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Posts posted by TheNewMe12

  1. Jim,


    First off, let me say Welcome! We are happy you joined. Next, regarding the weakening of Faith that you spoke of. On the subject of Faith, I find the Progressive Christian Marcus Borg to be most helpful. He describes 4 forms of Faith that I will briefly describe:


    1). Faith as Belief - the most common form of Faith, as in the belief in a creed or set of facts or in an entire book.

    2). Faith as Fiducia - the Latin root of the word Fiducial which is Trust. It is the idea that one trusts in God and the ways of God.

    3). Faith as Fidelitas - Fidelity, being in a committed relationship to God and God's way.

    4). Faith as Viseo - Vision. Simply the way you see the world and how you imagine a more perfect world might look.


    Personally, this opened my eyes to Faith! I had never even considered the other three, I thought Faith exclusively meant number 1). I am guessing the weakening of your Faith is in number 1), but consider - as I am now - the other 3.


    Hope this helps..

  2. Hello, and welcome to the forum. Of course, I have to ask, why are you reluctant? Are you what JS Spong would refer to as a "Believer in Exile"? Anyway, hope to learn more about your story.



  3. Johnny,


    I am, like you, just starting out in this new world of Christianity. For me, so far, it has been more of a change in attitude in my daily life. I feel much more patient and calm around other people, which I hope shows. I am also playing more with my kids. One other thing, I am getting into the habit of praying before I eat. I don't make a big public show of it, just pause, bow my head, and say a quick thanks to God.



  4. Raven,


    I notice something about myself that I suspect is true of a lot of people. When there is an issue with which I am struggling, I tend to reveal that struggle publicly in some way. Example: I have made several attempts in my life to become vegetarian, and failed at all of them. Although I believe it is the moral choice, I struggle with the fact that I like the taste of meat. So, what do I do? I go around announcing to everyone that "I am vegetarian", and that "I don't eat meat anymore," etc... What have I just done? Announce to the world that this is an issue with which I struggle. I am not really a vegetarian, but I want to be.


    I suspect that other people do the same thing. When they announce publicly their beliefs and strongly held opinions, they are revealing issues that have touched them in some way, issues with which they struggle. Often they are revealing an ideal that they would like to achieve, but have not yet. When I notice the tricks that I myself use, it helps me accept what other people are going through.


    I think, or at least hope for myself, that being Christian means being given my freedom, being given a release from the chains of my past. It's not that I "don't do something because I'm a Christian," but rather, "why would I ever want to do that again, now that I have tasted freedom?"


    Hope this helps,



  5. Stas,


    I too have an interest in Buddhism - Buddhist meditation that is. Also, the Buddhist way of Compassion for all things fits hand in hand with the concept of Christian Love. I have not yet read anything by Don Cupitt. Is there any particular book you recommend?


    Welcome to the forum,


  6. I understand a LOT of thought went into the new 2011 version of the 8 points. I agree, it is more inclusive. It needs to be kept. However, I find the original 8 points to be a bolder statement: especially the 8th point about the costliness of following Jesus and renunciation of privilege. Most everyone would agree with "selfless love" and "resistance to evil," but few people are really willing to think about giving up the privileges they feel they have earned. It is a bold statement that challenges us to change. Thus, please do not throw away the original version.



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  7. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Jonnyb - I read some of your posts and think we read the same authors and are very much in a similar place. George - yes, I feel much the same. I don't have to agree 100%, as long is there isn't something I strongly object to. A central issue for me, though not the only one, is that I am gay. A church for me would have to be progressive enough to accept that - and NOT in the spirit of "we welcome all sinners to our church," but in the spirit of "homosexuality is not a sin." I also accept that even in an accepting church, not 100% of the congregants will agree with that statement.


    Anyway, I am not here to debate homosexuality, but to embrace a new life and a better me. I strongly feel this is the Christian Way, and I am ready for it. One example of a way I am trying to change: in the work place I want to see my primary relationship to everyone I work with as "personal" not "professional", in that I am first above all things a person, not an employee. This smacks in the face of workplace ethics, but I am weary of the dual personality of "work place" vs. "personal life.". Of course this doesnt mean I am trying to creat work place drama, but rather work place kindness. It is about integrity. I want to feel like the same person everywhere. I have met people like this and I greatly admire them.


    By the way, there is an Episcopal church nearby that I am curious about. I might drop by sometime in the near future and see what it is like. Thank you, again, everyone for being so welcoming.

  8. Greetings and blessings to this forum.


    I live and work in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and am a single adoptive parent of two kids. Being a singe parent is definitely a spiritual path, and as the title of this post suggests, I am increasingly seeing Progressive Christianity as a good fit for me. Having read several posts in this forum, it comes as no surprise that I, quite independently, arrived at this place after reading authors such as John Spong and Marcus Borg. I still find the idea of calling myself a Christian uncomfortable at times because of its association with the fundamentalist and evangelical movements. I would forever be explaining what kind of Christian I am and how exactly is that Christian. Never the less, maybe it is time that I do so.


    I find myself smack in the middle of a Midlife "Realignment". I say "realignment" instead of "crisis" because I can't afford to be in crisis, it would be too unstable for my kids. Rather, I am making a conscious decision to seek joy and happiness for the second half of my life rather than status and achievement. In this way, Progressive Christianity also looks very attractive. I find myself stuck, however, when trying to find a church community, other than online. I have been attending a local Methodist Church - thinking they would be the least fundamentalist - however it is not working out. They still preach the "literal" meaning of the Bible too much for my liking. I have heard about, but never attended, the Episcopal Church. I'm sure there are some Episcopalians here, so any thoughts on that?


    Anyway, I am hopeful that this forum can be a "kind of church" for me. I hope to read and post semi-regularly and to get to know others.




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