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Everything posted by darby

  1. Seeking- I agree completely. To paraphrase a quote I heard a while ago, "The church is really growing, there's a real revival going on." "Yeah, it's growing all right...it's a mile wide and an inch deep." Too many churches, in an effort to "reach out," are going crazy trying to entertain people. We certainly need to be relevant to the culture we are trying to reach, but we don't need to be shallow or superficial, in my opinion. My church meets in a huge tent, built to put money into people, not buildings. It's heated/cooled, etc., and saved us a ton of money.
  2. I'll answer as a "fundie," although I don't usually like labels. I always want to learn more, understand more, just like the rest of you. I also don't want to believe certain things just because I was taught that way one time. I enjoy being around those that might believe slightly different from me, so I can learn where other people are coming from. I'm around like minded people enough. I want my views to be challenged, put to the test, etc. I like hearing the different views on the board as we challenge each other's beliefs. So in a way, perhaps that makes me "progressive," though not in the sense of this site, I guess. All that to say, I always want to make sure my beliefs, what I hear and read, match up with scripture. If there is a difference, I'll choose scripture over my feelings every time. That is my foundation, my starting point. I understand that many of you don't feel like that, but I am curious, what is YOUR foundation? What I mean is, when you are challenged with something you do not agree with or believe, what standard do you measure it against? Not speaking for all "fundies".........
  3. Seeking I agree, forgiveness is probably the biggest challenge we have. Sometimes it's only because I remember how much He has forgiven me that I am able to forgive others. Curious--what, or whom do you seek? I think it is very healthy to explore the Bible, wrestle with tough doctrine, etc. Basically, behave as the Bereans, who listened to Paul speak, and then went home every day and checked out what he said with the scriptures. And I also say challenge "fundies" or anyone with a distorted view of Jesus or the Bible. I would stop short, however, of looking for a "different take" on the Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth as you are reading--that is one of His jobs! Take Jesus as you find Him in the Bible--including both the things you like about Him (love, service, compassion, etc.) as well as the things that might make you uncomfortable (his role as judge, the only way to the Father, etc.) I maintain it's not really our job to figure it out in a way that makes us comfortable, as much as accept Him as He is. He is God, we are not. Hope you have a great weekend.
  4. I'm new to the site, and have enjoyed many of the posts. I finally felt compelled to join in. In full disclosure, let me identify myself (which will be clear soon) as a "fundie" with regards to Jesus. While I'm ok with being progressive with regard to methods, etc., being progressive with scripture is dangerous and warned against clearly in the Bible. In love, I must say there are several untruths about Jesus in this thread. Jesus was not/is not an angel, nor is he "equal" with us. Angels, and we, should fall down and worship Him. And He deserves all the worship he is given. He never turned away or dismissed those who worshipped Him as He walked the earth. If He didn't want it, he clearly would have told them to stop. We also can not become "christs", and we cannot save ourselves. Our sin separates us from a Holy God. Jesus would never say He is not saviour--read John 3:16-18. He was SENT to save. Only the sacrifice of a perfect Lamb can pay the wages of that sin, which is death. As we all search out ways to "progress" in our faith, we need to base it on something more than our feelings. Otherwise, you have your Jesus, I have mine, and another guy calls a piece of baloney "Jesus." Don't create a new "Jesus," fall down and worship Jesus as He is. He is definitely worthy!! Love in Him
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