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  1. How did non-Muslims treat slaves? Attitude of the Jews towards slaves: According to the Jews, mankind is divided into two groups: the Israelites form one group and all of mankind is another group. As for the Israelites, it is permissible to enslave some of them, according to specific teachings contained in the Old Testament. As for people other than the Israelites, they are a low-class race according to the Jews, who may be enslaved via domination and subjugation, because they are people who are doomed to humiliation by the heavenly decree from eternity. It says in Exodus 21:2-6: “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. 5 But if the servant declares, 'I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,' 6 then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life” As for enslaving non-Hebrews, this is done by taking them captive or overpowering them, because they believe that their race is superior to others, and they try to find a justification for that slavery in their distorted Torah. So they say that Ham the son of Noah – who was the father of Canaan – angered his father, because Noah was drunk one day and became naked as he was sleeping in his tent, and Ham saw him like that. When Noah found out about that after he woke up, he got angry and he cursed his progeny who were descendents of Canaan, and he said – according to the Book of Genesis 9:25-26): “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.’ He also said, ‘Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem.’” In the same chapter (v. 27) it says: “May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his [or their] slave”. In the Book of Deuteronomy 20:10-14, it says: “When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves” Attitude of the Christians towards slaves: Christianity confirmed slavery as it had been affirmed beforehand by Judaism. There is no text in the Gospels that prohibits or denounces slavery. It is remarkable that the historian William Muir criticized our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for not immediately abolishing slavery, whilst overlooking the attitude of the Gospels concerning slavery, as there is no report from the Messiah, or from the Disciples, or from the churches concerning this issue. Rather, in his Epistles, Paul advised that slaves should be loyal to their masters, as he says in his Epistle to the Ephesians, where he enjoins slaves to obey their masters as they would obey the Messiah: “5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free” (Ephesians 6:5-9). In Grand Larousse encyclopédique, it says: It comes as no surprise that slavery has continued among Christians until today; the official representatives of the faith have affirmed its validity and accepted its legitimacy. … to sum up: the Christian religion approved fully of slavery and still does so today. It is very difficult for anyone to prove that Christianity strove to abolish slavery. The saints affirmed that nature makes some people slaves. Churchmen did not prevent slavery or oppose it; rather they supported it, to such an extent that the philosopher saint Thomas Aquinas supported the philosophical view that agreed with the view of religious leaders, and he did not object to slavery, rather he praised it because – according to the view of Aristotle – it is one of the conditions in which some people are created naturally, and it does not contradict faith for a man to be content with the lowest position in life. In the Dictionary of the Bible by Dr. George Yousuf it says: Christianity did not object to slavery for political or economic reasons, and it did not urge believers to oppose their generation’s views with regard to slavery, or even debate it, and it did not say anything against the rights of slave owners or motivate the slaves to seek independence; it did not discuss the harm or harshness of slavery and it did not enjoin the immediate release of slaves. It did not change anything in the nature of the relationship between master and slave; on the contrary, it affirmed the rights and duties of both parties. Contemporary Europe and slavery It is the reader’s right, in this era of advancement and progress, to ask questions about the pioneers of this progress and the numbers of people who died because of the way in which they were hunted, and who died on their way to the coast where the ships of the English Company and others would wait, then the rest died due to changes in climate. Approximately 4% died as they were being loaded onto the ships, and 12 % during the journey, let alone those who died in the colonies. The slave trade continued at the hands of English companies that obtained the right of monopoly with the permission of the British government, then gave free rein to British subjects to enslave people. Some experts estimate that the total number of people seized by the British during slavery and exiled to the colonies between 1680 and 1786 CE was around 2,130,000.
  2. Here I am talking about tolerant Islam, not extremists who violate the teachings of Islam Then there are extremists everywhere in the world, Jews, Christians and others. Why do you only accuse Muslims? Every country has its own policies, whether fair or unjust, whether in the East or the West, and whether the media that publishes the news is false or true. Most of your Western media spread lies about Islam and fabricated crimes that they attribute to Muslims Although there are extremists everywhere, they do not represent the tolerant teachings of Islam The question is whether the state applies the Islamic law, in which God commands justice and mercy Towards all people, or does it only care about its own interests, without adhering to God's commands? In fact, many rulers do not apply God's law, whether in the East or the West The ignorant is the one who confuses Islam with the customs and traditions of people under the pretext that they are Muslims The media brainwashes simple people with false news about Islam Islam does not support slavery at all, but the Prophet was rather eliminated it gradually because slavery existed before Islam Slavery existed in the West and East before the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him The Prophet Muhammad bought slaves to free them from the humiliation of slavery and treat them with mercy The Prophet was gradually eliminating slavery as much as possible During that period, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, freed slaves and treated them with mercy before and after liberation It is worth pointing out that you do not find any text in the Quran or Sunnah that enjoins taking others as slaves, There were many sources of slaves before the time of the advent of Islam, when the means to inhabit them were practically nil. Islam changed the way slavery was treated; he created many new ways to free slaves, blocked many ways to enslave people, and set guidelines that blocked those ways Gustavus the Good says in Hadaarat al-'Arab (Arab Civilization) (p. 459-460): What I sincerely believe is that slavery among Muslims is better than slavery among any other people, and that the situation of slaves in the east is better than that of servants in Europe, and that slaves in the east are part of the family. Slaves who wanted to be free could access freedom by expressing their wish. But despite this, they did not resort to the exercise of this right. When Europe made contact with black Africa, this contact led to human misery during which the blacks of that continent were faced with a major calamity that lasted five centuries. The states of Europe have found evil ways to kidnap these people and bring them to their lands to fuel their rebirth, where they have loaded them with more work than they can handle. When America was discovered the calamity increased and they became slaves on two continents instead of just one. The Encyclopedia Britannica says (2/779) on the subject of slavery: The hunting of slaves in the villages which were surrounded by the jungle was done by lighting fires in the straw of which the corrals surrounding the villages were made, then when the villagers fled into the open ground, the British were chasing them with all the means at their disposal. During the period 1661 to 1774, for every million black Africans who reached the Americas, an additional nine million died during hunting, loading, and transporting. In other words, only a tenth of those who were driven out survived and made it to the Americas, where they found neither rest nor relief, but instead were subjected to forced labor and torture. At that time, they had laws that any wise person would be ashamed of. Among these bad laws were those which said that any slave who transgressed against his master should be killed, and any slave who ran away would have his hands and feet cut off, In America, if seven blacks got together, it was considered a crime, and if a white man walked past them, he was allowed to spit on them and give them twenty lashes. Another law declared that blacks had no soul and that they had no intelligence, no intelligence, or will, and that life existed only in their arms. To sum up, when it came to his duties and service to his master, the slave was considered sane, responsible and punishable if he failed, but when it came to his rights, he had neither soul nor be, and he was no more than a strong pair of arms! Finally, after many centuries of slavery and oppression, came the protocol to abolish slavery and strive to end it, in a resolution issued by the United Nations in 1953 CE. Their consciences therefore woke up only in the last century, after having built their civilization on Slavery in Islam - Dr. Jonathan AC Brown | Lecture Islam, Slavery and the African - Abdullah Hakim Quick Hadith #30 - Slavery in Islam | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice Islam and Slavery - By Dr. Zakir Naik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-15no-m0jn4
