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Posts posted by AletheiaRivers

  1. I just had to post this.


    I was sitting in my living room at the computer. The television was on . All of a sudden a Pepsi commercial comes on that says "Want free gas?.....drink Pepsi "


    Didn't whoever wrote that commercial ,think about what they were implying??





  2. AR:


    LOL :lol:

    I imagine that James would probably zone-out if he came back to the thread for the fight he picked and saw what it had devolved into.


    James, how red is your face right now? ;)


    While your avatar is a scream, I think I liked you better as the redhead with the short cut.


    Do you mean this one?


    But, on the other hand, the blond pig tails are cute sticking out from under your helmet of horns.


    Did you know that the horned helmet and vikings is actually a myth?


    I heartily approve of your new TCPC identity, as long as felix does also. I really like your fish pic on CR, but then, I'm partial to the species, and not just as food.


    Heh! I wouldn't say it's my new identity, but I might keep it for a while until the fun of this thread dies out. :P As for my CR avatar ... Dory is my hero!



    AR (hey I like that, cuts out trying to figure out how to spell it),


    Yeah. Everyone forgets the second "e" in A-lethe-ia. AR is much easier.


    I really like your alternate avatars


    Google image is so much fun. I love looking for different pics to fit my mood of the day.


    Of course, except for one memorable program on the Vikings discovering America on National Geographic, what I know about Vikings is pretty much summed up in a cartoon (can't recall the name). :-)


    Hagar the Horrible?


    Can we discuss sexism in Vikings? LOL!!


    Fine with me! ;)



    Since we're sort of talking about the problem of taking passages of the Bible literally, I'd like to share something that happened at a church where I was organist. One of the members got up to read the Old Testament lesson for the day. When she got up to the microphone ,in the pulpit , she says in a loud voice"CIRCUMSIZE YOURSELVES TO THE LORD!!! ". Everybody kind of jumped . I thought to myself ,"you mean right now". I glanced over at my choir, and they were practically on the floor .




    Anyone who wants to take that literally ,is welcome to try.



    ROFLMAO! Thanks, now I have to wipe coffee off my monitor. :lol:



    See what you starteds AR ?


    Don't blame this all on me! :lol:


    When a problem comes along

    You must whip it

    Before the cream sits out too long

    You must whip it

    When something's going wrong

    You must whip it


    now whip it

    into shape

    shape it up

    get straight

    go forward

    move ahead

    try to detect it

    it's not too late

    to whip it

    whip it good



  3. AR:

    I was at a loss for words and I really don't like to fight so I thought that facials would suffice. Besides. you've got that neat viking helmet and broadsword that you brandish so well. If Rummy ever gets canned, I'm nominating you for defense secretary. :D



    flow.... :P


    Hehehe. :D Do I also get to wear lederhosen? And have a leather bustier? ;)



    OH NO! Here comes my husband to make a smart ass comment.

  4. The Liberal assumption here is that a woman is more capable than a man, by virtue of her sex, than a man to be in positions of power and authority.


    Hi James.


    Your comment above is a bit off. I wouldn't argue that a woman is more capable than a man, any more than I would argue that a man is more capable than a woman, to lead a church.


    I would argue that women and men have EQUAL capability.


    I do look at Paul's words as being enlightened for their time. Women weren't treated very well back then, and Paul was saying that husbands should love their wives like Christ loves the church. Certainly a step in the right direction.


    Paul himself commended female disciples as prophets, so his words about women might be read in the context of all he had to say about them. Even the passage where he says women are not to speak in church needs to be interpreted in light of the situation in that particular congregation.


    Here is one of my favorite passages from Galations:


    “… For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


    Nice to have you back, you cranky ole Catholic you. ;)

  5. The Sethian texts speak to me on some topics while the Valentinian mythology connects with my Christian roots and Sophia plays a major role when I'm in a rather Jungian mood.


    Hmmmm. Sophian is somewhat Jungian? Methinks I'll be looking into that. B)


    The UCC folks haven't found me Christian enough and many UU congregations identified me as too Christian.


    Gnosticism is STILL too Christian for the UU? :blink: Good grief.

  6. My background is actually as a "convinced" Quaker (a person who was not born a Quaker but who became one.) I do find unprogrammed meetings to be an interesting and sometimes mystical experience. I do think that the mystical or meditative element of Quaker worship has been a positive experience for me, and I like the simplicity of worship and the lack of reliance on creeds or formal rites. But it has a somewhat insular culture, and it has its own internal divisions and disputes about how traditionally Christian its theology should be. Somehow, at some point, I felt a need to look beyond the Quaker horizons, although I think that some aspects of its methods of worship and its culture and values are things I would like to hold on to.


    Good to know.


    My other thought was something WAY outside of mainstream, like the Golden Dawn. Or a gnostic church, if you can find one where you live.

  7. What I want is something new that rests within the niche that lies between these two kinds of denominations, a liberal theology similar to what people like Spong and Borg advocate, but lying outside of churches that use the language and rites and creeds of the old orthodoxy.


    Have you looked into Quakers? There are two kinds of meetings: programmed and unprogrammed. The unprogrammed meetings are contemplative (meditative) in nature. The members sit and wait and listen.


    I've never been, but I've been interested in attending.

  8. We are having a little spam outbreak. I am looking into a way to configure the board to help prevent this, but, in the meantime, please report the posts to me as soon as you see them so I can delete them, delete the poster and ban their IP and email addresses, etc.


    As you may have noticed, the spam posts tend to have lots of links - that is always the first sign.


    Don't worry about being overzealous or oversensitive - if a post seems odd or suspicious in any way, just send me a quick alert.


    Thanks for your help/patience...



    I'm glad you posted this Monica. I emailed you so many times I thought for sure I must be driving you nuts. That's why I stopped. :rolleyes:

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