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Posts posted by Carl

  1. Sort of - - -


    Fasting never sounded very appealing to me. I LOVE to cook and bake. People stop by my house all the time because they know I always have something worth eating in the oven or on the stove. So, naturally, I personally enjoy food and drink quite a bit.


    Recently however, for medical reasons I had to go on a very strict diet. I was limited to 800 calories per day. The goal of this diet was medical not spiritual.

    However, I did find that the diet resulted in some personal spiritual benefits.


    I came to really appreciate the finer points of food more. This helped me become a better cook - as my understaing of something like the multiple textures of a navy bean - exploded - because when you only eat 10 navy beans that day - you really study each one in a way that you would never understand if you weren't really focused on each single bean.


    By eating less I focused more on details of food that I had never realized.


    Spiritualy that helped me appreciate the providence of God - and the complex design that God has authored. It reminded me that God's viewpoint is often different than ours. I also found that after the first two days I was no longer hungry.


    If you are curious - try it out. I think this is a very personal thing - for some people it will help - for others it won't. Check with your doctor first if you plan to fast.

  2. well, so far so good.


    He had his first injection and is under strict orders to rest as much as possible until we go back for the second shot on November 14.


    He is obviously not feeling well and is even more clingy than usual.

    The vet said this is normal - so we seem to be on track.


    Thanks for your interest and prayers.


  3. Much of this depends on context.


    I oppose the use of religion for capitalistic purposes.

    This is one reason that "Bible Book Stores" make me sick - selling plastic crap (likely made in sweat shops) with the newest "Christian phrase" on them IE: WWJD, FROG, PUSH, etc.


    However, if the verse of scripture, or other inspirational thought, is published in such a way that it is clearly designed to give comfort and support to those who come in contact with it, then I support the idea. Afterall, we can all stand some encouragment now and then.


    Determining the context is key. What verse is selected, how is it presented?, is it appropriate to the venue, is it polite, etc....

  4. I am a Cubs fan. I'm like that guy in the Old Style commercial who painted his house Cubbie Blue.

    BUT- on this occasion I will root 100% for the South Side team.


    The only thing that will make their WS win better is to follow it up with a Cubs WS win next year :)


    I was 5 years old and living in metro Detroit when Sparky Anderson's Tigers won the world series in 1984 - so this is my first White Sox event!

  5. I view baptism as one of the special ways that God has chosen to show divine grace.


    Since we are all God's children, I support the practice of infant baptism.


    Baptism also serves as a reminder of our Faith Tradition's Jewish roots as the concept of a ritual cleansing using water is deep in Jewish tradition.


    Since I see baptism as an act of divne grace, I don't support the concept of "re-baptism" as God's grace never fails and God made no mistake the first time.

    That said, I see no problem with an adult re-affirming her or his baptism if they wish to. However, theologically I can't support "a second baptism".


    As to the form that is used - as long as it is respectful, I don't care.


    So to me - Baptism is a special way that God has chosen to show God's love to all God's children.

  6. The unbearded man is St. John the Beloved (who was entrusted with Mary's care upon Christ's death).


    The two bearded men are Joseph of Arimathea (in whose tomb our Lord was laid) and Nicodemus who was a friend of Joseph of Arimathea, and a follower of Christ after his conversation recorded in chapter 3 of St. John's Gospel.


    The women are 1. Mary the mother of Jesus 2. Martha and 3. Mary Magdalene

  7. I got the dog from an "Animal Rescue League" that just collects the dogs, houses them in kennels and tries to find new homes for them. They do no medical care at all. I have sent them an e-mail to tell them about this.


    The dog had no vaccines or medical tests done while in their care.

    They had told me he had a distemper shot and gave me the records for that.

    My vet looked at the paper they gave me and said that the shot had expired and he needed another one.


    I asked the vet about the level of medical care at the shelter. He said that Indiana law doesn't require much from those sort of shelters and that each shelter sets their own standards. Some are quite high, others are very low.


    Our state does have a private Golden Retriever Rescue Group (www.GRRACE.org). I have been talking with them for about 6 months. When I e-mailed them to tell them I got Atticus, they were very happy because they were about to send someone to get him for their rescue. They make sure that all their dogs are healthy and they are a very good group of people.