  3. How can I believe the haters of Islam, the killers of Muslims, and the colonizers of their countries? Do they tell the truth? Your black history is clear Look at your shameful history first instead of the false accusations against Muslims الرد على المبشّرين النصارى - عدنان رشيد يسوع أمير السلام! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي
  4. I do not deny that there are extremist people But your false media spreads many fabricated lies about Muslims to distort the image of Islam Crimes not committed by Muslims During the Crusades, when the Christians besieged Jerusalem and the siege intensified, and its inhabitants realised that they were defeated, they asked the crusader leader Tancred for safe passage for themselves and their wealth, and he granted that to them on condition that they all seek refuge in al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the mosque), carrying safety banners. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa was filled with old men, children and women, and they were slaughtered like sheep; their blood flowed in the holy place until it came up to the knees of the horses, and the streets were filled with crushed skulls, severed arms and legs and mutilated bodies. The historians state that the number of those killed inside al-Masjid al-Aqsa alone was seventy thousand, and no European historians deny these atrocities. .Our own times give the best testimony to that, for they bombarded Afghanistan, then they moved to Iraq and destroyed it, bombarding, killing and spreading mischief throughout the land. Their leader even said that God had commanded him to enter Iraq! Where are the teachings of Christ that they claim to follow and speak so much about? .What do they have to say about what happened – and is still happening – in Chechnya? In Africa? Indonesia and elsewhere? Can they deny that what happened in Kosovo was a Crusade? Didn’t Bush say in his last war: “It will be a crusade”? U.S. Soldier Leaves Islam - Goes To Iraq War & Converts To Islam Again?! w. Larry Yunus U.S Soldier Converts to Islam After Debating with a Muslim Soldier w. Colonel Khalid Shabazz
  5. This is a response from Sunnah of the Messenger of God Muslims defend their Prophet, not by killing non-Muslims just to draw an abusive picture as you claim and distorting the image of Islam, Examples of this this is what the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded us to do. Forgiving the hostile enemies; Only Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could be so generous This is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, whom liars accuse of killing people Following the Prophet’s example in any situation is to make sure of choosing the right course of action. Some people may think that this applies to matters of religion only. In Islam there is no differentiation between religious and “worldly” matters. Everything in people’s lives is evaluated from the Islamic viewpoint. Hence the Prophet’s example provides guidance to us in all spheres of life. The day when Khaibar was conquered, there was a famous swordsman in the enemy camp, Murhab, a Jew, who was well known to be able to fight with 200 fighters. Murhab came out brandishing his sword, shouting a challenge of sword fighting . Ali bin Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him) was chosen to fight with him and he accepted the challenge on behalf of Muslims. During the fight, Murhab was killed and the Jewish army was captured. All were pardoned and their lands were returned to them. From their tribe, a lady called Zainab, who had lost her relative in the battle, invited the Prophet ﷺ for a meal. He accepted the invitation and went along with his companions. She inquired as to which part of the goat’s meat would the Prophet ﷺ prefer to eat. They told her that he preferred the shoulder. She poisoned it and offered it to the Prophet ﷺ. One of the companions, Bishr al Bara’ (Allah be pleased with him) ate it and went out after eating. Meanwhile, the Prophet ﷺ ate it but spat it out. He called her and asked, “Let all the Jews who are here, be assembled before me.” The Jews gathered and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Would you tell me the truth if I ask you about something?” They replied, “Yes.” He asked, “Have you poisoned this sheep?” They said, “Yes.” He asked, “What made you do that?” They said, “We wanted to know if you were a liar in which case we would have got rid of you, and if you are a Prophet then the poison would not harm you.” The Prophet ﷺ forgave her on his own behalf but the other Sahabi Bishr died because of poison and his wife demanded the punishment of death. She was killed because the family of the martyred Sahabi did not pardon her and as per the Islamic law, they had a right to get her killed. But the Prophet ﷺ did not take revenge for being poisoned on his own behalf because he was following the instruction of Qur’an. Once a Jew cast black magic and caused a lot of distress to the Prophet ﷺ. It was narrated that ‘Aishah (Allaah be pleased with her) said: A spell was put on the Prophet ﷺ until he imagined that he had done a thing when he had not done it. One day he made du’aa’ then he said: “Do you know that Allah has shown me in which lies my cure? Two men (angels) came to me and one of them sat at my head and the other at my feet. One of them said to the other, ‘What is ailing the man?’ He said: ‘He has been bewitched.’ He said: “Who has bewitched him?’ He said: ‘Labeed ibn al-A’sam.’ He said, ‘With what?’ He said: ‘With a comb, the hair that is stuck to it, and the skin of pollen of a male date palm. He said: ‘Where is it?’ He said, ‘In the well of Dharwaan.’” The Prophet ﷺ went out to the well, then he came back and said to ‘Aishah when he came back: “Its date palms are like the heads of devils.” I said: “Did you take it out?” He said: “No. Allah has healed me, and I feared that it might bring evil upon the people.” Then the well was filled in. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3268; Muslim, 2189. The companions wanted to behead the Jew who cast the magic as punishment. The Prophet ﷺ refused to kill and to take revenge for his own sake and pardoned him. Though Islamic ruling commands death penalty for a magician, the Prophet ﷺ forgave the one who cast magic on him. He gave up his right to take revenge. The Forgiveness of Muhammad Shown to Non Muslims أي مسيحي ينتقد الشريعة الإسلامية أرسل له هذا الفيديو | دانيال حقيقتجو was 7th Oct fake mews? I told you that I do not care about your lies about Islam
  6. The war against the religion of God will continue until the Day of Resurrection
  7. Incitement against Islam and Muslims in many ways. We have recently seen an example of an attack on Islam in general, and the Prophet Muhammad in particular, As I said earlier, the media tells us false news about Muslims Don't judge people with ignorance, lies, and out of emotion Respecting the prophets is a duty in all religions Why they offend the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and the wrath of Muslims There are certainly dangerous political objectives behind this to light the fire of discord and tarnish the image of Islam. It is not the freedom of expression of painters But barbaric And against human rights Insult to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Muslims respect all prophets from Adam to the last Prophets Muhammad, peace be upon them You will not find a Muslim who paints an offensive picture of the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him Because God taught us in the Qur’an, respecting the honor of the prophets is obligatory Turning the Table on Atheists: Existence of God is Self-Evidently True | Hamza Tzortzis \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 2- faith and actions always work together 22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. , Christ said 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3 Christ did not claim divinity and restricted divinity to God (the Father) alone And in Matthew 16-27: and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. Key Verse: 2:22, “You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.” the main theme of the entire book of James: faith and actions always work together. In James’ time, there were some people who claimed to have faith without any practical evidence. They thought that faith should be grounded on sound doctrine and that was most important; which is true. But they tended to dismiss action as irrelevant. They claimed to have saving faith without any visible evidence in their practical lives. James refuted this idea very clearly, saying that faith and deeds work together, and that faith without deeds is dead. Genuine faith always produces actions. The Gospels, the Injil, and the Qur'an | Paul Williams Orthodox Corruption of Scripture-Book Review by Paul Williams Secrets of The Scrolls | Dead Sea Scrolls | Paul Williams
