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Posts posted by g0ys_org

  1. Let me start by saying thanks for quoting ME. I'm honored. I am the creator & main editor of g0ys.org & I'm watching lives changed by it.

    I'll also take a moment to invite you to visit the theology section of the site under the link that reads: "God Hates". Also feel free to join the main Yahoo group. However - if you know somebody currently who is Christian & struggling with same-sex feelings,- PLEASE give them the link to the site. So far, I know of several suicides I've helped prevent.

    I started the g0ys movement when after 6+ years of Scripture study on this topic I became absolutely sure that the Scripture forbid certain sexual acts - but N0T same sex attractions & unions. My theology does not discard the use of Scripture -- rather ties more of it together than any "anti-gay" platform ever did. As a matter of fact, I show how that posturing takes (6) scriptures (& a number of foundational principles) out of context to build the LIE that Scripture opposes same-sex relationships. Consider this "reduction method": F00D

    All food is basically reconstituded dirt & water. In the old testament, there were restrictions on the FORM that could be eaten. Lobster was an "ABOMINATION" (Same Hebrew word that references the male/male sex act of Lev 22:18). In the new covenant, the restrictions of diet are lifted. Lobster is no longer an "abomination" (unless a person believes it is ... then for him ... it IS). Paul took great steps to talk about weak & strong faith ... and the man with STRONG FAITH can eat what the man of weak, cannot -- because of KNOWLEDGE.

    So then ... let's expand this principle: The human body is essentially reconstituted dirt & water. Agree? (See Genesis 1). IF that had previously been a restriction on same-sex intimacy in the old testament (& I'm not saying there was ... but just - IF), then the same principle would apply as does food. You don't get much more intimate than eating something & having it become part of your body! Yet -- whether a lobster or lamb ... you essentially ate reconstituted dirt. In the physical realm - as intimate as two people can be physically involves little more than an exchange of, what is essentially - reconstituted dirt. You kiss & you've kissed modified dirt (pretty as it is). Engage in oral sex? Just dirt; -- & Jesus Himself said: "What goes into a man's mouth CANNOT DEFILE HIM". Think!

    The entire homo-sex debate puts great moral weight on actions that ultimately involve - modified dirt. Finally - Galatians 3:28 says that in Christ there is NO MALE & FEMALE. If the concept of gender disintegrates "in Christ", then what also vanishes? ... Sexual orientation! This MUST be if gender becomes irrelivant.

    So then: What matters? As Paul said: The 0NLY thing that matters is:

    1) The new creation

    2) Faith expressing itself in love; - And about this concept the corresponding principle that "Love works N0 ILL toward it's neighbor - therefore love IS the FULFILLMENT of the Law."

    If you read the admonitions for husbands & wives in Ephesians -- you will notice that the language is nearly identical as that describing the love between David & Jonathan in 1st Samuel. Do you think this is a coincidence?

    Please visit g0ys.org (spelled w. a zer0). We do use a harsher tone than most "Christian" sites ... but you see: Evil masquerades a righteous & too many soft-spoken snakes have been hiding behind gently whispered deadly lies. Please forbear our plainess of speech. Society has become weary of Elizabethian platitudes. Good day.


    BTW> One poster wrote: "He has this one page called, "But How Do You Know That he is Straight?" Where he tells step-by-step how gay guys can get their str8 buddies drunk so they can sexually take advantage of them and act like it was just all in fun."

    The page described does NOT discuss seducing (str8) men. It is a page for helping determine who is g0y (Not a Kinsey 0). The Page is named "G0YDAR". The site has some real depth of thinking: Please read carefully before you offer critique.




    Ok..here's that article written by that gay man who calls himslef a G0y and his website is:




    (I have cleaned up his use of terms)


    This is what he had to write...(keep in mind this is written by a gay man)


    GAY" has, in many social circles, been made almost synonymous with "DISEASE".  Now why do you suppose that would be?  Let's take a look at the CDC's figures on AIDS infection (for example) in the US for a clue:


    AIDS Cases by Exposure Category (2002)


    Following is the distribution of the estimated number of diagnoses of AIDS among US adults and adolescents by exposure category. A breakdown by sex is provided where appropriate.


    Exposure Category (CDC figures) Male Female Total

    Male-to-male sexual contact 420,790 - 420,790

    Injection Drug Use 172,351 67,917 240,268

    Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 59,719 - 59,719

    Heterosexual contact 50,793 84,835 135,628

    Other* 14,350 6,519 20,869


    * Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal,

    and risk not reported or not identified.


