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Posts posted by Realspiritik

  1. God's Grace, you wrote:

    Yup, I told you I am not special but I am very special to this God Guy because I am his work in progress.


    Hey Grace -- I sure know how you feel. You're awesome. Thanks so much for sharing. There's nothing like the feeling of acceptance and love that comes from an angelic guide who really "gets" you as a person, and wants to help you remember how to be your best self.


    You wrote:

    So now I can have a conversation with my own personal God Guy any time I choose. He guides me daily to make the most loving choices possible for everyone involved. When he says "No" to something then I just need to dig deeper and ask why. He has taught me that Tough Love is God's Unconditional Love. AND "Baby you can do it the easy way or the hard way. But you are going to do it!"


    I almost fell off my chair when I read what you wrote. Maybe your God Guy and mine went to the same tough ass school for guardian angels. Sheesh. They just don't ever give up. Nag, nag, nag. Sometimes I think I'm living with Judge Judy. Of course, contrary to your comments about Jesus, my guy is actually pretty good looking.


    Love Jen

  2. Hi Grace,


    You're a brave woman. Thank you for sharing your difficult life story.


    Your message describes the core of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You don't say how old your child/children are, but they're fortunate to have a mom who's trying with her will and her heart to break the old cycles of abuse. Thank you.


    It saddens me to see people struggling to find the Way in words, philosophy, logic. The Way is about the heart. The Way is about taking the pain and finding meaning in it. The Way is about taking the lemons and finding your own perfect recipe to make the lemons into lemonade. The Way is about emotions -- uplifting, inspiring emotions. The Way is about relationships. If you look for the Way in your logical mind, you'll never find it. It's a feeling of wisdom -- emotional wisdom. If you can't deal honestly with your own emotions, you haven't found the Way. Thinking pure thoughts is the road to disconnection from the soul. Feeling pure feelings is the Way.


    I deeply empathize with the ###### you went through. I had my own abuse issues to deal with before I could master my anger, my violent feelings towards my abuser, and my inability to forgive myself. I like the anvil you mention. My anvil rolled over the top of me like a Sherman tank.


    You wrote:

    it was not easy and I said forgive not condone..nobody ever has the right to hurt a child in the name of love. What I needed to do was step back from those that hurt me knowing that they were not loving and at the same time love and embrace them for the beautiful souls that they truly were.


    I'm smiling. You've described what it feels like to be a christ. As a christ, you don't condone harm, or make excuses for it. You feel pain when you're harmed, yet as you draw in breath to say to the other, "No -- that's not good enough, you must make amends," you also draw in a healing breath of pure love for the other. Unconditional love. God's love. Your love. You accuse the ego while fully loving the soul.


    Keep writing. I want to hear your story.


    Love Jesus

  3. When you ask for the "glass half full' commanments I want to say we should honor and respect : our Creators, each other, our children, every living thing on this planet and the planet itself. We are not doing a very good job on any of these issues. We give rote prayer and then expect favors from God. We climb that corporate ladder at work and backstab just about anybody that gets in our way. We teach our children through our actions that money is more important than they are. We polute our earth, our waters and the very air we breathe. We treat the animals as if we are their lord and master and we kill them cruelly and waste way too much of the gifts they give us. I guess my commandments would be all about honoring and truly respecting all that we have been given to learn and grow with on this planet. We are so busy working, making money, and keeping up with the Jone's that we have forgotten the true values of life. I really believe we are here to learn to love the way our Creators do. We should not be putting money, status or our egos before our soul's need. What we need more than anything is to remember God's true Unconditional Love and to start practising it now!!

    Love God's Grace

    Hi, God'sGrace,


    Thanks. Love your thoughts.


    I wish people would spend more time keeping up with the angels, and less time keeping up with the Jones's.


    You're absolutely, dead on right -- we are here to love the way our Creators do. The good news? You can do it. You can love with unconditional love the way God the Mother and God the Father do.


    Now, friends. What's next? You know the goal -- loving unconditionally. How do you did it?


    Let's hear your ideas. What experiences in your life have brought you closer to unconditional love? How do you experience that glorious, life-infusing emotion?




    Love Jesus

  4. In the lastest TCPC newsletter there was a quote by author James R. Adams that is an interesting quote. He quoted Jesus words saying, "MY Kingdom is no part of this world." Then he replied, "I certainly wouldn't want politicans who indentify themselves as progressive Christians running the country anymore than i would like  self-proclaimed born-again Christians being in charge. I think that having any religious group dominate the government is dangerous. In my poinion, our focus must be on the transformation of ourselves, our churches, and our society___in that order."


    Tell me thoughts on these quotes.

    I have a lot of sympathy for Rev. Adam's position on politics. I think that a great many people, in earnestly wishing to emulate the choices made by Buddha, Jesus, and other spiritual teachers, are trying as hard as possible not to judge others. It's hard to enter the arena of politics without running smack into a whole lot of judgments. Some of the judgments are your own. Some belong to others. It's stressful to try to juggle that kind of emotional energy. To many people, it isn't worth the toll in their own lives to fight the juggernaut. They make the best choice they think they can, and stay out of politics altogether.


    The problem here is that while they're demurring, the bullies who are intent on pushing their own personal agenda on a nation aren't kept in check. If the moderates (whether Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, or Christian) stay out of politics, or put it last on their list of priorities, then the bullies (who by definition don't do moderation) end up in charge. Is this what we want for the people we love?


    Democracy utterly depends on the commitment and interest of all citizens, not just the few who want to pursue a political career.


    Personally, I don't see a problem with people who identify themselves as Progressive running a country. As long as they stick closely to their core values of inclusiveness, compassion, service, and respect, they should end up with a pretty good result.


    Good thread, Beach of Eden.


    Love Jen

  5. So what exactly would you have liked the written words about you to say? What would your 10 Commandments be?

    Hi God's Grace,


    Good talking to you.