  8. The Qur’an is the book of God that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him God acknowledged the necessity of faith along with good deeds God says in the Qur’an “Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful” 55. ‘And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord (i.e. this Qur’aan, do what it orders you to do and keep away from what it forbids), before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not!’ “Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allaah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin” [al-Nisa’ 4:48] “Say: ‘O ‘Ibaadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allaah, verily, Allaah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful. 2- Hadith Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Whoever would love to be delivered from Hellfire and admitted into Paradise, let him meet his end with faith in Allah and the Last Day, and let him treat people as he would love to be treated. Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1844, Grade: Sahih \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I don't care about false rumors about Muslims in the fake media Mohammed Hijab: Why Successful Men Are Converting To Islam Why did this young Scottish man convert to Islam? I now realize why they are fighting Islam! https://www.facebook.com/100059866625821/videos/894823738915391
  9. This is just an example of God's great mercy he was pleased with this act of kindness. God's door is open even to the disobedient, until they believe in God and do not despair God says in the Qur’an 18:107 Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a lodging, Those who have faith in Allah and do good actions will have the highest of gardens, as a place to honour them. Christians accept only 25% of God's word and reject the 75%? Most Christians pick and choose bits and pieces, what ever suits their lifestyle. Deviation comes from the people, not from prophets God sent prophets to guide us to his service and To Teach People God's Law the final and ultimate objective of the prophets was to establish a just socio-moral order in this world. They wanted to establish justice in the personal life of each individual so as to bring about poise and equilibrium in his mind, character, conduct and dealings. But humans are the ones who abandoned the teachings of God (the Father) for which he sent the messengers They say that spirituality and love are enough, clinging to these empty slogans To evade God's teachings Their path towards darkness is clear and not towards the path of light Every person only wants to achieve his desires and whims without taking into account the rights of others And without following the teachings of the Creator The things that make you happy may not make me happy because There are no divine laws that govern them and achieve justice Only God and His teachings benefit humans because He is their Creator From Gangster To Islam! Italian Millionaire Investment Banker Accepts Islam 2- There are many false rumors about Muslim preachers in the media and the Internet Only because they lead people to God's path Fixed base Every true scholar of the Islamic religion adheres to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah and influences people, and many people converted to Islam during his time. A series of attacks begins against him by the West and enemies of Islam By fabricating charges against him in their fake media, such as (that he is anti-Semitism and a terrorist and should be expelled from their country) Controversial Preacher Zakir Naik Speaks to The Newsmakers See what they teach them in church https://www.facebook.com/100059866625821/videos/2235155033350247
  10. Only good deeds are not enough without faith in God (the Father) as one God Faith in God (the Father) along with good deeds God is God (the Father) Jesus is a prophet of God, not a god, and is not equal to God The Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel, peace be upon him, transmitting revelation from God (the Father) to the prophets see here Righteous Non-Muslims Like Mother Teresa Will Go To Heaven Or Hell? | Dr Zakir Naik From gang life and drugs to the most famous preacher in America | The story of Uthman bin Farouk من حياة العصابات والمخدرات إلى أشهر داعية في أمريكا | قصة ش.عثمان بن فاروق
  11. A Mercy for the Believers The Messenger's compassion towards the believers was of the utmost degree. The Quran describes his compassion in the following verse, which means: - لَقَدْ جَاءكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُم بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ "There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful." (Quran: 9:128) Sa'd bin 'Ubaadah once became ill, so Allah's Messenger visited him in his house. On seeing his faithful Companion in a pitiful state, he was moved to tears. Then, he said: "Allah does not punish because of tears, nor because of grief, but he punishes because of this."- and he pointed to his tongue. (Al-Bukhari) A Mercy Towards his Enemies The prisoners of war taken captive at the battle of Badr were amongst his bitterest enemies. Nevertheless, he made sure that they were given the best of treatment. Among them was Suhayl bin 'Amr who was a fiery speaker and was denouncing the Prophet. 'Umar one the Prophet's closest companions, suggested that two of his lower teeth be pulled out so that he might not be so vile in his speeches. The Prophet replied: "Were I to do this, Allah would disfigure me on the Day of Judgment, despite the fact that I am His messenger." (Hadith) In Makkah, his people inflicted him with every kind of suffering, eventually forcing him to emigrate to Madinah, and then waged war on him for five years. However, when he conquered Makkah without bloodshed in the twenty-first year of his Prophethood, he asked the Makkan unbelievers who were awaiting his decision about them: "How do you expect me to treat you?" They responded unanimously: "You are a noble one, the son of a noble one." He announced to them his decision: "You may go free! No reproach this day shall be on you; may God forgive you." A Mercy for Women Prophet Muhammad was also very kind and affectionate towards women. Women were very badly treated in those times. The Noble Prophet gave them honor and dignity at par with men in the community. 'Umar reported: "We did not have much regard for women while we were at Makkah, but they were better treated in Madinah. Allah's Messenger established women's rights through his sayings and commandments, which improved their position and status." A Mercy for Children Allah's Messenger was particularly compassionate towards children. When he saw a child crying, he sat beside him or her and shared his or her feelings. He felt the pain of a mother for her child more than the mother herself. Once he said: "I stand in prayer and wish to prolong it. However, I hear the cry of a child and cut the prayer short for the anxiety which the mother is feeling." (Al-Bukhari) He would take children in his arms and embrace them. He was once hugging his beloved grandsons, Hasan and Hussain, when Aqrah bin Haabis told him, 'I have got ten children. So far, I have not kissed any of them.' Allah's Messenger responded: "The one with no pity for others is not pitied." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) According to another version, he said: "What can I do for you if Allah has removed from you the feeling of compassion?" (At-Tirmidhi) A Mercy for Animals His compassion encompassed not only human beings, but also animals. The Prophet forbade his companions to keep the unintelligent creatures hungry or thirsty, to disturb or to overburden them. He commended that kindness and putting them at ease were meritorious acts tending to bring man nearer to Allah. Abu Hurairah reports the Prophet as saying: "A traveler who was thirsty saw a well in the way. He got inside the well and when he came out he saw a dog licking mud due to thirst. The man realized that the dog was as thirsty as him, so he got into the well again, filled his leather sock with water and carried it out holding it with his teeth. Thus, he quenched the thirst of the dog. Allah was pleased with this act of kindness and pardoned his sins." The Companions asked: "O Messenger of Allah is there recompense in the matter of beasts and wild animals also?" The Prophet replied: "There is recompense in regard to every creature that has a living heart." 'Abdullah bin 'Umar related that the Prophet said: "A woman was cast away to hell only because she had withheld food and water from her cat and refused to set it free so that the cat might satisfy its hunger by eating worms and insects." Once on return from a military campaign, a few Companions took away the chicks of a bird from their nest to stroke them. The mother bird came back and when it could not find its chicks in the nest, it began to fly around screeching. When informed of the matter, Allah's Messenger became angry and ordered the chicks to be put back in the nest. (Abu Dawood) Conclusion The love and compassion of Allah's Messenger for all kinds of creatures was not of the kind claimed by today's 'humanists'. He was sincere and balanced in his love and compassion. He was more compassionate than any other person. He was a Prophet raised by Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all beings, for the guidance and happiness of conscious beings - mankind and jinn - and the harmony of existence. Therefore, he lived not for himself but for others; he is a mercy for all the worlds. Tears of faith! A woman and her lover convert to Islam in a very touching situation that made her cry bitterly! 🇮🇪 🇮🇪👩🏻🦰 An Irish woman left Christianity and thought that Islam was not for her until she saw Sheikh Othman! Something unexpected happened!
