformed". God is reforming us in new and mysterious and wonderful ways now. Rather than saying I am a Christian or even a progressive Christian, I say I am a person of faith rooted in Christian tradition, open to wisdom from all other wisdom traditions and movements of the Spirit.
  9. Fascinating. I forwarded this on to a few friends. Question: If you eliminate the literalism and racism, what have Mormons contributed to our evolving human wisdom? I'm sure they have but I just don't know what it is. I live near where Joseph Smith "found the tablets" but I am far from Utah and don't know Mormons. Oh. Once I did meet a couple who moved away from Utah and described themselves as "recovering Mormons".
  10. I am part of a Yahoo! interfaith dialogue group and here's what I just posted there: Progressive Christianity ( see http://www.tcpc.org/ ) offers a way to be a faithful Christian in a sacramental and metaphorical way. Progressive Christianity offers an approach to God which is consistent with the perennial philosophy of mysticism which is the core, the heart, the foundation of all wisdom traditions. Jesus-olatry is the heresy which claims that Jesus is the only human who reveals God completely. This is a false belief because it means that every other human being is somehow different than Jesus of Nazareth. I can't subscribe to that because I accept Paul's beautiful teaching that Jesus is "the first born fruits of the new humanity". He is the "new Adam". We all are able to become the new Adam through participation in this new humanity. Divinity is a quality of human experience which mystics comprehend and try to explain. It is impossible to explain because our human limits prevent us from understanding this beautiful truth. The trinity is the teaching that all humanity participates in divinity. Jesus revealed this wonderful truth to us and so we give him a very special place in the trinitarian framework. God became human. Human became God. The mystics know this and teach this because it is the truth. It is wonderful. It is fantastic. It is Good News indeed. I wish my fellow Christians could understand this truth without idolizing Jesus. Jesus doesn't want to be an idol. Bible-olatry is the heresy which claims that the Bible is dictated word for word by God and is totally free of error. I love the Bible but I also know imperfection and incompleteness when I see it. I see all sacred scripture as an advance in our human wisdom but not the final or complete word. Ultimately our authority for knowing God and knowing God's will is simply our experience, both individual and collective. No one individual can see the whole truth. No one community can see the whole truth. No one has a monopoly on truth. I am glad to be a progressive Christian totally open to the wisdom and insights I receive from the other wisdom traditions and from a variety of new movements of the Spirit.
  11. It's a journey we are on. I have often found myself so enamored with Buddhist insights that I have thought about leaving Christianity behind. But the Bible really has a hold on me! And the progressive Christians I know and love in mainline congregations all over the planet are a network of love and compassion I can count on. I give Alan Watts the credit for letting me know that Christian myth and ritual is a good representation of the perennial philosophy or Mysticism which is the core, the heart, the foundation of all wisdom. Moses met God at the Burning Bush. Jesus met God in the wilderness. Buddha met God at the Bo Tree. Mohammad met God at a little shack or something like that where he communicated directly with God. You can and do. I can and do. Borg in THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY argues that the born again metaphor is too important to give away. Indeed "emerging Paradigm" or Progressive Christians have a great way to be born again or born from above, the way of the journey of humility and openeness. Christianity offers so much wisdom as do other wisdom traditions. Here in the USA there is every reason to stay connected to any congregation where the "emerging paradigm" is either accepted or embraced and there are many.
  12. I am familiar with Bishop Spong's ideas and resonate. But he is so "in your face"! Marcus Borg says so many of the same things in a much more humble and gentle way. I am leading a study group on THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY right now at my Presbyterian Church. Group is really excited about it. A book which states a lot of my beliefs is QUANTUM THEOLOGY by Diarmuid O'Murchu. WOW! Also, anything by Sallie McFague. My friend John Preston has written a book which is due out this month. Can't wait to readi it.