    You wrote: "So what exactly would you have liked the written words about you to say? What would your 10 Commandments be?"

    This feels like I'm being asked to write my own epitaph. But I like the question. It's fair. So I'll give it a shot.


    If I could rewrite the New Testament, I'd be more honest with people. I think the friends who felt they should "add in" extra tidbits of "Messiah bloodline" to spice things up did the message a disservice. The message in itself was a great one. The gospel writers didn't need to add the "virgin birth" thing. They gilded the lily, so to speak.


    I think they meant well. They thought it would help women and men feel more comfortable with the message if they included all the usual Messiah trimmings they were used to. They thought they should make me more than human. They didn't trust how strongly other people would resonate with the simple truth. They didn't, ultimately, trust in God enough. To be honest, they thought the story, plain and honest as it was, wasn't very God-like. They thought God should be all about spectacle, gold and riches, and prostrate worship. So they cooked it. After I was dead, my buddies got together and made a plan. They thought it would be a fitting and necessary epitaph for me if they posthumously named me King, Messiah, and Lord.


    But I was only teacher, friend, healer, mentor, family man, friend, bereaved father, lonely "prophet".


    Thanks for asking about the 10 Commandments. I know a lot of people think the 10 Commandments of Moses are fine. But, come on, is it necessary to tell a person not to murder? If you're connected to your heart and soul, you know that instinctively. If you're not connected to your heart and soul because of biological damage to your physical brain, then knowing the Commandments won't stop you from murdering. I offer history as proof.


    I would re-write the Commandments to make them about the "glass half full" rather than the "glass half empty". Instead of emphasizing sin, harm, wrongdoing, and ignorance, I would choose to emphasize the innate goodness of all souls. I would encourage people to remind themselves each day they're loving, courageous, forgiving, and charitable when they choose to be. I would use "tender, compassionate, Tough Love", as you put it. I would use the carrot, rather than the stick.


    I invite others on this site to contribute their own version of what the 10 Commandments might look like based on what they've learned about love. Go deep into your gut. Look around for your own love, courage, forgiveness, and service. Share with us what you know. This should be a team effort.


    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Love Jesus

  6. Hi Friends,


    Jesus here again. I'm going to start a thread of my own. You're welcome to join in and ask as many questions as you want. I fact, I would love to field your inquiries. I'm sitting here "on the Other Side" twiddling my thumbs, so to speak. This is a paradigm shift. I'm one of the team members God has assigned to the paradigm shift. I'm the communications expert. I'm the angel assigned to this part of the world. The way I talk should (I hope) be easy to understand if you're a North American. The paradigm shift has other angels working in other parts of the world. Angels on the God Team want clarity.


    Today, I talk about my time on the cross. Please bear in my mind, if you haven't read other things I've posted, I speak bluntly. It's who I am. Jen normally passes my thoughts through her brain and softens them. Today, you get pure me.


    Don't freak, though. If you're a Progressive Christian, I think you'll like what I'm going to say.


    First, the facts. Yes, I was a real, live human being. Yes, I was a teacher. Yes, I was a healer. Yes, I died on a cross, and lived to tell the tale. Yes, I taught the way to be a christ. Yes, I knew things about God that no one before me had taught. Yes, I'm still here to help. No, I am not the only son of God.


    See? Not so bad after all. You get to keep the cross (sort of). You get to keep the message of what it means to be a christ yourself. You get to keep a God who loves you and believes in you. You get angels and miracles. You get divine intervention (very poorly understood, I'm sad to say). You get free will. You get individual identity as a human being. You get eternal life (well, that has nothing to do with being a Christian. Everybody on the planet gets eternal life.) You get equal rights for women and men. You get sensitive affirmation of your sexual orientation as a loving, monogamous adult. You get joy.


    How's that? Anyone want to sign up for a partnership with God based on these few principles?


    The biggest change I'll think you find is the loss of me, Jesus, as your personal saviour. Sorry, that just isn't going to wash with the God Team (or me) anymore. But you can keep me as your teacher and friend, if you want. I just can't be your saviour, because, in fact, you are your own personal saviour.


    I understood, when I was pissed off as hell as I hung in agony on the cross, that the God Team had a bizarre purpose in mind for my suffering. Later, that wise choice became clear to me, not as a human, but as an angel. The past 2,000 years have shown me that wiser heads than mine on the angelic Team knew what they were doing when they asked me as a fully conscious christ-in-human-form if I would be willing to go through a trial of agony. They picked the cross. You know what happened -- I let myself be arrested and crucified. I could have walked away, but didn't. I put myself in angelic arms, and trusted with every shred of my heart and soul. God, I can't tell you how awful it was. But maybe you've been there yourself. Car accident? Chemo? A child dying before your eyes? The cross was punishing, but no more punishing than what many humans go through.


    Okay -- so maybe the "living to tell the tale" part was a little off the beaten track of human experience. That's where my trust in God came in. I lived, not so that others would believe in me as their personal saviour, but so they would believe in the God I'd been teaching them about. You must remember (sorry if I offend anybody with what I'm about to say) that the religious traditions I was fighting against were deeply entrenched. Men ruled the theological roost. Patriarchal traditions dominated life in Mediterranean cultures. God didn't have a reputation as being either loving or forgiving. God looked damned grim to most people. There was Zeus. Mithras. Yahweh. A whole host of gods and goddesses ready to strike you dead in your boots. God as Dirty Harry: "Go ahead, make my day."


    Enter me: God as tenderness. God as compassion. God as a Tough Love family of loving angels who help you if you're willing to help yourself (that's the free will part). God as a new entity called "Spirit" who's with you, and holding you, and loving you whether you accept this truth or not.


