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Anona Maus

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Posts posted by Anona Maus

  1. This is not said in hate or aggression, just a legitimate question... given what you folks say you do NOT believe, why do you call this Progressive Christianity? What about Christian faith do you agree to? In regard to daily prayer, I spent about a year praying the prayer of St. Francis every night before bed. Regardless of whether you believe it was really written by St. Francis, or whether you believe there are saints, the words I prayed changed me for life. I recommend that if you do not know what to pray, try this. Focus on each and every word like a pebble dropped in a clear pool, watching the ripples as they emanate outward into your consciousness and eventually into your life mission. 

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
    where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    where there is sadness, joy.

    O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
    to be consoled as to console,
    to be understood as to understand,
    to be loved as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive,
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
    and it is in dying (**some say it is in "dying to self" **)that we are born to eternal life.

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  2. Hey, BeanieBoy!! I liked reading your post, but I believe that you have to receive Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life to get to Heaven. I believe that people who don't want to spend eternity with Christ will not be doing so. But I also suspect that there are many death-bed conversions that we will never know about because they happen privately between the person and the Lord. I have really  struggled with the Christian Church's (as a whole) beliefs about homosexuality. I believe that it is not a choice, it is a way some people are born, their truth. Just like I have the height, sight, eye color, etc the Lord gave me, some people are born as homosexuals and I can't comprehend how if they were born that way, and created by God, how that can be a sin. Anymore than the original sin we are all born with. I can't process it all, but I need a local Christian fellowship that doesn't condemn people. The thought of Christians making a public scene to shame others makes me physically ill. The idea of Christians screaming at people that God hates them it the antithesis of Christianity and they should be called out on such behavior publicly and consistently by all other Christians. So that those who are not Christian don't get the wrong message. I am a Christian woman and in my younger days I made a choice to get an abortion. I believe it was a wrong choice, I'm not sure if it was murder, but it was a sin. However, I had to pass thru protestors who were yelling and screaming at me at my lowest point. I was traumatized, but it did not change my mind about the abortion. It just made me terrified of those types of "Christians".  A few years ago I was in a women's Christian Bible study and another woman commented about how sad it is that they don't protest like that anymore; That Christianity was better when they did. I spoke up, (voice shaking) saying that I disagreed and that I felt it was hypocritical to behave like that. That if they were so anti-abortion, their actions should prove it by supporting free or low-income access to birth control, by establishing more support for adoption, by adopting kids themselves rather than horrifying those who are in the middle of one of the toughest decisions of their lives.  I am disappointed that Christian churches are not more focused on Love than hate. I entirely agree with what you are saying about that. "they will know we are Christians by our love".  God Bless you in your journey!!

  3. I think the current situation is very nuanced and has to be handled with respect and compassion on your part AND on his. I think those shows and videos are filling a need or feeding a hunger for answers in this crazy world and present situation. But they are not feeding that hunger with anything healthy. I would try to switch to anything you can both agree on, even if you have to go back to Billy Graham or going to a local church that doesn't espouse those dangerous views. It upsets me greatly that the Alt Right view themselves as Christians and because they are louder than us, non-believers think that's what Christianity is all about. I like the comment from Burl. It does bring joy when I am actively helping others. Your Dad might like that too. May God bless you and your Dad in this challenge and bring you closer to each other and closer to HIM!

  4. My real name is LouAnn *screen name Anona Maus* and I'm really struggling with the beliefs and attitudes of the people who attend church with me in Waukesha, WI. After trying to attend a new Bible study, I wrote out a letter to the executive pastor titled "I think I know a different Jesus", listing how the men in the group (who did most of the talking) didn't say anything like what my Jesus says. I saw no compassion, no inclusion, no mercy or grace. I'm looking for a church in southeastern WI that has Progressive Christian views. Any input on this?

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