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:D Left Behind series is great and all completely factual! i'm so glad i wont be there for the tribulation and I cant wait until the next three books come out! Have you read any? What do you think or if you havent you need to read them. Im addicted!

Its good fiction, there's a reason its not in the nonfiction section, but the "Christian Fiction" section of bookstores. The End Times hype has really been amusing me lately. I mean, really, doesn't the Bible say to not try to figure out God's plans for us? And isn't that exactly whats being done? I enjoyed reading the first two or three books in the series, but got bored with it after that. People have been letting themselves be brainwashed by the false prophets on TV, Christ's message wasn't about fearing for your eternal soul, he was teaching about Divine Love and the search for God. He warned us about false prophets 2,000 years ago, and we still let ourselves be suckered by them.


Well I can't say as I have read any. Not really interested the webpage www.raptureme.com is about as scary a fictional account as any (not meant to be of course). I would guess the guy is smoking something but since he is a fundie I guess not. I have read a few reviews of this series and the 'nonbelievers" sound pretty generic, but I guess that is to be expected in that sort of ficition.


BTW there are some satires something like "My ___ Left Behind" etc. One of the satires of note is written by an evangelical who is not into the whole rapture thing.


I think the books are really bad as they have led to questionable environmental policy for one (why worry when you only have 50 years, maybe less).


I think most serious Bible scholars consider Revelation to be not about the (for them) far future but about the Roman empire. I always think it is amusing that people are so worried about the Empire capabilities of the EU when I think that the US is about as close to an empire as anything we have around these days.



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