  12. Your words are incorrect The facts of the Qur’an are true without a doubt With scientific evidence, as I mentioned previously But your book is incorrect, so do not compare the Qur’an with the Bible And also The Scientific Case Against Evolution the lack of any observable scientific evidence for macroevolution (that is, evolution from one distinct kind of organism into another). This odd situation is briefly documented here by citing recent statements from leading evolutionists admitting their lack of proof. These statements inadvertently show that evolution on any significant scale does not occur at present, and never happened in the past, and could never happen at all. Evolution Is Not Happening Now First of all, the lack of a case for evolution is clear from the fact that no one has ever seen it happen. If it were a real process, evolution should still be occurring, and there should be many "transitional" forms that we could observe. What we see instead, of course, is an array of distinct "kinds" of plants and animals with many varieties within each kind, but with very clear and -- apparently -- unbridgeable gaps between the kinds. That is, for example, there are many varieties of dogs and many varieties of cats, but no "dats" or "cogs." Such variation is often called microevolution, and these minor horizontal (or downward) changes occur fairly often, but such changes are not true "vertical" evolution. Evolutionary geneticists have often experimented on fruit flies and other rapidly reproducing species to induce mutational changes hoping they would lead to new and better species, but these have all failed to accomplish their goal. No truly new species has ever been produced, let alone a new "basic kind." A current leading evolutionist, Jeffrey Schwartz, professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, has recently acknowledged that: . . . it was and still is the case that, with the exception of Dobzhansky's claim about a new species of fruit fly, the formation of a new species, by any mechanism, has never been observed. The scientific method traditionally has required experimental observation and replication. The fact that macroevolution (as distinct from microevolution) has never been observed would seem to exclude it from the domain of true science. Even Ernst Mayr, the dean of living evolutionists, longtime professor of biology at Harvard, who has alleged that evolution is a "simple fact," nevertheless agrees that it is an "historical science" for which "laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques"2 by which to explain it. One can never actually see evolution in action. Nevertheless, because of the lack of any direct evidence for evolution, evolutionists are increasingly turning to dubious circumstantial evidences, such as similarities in DNA or other biochemical components of organisms as their "proof" that evolution is a scientific fact. A number of evolutionists have even argued that DNA itself is evidence for evolution since it is common to all organisms. More often is the argument used that similar DNA structures in two different organisms proves common evolutionary ancestry. Neither argument is valid. There is no reason whatever why the Creator could not or would not use the same type of genetic code based on DNA for all His created life forms. This is evidence for intelligent design and creation, not evolution. The most frequently cited example of DNA commonality is the human/chimpanzee "similarity," noting that chimpanzees have more than 90% of their DNA the same as humans. This is hardly surprising, however, considering the many physiological resemblances between people and chimpanzees. Why shouldn't they have similar DNA structures in comparison, say, to the DNA differences between men and spiders? Similarities -- whether of DNA, anatomy, embryonic development, or anything else -- are better explained in terms of creation by a common Designer than by evolutionary relationship. The great differences between organisms are of greater significance than the similarities, and evolutionism has no explanation for these if they all are assumed to have had the same ancestor. How could these great gaps between kinds ever arise at all, by any natural process? The apparently small differences between human and chimpanzee DNA obviously produce very great differences in their respective anatomies, intelligence, etc. The superficial similarities between all apes and human beings are nothing compared to the differences in any practical or observable sense. Nevertheless, evolutionists, having largely become disenchanted with the fossil record as a witness for evolution because of the ubiquitous gaps where there should be transitions, recently have been promoting DNA and other genetic evidence as proof of evolution. However, , this is often inconsistent with, not only the fossil record, but also with the comparative morphology of the creatures. just a few typical contradictions yielded by this type of evidence in relation to more traditional Darwinian "proofs." Read more https://www.icr.org/home/resources/resources_tracts_scientificcaseagainstevolution/ The Quran Mentions the Earth is Spherical in Shape 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik The Sky is a Protected Ceiling - Dr Zakir Naik Mention Scientific Facts which are Mentioned in the Quran which Science has not yet Discovered it?
  13. Your words are incorrect because scientists have proven the validity of the scientific miracles in the Qur’an and proven the fall and distortion of your bible Scientists' comments on Quran https://www.islamicity.org/5437/scientists-comments-on-quran/ see here Quran has a Contradiction saying Allah Created the Heavens and the Earth in 6 days and in other ... Satan And Shooting Stars #HUDATV According to Islam, are humans made from nothing, sperm, dirt, mud, blood, clay, water, or what ? Dr.Zakir Naik | DA VINCI THEORY About Apes And Humans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnPYaO1APNE Did humans evolved from monkeys? Amazing reply to Atheists What Islam says about Darwin theory ┇ Zakir Naik best answer ┇ IslamSearch.org Pooja Asks Dr Zakir, “Qur’an is Corrupted as it says Sperm is Produced between Backbones” 2- Interpretation of the Qur’an If empirical knowledge"supports the Qur’an, but if empirical knowledge" contradicts the Qur’an, we will not care about it because The Quran is the original to correct scientific theories The Quran is fixed Therefore, The Quran is a reference to know the correctness of scientific theory
  14. Interpretation of the Qur’an is subject to the words of God in the Qur’an and the explanation of the Qur’an by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Scholars cannot contradict the words of God in the Qur’an and the explanation of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him But we find the Jews and Christians interpreting their book according to their desires The Quran is the original to correct scientific theories The Quran is fixed Therefore, The Quran is a reference to know the correctness of scientific theory The Noble Qur’an is a divine book and a sacred text that God revealed so as to encompass matters of belief, legal practice, morality, ideals and lessons. God fashioned the Qur’an and he guarded it from error unlike the other divine books. For many centuries, humankind was unable to study certain data contained in the verses of the Qur’an because they did not possess sufficient scientific means. It is only today that numerous verses of the Qur’an dealing with natural phenomena have become comprehensible. A reading of old commentaries on the Qur’an, however knowledgeable their authors may have been in their day, bears solemn witness to a total inability to grasp the depth of meaning in such verses. I could even go so far as to say that, in the 20th century, with its compartmentalization of ever-increasing knowledge, it is still not easy for the average scientist to understand everything he reads in the Qur’an on such subjects, without having recourse to specialized research. Scientific statements such as these are only one specific aspect of the Islamic revelation which the Bible does not share. Professor Jacques Berque has told me of the great importance he attaches to it in comparison with the long gap separating the writing down of the Judeo-Christian revelation from the facts and events which it relates. Let us not forget that today we also have a number of manuscripts of the first written versions of the Qur’an which were from a time period very close to the time of revelation. The slightest alteration to the text would have automatically destroyed the remarkable coherence which is characteristic to them. Change in any text would have prevented us from establishing their total conformity with modern knowledge. The presence of these statements spread throughout the Qur’an looks (to the impartial observer ) like an obvious hallmark of its authenticity.. 2 It is enough that Aisha reached puberty when she was nine years old, and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, married her with the approval of her family, and society did not oppose this marriage in their time. It was very normal. Like marriage in Judaism and Christianity at that time Like Mary, 12 years old, and Joseph, 90 years old In addition, Aisha was engaged and broke off her engagement before the Prophet Muhammad appeared in her life 3- "The European wars of religion were a series of wars waged in Europe during the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries. Fought after the Protestant Reformation began in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe, or Christendom. " "Moreover we find that it was Christianity – and not Islam – that eradicated the Native people in America" Yes, it was Christian people who dispossess the native people of their lands in America and elsewhere, .What do they have to say about what happened – and is still happening – in Chechnya? In Africa? Indonesia and elsewhere? Can they deny that what happened in Kosovo was a Crusade? Didn’t Bush say in his last war: “It will be a crusade”? Such atrocities did not occur when the Muslims fought in jihad against their enemies. They did not kill women or children or ordinary people. It is worth noting the instructions that Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq gave to Usaamah ibn Zayd and his troops: “Do not commit any act of treachery or betrayal. Do not steal from the war booty. Do not mutilate any dead body. Do not kill any child, old man or woman. Do not cut down any palm trees or burn them. Do not cut down any fruit-bearing tree. Do not slaughter any sheep, cow or camel, except for food. If you pass by people who have devoted themselves to worship in hermitages, then leave them to that to which they have devoted themselves.” 4- What does it matter if islam was six and a half centuries later... Judaism is much older than Christianity but Allah sent Jesus (AS) to correct their ways as they had strayed from their true religion... But the Christians also erred seriously when they attributed to Jesus (AS) divinity. Appealing to revelatory chronology, claiming that a revelation is wrong on account of being revealed after another supposed revelation, is just plain stupid, The "OT" doesn't confirm anything about Christianity. Christianity is a hodgepodge of idolatrous, pagan bullshit Thus Allah (SWT) revealed the Quran and another Prophet (SAW) to the whole universe in order to preach the true message that all the other Prophets preached which was : Worship ONE GOD.. in the Qur'an God forbids usury, adultery, alcohol, gambling, pork, incest, However, we find in the Bible that these calamities are not prohibited in some parts of it And Christians do it openly and attribute it to Christ and they are not ashamed Christians are deceived by the devil Because their book contains these taboos But the Qur'an forbids that Hopefully more of the people will take heed to the blessed counsel of the Most High which He made available to us through the Quran. 5- the gospels were written much later and not by eyewitnesses. How do we know they are accurate? Also they were not written by who they claim to have been written by. They were copied by scribes all along the way, themselves also making mistakes and altering the texts to their church's liking. The KJV version of the bible I think was finalised by Erasmus in the 1500's. Who wrote the Gospels and when? Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams 05-12-2018 Dr. Zakir Naik: The Quran And Modern Science How the Bible was corrupted by Dr. Bart Ehrman YouTube
  15. scholars have proven the truthfulness of the Qur’an scientifically, historically, and morally Therefore, I advise people to study Islam in specialized Islamic centers But your book was proven scientifically, historically and morally wrong by your scholars Your book was written 300 years after Jesus See here Scientists' comments on Quran https://www.islamicity.org/5437/scientists-comments-on-quran/ Q&A: Was Adam the First Man? Reconciling Creation with the Theory of Evolution | Dr. Shabir Ally FULL - Dr. Zakir Naik The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science vs Dr William Campbell A Christian asks which Part of the Bible is Authentic? - Dr Zakir Naik How did humanity reproduce from Adam and Eve - Dr. Zakir Naik If Adam (pbuh) and Eve (pbuh) are our Great Great Grandparents, we all Human Beings are Brothers...