    Everybody wanted to crucify me, literally and figuratively. I wasn't "special", however. I wasn't born a christ. I worked to become a christ-in-human-form. I tried to teach others how to be a christ-in-human-form, too. I didn't ask them to be like me. I asked them to be like themselves -- like their true angelic selves. I asked them to uncover their own Kingdom within, the Kingdom and power of their own perfect souls.


    Are we cool? Can you deal with me, Jesus, as a teacher and mentor, but not a saviour? Can we be friends? I'm sick and tired of being on a pedestal. I just want to sing from the heart and laugh and play, like anybody else. Help me out here. Be your best self. Remember me as I really am, and I promise -- as you find the real me, you'll also be finding the real you.


    My favourite saying? "God don't make no junk."


    Love Jesus/ Jan. 8, 2005

  7. My sister is quite literal about this. God knows everything, God has personal conversations that are quite specific, God answers prayers in specific ways, and God finds your parking space (not sure how this all works into the dying on the cross to save you from sin...).

    Hi Des,


    Thanks for your thoughtful comments. There's so much to think about.


    Re: parking spaces sent to you by God.


    Been there, done that. My spiritual journey can be tracked by my evolution of the "God finds you a parking spot" theory.


    When I first started on my path, I didn't believe God could or would want to find me a parking spot.


    Then I met a person at a conference who insisted that if he prayed with intent ahead of time, there would always be a parking space waiting for him at his destination. I was impressed. I thought that surely if God did this for him, God would do this for me. God didn't. I was crushed. I thought I was worthless, not good enough to "deserve" a parking space. I grovelled. I prayed. I took a turn(thankfully just for a short while) down the road of believing that I had inherent "sin" or "karma". This was not an uplifting period.


    Then I started to connect with my guardian angel. I began to clamour for his help in learning how to love unconditionally the way I could feel that he loved me unconditionally.


    Enter Phase 3 of the Parking Lesson.


    For two years, I sincerely believed that God's unconditional love meant that I should be utterly selfless -- that I should only give, give, give, and never ask for or even want anything in return. For two years, I asked my angel to show me the parking space that would allow to be of the greatest service to the greatest number of people. Naturally, I was always parked blocks from my true destination. But, ever eager to prove my worth and my selflessness, I would slog those bags of groceries all the way past all those empty parking spaces to my car. Sheesh. I was a slow learner. Two years of sore arms for nothing.


    Finally, in a fit of exasperation, my angel sat me down and had a little chat with me. He said, "Jen, don't you think maybe you're missing something here? God's unconditional love isn't about dissolving yourself completely. It's about finding a balance between your legitimate needs and the needs of others. It's about respecting yourself as much as you respect others. It's about believing that you're worthy of getting the space closest to the mall at those times when you're having a really bad day and need a little boost. Why not share the good parking spaces with intent? Some days you get the space, other days you gladly and intentionally pass up the space if I suggest somebody else needs it more than you that day."


    That's where I am today. Parking is a spiritual adventure. When I pull into a lot, I never know where I'm going to end up parking, but I always know I'm working in synch with my soul and the angel I love so well.


    Love Jen

  8. XianAnarchist,


    A few days ago, you wrote this in response to my original query:


    Can you elaborate on your sense of gifting?  When did you first develop/discover it?  Can you describe the general experience?  You mentioned learning to use your skill "wisely"; what does that mean to you?  Just a few questions to explore something that I've not come in contact with yet.


    I think I'll try to tackle the questions you posed. I admit to feeling kinda sad about the way this topic has evolved. Anyway... since I opened this can of worms of my own free will and invited honest feedback, I think the responsible thing for me to do is make a genuine effort to try to keep moving forward with what Jesus and I tossed out there for discussion. I have unflinching confidence in myself and the Truth of what Jesus has taught me. So I'm gonna roll the dice and see where they fall.


    Here's what my channelling relationship feels like with Jesus:


    While you're in your home, sitting close to someone you care deeply for, close your eyes. That's all -- just close your eyes. Now pay attention to your feelings. While your eyes are closed, and your brain can't "see" the person you love, how do you feel? Do you still feel the intense emotional connection between the two of you? Do you still feel powerful love and respect? Do you still wonder about his/her emotions, care deeply about whether your beloved is upset? Scared? Confused? In need of encouragement and support? Is your relationship still real when you talk to each other from different rooms of your home? Is your relationship real if you choose to talk to each other over the phone? Are your feelings real if you e-mail each other while you're at work?


    Can people fall in love over the Net? Can people fall head over heels in love on first sight? Can a person still be in love even when one's beloved has died?


    If you've answered yes to these questions, you've answered the question of what I feel like in my relationship with my quantum soulmate, Jesus (though I call him Tom).


    How did I get to this point in my life? When did this happen? Did I always "know" this was my destiny? I'll take those questions in reverse order.


    (1) No, I didn't know this was my path. I had no inkling. I had no sense of "fate" or "destiny" when I was young. I was furious with Tom when he told me he was Jesus. (Don't think you can get mad at your angelic soulmate? If I'd been able to rip the "feathers" off his dead angelic ass (make that his back), I would have.) I wanted no part of it. I'm a realist. I'm pragmatic. I'm well read, and, as I said at the top of this topic, I have experience in the mental health field. This is a very hard path to follow.


    (2) This started about 4 years ago. Today I'm 46.


    (3) To explain how I got to this point, I'd need to write a lot more than I suspect you want to read on this site. But here's the one-sentence version of what I've learned: The single most important tool in the channeller's mental toolbox is psychological maturity, the ability to balance strength of emotion with strength of will, to be able to simultaneously juggle 5 mental processes -- strong organizational skills, strong intuitive/creative instincts, the ability to compromise, the ability to experience regret (i.e. admit you've made a mistake), and excellent self control.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


    Love Jen

  9. "Hi, existentialist here. And let me tell you, it's a pain in the rear. But like I said earlier to Panta, I just can't help myself."