    The first line should be a wake up call!  Male to male contact: 420,790 cases!  This is as much or more than all other causes of infection combined (& please notice that the 3rd leading cause is a combination of [male/male sex -or- IV drugs])!  But, is the phrase "male/male sexual contact" accurate?  Not really.  Why?  Because there is a form of male/male sexual contact particularly good at spreading HIV (article).  Ironically, it's also a major vector for AIDS spread by male/female sexual contact.  If you want to spread disease, & really let it explode into society in epidemic proportions, - anal "play" is the sexual fetish to participate in:


    You'll notice that the gender of the person on the receiving end of this act is not disclosed in the picture.  This is because the gender is irrelevant.  In the chart above: 135,628 cases of AIDS were attributed to "HETEROsexual" contact.  What you are not told is the FORM the "Heterosexual contact" took.  People may assume, because of the label "HETEROsexual", that it was penile/vaginal sexual contact.  This is unlikely for (2) reasons.  1) More men are likely to use a condom in penile/vaginal sex to prevent pregnancy; And, 2) contrary to misconception , the vagina is fairly hostile to HIV taking hold, where as the anus will welcome it readily!  Most women infected by HIV became so by participating in anal intercourse, or repeated unprotected vaginal sex with an infected partner (who almost always contracted HIV via anal intercourse or *IV drug use).  The playground acronym for AIDS: "Anally Injected Death Sentence" is not inaccurate in this respect!  AIDS is seldom spread in other ways.


    Today's lesson: Being gay does not spread AIDS.  Anal "sex" does.  It does so +400% more often than the next statistical bullet! 



    This growing group, that Asserts that anal-sex-play is "gAy.  It's not "gAy" as much as it simply doesn't give a dAmn about the recipient of this outlaw form of pseudo-sex.  Furthermore, the it will stop at nothing to spread participation in this fetish to the ends of the earth.  The ad images shown are examples of mass e-mail marketing, - several e-mails that a junk mail account set up specifically to monitor "gAy" e-mail collects daily.  Look & you'll that that every such e-mail promotes a single theme: Anal "sex" = "GAY".  They" will even expend energy combating the simple truths this website shares with others!  They will call us "oppressive" because we point out that anal sex is indirectly killing people.  TheyT will call us "homophobic", despite the fact that we don't limit the message about the dangers of anal sex to "gAy" men.  They will try to obfuscate & minimize  the dangers of "anal sex" -- despite the fact that the figures on the chart above won't budge for them.  Such people talks about "condom education campaigns", but it becomes obvious over a decade into such campaigns that either the campaigns do not work, or the fact that condoms DO fail (& that people don't always use them), - accounts for the 2002 figures on AIDS charted above!  AIDS may be the ultimate bane of anal sex, but the fact is that "anal intercourse" (if it can even be called that), is a leading vector for virtually ALL sexually transmitted diseases & at levels many times higher!  The mental spectre created in the public mind by images like the ones discribed here are the reason why g0ys do not adopt the "gAy" personna, label & do not want to be Associated with that culture. : Many people do not know to draw a distinction between "gay" & "anal.




    Isn't it Romantic? - N0T!


    Here's a number for you: According to the CDC, condoms fail about 2% of the time during anal sex.  Since it only takes (1) failure to spread HIV, that's 1300% overkill.  Last time I saw an overkill factor like that it was tied to the nuclear weapons program.  Have 1/14th of a nuclear war & everyone is still dead. 


    Soft Personalities:


    In psychology, people are sometimes classified based on their willingness to accept a suggestion.  In the minds of susceptible people, a slogan repeated enough times is taken as truth:  "The earth is flat", etc.  Lacking either the willingness or faculty to question blanket statements about reality, these people live in a world made of gossip, myth & half truth; -- And they cannot understand why the people around them succumb to the likes of HIV.


      Ask any gay guy who's over 49 where most of his adolescent 'friends' who came out as "gay" after Stonewall are now.  Ask those still alive why they didn't become HIV+ too (the answers will all have 1-thing in common: an avoidance of anal penetration). 




    If we g0ys don't act, then the only thing these awesome younger dudes are gonna find are the disease ridden lies of a culture all dead except for a few statistical long-shots.

    I for one love these younger dudes, - & many g0ys themselves have kids whom they want to be comfortable to live a life more open & honest, -- & without the stigmas associated with being "gAy". If you could read some of the private feedback to this site!  There are lots of younger dudes in serious pain -- not because they are hott for other guys ... but because they HATE  what mainstream "gAy" media portrays men who love men as being. 


    But, at the pinnacle of this open detest is the practice of "ANAL-PLAY"; -- And whether done by M/M or M/F couples -- g0ys abhor it.  The good news is that it's so easy to stop that particular practice! Ignorance does form a foundation for excuse -- at least as far as the matter of "intent" is concerned.



    G0YS.ORG is a site devoted to men who love men, but who want nothing to do with anal-penetration or the stigmas associated with it.

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