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Posts posted by Forrest

  1. Should religion be apart of American politics? Not so much.. Look what the Religious right has done to the republicans. (Those people who used to stand for fiscal responsibility and small government)


    I heard a gentleman on TV say mixing politics and religion is like mixing manure and ice cream. It doesn’t hurt the manure (politics) but it spoils the ice cream. (Religion)


    Hasn’t Christianity suffered from GWB’s bungles?


    See all the God fear’n RR folks who voted for GWB because their preachers told them that George is God’s candidate because he is against gay marriage and abortion and human/goat hybrids. Then George starts a war, tortures people, and ignores the poor.


    One should not separate ones faith from any part of their life but picking a candidate to vote for should not be based on faith, it should be based on facts


    Calling a candidate, right or left, "more" Christian is dangerous. “Good” values are not necessarily dependent on one’s religion or political persuasion. They are reflected in one’s deeds. And we must discern this with rational, unbiased analysis.


    Read this article right here at TCPC




    Our founding fathers knew the dangers of state sanctioned religion. We mustn’t forget history.




  2. Hello All,


    Thank you for the warm welcome.


    I’m fairly new to posting and Progressive Christianity as you may have already discerned.


    I considered editing my last post because in retrospect it seemed harsh, my apologies to you who may have found it offensive.


    It’s just that a lot of good people are being misled by the RR. This enrages me. They need an alternative.


    AletheiaRivers mentioned some PC aspects, terminology, and authors with which I am unfamiliar.


    Thank you. It shall be my reference guide for future study.


    But perhaps in my naivety I see the core, simple and pure, that lies at the center of the PC spectrum.


    Its values: Love, honesty, kindness, respect, tolerance, charity.


    This seems like a pretty good message to me. :)




  3. Christ reaches out to everyone especially the common man, those least among us.


    Sometimes I think that Progressive Christianity smacks of elitism. A religion for the spiritually sophisticated not meant for those of meager intellect and spirituality.


    The truth must be sought, true. But is it right to concede the common man to the religious right. Let him go to those who wish to capitalize on his ignorance.


    I feel that if Progressive Christianity wishes to counter the negative influences of the RR they must find some way to reach out to those common folk who are being manipulated, misguided, and taken advantage of for political and material gain.


    I feel that as good Christians we should be compelled to help these poor people, to “save” them from the tyranny of the RR.


    Or will Progressive Christianity be just for academia, egg heads and tree huggers.




  4. Progressive Christianity is great! I love it! It’s a beautiful thing. But it lacks the mass appeal that the religious right offers.


    Progressives say the search is more important then the answers.


    The right tells you the answers.


    Average Joe in the street is drawn to the simplistic appeal of the right. The progressives don’t reach out to him the way the right does.


    Why not?


    I think the PC’s have much to offer Joe but they need to give him something that fits into his outlook of the world. Something he can hold onto, something positive. But it must be presented in a way he can understand and appreciate.


    Kindness, compassion, generosity, peace, tolerance, respect for the earth and all life, these are our “absolutes.” These values given in the name of Jesus are just what Joe’s looking for and needs. This should be the strong, unwavering foundation on which we build our movement and on which Joe can build his life.


    But blogs at Jesus-isa-pagan.com aren’t reaching Joe. He’s watching NASCAR.


    To get to Joe we must hit him where he lives, the TV, radio, newspapers, bumper stickers, billboards.


    We need to take our message to the street, door to door, face to face.


    We have just what Joe needs. His support is just what we need.





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