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one love87

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Posts posted by one love87

  1. Hi everybody, my name is andy and i'm new to the site. To start out, I'd like to tell you all a little about myself. I've been a Christian for as long as I can remember. I was Baptized Episcopalian and went to a Catholic school for 9 years. I'm now 19 and in the last year or so I've really been starting to question a lot of things and have been wanting to form more of a real relationship with God. Now, the things that really drew me to the ideas of Progressive Christianity were it's basic platforms and ideas that I really identify with. I'm a strong democrat and am really disgusted with the religious right and a lot of what they stand for. I'm also a "secular" musician (although I don't believe that anything is really secular). I've been writing songs for over 5 years now and just recently i've really been getting into the philosophy of it. I've stayed true to to my faith in what I've written and talked about in them in the sense that i don't sing about sex, drugs, drinking, and stuff like that. I've been influenced mostly by artists who really have something to say in their work like Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and U2 and I've always believed that the words i write come from God, in the sense that God sort of gives me this message having to do with life, love, tolerance, etc to share with people.


    One thing that continues to plague me is the the concept of Evangelism. Now, obviously the music scene isn't always full of believers to say the least and the question started to get raised am i supposed to be doing this? or should i simply be evangelizing in my music? and the problem lies in the fact that why would God give me these feelings and emotions if i wasn't supposed to do anything with them and just ignore them? I really don't believe that the God i love would put someone through that. So on the question of Evangelism what does it really mean then? If i keep doing what I'm doing am i going to go to hell if i don't "convert" people? I've always believed that "evangelism" can simply be the way that you live your life as a symbol of your love for the lord, but i read different things and ideas and the different ideas of it get me confused. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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