    They also told me more about the heart worm situation. They said that the initial test the Dr. does often registers false positives so I shouldn't get worried until the more conclusive test comes in. Also, she said that they have successfully treated over 40 dogs for heart worm. That was reassuring.

  8. It is treatable - but the cure often kills the dog.


    Basically, from what I understand, which is little -


    They put a medicine into the dog that kills the worms off.

    The trick is - if they kill too many worms too fast, the dog's heart goes into shock and he dies.

    So, they have to get the balance just right - killing the right amount of worms over the right amount of time.


    After the initial medicine (3 day stay at vet) then he has over a month with no physicial activity. He would need to be laying down resting except when he goes to the bathroom. He must not run or work his heart at all. During that time the adult worms are dying off.


    Then he goes back for a second treatment like the first - this time to kill the baby worms. A shorter period of rest follows - then he can go back to a normal schedule.


    The cost, I'm told is between 400-800 dollars depending on many factors.

    I will learn more about this process if the next test result confirms that he is heartworm positive.

  9. A little up date - and a request for your prayers.


    I took the dog to the vet today for the first time. His heartworm test came back positive. They did a second test which is more accurate but needs to be done at a lab in another town. I should get a firm Positive or Negative test result on Tuesday or Wednesday. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.




  10. For what it is worth - I have given up trying to "measure my spritual growth" because I don't think it can be measured linearly or quantified in any way. I just focus on knowing God and striving to live in love.


    I feel much better since I gave up the "am I growing spiritually" question and just focused on knowing and loving God.


    Which leads me into my thoughts - that Salvation, which I understand to be a relationship with God - is a process. While that process has certain points that we can easily identify and measure (ie: baptism) I think those points are all a part of the overall salvation process. But since the process is never ending, we are always going through the process. Therefore, we lack the perspective to see where we are at in it - so it can't be measured linearly.


    I think this process is the spiritual reality identified in my faith traditiion with the terms: prevenient grace, salvation, sanctification and glorification.

    I am leary of any faith tradition that requires us all to move through certain steps in a certain order at a certain time.


    I think our individual reltationships with God will all progress individually through this great process of knowing God (salvation).

  11. Last night was our first night together.

    He doesn't like me to be out of his sight. I think that will improve once he feels more secure here. Sleeping in his crate in the laundrey room was out of the question as he cries if he can't see me, and I don't like the idea much either.


    So, I thought I will let him sleep on the bedroom floor. That worked OK until I laid down. When I laid in the bed - he couldn't see me from the floor and would stand up so he could see me. I dozed off - and an hour later when I woke up - he was still sitting next to the bed looking at me.


    I realized we were never going to sleep that way - so I laid down on the floor where he could see me and still lay down. I was trying to make his adjustment to the new home as easy as possible. Yet, I didn't want him on the bed until he had a good bath since he just came from the humane society. I fell asleep that way- on the floor next to the dog.


    I woke up this morning - on the floor. With the dog on the bed - looking down on me. Smart dog!

  12. As of 4 PM today - my household population doubled with the addition of

    "Atticus" a 2 and a 1/2 year old Golden Retriever. He has taken to living here after a brief stay at the humane society. An appropriate addition to the household during the week we celebrate St. Francis' feast day!


    Note - while the population has only doubled - the energy level has increased ten- fold!

  13. Well, we can start by studying the Great Commission itself. The call is to make disciples, not to invite people to a fellowship; then, AFTER a period of discipleship  they are to be baptised, and then further instructed and taught in the Way of Jesus the Christ. There were steps in place at the time the original commission was sounded, initiations which those who were committed to discipleship were expected to take. There was a choice involved. One didn't just go to church; one submitted to spiritual direction, initiation, and the ordeals of leaving behind ones past life and beginning life anew as a Christ One. The early Christians literally gave up all property and private financial holdings and shared all equally with those in the community. The Call was a radical departure from "business as usual". It was a literal call to lay down ones life and embrace the Life of God in Christ.


    These days, the Great Commission is nothing more than getting people to profess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, granting them eternal salvation based on this verbal acquiesence, and setting them loose upon the churchs and the world.