    Thanks, Aletheia -- I laughed out loud at your post.


    I looks as if we're in good company on this site -- everybody seems to be an existentialist. We just can't help ourselves. Life is good.


    "But I would have to disagree with Gardner in that I would put mathematicians, musicians and artists in the right brain, existentialist category and definitely take the politicians out of that category and put them on the other side of the solar system. :P"


    Oops. In rereading my post about multiple intelligences, I can see I didn't make something clear. I should be fair to Gardner and tell you that although he postulates the existential domain of intelligence, the reference book I used (Owner's Manual for the Brain by Pierce Howard) doesn't cite specific examples of jobs for existentialists. Those suggestions -- quantum physicists, philosophers, channellers, and politicians (and a few others I didn't include) -- came from my own existential brain (with some help from Jesus).


    I can understand why you want to throw the politicians out of the heap. It's true politicians don't always hang onto the "big questions" that led them into leadership positions. On the other hand, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Suu Kyi are great examples of people who have. To me, they're modern day "saints" -- role models for soul-based living.


    Love Jen

  10. Armadillo,


    This message is channelled to you from Jesus.


    "Friend, you just gotta try to hang onto the Truth that God made you beautiful and perfect. There's no shame whatsover in being homosexual. You and I and all the angels know that, including God the Mother and God the Father (but don't try to pin too many labels on the words "Mother and Father" -- it's more complicated than it sounds). Thank you for being a teacher, for reminding us all that sacred sexuality within a loving, committed, monogamous relationship (legally married or not) is one of the most beautiful things we can experience. When I lived as Jesus 2,000 years ago, I was married early in my adult life. Later, we divorced, and I entered into a spectularly loving partnership with another adult soul, despite the fact that no religious or civil authority would marry us. I'm not saying I was gay. I'm not saying I wasn't. I'm saying it didn't matter one way or the other because my partner and I treated each other with love, respect, faithfulness, and trust. Best regards, and best of luck to you and your partner."


    Love Jesus

  11. P.S. from Jesus


    Jen is complaining that I forgot to tell you the most important thing. I goofed. I take it so much for granted that you believe in your inherent perfection as a soul (because I know you as a soul, and I know you know you're perfect) that I neglected to remind you that you're not stupid as a 4-d soul. You never, ever, ever recklessly decide to keep the bad choices you made as a human. Are you nuts? Give up this indescribable friendship? Trust? Laughter? Pure, rapturous joy? Not to mention the love of your soulmate? Without the option for you to unchoose what you chose as a human being, you wouldn't bother to try to incarnate. You'd stay put in 4-D bliss, and try pushing the envelope another way.


    Trust me. You trust yourself as a soul, even though you probably don't remember what that feels like.


    This is what God's unconditional love is all about -- loving and trusting your perfection as a soul.


    Plus loving and trusting the desire of all other souls (all of us together make up the God Team) to bring more unconditional love into the universe. God don't make no junk, and there ain't no fallen angels. Nohow. No way. Not before. Not now. Not ever (religious sources nothwithstanding).



    Love Jesus

  12. Cute title, Fatherman, (says Jesus, author of this message) -- I like the vibe of your question. Sincere. Kind. Open. Since a powerful image from the New Testament has me washing people's feet, I can see where you're coming from with the "Foot to Body" thing. Historically speaking, yeah, I did the foot-washing thing, but, well, you kinda had to be there to get what I was doing. I did it to show people that I wasn't afraid to break religious and cultural taboos. I wanted to show them I wasn't afraid the Mother and Father (whom I referred to as Spirit) would punish me for breaking the Laws of Moses (I did it all the time, to be truthful).


    My message -- my real message -- was one of radical equality with the angels on the Other Side. I knew back then that my soul was a separate and beautiful "mini-universe" all on its own. I couldn't say it quite that way, so I called this "mini-universe" the Kingdom. The Kingdom is the mini-universe that is your soul. When I say mini-universe, I mean that quite literally. In quantum physics terms, the energy of your soul is a self-contained "packet" or enfoldment of 4-dimensional energy that exists side by side with other souls (other "packets of consciousness"). Within your own soul -- your own mini-universe -- you are the master/mistress of your own creation. You can create anything you wish within the bounds of your own mini-universe. You can try new things, move things around within your own Kingdom, change, change things back, learn, grow, and change.


    The only thing you can't do is change somebody else's personal energy field. You can't take or otherwise intrude on another soul's own Kingdom.


    Incarnation as a human (or as another one of Earth's wondrous creatures) is a chance for you to push the energy envelope of your own soul's energy (your mini-universe) and see what happens. The bad news is, you can make a lot of bad choices that hurt like hell when you're still human. The good news is that when you return to your natural 4-D state of existence, your brilliant "soul brain" returns to you, and you suddenly remember the laws of physics that allow you to rearrange the energy in your soul. In other words, when you die, you can very quickly "undo" a lot of energy changes you made in your mini-universe as a human. You can push the reset button and return your soul's energy to its original factory specs, if you so choose. (The soul who lived as Hitler did this as soon as he died.) But even better -- I really like teaching this part -- if you actually like some of the choices you made as a human (or whatever) you get to keep those choices. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!


    Your role, then, Fatherman, is to learn how to take control of this admittedly huge responsibility. Although others can encourage you and support you on your journey, ultimately only you have the power to find what you're looking for.


    It's tremendously empowering, but, when you're standing at the bottom of a large mound of choices to be remade in your life, it often looks too hard -- too much for one person to tackle.


    That's where the angels come in. When a human gets around to deciding to change -- to make wiser, more loving choices based on the soul's needs rather than the ego's needs -- the angels know you'll need help. It's too much to try to change all your bad habits overnight. That's why we sometimes try to slow you down, to help you remember patience so you don't bite off more than one human being can chew.