  13. Hey Hillary & Pat. You're home! Hope to see you post some more.
  14. I have been going to (or pastoring) Presbyterian and Methodist & UCC congregations for nearly 6 decades now and standing for the gospel is the exception not the rule. I never remember standing for the Gospel as a child or teenager or young adult in Presbyterian and Methodist congregations. I never even knew the practice existed. In Episcopal & RC & Lutheran congregations I suspect that it is more the rule. My congregations rebelled against the practice saying it was "too Catholic" and unnecessary. I don't know!
  15. I agree that Borg's book THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY could be very helpful. Borg contrasts "earlier paradigm" Christianity with "emerging paradigm" Christianity. It is possible that you and your boyfriend might find that the emerging paradigm can bring you together, create some common ground. Many Presbyterian, UCC, Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran, Unity and other mainline congregations are open to the "emerging paradigm" approach. The Bible is a fantastic book when you can let go of the magical and mythical baggage attached to it. The Bible leads us to all kinds of growth, to peace and justice, to compassion and cooperation, to humility and patience. So many good things. Borg says we can claim the Bible with a historical, sacramental and metaphorical approach rather than factual-literal. A far more scholarly book which addresses the issue of the authority and influence and power of the Bible is: WHO WROTE THE NEW TESTAMENT by Burton Mack.
  16. READ > http://chuckcurrie.blogs.com/chuck_currie/...tian_commu.html < The Christian Right needs to learn how to reduce inflammatory communication rather than increase it. What's wrong with these people???? These are the same people who would be the first to take offense if Jesus or the flag was maligned in any way. I am more determined than ever to promote a progressive and politically involved faith based on tolerance and respect and huge compassion for the poor and oppressed and alienated and marginalized. As the great Chief Justice, Earl Warren, said; "What the world needs now is a political definition of compassion." Economic and social justice is a major theme of the Bible from start to finish. Some people read it and don't notice that for some reason. Working with people of other faiths in a respectful way is essential now on this ever-shrinking planet. I am really frustrated with the religious Right as they continue to twist and distort the teachings and values of our tradition in so many ways.
  17. Can progressive people of faith rooted in the Christian and Jewish traditions (progressive Christians, progressive Jews) join together with progressive people of other faith traditions to create a new kind of faith community which creates a new era of global peace, justice and sustainable abundance? Of course we can! And here’s how: By working with our Creator and each other to create the New Church (or the New Synagogue) for the New Age which is actively participating in the creation of “new heavens and a new earth." (Isaiah 65:17). I’m rooted in Christian tradition so I am comfortable with the term “church.” You may want to substititute “synagogue” or “mosque” or ‘temple” or “ashram” or something else from your tradition. I will fall back on my tradition and stick with the term I know best, church. The New Church for the New Age is: non-hierarchical, free, open, loving, caring, compassionate, healing, energizing,inclusive, humble, non-judgmental, fun, creative, yours, mine. I am convinced that Jesus never meant for the church to be a closed, hierarchical, authoritarian, nationalistic and denomination-alistic institution. I believe we are in the early stages of a GREAT EVOLUTIONARY LEAP FORWARD (the GELF). This is a huge transformation in consciousness, a massive paradigm shift. People rooted in traditional faith orientations are not immune from the big changes happening on our planet. Indeed many people of faith are at the very vanguard of these momentous changes. I’m glad about that. While some are resisting these changes, others are welcoming them and even making them happen. I identify myself with those who welcome the GELF and are gladly contributing to its success. How about you? Unfortunately, many Christians are resisting the GELF. But many others are eager to participate. Rather than identifying myself as a Christian, I choose to call myself a person rooted in the Christian faith tradition now seeking new ways to be faithful. The term Christian has, unfortunately, become associated with a lot of negative baggage. Christianity as we have known it may not be able to recover. This is not a bad