  16. The request for forgiveness must be from God (the Father) directly, without intermediaries who cannot forgive themselves Christ also asked the Father for forgiveness directly Your book is distorted and you follow Paul, who destroyed the original Christian doctrine The straw that broke the camel's back came when the Pope issued in Rome huge quantities of indulgences, which he signed and stamped with the official seal, to be sold to the public who wished to be forgiven for the sins they had committed. The Pope's representative would go around the cities and villages selling indulgences that erased the buyer's sins because the Pope He is God's representative in this world, and God must honor His promise of forgiveness. When this idea succeeded in hoarding huge amounts of silver and gold for the church, the Pope’s mind developed another idea: purchasing indulgences in the name of dead relatives in order to help them enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This was the straw that made the German priest Martin Luther write his book “95 Theses” in 1517. P 1 يدخلون الإسلام أفواجاً - شمسي هل ستدخل الجنة الأم تريزا والطبيب مجدى يعقوب والصالحين في الدنيا من النصارى والملل الأخرى ؟ لماذا الإسلام يحرم الشذوذ! طالبة بريطانية وشمسي احمد ديدات كيف يتيقن المسلمون من المغفرة ودخولهم الجنه
  17. The Qur’an is the only book that is subject to scientific tests and proven correct by scholars The Holy Qur’an speaks only about scientific facts not myths so the researcher must know that the discovered scientific fact which is a miracle in Qur’an or Sunnah should not be known when Qur’an was descended. On the other hand we have to know that there are many known facts in Qur’an from past times like benefits of honey which is a known fact from thousands of years, but He Almighty included this fact in the Holy book of Qur’an as a proof that this book includes only right facts because people during years of civilizations used to mix facts with myths and legends. Therefore if Qur’an is a human made, we might find mixes of right and wrong facts inside it. 2- God is capable of all things. He created Adam without a father and a mother Christ was created from a virgin mother without a father 2- God gave you your life when you die and your soul leaves your body Can you, poor, weak person, return your soul to your body and life?! 3- Traditions in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in ancient times Girls are married young when they reach puberty So why are we surprised by the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him! More than once, I tell you, you do not know anything about Islam or Christianity In Islam, there is a difference between the marriage contract, that is, on paper only And intercourse between the spouses The marriage contract in Islam without intercourse The husband is waiting for his wife until she reaches puberty Then he marries her and sleeps with his wife in one bed As the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did The Prophet was her husband on paper only under the marriage contract And he waited without intercourse until Mrs. Aisha reached puberty Whether it is 9, 12 or 14 In our time, we now determine the age of marriage But in their era, you cannot change their laws You are really an idiot Zakir Naik Q&A-88 | Does Islam agrees with Darwin theory of evolution Age of earth 🌎 in Qur'an https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yeg1OwrPzaE Did Noah's flood cover the whole earth? Dr Zakir Naik Zakir Naik - Flaws in Biblical Story of Noah
  18. 3- Islam has emphasized the importance of reason and thinking, which is reflected in many verses. There are phrases that are repeated dozens of times in the Qur’an, such as “Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you might use reason” [al-Baqarah 2:242], “for a people who give thought” [Yoonus 10:24] and “for a people who understand” [al-An‘aam 6:98]. Allah calls upon us to think in the Qur’an, as He, may He be glorified, says (interpretation of the meaning): “[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded” [Saad 38:29]. Allah, may He be glorified, says, calling us to reflect upon His creation (interpretation of the meaning): “Do they not contemplate within themselves? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term. And indeed, many of the people, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, are disbelievers” [ar-Room 30:8]. Indeed, Allah, may He be exalted, has criticized the people of Hell by stating that they did not benefit from their reason, and He tells us (interpretation of the meaning): “And they will say, ‘If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze’” [al-Mulk 67:10] “So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts” [al-Hajj 22:46]. Thinking is an act of worship, which Allah points out in the verses (interpretation of the meaning): “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:190-191]. Shaykh as-Sa‘di said: Here Allah tells us that “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding”. This encourages people to think deeply, examine these signs and contemplate the creation. He left the word “signs” ambiguous, and did not state explicitly what it points to, as an indication of the great number and ubiquitous nature of those signs. That is because in creation there are amazing signs that dazzle those who look upon them, convince those who ponder them, attract the hearts of those who are sincere and strengthen the faith of those of understanding. But the details of what these signs contain are impossible for any person to list or even comprehend some of them. In conclusion, what we see in them of greatness, the vastness and order in the movement of heavenly bodies, point to the greatness of their Creator and His power, which encompasses all things. Their perfection, precision and beauty point to the wisdom of Allah, His control over all things and the vastness of His knowledge. The benefits they bring to people are indicative of the vastness of Allah’s mercy, the all-encompassing nature of His grace and kindness, and the necessity of being grateful to Him. All of that indicates that the heart should only be attached to its Creator and originator, and should do its utmost to seek His pleasure, and not associate with Him any of those who have not even an atom’s weight of power over themselves or others on earth or in heaven. Allah has intended these signs only for those of understanding, namely people of reason, because they are the ones who benefit from that and who contemplate the signs with reason, and do not merely look at them with their eyes. Then Allah describes those of understanding as being those “who remember Allah” in all circumstances, “standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides”. This includes all types of remembrance of Allah, both verbal and in the heart. That includes praying standing; if that is not possible, then sitting; and if that is not possible then lying on one’s side. “and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth” that is, so that they may reach the conclusion intended (that there is a great Creator). This indicates that thinking is an act of worship, and is one of the characteristics of the close friends of Allah. When they think and reflect upon these things, they realise that Allah did not create them in vain, and they say: “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]” and exalted are You above all that is not befitting to Your Majesty; rather You created it in truth, for truth, and including truth. “then protect us from the punishment of the Fire” by protecting us from doing bad deeds, and helping us to do righteous deeds, so that we might attain thereby salvation from the fire. End quote. In the hadith narrated from ‘Ata’, he said: ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Umayr and I went to visit ‘Aa’ishah. She said to ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Umayr: It is about time you visited us. He said: O my mother, I say as the first one said: Make your visits at long intervals, and people will love you more. She said: Spare us from this gibberish of yours! Ibn ‘Umayr said: Tell us of the most amazing thing you saw from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). She remained silent for a while, then she said: One night he said: “O ‘Aa’ishah, let me focus on worshipping my Lord this night.” I said: By Allah, I love to be near you, and I love what makes you happy. He got up and did wudoo’, then he began to pray. She said: And he kept weeping until his lap became wet. Then he wept and kept weeping until his beard became wet. Then he wept and kept weeping until the ground became wet. Then Bilaal came to call him for prayer, and when he saw him weeping, he said: O Messenger of Allah, why are you weeping when Allah has forgiven you your past and future sins? He said: “Should I not be a thankful slave? Last night a verse was revealed to me; woe to the one who recites it and does not reflect: ‘Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire’ [Aal ‘Imraan 3:190].” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh (2/286). See also as-Silsilah as-Saheehah (1/147). The man of literature and great thinker, Ustadh ‘Abbaas Mahmoud al-‘Aqqaad, wrote a book on this issue, entitled at-Tafkeer Fareedah Islamiyyah (Thinking is an Islamic Duty). https://islamqa.info/en/answers/306654/thinking-in-islam Steps for Quran Contemplation - Ep. 1 - Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan When the Disbelievers Fell into Sajdah - Ep. 2 - Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan They Accused the Prophet ﷺ of This - Ep. 3 - Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan 4- As per Islamic belief Jesus was born without a father, and Muslim scholars are unanimous on this. It may sound unnatural at first but it has been expressed in the Quran that just as Adam had no father, Jesus too did not have a father and for the omnipotent Creator, his creation was the same as that of Adam. “Jesus in the sight of God is like Adam. He created him from dust; then said to him, ‘Be!’ and he was.” (Quran 3:59) It must be understood that though Islam and Christianity hold the same position on the miracle birth of Jesus, Islam however does not associate divinity with Jesus Christ. Muslims do not believe Jesus to be the son of God but rather a Prophet just like Abraham, Moses and Muhammad. According to Islamic belief, God has clearly stated in the Quran that he did not beget a son as per Christian traditions. There is another verse to this effect: Such was Jesus, the son of Mary. That is the whole truth, about which they still dispute: it does not befit the majesty of God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! He is far above that: when He decrees something, He says only, ‘Be!’ and it is. (Quran 19:34-35) The Quran describes the events that took place before Jesus’ birth. An angel appeared to Mary and gave her the glad tiding about the birth of a son. Mary replied that she had no husband and asked how she could have a son? The angel told her that this was what God had ordained. “Recount in the Book how Mary withdrew from her people to an eastern place and kept herself in seclusion from them. We sent her Our angel, who presented himself to her as a full-grown human being. When she saw him, she said, ‘I seek refuge in the compassionate God from you; [do not come near] if you fear the Lord.’ ‘I am only the messenger of your Lord,’ he replied. ‘I shall bestow upon you the gift of a son endowed with purity.’ She said, ‘How can I have a son when no man has touched me; and neither have I been unchaste?’ [The angel] replied, ‘So shall it be; your Lord says, “This is easy for Me; and We shall make him a sign to people and a blessing, from Us. This has been decreed.” (Quran 19:16-21) At another place the Quran says that God breathed His Spirit into Mary before she gave birth to Jesus: “Remember the one who guarded her chastity; so We breathed Our Spirit into her, and made her and her son a sign for all people.” (Quran 21:91) This is why in Islam, Jesus is referred to as ruhullah, or ‘the Spirit of God’ and not ibnullah, or ‘the son of God’. How did Mary (pbuh) give Birth to Jesus (pbuh) According to the Quran? - Dr Zakir Naik
  19. Once again, this is your ignorance There are suspicions and false fabrications from the ignorant enemies of Islam about the Prophet Muhammad and other prophets, the Internet is full of them to distort the image of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad I always say that the true life of the Prophet should be studied from reliable sources in specialized Islamic centers This subject is the favorite of Islamophobes who find here an opportunity to attack the Prophet (sws) There are some variations in the exact age of lady 'Aisha among historians. We know that at the time, there was no commune to register the child in a national register or certificate issued by the hospital mentioning the exact moment of birth, and therefore only parents could we Given the age of the child (and again!), We have no proof of a national register of the Arabian Peninsula of the 7th century AD! We only have suggestions, estimates and approximations. Aisha was 18 years old at the time of the Hegira (ie at the time of the Prophet's immigration) and she became his wife at the age of 19-20, this is the minimum age what she can have! little Christian women married and had intercourse very early for centuries, intercourse that would be punishable by law today. In France, it was not until the Revolution and the break with Christianity that the age limit rose to 13 years. Now if we follow the reasoning of some Islamophobic Christian missionaries, we should consider that all Christians were pedophiles, and that Jesus and Paul were accomplices in pedophilia since they did not condemn these practices that existed in their day. Mary married Joseph when she was twelve years old, meaning that she was young, and Joseph her husband was over ninety!! Most Christian historians agree that Mary the mother of Jesus was between 12 to 14 years old when she married Joseph. This was very common during that historical time period. - Roman women married and had sex at the age of 12 and under, before having their period, with husbands who could be their grandfathers. - Since no New Testament writings condemn this practice, not even Paul who gave recommendations on marriage and married life, Christians have continued to follow these customs. - The Council of Trent convened by Pope Paul III in 1542 confirms the age of marriage at 12 for girls See here اجابة تسحق الفم Christians question Mohammed’s marriage to Aisha but shamefully accept Joseph’s marriage to Mary? Mary was 12 and Joseph was 90? | SPEAKER’s CORNER 11/11/2018 Was the Age of Aisha r.a 9 Years old or 19 when she got married? - Dr Zakir Naik According to almost all the historians, Asma the elder sister of Aisha, was ten years older than Aisha. It is reported in Taqreeb al-Tehzeeb as well as Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah that Asma died in the 73rd year after migration of Muhammad when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma was 100 years old in the 73rd year after Migration to Medina, she should have been 27 or 28 years old at the time of migration. If Asma was 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah, Aisha should have been 17 or 18 years old at that time. Thus, Aisha - if she got married in 1 AH (after Migration to Medina) or 2 AH - was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage. Also, according to many Ahadith in Bukhari, it is believed Aisha participated in the battle of Badr and Uhud.Also in Bukhari (Kitabu’l- maghazi) Ibn `Umar states that the Prophet did not permit me to participate in Uhud, as at that time, I was 14 years old. But on the day of Khandaq, when I was 15 years old, the Prophet permitted my participation. So if it was not allowed to participate in Uhud for people younger than 15, then Aisha would be atleast 15 in those battles... https://realdeen.wordpress.com/2006/07/30/real-age-of-hazrat-aisha/ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 2- This is another opinion In their time, the accepted age of a girl at marriage was young Here we have Aisha explicitly from here narrations state that she had reached puberty ever since her parents had been following Islam The Prophet, peace be upon him, visited her in her father's house, and she reached of puberty Prophet Married ‘Aa’ishah When She Reached Puberty The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) only held his marriage contract with `Aa'ishah may Allaah be pleased with her when she was six years old, but he consummated the marriage when she was nine years old, as reported by Al-Bukhari and others may Allaah have mercy upon them. This fact is reported in many books of Seerah (biography) through many chains of narrators that cannot be rejected. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) did not take consummate the marriage till she reached the age of puberty and was able to bear having sexual intercourse. For that reason, she may Allaah be pleased with her used to say, "When a girl reaches the age of nine, she becomes a woman." [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi] Imaam Ash-Shaafi'i may Allaah have mercy upon him said, “I saw a grandmother who was only twenty-one years old.” This means that she and her daughter as well became pregnant before the age of ten years. Therefore, a man may marry a small girl but he can only establish conjugal relations with her after she becomes pubescent. Ibn Hajar may Allaah have mercy upon him reported that marrying a small girl is permissible but having sexual intercourse is only permissible after her puberty. What is reported from Muhallab may Allaah have mercy upon him is conforming to the opinion of other scholars as reported by Ash-Shawkaani may Allaah have mercy upon him who said, “All Muslim scholars agree that a father can marry off his minor girl.” This means he can merely conduct the marriage contract, but it does not mean permitting her husband to have conjugal relations with her since she would be unable to bear that. Mary's small marriage to Youssef, 90 years as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; . This is documented in the Catholic Encyclopedia... https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08504a.htm " a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old " http://www.cin.org/users/james/files/key2mary.htm
  20. Praying for the Prophet Muhammad and saying peace be upon him Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased. Imagine if you said peace be upon him ten, a hundred, or a thousand times every day throughout your life How much will you get the double reward from God? This is a gift from God (the Father) to Muslims He Refused To Be Millionaire to Be a Muslim! Ex-Atheist’s Unbelievable Conversion! @HamzasDen
  21. As I said Judaism, Christianity and Islam are messages from God But a distortion occurred in Judaism and Christianity, and God sent His Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to correct this distortion and pay attention to the correct verses remaining in the Holy Bible. Therefore, we find similarities in the three religions . WAS THE QUR'AN COPIED FROM THE BIBLE? - DR ZAKIR NAIK 2- Praying over ones food is not enough. One should be making the correct food choices in order to be healthy. Any thinking outside this is not healthy, on a nutritious level. Pork should be on the "do-not-eat" list because it is scientific fact that pork contains a slimy parasite --Trichinella spiralis, Bible babble falls outside the logic and scientific aspects In fact the Bible will never be the cornerstone of actual common sense, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding So, everything that Allah has prohibited is noxious and repulsive. Furthermore, noxious things indicate everything that spoils man's life: in his health, property or morals. In a research project undertaken in America, A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. This indicates that ova found in meat do not die when exposed to high temperatures Then, modern scientific studies provide us with important information concerning diseases and harmful germs that are spread and originated by pig. Among these harmful things are germs and a tapeworm called “Treichine” (trichina) which grows in the flesh of swine and occupies human intestines resisting all medicines used to discharge it. Also, such an armed tapeworm may cling within one's muscles, resisting medicine to remove it. Thus, science gives a clear-cut justification for the prohibition of the flesh of swine and the wisdom becomes visible. According to Larousse, a French encyclopedia, the noxious worm “Treichine” (trichina) passes along the human body heading to the heart, and then, settles in one's muscles, especially in chest, eye, throat and midriff, where its embryos remain alive for years. But what we think we need to draw you attention to is some other things that are also mentioned in your Holy Book, this time in the New Testament which tells you that the rulings of the Torah still apply to you and cannot be changed. Does’t it say in the Bible that the Messiah said: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” Matthew 5:17-18? see here Why Muslims Don't Eat pork?(Experiment) Dr Zakir Naik proved that having Pork is prohibited haraam in Islam as well as in Christianity 3- There is a difference between marriage between relatives Such a paternal uncle’s daughter, a paternal aunt’s daughter, which is permitted by law. Such marriages are allowed in many other religions and cultures as well. In United States, most of the states allow marriages between the first cousins. There is nothing wrong in this marriage. and between incest through adultery with a sister or aunt, which is not permissible according to Islamic law Don't confuse the two The second type is incest, which is very widespread in your book and in Western countries, and mixing of lineages However, it is a good practice to have a blood test before marriage. If one suspects some hereditary disease or any other problem then he/she should seek the advice of a medical expert in this field. The chances of health risk in this marriage are very rare. Most of the marriages have been good and children quite healthy.” Elaborating on the issue whether it is preferable not to marry close cousins, we’d like to cite for you the following fatwa: “Islam permits marriage between first cousins. If we read the Qur’anic verses which enumerate women to whom a Muslim cannot be married, you will find that this list does not include cousins. The Islamic view is that while marriage between cousins is permissible, it is preferable to choose a marriage partner from outside one’s family. We have to distinguish between what is permitted and what is advocated. Some clans restrict marriages to amongst their kin only – a practice far from what is advocated. It is worth stressing here that when marriage of cousins is repeated over several generations, they are bound to have more effects on children. By permitting such marriages Islam does not encourage them. It advocates the cementing of social relations through marriages between totally unrelated families. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) once told one of his Companions to choose a wife from a tribe different to his, and then to choose for his son a wife from a third tribe, and to seek for his second son a girl from yet another tribe. Preferring this course of action, Islam nevertheless permits marriage between cousins because it meets a social need.” Excerpted, with modifications, from: www.islamicity.com In conclusion, it is clear that Islam, undoubtedly, permits marrying cousins. As for the issue of preferring to choose a marriage partner from outside one’s family, this varies from one case to another. Yet, Islam is generally keen to widen the circle of social bonds. As for the fear of hereditary diseases, it is a good practice to have a blood test before marriage. If one suspects some hereditary disease or any other problem then he/she should seek the advice of a medical expert in this field. May Allah guide you to the straight path and direct you to that which pleases Him, Ameen.