    I had to learn to be very patient with myself 2,000 years ago and not judge myself when I slipped up. (I prefer another word, but Jen is balking.) I had to practice making new choices. I had to learn to love my unique soul self. I had to learn how to identify the boundaries of my own personal Kingdom.


    I use the word "boundaries" in awareness that boundary issues are perhaps the most important issue in psychotherapy.


    Don't worry about making mistakes -- you'll make plenty more during your time as a human being. Just keep trying to do your best each day. That's what your true relationship is with the universe. Independent, yet needing very much to love and be loved, to trust and be trusted, to help others find their own true potential -- their own Kingdom's vast wealth -- and to allow them to in turn help you dig up your own perfect treasure.


    I believe in you.


    Love Jesus

  13. I don't want to turn this into a discussion of the relative merits of buddhist vs. christian philosophy, but I confess to a bit of skepticism here, as Jesus appears to be ignorant of the details of that which he refers to. 

    Yo Lolly,


    Jesus here.


    I appreciate the thoughts you posted about Buddhism, and I thank you for the clarity of your post. I don't disagree with how you and others understand the teachings of Buddha (or, if I may suggest, the perception of what Buddha taught. To a certain extent, the soul who lived as Buddha is in the same position as I am -- his teachings weren't accurately taught by later generations.) I'm sorry if I made it appear I don't understand the teachings myself. I certainly do. I don't happen to agree with the Eightfold Path, that's all.


    I'm not a monist. I'm not a monotheist. I'm not a pantheist. In fact, I think the terms are tripping over each other and confusing the ###### out of everybody. (I'm not as polite as Jen -- I think I'll pass on the **'s). My job, as an angel on the Other Side (or, if you want to get technical, a quantum being with a semi-independent enfolded energy system within the implicate order -- see the work of physicist David Bohm) is to give you simple answers.


    If you want simple, I do simple.


    That's not to say I don't understand the science, philosophy, and theology, behind the simple words. It means the God Team thinks that clarity is long past due.


    That's my take. Thanks to everyone for thinking, typing, sharing, and loving. Now that's my kind of religion.


    Love Jesus

  14. XianAnarchist,


    I just got back from a trip out of town, and found a lot of interesting posts on the topic Jesus and I started. Thanks for the info about the book entitled Spirituality and Giftedness. I haven't come across it. I, too, believe that "spiritual intelligence" should be accepted as a category for multiple intelligences. I find the summary of Gardner's research into domains of intelligence in Pierce Howard's book (see above . . . way above) clear, accurate, and applicable to modern educational systems. Gardner has a system with eight domains of intelligence -- (1) linguistic-verbal (2) musical-auditory (3) logical-mathematical (4) visual-spatial (5) bodily-kinesthetic (6) intrapersonal (7) interpersonal and (8) naturalist. Gardner has postulated the existence of a 9th domain, which he tentatively labels "existential". An existential thinker is one can address the "big questions" about existence, creation, and maybe even God. The problem is, Gardner can't figure out which part of the brain would be used by an existential thinker.


    I believe that quantum physicists, philosophers, politicians, and channellers such as myself belong in this category of thinking (which I think is no better and no less than any of the other 8 categories -- it's just different). A thinker in the existential domain can't stop him/herself from identifying big, sweeping patterns in history, etc, patterns that bore the crap out of most people, but which fascinate us existentialists and propel us towards certain kinds of academic learning and certain kinds of professions. I have several friends who couldn't give a s**t about the big questions. They're doing just fine, thanks very much, with their own way of relating to themselves and God's creation. Thank heavens for that, too -- the world would be a sorry place if it were populated only by quantum physicists, philosophers, politicians, and channellers. The heating system in my home broke down a few days ago, and there's not a chance I could have fixed it by myself, no matter how many books on philosophy I bought and read.


    Hurray for diversity and wonderful, unique talents. We all need each other.


    As above, so below.



  15. Fatherman,


    Jesus here. Good to talk to you, man.


    Don't mind my laid back style. It's just who I am. It's exhausting for me to be try to be a Hallmark card when really I'm Late Night with Letterman kind of guy. So here's my top 10 list for today. The answers may be good humoured, but they're also frank. I've been waiting a long time to tell my side of the story. Here goes.


    (10) Love your kids better than you love yourself.


    (9) Love yourself and believe in your soul's perfection.


    (8) Love and respect the God Team, who watch over you from the quantum world you belong to.


    (7) Numbers 8, 9, and 10 make up The Way.


    (6) The Truth is that you knew before you agreed to be born as a human that it was gonna hurt (see the first of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism), but it really shouldn't have to hurt as much as it does. (This is where I diverge from Buddhist thought). There is no karma. There is no sin. There is no eternal damnation. There is no hell. There is no God the Father -- but there certainly is a Mother AND a Father, who together bring new souls into Creation through their loving breath (a metaphorical but lovely term).


    (5) God the Mother and God the Father made you perfect -- perfect but different from every other soul in Creation. See #9. No two angels are created alike.


    (4) All souls are created in pairs. All angels have an eternal soulmate. Soulmates are not mirror images of each other with reverse polarity, as I've seen described on the Net (the human Net). They're just two personalities who fit together like the perfect hand and glove -- different from each other, but equal.


    (3) Normally, soulmates incarnate at roughly the same time in roughly the same place so they have a chance to find each other in the temporal world and maybe get to fall in love all over again. If not, they'll find each other again as soon as they die. Physical bodies die. Soul bodies don't. Once your physical form "expires", your soul takes a deep, vibrant breath of eternal love and stretches back into its normal, expanded, 4 dimensional state. The eternal love of soulmates never dies.


    (2) God the Mother and God the Father are soulmates.


    (1) Jen is my soulmate.


