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Everything posted by Anquisitum

  1. I also have found unprogrammed Quaker Meeting to be a very mystical and worshipful place but I LOVE the traditional church music. And the windows, incense, candles, smells and bells, even the mystery of the bread and the wine although I no longer take any of it literally. The idea of a church which is "noisy and boisterous, ... The music--jazz, blues, rock and roll and rap ... The lighting will be colorful and dramatic. These services will go on for two hours or more..." totally turns me off. The unfocused nature (to me) of the UU service also doesn't attract me. I don't regularly attend Quaker Meeting any more (I did for a couple of years) but what I most appreciated was the quiet and the stillness. I don't go because I miss the music. Therein may lie some of the problem. What is appealing in terms of the form of the service has become as varied in our times as the theologies. I think it's fine for some to have a jazz-rap service, I just don't want it to be MY only alternative. The Episcopalian idea which seems to be peeling apart - that we share the same service although we may not share the same interpretation - was very appealing to me. I'd love to find a place that had the high music and the trappings of the high service but a progressive theology and progressive sermons. If I started a new denomination that's what it would be.
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