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Everything posted by AletheiaRivers

  1. Darby, Actually, I was agreeing with both. Both the leadership and the general congregation should have a say. As to your point about TCPC (for example), I wouldn't want TCPC changed, but if the MAJORITY did, then perhaps it would be better if I let it change and go somewhere else myself. I could be wrong, but I get the impression that the majority of Catholics want change. Change doesn't always mean turning the church into "leftist liberals" either. Change can occur and still leave the foundation of the CC intact.
  2. Beach, LMAO!!! Thank you very much. You're a trip girl!
  3. Do you have a link to a pic? I actually haven't seen him.
  4. Beach, LOL! You ARE excited to see the new movie aren't you?
  5. What is "church"? Is "church" the bishops, cardinals, popes, elders or priests? Or is "church" the masses, the faithfull, the pew-fillers or the tithing-givers? Or is church BOTH? And if it is both, then shouldn't the adherants that sit in the pews have input too?
  6. Hmmmm. I never knew Lutherans used ritual. Is Lutheran ritual liturgical like Catholic and Episcopalian ritual? Anybody? The only thing I know (think I know?) about Lutherans, is well, "Luther", who broke away from the Catholic church. So in my mind Lutherans and Catholics would be on opposite ends of the spectrum. Episcopalians, trying to keep the best of both Catholicism and Protestantism, would be in the middle. But like I said, I really don't know anything about the Lutheran church. I have an online acquaintance who is Lutheran. Perhaps I shall throw the ritual question at him.
  7. Fatherman! I've missed you. I used to accept the classic philosophical notion of changlessness being necessary for God to be God without even batting an eye. It was what was taught in church, so it HAD to be true. Now I can't understand the idea of changelessness. I wonder how something can BE changeless?
  8. Just curious: Why do you think the Lutherans should or would combine with Catholics? You've said it a couple of times and each time it's made me stop and wonder why?
  9. This is a quote from a blog I found when doing a net search on "Christian Taoist". The writer is a vicar in the Church of England. Any thoughts?
  10. I heard about de Mello for the first time this year. In a dialogue group on bnet, a poster used to quote him all the time and I absolutely fell in love with him. I cannot believe that Ratzinger tried to have him censored! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because it seems that all my favorite Catholic writers have either been censored, threatened with censorship, or branded a heretic. LOL. I don't suppose Ratzinger was involved in the censorship of Matt Fox? Do you have any de Mello books? Any recommendations?
  11. I enjoyed "Beyond Belief" but wish I had checked it out from the library instead of buying it because 1) It's so short and was too expensive for the length and 2) It's not what I was looking for or expected. I will probably read it again though. If I remember correctly, she contrasts the book of John with Thomas, which is kinda funny imo, because I think John fits more with the Gnostic gospels than with the synoptics and could be COMPARED with Thomas (instead of contrasted). I don't own the book anymore, however, so I am not sure I'm remembering it correctly.
  12. My favorite all time FICTIONAL book(s) is probably the Earth's Children series by Jean Auel. When I was little I consomed anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs, but especially the Martian books. Like most everybody else, I really really really liked "The DaVinci Code". "Lightening" by Koontz is a book about time travel that I have read about 3 times now. For non-fiction I highly recommend "Brief History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. Funny, well written and very informative. I just listened (on CD) to Brian Greene's "Fabric of the Cosmos". Very good. I'm currently listening to "Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking.
  13. OK, guess I should contribute to my own thread. My favorite movies: Contact Forest Gump Finding Nemo Monsters Inc Lord of the Rings 1,2,3 Star Wars 4,5,6 French Kiss You've Got Mail City of Angels Matrix (part 1) The Princess Bride ET Close Encounters Liar Liar Blast from the Past Starman Pleasantville Emma Pride and Predjudice The Abyss
  14. AletheiaRivers


    Panta, You can add pics. Just click the little IMG button above the posting box and attatch it. It has to be online though. You can save your pics to someplace like snapfish.com.
  15. What books are you reading? What are your favorite books? What books did you hate? Remember, this is an off topic forum, so the books do NOT have to be spiritual in nature. In fact, since we have a book discussion forum for spiritual books, it would be better if the books posted here are NOT spiritual in nature.
  16. Here's a thread to discuss recent movies you have seen or movies that have made an impact in your life or anything to do with movies at all.
  17. AletheiaRivers


    I wasn't counting the dandelions! Oh no! Thanks Cythia! I guess I must also count all the itty bitty teeny weeny elm tree saplings I've yanked up today as well. I hope I'm earning good karma points with all the earth worms I keep saving. I truly hate killing the bees. I don't touch honey bees or bumble bees (because I'm prejudiced and I like them), but I HATE hornets. The dang things won't take no for an answer and they are building nests inside the siding on my house (also on the redwood fence, in the trees and inside the shed). I bought some forsythia bushes to plant along the fence in the back yard but am now rethinking doing that. The idea of drawing MORE bees to the yard with a bush that is nothing but yellow flowers in the spring is NOT appealing. We have cherry, peach and apple trees that are all in bloom which are provinding PLENTY of nectar for the little critters without me adding to their all you can eat buffet.
  18. AletheiaRivers


    Try hornets, wasps and yellow jackets. I've been a butcher today. They are overwhelming my yard! My hubby took a couple of days off and for the past three days we have been staining our redwood fence. I've been pulling weeds (mostly dandelions) and transplanting flowers. I love spring!
  19. I'm really surprised more people haven't posted lyrics. I mean COME ON! How much easier can a thread get? Here's another snippet: "My Sacrifice" Hello my friend, we meet again It's been awhile, where should we begin? Feels like forever Within my heart are memories Of perfect love that you gave to me Oh, I remember When you are with me, I'm free I'm careless, I believe Above all the others we'll fly This brings tears to my eyes My sacrifice
  20. I like "Other Wisdom Traditions" . Succinct and descriptive. An added description could be "A place to share the truths we hold in common". I also like Des' idea to have a "TCPC Cafe" - Off topic discussion forum where friends meet and just chat.
  21. I love Thomas Moore and I especially loved The Soul's Religion. Moore's mythological musings in an article in Parabola was the inspiration for my moniker.
  22. Some of the books on your list are fiction and some are non-fiction. I really enjoyed Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" which is a science book. Bryson is a travel writer, so his take on geology, quantum physics, cosmology, biology, etc ... is easy to understand, accurate and very funny in places. For fiction you can't go wrong with Douglas Adams. He's a hoot. I love Matthew Fox, but he can be a challenging read. I'd recommend "Original Blessings", but I'd still do what Cynthia recommended and see if it speaks to you.
  23. Here are two free lectures from The Teaching Company about the process of Papal elections: Free Lecture
  24. Get together - The Youngbloods Love is but a song to sing Fear's the way we die You can make the mountains ring Or make the angels cry Though the bird is on the wing And you may not know why Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Some may come and some may go We shall surely pass When the one that left us here Returns for us at last We are but a moment's sunlight Fading in the grass Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now If you hear the song I sing You will understand (listen!) You hold the key to love and fear All in your trembling hand Just one key unlocks them both It's there at you command Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now
  25. Exactly! In "The Jesus I Never Knew" by Philip Yancey, he says something to the effect that Jesus had to do something to earn the reputation as one who eats and drinks with sinners (it wasn't just a one time or couple of time occurence). You can't get much more unconventional in ancient Israel than to hang out with women, talk to Gentiles, call the religious leaders hypocrites, wash the feet of your friends, preach that the poor and meek have an advantage over the rich, heal and teach on the Sabbath and teach that the Kingdom of God is coming and will oust Caesar.
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