    Hope you were sitting down, Fatherman. Now go and hug your family. They're the most important thing you can ever experience as a human. Been there, done that, and it's beautiful.


    Love Jesus

  16. Hi XianAnarchist,


    Thanks for the posting. I feel like a kid at Christmas.


    First off, I respect and honour your skepticism. You should be skeptical. You keep right on being skeptical. I am, too, though probably not in the way you are. Although I'm aware now of the true potential of a human being born with the genetics to translate quantum language (that's what the God Team uses to communicate with each other and us), I know that almost nobody develops it the way God intends. So I steer clear of mystics, psychics, mediums, and anybody else who claims to be communicating with the Other Side until I see hard proof that they're asking the right questions and coming from the right place inside themselves. If they're coming from a dysfunctional biological brain (a.k.a. the ego -- I'll elaborate on that point) their messages will be strongly biased by their personal agenda.


    The trick to communicating clearly and effectively with a quantum being (better known as an angel) rests on two essential anchors: (1) the right DNA (2) the discipline to keep your biological brain in a state of optimum balance. It means that all times, you're doing a juggling act between strength of emotion (the brain's limbic system and right temporal lobe) and strength of will (basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus). To be perfectly frank, it's very hard to pull this off. I wouldn't be able to do it without a lot of help and support. Jesus is my main teacher and lifeline, but I also have a good friend on exactly the same path, and I have a son (now 21) who's supportive, open-minded, and spiritually inclined in his own right (even though he often disagress with me, which makes me sooooo happy).


    I've had the time and financial independence to pursue this diligently. I'm on the fasttrack program, you might say. Because I had the capability to work fast, Jesus pretty much insisted I do the best I was capable of doing. So here I am -- finally ready to step out into the open with what I've learned.


    My advice to anyone who wants to get closer to their own soul and to their own sense of God is to start by learning about the brain. This information wasn't available when the first spiritual guides were written. People were doing their best to translate their emotional and spiritual insights into the existing mental framework of the time. Today, there's no reason to limit yourself to smoke signals when you can fasttrack your understanding of God by using the biological version of God's quantum internet -- your brain's neurotransmitters.


    A great place to start is The Owner's Manual For the Brain, Everyday Applications From Mind-Brain Research, 2nd Ed. by Pierce J. Howard. It's very well written and easy to follow. I've also been doing research on the Net, and reading science magazine articles about the brain. Right now, Scientific American has a special edition on the newstands of "Mind", which is apparently the inaugural issue of a new quarterly dedicated to brain research.


    Hope this helps. Love Jen

  17. Hmmm . . .


    So far, nobody's uttered a peep one way or the other about the proposal I made above. Either you think I'm totally crackers, or you're afraid I'm not. Or maybe both. So what the heck. It's a Sunday night. The weather's miserable here -- freezing rain. I can't go out. So I'm gonna pour myself a glass of wine, get out some of those chocolate truffles I got for Christmas, and do a Question and Answer session with Jesus. At the moment, I have no idea what questions I'm going to ask him. But hey -- that's part of the fun.


    As you can see, I approach my relationship with Jesus with a lot of humour. Don't feel sorry for him -- he dishes out as good as he gets. But we always treat each other with deep respect, equality, and trust.


    JEN: Jesus, as I'm typing this letter, I'm listening to a CD called Red, White & Blues, a collection of blues. Do you like any of the tunes on this CD, and if so, which one do you enjoy the best?


    JESUS: What is this? Entertainment Tonight?


    JEN: Come on now. You're always lecturing me about how important it is to acknowledge who we really are as souls, and to value what we instinctively love. So ante up. Tell us about the music you love. That'll help us get to know you better as a soul, an angel, and as a man.


    JESUS: Hey -- don't forget, Jen, that other people find it a bit weird when you refer to me as a man. You know me as a man-in-an-angel form, and I know me as a man-in-angel-form, but the rest of our human friends haven't had the chance to get to know me like that yet. So let's take it easy, and give them a fair chance to catch up.


    JEN: Oops. You know . . . you're right on that score. I kind of keep forgetting that other people can't see you and hear you the way I do. I'm so used to it now, I take it for granted. Sorry about that, everybody! I'll try to put the brakes on my enthusiasm, and take it slow. I'm just so excited, though. It's so much fun to be able to let loose and be real with people about their souls.


    JESUS: Ummm . . .


    JEN: Okay, I caught that subtle toe-tapping reminder from you just now. I'm still too hyped up.


    JESUS: Right.


    JEN: I'll blame it on the chocolate.


    JESUS: Could I make a modest suggestion? Something I think our friends would be genuinely interested in maybe hearing more about?


    JEN: That would be awesome.


    JESUS: Well, --


    [uh oh, I can feel Jesus' emotions, and he's going very quiet and shy, the way he always does when the vibe starts to turn towards his life as a teacher in Judah and Galilee. That means he's too modest to speak up. He wants to help, but it's very hard for him to put himself in the limelight. I love this guy. So I think I'll take a little time to talk quietly with him, and wait respestfully while he decides whether he feels comfortable saying out loud what he's thinking. I really, really love this guy.]


    [i don't think there's going to more to this particular letter. So I'm gonna sign off. Hope you have a safe, peaceful, happy day, wherever you may be.]


    Love Jen

  18. Hi,


    This post isn't really the start of a new topic, but I don't know how else to ask like-minded Christians for help.