thing if a new faith associated with the GELF can incorporate many of the best ideas of the Christian tradition along with many of the best ideas of other faith traditions. I don’t think this new kind of faith has a name yet. Maybe it is so radically different that it never will have a name! After all, the most holy is mysterious and unknowable and unnameable. Is that a word?! I will fall back on the simple term of “progressive Christian” from time to time but I want you to know what I mean by that term. The Center for Progressive Christianity -- http://www.tcpc.org/ -- has developed a list of 8 points -- https://www.tcpc.org/about/the_8_points.html -- describing the beliefs and values of progressive Christians. Marcus Borg has recently offered a comprehensive picture of the “emerging paradigm” of progressive Christianity in THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY. I will fall back on some other traditional Christian terms since I am so familiar with them and they still make sense to me and a lot of people. For example, I continue to love the idea of church and, more than that, I am quite committed to participating in church life and have been all my life. But I am just as willing to use terms and ideas from other faith traditions and from new movements of the spirit such as the New Age Movement, the Green movement, Rock’n”Roll music, World Music and many more. The foundational philosophy I am using is called the perennial philosophy or mysticism. One of the most descriptive studies of the perennial philosophy is THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY by Aldous Huxley. Alan Watts described how the Christian tradition fits in to the perennial philosophy in MYTH AND RITUAL IN CHRISTIANITY. My approach is to report on and to encourage the “new thing” God is doing now. I like the metaphor of an amazing journey. I am committed to promoting this amazing journey of faith and adventure and exploration and discovery. We are pilgrims together. We are explorers and pioneers working with God and each other in a creative process which will make sure that our planet not only survives but thrives. We are joining together with pilgrims of all ages and places who have been working on this mission since humanity began and will until humanity ends. We are all pilgrims on this journey. People of faith are the people who have become aware that we are pilgrims and are eager to get on with the pilgrimage and, in the process, save the planet. What’s required? Enthusiasm, which means simply “God within us.” As we explore and create together, I am going to point out a variety of ways where God is working with us to make all things new, to create the new, most holy, fantastic, glorious realm of abundance, joy, wisdom, beauty, love, truth, peace, justice and freedom. This is what heaven is. Our planet is a holy part of heaven. “I am creating new heavens and a new earth.” (Isaiah 65:17) “See I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) “I am about to do a new thing … “ (Isaiah 43:18) This amazing journey journey, therefore, begins and ends in heaven. We never leave heaven. We can’t. It only seems like we can. That’s an illusion. All aboard! Bon Voyage! +++
  18. If you get a little time I wouldn't mind a little feedback! + OUTLINE for I AM MAKING ALL THINGS NEW NOW # Introduction ## “Be Still and Know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) ## God is really shaking things up now ## I’ve got a story to tell to the nations & so do you ## “Let Go and Let God” ## “One day at a time” ## Coffee Break! ## We live in a Global Village Now ## The Wisdom Traditions are intermingling and sometimes clashing ## Something new is emerging. ## The New Church for the New Age or The New Humanity for the New Paradigm ## The Importance of Pragmatism # I Am Doing a New Thing Now ## I AM: God’s Holy Name is claimed by Moses and Jesus and Buddha ## I AM: God’s Holy Name is claimed by all humanity ## The Modern Ecumenical Movement ## Interfaith Dialogue is crucial ### The Presbyterian Recommendations for Interfaith dialogue ## Progressive Christianity ## New Thought ## Rock’n’Roll Music and Rock’n’Roll Culture are alive and well in the global village ## The New Age Movement must be included ## Personal Liturgy Formation ## Spirituality & Politics Do Mix ### Gandhi & MLK & Bishop Tutu ### Democracy Now! / LINK TV / SOJOURNERS / S&H / Howard Zinn / # What Is the Perennial Philosophy? ## Profound mystical experiences are found in all wisdom traditions ## Huxley, Watts, Campbell and others # The Characteristics of Heaven ## The Gifts of Our Creator: Abundance / Joy / Wisdom ## The Gifts of our Redeemer: Beauty / Love / Truth ## The Gifts of our Sustainer: Peace / Justice / Freedom # The Critical Spiritual Practices ## Stage 1: Stillness / Detachment / Humility ## Stage 2: Silence / Discernment / Healing ## Stage 3: Solitude / Devotion / Holiness ## Stage 4: Simplicity / Delight / Heavenliness # The Great Evolutionary Leap Forward (GELF) ## The Important New Paradigms ### The holographic universe ### The theory of everything – Einstein worked on it and now we are on the verge of an amazing new integration of knowledge about reality ## Visions of a New Age ### The Celestine Vision ## Our Intimate & Intricate Connections with our Creator and All Creation ## Exploring and Strengthening our Energy Fields & Chakras -- Yoga & Chi Gong ## We must work together to save the planet from impending disaster ### The Magnitude of the Crisis ### Overcoming addiction # The Mission of Good News Ambassadors ## Keep Hope Alive ## We need to tell stories and hear stories as much as possible ## Personality Types ## Archetypes > www.Myss.com ## Sacred Contracts > www.Myss.com
  19. I wouldn't underestimate the potential for evil among Secular Leftists. I believe Stalin was more of a ruthless murderer than Hitler.
  20. I agree with the Christian Right about one thing and that is that religion and politics do mix and must mix. Actually it was the Christian Left which taught me this in the 60s. A renewed Christian Left is now emerging as more and more of us realize we can't ignore politics especially when the planet is in such great danger. Gandhi said: “Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” He also said: “A religion that takes no account of practical affairs and does not help to solve them is no religion.” Of course he taught a kind of politics which is quite profound since he is known as an apostle of non-violence and he led many important non-violent actions which helped to bring about the independence of India in 1947. He tried to end the horrible violence between Muslims and Hindus which caused millions of deaths and horrendous destruction in the late 40s. He was assassinated during this effort. Sometimes you have to die trying. He certainly wasn’t the only one. The list of such martyrs in the cause of peace and justice is massive. But try we must. Yes, we must try over and over and over again to create a realm where peace and justice overcome violence and injustice. Much has been accomplished. Much has yet to be done. And, so, I write about, blog about, talk about, participate in, political causes even while my main emphasis is spiritual formation, or religion. Politics is simply too important for anyone to ignore and authentic spiritual seekers know that as well as any one.
  21. Gandhi's quotes are really inspirational and important. The world needs peacemakers, reconcilers, visionaries, prohets. Gandhi is one of the best. READ > http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/...das_gandhi.html
  22. Marcus Borg in THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY suggests that we stop spending so much energy on those who are not interested in change and reform and, instead, spend our energy on those who are interested in change and reform and, he says, there are millions and millions of them. Most people, I believe, are pragmatic and are open to ideas which are innovative even if they prefer tradition and preservation. There are some who are very judgmental in all of the religious and secular camps. Sometimes we just need to let go of the need to change these people and let them stew in their judgmentalism until they realize how unhappy this is making them. God is at work in every one and events will cause change in even the most ideologically driven of our sisters and brothers.
  23. The Hamas victory in Palestine is interesting. Democracy in the Middle East! I guess sometimes getting what you pray for leads to unanticipated events. Probably the best way to look at it is that they threw the bums out. As did the Canadian voters recently (turning Right) as did the German voters recently (turning Right) as did the Spanish voters recently (turning Left) as did about 5 South American nations in the past 5 years (turning Left). Right turns, Left turns. The voters keep moving us to the pragmatic Center. This is good. Very good. The amazingly peaceful election in Palestine can be seen as a beacon of hope. But we will have to actually listen to the people of Palestine who have spoken and want to be heard. If we just keep labeling them terrorists and refuse to listen, then we are saying that democracy is not our real goal in the Middle East. The Palestinians have real grievances which have not been addressed. They need to be heard. They need justice from the world, from Israel, from the United States.
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