    I agree with most of what is said here - and I certainly agree with what I believe to be Lily's message -That the Great Commission involves Christ-like living not just repeating some rote prayer and thereby beliving oneself saved from the fires of hell.


    I do however differ with one point - "AFTER a period of discipleship they are to be baptised,"


    I firmly believe in the importance of infant baptism as a way to show God's love for all humanity. We are afterall, ALL God's children. I see this as perhaps the most inclusive of all sacraments - that God offer's God's love to all of us at all times and all stages of life, even when we are unaware of it. This sarament affrims our belief that we are all members of God's family.


    I also don't believe in the practice of "re-baptism". Since, I believe we are celebrating God's inclusive love in the sacrament to begin with - to do it over again would be to imply that somehow it didn't work the first time. I don't have any problem with a re-affirmation of the baptismal covenant as long as it is understood to be a re-affirmation and not a re-baptism.


    In the cases of adults who have never been baptized as Children - I feel that Baptism is appropriate as soon as they desire it and begin to identify themselves with the Christian faith tradition. I do not think that they need to wait for a period of discipleship before they are baptised. My mind goes to the interatction with Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch - with Philip saying (Ok - not in some manuscripts :) "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest".

  14. It was first introduced without chap and verse to emphasize the poetic nature of the text and help provide the reader with a different experience of reading the text than they were used to, an experience a little closer to the first manuscripts which didn't have chapter/verse markings.

    I'm glad it can be had both ways now.

  15. I read tonight while looking up various scriptures in The Message on studylight.org that it is now available with chapter and verse.


    I can just imagine trying to use a bible w/o chapter and verse in church:


    "Please turn to page 325, about 1/4 way down the page, third word in from the left ... Everybody at the word "the"? Next word "Son"? ... Sister Jones, I think you are about 5 lines too far down the page ..."  :blink:


    That was exactly my reason for not using it! I'm glad to hear it is in chapter and verse! That makes it much better suited for public use.

  16. Well I don't know quite as much about this sort of thing as you do, Carl. If someone hadn't read it in church, I never would have heard/ seen it. I never heard of it before about a month or so ago.



    You make a very good point about the advantage of using different translations/paraphrases of Scripture in our worship service.

    You are right, it is a great way to expose more people to them. You have challenged me to include other versions more often with that goal in mind. Thanks :)


    PS - when I said "The Message" is not ideal for public reading to to Peterson's style - I didn't mean because he was not as accurate as anyone else is.

    I was referring to the fact that he writes in the style of poetry not prose and does not include verse numbers. I have found that for public reading, the liturgists in my church prefer the more common presentation of other translations (IE: easy to find chapter and verse).

  17. And Jesus would most certainly NOT advocate socialist ideas.  He never advocated the state taking money from one person and giving it to another.  This violates the 8th commandment, thou shalt not steal.


    I respectfully disagree. I don't see that Jesus advocated any one form of economic system over another. It is clear that Christ DID advocate for JUSTICE in our societies regardless of the style of economic system in place in that society.


    I personally feel the most Just economic system - is a socialist system.

    To ensure that all people recieve equal levels of health care, equal protection from work place discrimination, and equal access to educational oppurtunities, it is my opinion that the government must heavily regulate these things - and directly provide many of these things. It is my experience that when left totally to the "private sector" the poor in our communities are served poorer than the rich are. I find that reality to be contradictory to the teachings of Christ. I also find that Jesus did instruct his followers to give of their wealth to the poor persons in their communities.


    To the second point - "He never advocated the state taking money from one person and giving it to another. This violates the 8th commandment, thou shalt not steal. "


    It seems to me - that the rich industrial leaders in our country have much money because they have abused our workers and the environment in order to get it. I consider that to be stealing. While their wealth may be lawfully theirs, I do not consider it to be justly theirs. It seems, from my perspective, that the owners, shareholders & managers of every company that fails to pay a living wage have gained their wealth by stealing it from the poor who worked in their industries for unfair wages and in unsafe conditions. So, to take money from the rich and use it to support programs that help the poor - such as public education and health care is to return that wealth to the people to whom it truly belongs, the workers of the world. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be stealing from the poor - a violation of the above cited commandment.

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