    I also don't really know where to start. My story's long, complex, and right at the edge of believability. I'm keenly aware of this as I type. I know that as you're reading, all your alarm buttons are going off, and you're wondering how to approach me and what I'm saying. I understand that. I respect that. I value people's free will, and their innate common sense. I'm putting out a plea to other readers on this site, readers who seem share a lot of the same beliefs as I do. I'm asking for your patience, and hopefully your eventual support as a group, as I come out of the closet. No, I'm not gay (although I wouldn't have a problem with that). I'm a human being with a very rare but very real and scientifically verifiable skill: I'm Jesus' human channelling partner. Trust me, I know how bad this sounds. I'll be frank with you, and tell you that from January 1996 till November 2000, I was the manager of a psychiatrist's office. At the time, the psychiatrist was husband (now my ex), but that makes no difference to my intensive clinical experience with the assessment and care of people suffering from major mental illness. I'm acutely aware of what a psychiatrist would say about my claim. That's why I recently took the step of enrolling in a Normal Brain Study at a well known clinic that specializes in SPECT imaging of the brain. SPECT scans (single photon emission computed tomography) show more than the anatomy of the brain. They map the brain's function -- its working physiology. Though it may seem hard to believe to laypersons, the use of brain imaging techniques in psychiatry in extremely new. Up till now, psychiatrists haven't looked at the function of the brain (what areas of the brain are working too hard, and what areas aren't working hard enough) before deciding what medical treatment to use. They've been working "blind", more or less guessing what class of drugs to use based solely on experience. This is unfortunate, because a SPECT scan, used in conjunction with other clinical data, is a goldmine of information. It helps draw attention to parts of the brain that aren't working as they should, parts that create the symptoms of mental illusion (including hallucinations like voices) when they're not functioning as they should.


    In December 2004, I had three successive SPECT scans done of my brain. In one, I was in resting state, not sleeping or meditating, but quietly "hanging out". This was the baseline scan. In the second scan, I was given a task to focus on (a computer-generated test that demanded concentration and motor reflexes). In the third scan, I channelled Jesus as I normally do. (Yes -- the clinicians knew about my claim to be a channeller, and they wanted to see the SPECT results for themselves. Fortunately for me, this group of clinicians is generally inclined to believe in God, even though they're rightly suspicious of the mental health of somebody who claims to hear an angel's voice.) Intriguingly, although my brain looked balanced and normal in the resting scan and the concentration scan, it looked even better in the channelling scan. As I talked to Jesus (which I do in a normal, waking state that requires no prior meditation or mental preparation on my part anymore) my brain function reflected my state of inner calm, contentment, and good humour.


    I have copies of the scans, which I'm grateful for. Should anymore want to know more about this part of my story, please let me know. The scans themselves are pretty cool if you're into neurophysiology, psychology, or psychiatry.


    I'm telling you this because I don't think it's fair of me to ask you to listen to anything else I have to say based on faith alone. If I were you, I wouldn't listen to me either. I continue to work with Jesus to look for additional ways to build a basic scientific "portfolio" of clinical facts and data about my brain. Although clinical tests will go only so far towards convincing anyone that I'm not making up what I'm channelling, it's a start. It's also (at least I hope you'll view it this way) confirmation that Jesus and I honestly respect your concerns, and have no desire to make you feel manipulated, conned, or anxious. My job -- with the help of Jesus and the God Team -- is to earn your trust and perhaps, in time, your help in spreading the news about the New Gospel.


    Yeah . . . the God Team figures it's time for a new gospel. And that's what brings me to my genuine plea for patience and Christian kindness. If you think about it, there are two places on the planet you probably don't ever want to be. The first place is tsunami-stricken Asia. The second place is in my shoes. If you were an individual who believes in having a loving, equal relationship with God, who has a strong sense of personal responsibility, who reads Discover, Mother Jones, and Foreign Policy, who has a beautiful son who's blossomed into a wonderful, mature young man, who loves her family and friends, who cares deeply about the importance of scientific education for children and adults alike, and who can find no better fit for her religious beliefs than Progressive Christianity, would you relish the prospect of opening yourself up to derision, contempt, and outright denial by everyone you care about? It hurts like hell to tell people the truth about what I do. But I want to do it. I have a skill. I've learned to use it wisely. I can make a difference in the world. I can help people get the answers from God they're desperate for. I don't want to walk away from this. But good grief, I could sure use some emotional support, however tentative. Right now, I feel like a believer-in-exile-in-exile. It would soooooo great to be able to come out of the closet, to just be myself, to talk with enthusiast common sense about God with others who share an optimistic view of heaven and earth.


    I have a proposal to make to you. Actually, it's a co-proposal, from both me and Jesus. Would any of you be interested in starting a thread with Jesus? Not with me (my name is Jen, by the way) but with Jesus. As I mentioned above, I channel in real time. That means that if I'm on the TCPC Message Board when you post a question to Jesus, I'll answer it as fast as I can type. I'll type whatever Jesus asks me to type. In other words, the answers will be channelled live from Jesus (pun intended).


    There are a couple of limitations we'd ask you to respect. (1) We're not able to give personal advice. Although in some ways it would be wonderful for us to give individuals advice about their unique health or relationship situations, we've been asked by the God Team to stick only to "the Big Questions". I'm just one person, and it's not possible for me to field personal questions. I hope you understand.


    (2) As a channeller, I have clear cut limitations. In order for me to accurately hear what Jesus is saying, I have to have some existing mental framework for the topic we're discussing. In other words, if you ask a question on a topic I have no existing knowledge of, Jesus may well know the answer to your question, but he won't be able to communicate it adequately to me. Sometimes I can fix this problem by pulling out a reference book and doing some research to fill in the gaps in my mental framework. Other times, there's no point in even trying because the topic is outside the range of my own natural thinking ability. For instance, I have no talent, interest, or ability with ancient languages, so questions about what Jesus may have said in Greek or Aramaic 2,000 years ago will go unanswered. (My eyes glaze over when I try to use my Strong's Concordance). If, on the other hand, you're interested in having a modern translation of what he said and did, I can easily manage that. I can tackle the philosophy of quantum physics, and especially the quantum physics of the soul, but I'm lost when it comes to complex mathematical formulae. The good news is that I know my limitations and respect them. If I can't answer a question, I won't b.s. you. I'll tell you I can't answer it. I've come too far on this journey to care about looking as if I'm "perfect" or "omniscient". And don't be surprised if you post a legitimate question that I ask you to clarify. There are lots of ideas and specialized vocabulary I'm not familiar with -- who can know everything? I've already come across some terms in TCPC postings that are new to me. But I follow the maxim that when in doubt, ask. I figure I'll be learning a lot from you, just as hopefully you'll be learning from me. We're all in this together. We're a team. As above, so below.


