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Everything posted by eclectic001

  1. Finding the right church is extremely important, I believe. I tried belonging to churches with which I was not compatible simply because of location. In every case (three), it was a mistake. I cannot find what I want in a church where I am being taught things that I find abhorrent. Today on a church blog, I replied to a woman who was confused about how you know right and wrong when the Bible tells you so many things that seem unreasonable. I have no illusions about the Bible, as a whole, being the Word of God. I suggested to her to read the hymn "The King of Love My Shepherd Is." I said that I believe that is at the heart of Christianity and that that hymn is some of the Words of God. There is no "hate your neighbor", "kill your neighbor" or any of that. It is purely and simply about love. That is what church, religion and spirituality should be, I think.
  2. I took a course in Progressive Christianity several years ago, and I was very interested in finding Christians who believe as I do. I go to a church that is very welcoming to everyone, and I really enjoy our discussions. I find I still am a bit on the fringe in that I like to really dig in and analyze what Christians claim to believe. I don't mean to imply that I am critical of the beliefs of others, but I do find that many people are bound to the "party line" and really don't pay much attention to what they say they believe. Anyway, I am here to learn from other people as well as to discuss Christianity with thinking people. I am 69 years old, was raised in a Baptist Church, attended a non-denominational church until it was taken over by fundamental Christians, went to two Lutheran churches, and now I belong to an Episcopal church that I dearly love. Religion and spirituality are very important to me.
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