  22. In Islam, it is sufficient for a person to bear witness that God (the Father) is God Man bears witness that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Messenger of God Man bears witness that Jesus is a prophet of God, like all other prophets In addition to good deeds, God will admit him to heaven Faith with good deeds What is the fate of non-Muslims like Gandhi and Mother Teresa? - Zakir Naik Does a Christian enter heaven or hell? Great answer from Zakir Naik 2- What does it matter if islam was six and a half centuries later... Judaism is much older than Christianity but Allah sent Jesus (AS) to correct their ways as they had strayed from their true religion... But the Christians also erred seriously when they attributed to Jesus (AS) divinity. Appealing to revelatory chronology, claiming that a revelation is wrong on account of being revealed after another supposed revelation, is just plain stupid, The "OT" doesn't confirm anything about Christianity. Christianity is a hodgepodge of idolatrous, pagan bullshit . You're the worst type of pagan idolater because you're trying to kill God for your sins. The Qur’an refers to the sacred books in the time of the prophets were authentic But now these books are distorted and the Qur’an corrects their distortion There are a few authentic verses from the Bible that do not contradict the sayings of the ancient prophets, and the words of the Prophet Jesus, and the words of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them. And we care about it Thus Allah (SWT) revealed the Quran and another Prophet (SAW) to the whole universe in order to preach the true message that all the other Prophets preached which was : Worship ONE GOD.. in the Qur'an God forbids usury, adultery, alcohol, gambling, pork, incest, However, we find in the Bible that these calamities are not prohibited in some parts of it And Christians do it openly and attribute it to Christ and they are not ashamed Christians are deceived by the devil Because their book contains these taboos But the Qur'an forbids that The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who ordered the abandonment of usury, adultery, alcohol, gambling, pork, and incest. Was he manipulated by Satan and dishonest or your book? It is clear that you and your book are dishonest and have no integrity Hopefully more of the people will take heed to the blessed counsel of the Most High which He made available to us through the Quran. كلام الله، هل هو القرآن أم الإنجيل؟|The Qur'an Or The Bible, Which Is God's Word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylm0RMIeIKc
  23. peace be upon him It means respect and love for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him We also say it to the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him We also say it to the Prophet Moses,peace be upon him And for all the prophets from Adam to the last prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon them It was narrated by Anas ibn Malik that the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: ”If someone sends one prayer upon me, Allah sends ten prayers upon him, He erases for him ten mistakes, and He raises him ten degrees.” Praying on the prophet one time, Allah will send us blessings ten times, and ten of the mistakes we committed will be erased. Praying on the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) will get us closer to him in the afterlife. The prophet said: “The person closest to me on the Day of Resurrection is the one who sent the most prayers upon me.” Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ | Deeds to Habit Q&A: Why Do Muslims Mention the Prophet Muhammad in Ritual Prayer? | Dr. Shabir Ally see here You will be shocked Debate: Dr. Zakir Naik vs. Dr William Campbell - The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science Is the Islam True Religion If Yes, How? Answered By Dr. Zakir Naik حمزة تزورتزيس يدافع عن النبي في ركن المتحدثين | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park
  24. All the prophets are dead and their souls are with God (the Father) The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, died and left his nation that adhered to the correct law of God Unlike other nations that changed and changed the religion of God according to their desires and worshiped man The Prophet Jesus was only a human being, never a god, and never claimed divinity Christ and Muhammad, the prophets of God, will not bear the sins of people Only God the Father will judge our deeds on the Day of Resurrection Jesus, peace be upon him, was not killed, nor was he crucified, and he will not bear the sins of people The most common belief among Christians is the belief that Jesus died for our sins, but the question is: Who said that Jesus died for our sins? Actually when we look at the verses Christians use to prove this belief, we find that 95% of these verses are from Paul’s epistles, and the verses used to prove this belief from the Gospels are very few, which puts a question mark on its source and whether Jesus really told that he would die on the cross for our sins. we as Muslims don’t need to believe that God needs to be a man or to be crucified for our sins, because God is mightier than that, we actually believe that this is a blasphemy and an insult against God. For sin to be forgiven by God, mans should repent faithfully to God, and acknowledge his sins, and God is the All Forgiver and All Merciful who will forgive him if He really knew he is really intending to repent and stop the sin: 110. And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allāh will find Allāh Forgiving and Merciful. ( Holy Quran 4:110) Doesn’t God forgive sins without Jesus dying? No need for all that so that God forgives my sins, and this is what is also said by the Old Testament: Eze 18:21″But if a wicked person turns away from all his sins that he has committed and keeps all my statutes and does what is just and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. Eze 18:22None of the transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him; for the righteousness that he has done he shall live. Did Jesus know that he came to die for our sins? God only punishes the guilty in Islam and does not harm the innocent Muslims do not believe in blood sacrifice and they do not believe that a holy man like Jesus should die such a cruel and humiliating death. He bears the sins of mankind while he is innocent It is better for God to forgive without bloodshed, because He is able to do so, as in Islam, God forgives without killing an innocent person and shedding blood. God only punishes those who commit a sin, and does not punish the oppressed And in Matthew 16-27: and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. . Christ Himself decides that each person will be rewarded according to his deeds. This contradicts inherited sin and salvation by crucifixion, because the text indicates that salvation is through work and not by crucifixion Christian concept that jesus will die for their sins Vs Muslims Allah's forgiveness
  25. Among the miracles that were granted to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as divine support for his Da‘wah (call) and a means of uplifting his status, was the speech of inanimate objects and animals to him. This matter had a great effect on souls, stimulated minds and drew people's attention to the Da‘wah. It also proved to people that the Da‘wah was true and real and supported by arguments and evidence. Therefore, it was only appropriate for sensible people to accept it and follow the great religion of Islam which brings them benefits, wards off harm, elevates their position among nations and guarantees for them happiness in both worlds. Indeed, inanimate objects and animals spoke: food exalted Allaah The Almighty, stones and trees saluted the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the trunk of a palm tree yearned for him, and a camel complained to him. These miracles and lessons certainly occurred and were authentically narrated so that they would be believed and accepted - even if they might contradict human reason. Among the inanimate objects that Allah The Almighty made to speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was food. Once, while it was being eaten, some food exalted Allaah The Almighty and the Companions heard its exaltation. ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood said,"We were with the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said: ‘Bring the remaining water with you.’People brought a utensil containing a little water. He dipped his hand in it and said:'Come to the blessed water - and the Blessing is from Allaah!’ I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and we certainly heard the food glorifying Allaah when it was being eaten [by him]." [Al-Bukhaari] In Al-Fat’h, Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar mentioned that grapes, ripe dates and gravel all exalted Allaah The Almighty. It is also mentioned in this regard that stones, mountains and trees would greet the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It was narrated on the authority of Jaabir ibn Samurah that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "I recognize a stone in Makkah which would salute me before my commissioning as a Prophet. I still recognize it." [Muslim] As another example, ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said,“I was once with the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in Makkah and we went out to some location. Every mountain and tree which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, passed by would salute him,[(saying], 'Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allaah.''' [At-Tirmithi and Ad-Daarimi. Saheeh - Al-Albaani] Moreover, the tree-trunk which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would stand beside while giving his Khutbah (Friday sermon) was one of the inanimate objects which talked to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Ibn ‘Umar said,“The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would deliver his Khutbah while standing beside a trunk (of a palm-tree). When he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. The trunk therefore began weeping, and so the Prophet went to it and rubbed his hand over it [to stop it crying]." [Al-Bukhaari] Another wording states, "The trunk bellowed like a bull such that the mosque shook." [Ad-Daarimi] A third wording states, "The trunk bellowed until it cracked and split." [Ahmad] Also, the speech of animals was another miracle with which Allaah The Almighty honored His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There was a camel who complained to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, about the injustice of its owner. ‘Abdullaah ibn Ja‘far said,The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, let me ride behind him one day and told me something in secret which I will not divulge to anyone. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would mostly prefer to relieve himself whilst hiding behind a high object or in a garden of small palm-trees. He once entered a garden that belonged to a man from Al-Ansaar. There he found a camel which moaned and shed tears when it saw the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, went to it and rubbed the top and bottom of its ears, and it consequently stopped moaning. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then asked:'Who is the owner of this camel? Whose camel is this?'A young man from the Ansaar [helpers] came and said, ‘It is mine, O Messenger of Allaah.’ Thereupon, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said:‘Will you not fear Allaah with regard to this beast which Allaah The Almighty caused you to possess? It complained to me that you starve it and exhaust it."” [Ahmad and Abu Dawood. Al-Albaani - Saheeh] Exalted is Allaah who made inanimate objects and animals speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and made this a miracle that proved the veracity of his Prophethood and Da‘wah! دعوة حارس الامن الى الاسلام والنتيجة!! - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik فلبيني يسأل الدكتور ذاكر سؤال من اكثر الاسئلة جمالاً!! - ذاكر نايك محاضرة الهدف من الخلق كاملة || ذاكر نايك - The Purpose of the Creation Full || Zakir Naik
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