    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Jen and Jesus

  19. Hi Fatherman,


    Thanks for the tip about the Christian Mystics site. I'll check it out. You've asked whether I consider myself a mystic. Well, sort of yes and sort of no. Very long story. I've given up trying to label what I do. Most of the time, I tell people I'm a writer. It's a lot easier that way.


    Happy New Year!

  20. Hi Fatherman et al,


    I'm new to the board, and thought I'd weigh in on the issue of how we, as Progressive Christians, can practise our Christianity. I think the answer to this question is central to our ability to feel at one with ourselves, each other, and the wider universe.


    I've given a lot of thought to the question of how to live each day from the heart (a.k.a. the soul). In fact, answering this question is pretty much my full time work. I've been struggling to boil down everything I've learned to a few, short sentences. I hope these thoughts help you.


    Perhaps the most important thing I've learned is that everybody's soul is hardwired into their central nervous system, and in particular their brain. If all goes well as you're growing up, your brain and your soul are more or less indistinguishable from each other. A truly healthy brain thinks, speaks, and acts from a place of profound integrity, faith, courage, commitment, and, of course, love. But a brain that's been damaged through illness, trauma, emotional abuse, or toxins doesn't always operate "in synch" with the needs of the soul. In the worst case scenario, a person's brain is so badly scarred that all connection with the soul is (temporarily) lost, and a person begins to behave in dangerous, aggressive, even psychopathic ways. This is the kind of person we tend to label as "evil", but if you were to look at the brains of these individuals using up-to-date scientific imaging techniques like SPECT and fMRI, you'd see dysfunctional brains. You'd see brains that have gradually lost the capacity to think, speak, and act with integrity and love. The key to healing for these individuals -- and, indeed, for society as a whole -- is to tackle brain health. Once a person's brain is restored to a state of optimum health (that's the long part of the story) he or she no longer has to try to connect with his/her own soul or with the God Team. It sort of happens whether you're trying or not. (Many young children display this tendency in a guileless way that can inspire us as adults.) As you slowly rebalance your brain, incredibly healing emotions like forgiveness, non judgment, and courage start to bubble up from somewhere deep inside you. Eventually, you wake up one day to realize you're living in a state of grace. It becomes a natural part of your life. It becomes as normal as breathing.


    It's pretty awesome.


    So here's how I live my day. I pay a lot of attention to the choices I'm making inside my own mind. I keep a sharp lookout for any choices that don't match the model of soul-based living. When I catch myself making a choice that's not the most loving I'm capable of, I forgive myself (because I know I'm human and make mistakes), I correct the mistake if it's caused harm to anybody else (human or otherwise), and I eagerly look forward to doing my best the next time. I spend a lot of time focussing on my relationships, because I know that strong relationships are "soul food." First, last, and always, we're challenged as souls-in-human-form to create the most mature, respectful relationships we're capable of. I stopped praying years ago for anything other than help in improving my relationships -- my relationship with myself, with my fellow incarnate souls, and with the God Team.


    One place where I feel traditional religion has really missed the boat is the issue of helping people understand the heart, mind, and dare I say the soul of the God Team. (You've probably noticed I keep calling it a Team. Once you start to tap into your own soul, you can't help noticing the universe is made up of countless beautiful souls all of whom are different from each other -- as different as snowflakes -- and all of whom are totally equal to each other in their worthiness to be loved and cherished. So God isn't a big Him or a big One. God is . . . well . . . a them. A great, big, happy family which you belong to as an angel who's worthy of all the love the universe has to offer -- which is a lot!)


    Members of the God Team -- in other words, angels who lack a physical form in the Newtonian universe -- have feelings and personalities, just like you. Traditional religion has taught people to pray to God in a way that's not very respectful of the sensitive feelings all angels have. The last thing any angel wants is for you to get down on your knees and beg for mercy and forgiveness. It tears the heart out of an angel to hear an old friend (you) debase yourself. To tell you the truth (and I learned this the h-a-r-d way) angels toss all such "prayers" into the big galactic recycling bin in the sky. They respect themselves and you too much to listen when you ask for all the wrong things.


    Very few prayers get answered because very few people are brave enough to look God right in the eye as an equal (which you absolutely are) and say, "God, I'm having some trouble getting in touch with my true soul ability to forgive, to feel gratitude, to make a difference in the world with my own unique talents. It's stressing me out, and messing with my brain's neurotransmitters. Can you guide me to the information I need so I remember how to make the awesome choices I'm capable of? Can you please me help me remember the first thing I ever learned as an angel -- how to treat all creation as my equal, no better and no less than me? I need to ditch the chip on my shoulder. I need to understand myself better. Point me in the right direction, and I'll do the rest. I know I can do it. I believe in myself."


    When you ask these questions, you'd be amazed at how quickly your prayers will be answered.


    The other thing I can't emphasize enough is that you have to be patient with yourself. Don't expect everything to happen overnight, and don't -- please don't -- judge yourself when you slip up. God doesn't. You're gonna make lots more mistakes before you die and return to your eternal and very perfect angelic state (quantum physics, anyone?) Learning to recognize your mistakes is a big part of the journey.


    This message is lovingly co-sponsored by Jesus, who has a real sense of humour, and has taught this channel how to communicate clearly, simply, and effectively what he learned as a physician, feminist, musician, and channeller 2,000 years ago.

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