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Posts posted by JustBryan

  1. Thank you for being a gentleman in our short but worth while, debate romansh, I agree our paths are leading in two different directions to find answers.


    That's the key point for any debate agree on the definition of what the subject is then debate. And thanks Paul for letting me get some of my personal views out there.



    Bryan. (A fallen spirit saved by grace)

  2. No, but God can give free will is the short answer, free will being just another form of some type of energy, or just another creation


    To me free will is a creation of a specific certain chain of events of energies interacting with each other and, also it must have a source or beginning, that is God. As God has always been without a creator, he/she is beyond all things that are made, free will being one of them.


    God can function without free will as being outside of all natural laws and supernatural laws , which were created by God, also God being outside of what we would class as 'life', free will is a living energy, that would not exist without interaction in some form or another. And as I would say God is neither dead or alive, God just is, meaning God would not need a created energy, to somehow exist, existing outside of every avenue of study us humans are capable of, that's why no science experiement will ever be able to prove God or not. Another way to put it, God just happens in a universal good way, without the need for any sort of created source to guide him/her along.


    (please wait for my book to come out 'Are we really alive')


    God would not need free will which in my opinion can only be a part of a living thing with some type of mind.. God is ultimate beyond such titles as alive or dead. Free will is a very small part of all the energies around us and given to us by God. God being nothing and everything both life and death, and free will mearly being a tool to be used, by other energies interacting with it.



    Free will is not human choice it is a process of matter mixing with energy and interacting with chemicals in our brains, which then interpret how our actions and reactions will be done. (not as it is in heaven) but in the universe around us. It is not free in the basic human sense as it is given to us from a previous chain of actions and reactions, but free in the sense that we can change events, according to how a person would like to see the outcome of a situation, by redirecting energy using physical actions, therefore changing the world around you, by changing energy. So free will being a real process of energy that can have and show results for our own eyes, A real result that you can see and measure, a scientist would say then it's real. Free will is real as it is made from energy, but not real in the sense of people thinking I did that, or I made a change, no all you did was redirect energy using another form of energy free will.


    Apologies for the shameless plug of my in the works book.


    Thank you for the question.



  3. Jesus is the only way God could of shown what pure love is like to the human eye, as most need to see proof, really unaware that to truly see one must open his mind and seperate it from this world and all earthly things, to turn the cheek was misinterepreted throught the ages by giving the soft approach to people undermining their intelligence, when they should of been teaching the forces of hurt and emotional pain are only in this life and happen to this state of mind.


    These earthly emotions don't mean anything when one seperates themselves from them and looks to a place beyond the basic human view of life. I know of Christians who sold their possions, car, tv etc and gone back to a more primitive way of life. Forces that interact with each other sometimes leave bad energy or maybe karma as a result of the collision or meeting, which then goes on to grow in the only way it has been directed in, where did these forces come from, energy exists and is created by a source, it doesn't have to be the true source any type of energy can create energy off itself, then that in a way takes on a life of it's own, but without a concious driving it in one or another direction, To me the world or even in more smaller terms people, animals couldn't exist without energy the life spark, we fit into that energy as we are of the energy, to truly find God one must examine themselves, before looking outwards into the universe and find that energy spark within and that is where I think God is in us all comes from.


    Should we get involved, I believe we have no choice being part of things already,


    Does this energy I speak of just do it's own thing can't we intervene, Yes we can, by sending energy in a different direction, therefore changing events.


    How do we do that, Physically or the Energy of prayer, Prayer is a way of connecting with the ultimate energy or creator.


    We are part of the universe and even though it seems to be doing it's own thing, we are partly responsible for how things work out.


    Good will always be the bigger part of the energy, and that good can only come from one ultimate source, God. Bad feelings, hate anger, etc are just residue from bad energy one who is always seeking beyond the stars for an answer will find one mabye not in this life, but maybe in the next form of the spirit energy.


    Predestination has God already chose thsoe that will go to heaven and all events been willed by God before the beginning of time, I answer no, why because God is energy and energy can change when mixed with other energy, God knows this and knew things would change along the way. Also it's not really love if not open for everyone, Jesus would not have had to die for us if the people were already choosen. Find that energy spark inside of you and let Gods goodness guide you in all ways of right, then start looking out to the stars for a more complex answer to your questions.


    God bless you all, and keep searching, we are Gods children and all he wants is us home with him (I don't mean dead I mean our minds at peace), safe from the horrors of the universe.


    Jesus on behalf of all of us here and worldwide, We THANK YOU so much.


    Bryan (a student of Christian Mysticism, I lose myself in the Gospel of John a Jewish Mystic as most of you know Bishop Spong said.)

  4. All of creation exists inside the mind of God, to me free will is real and is the manifestation of the energy straight from the source, that source being God. We are a spirit of universal energy created by an eternal being who, always was, is and will be. We are true beings, and are certainly not insignificant, especially in the eyes of God. Why would God create insignificant beings, for what purpose. Life has a very real meaning and it's not get a job, get married , have sex etc.


    Life to me is an experience within an experience, meaning a spirit of energy inside what we refer to as a flesh and blood shell. and what earlier cultures could not understand, with the exclusion of Gnostic Christians, was how to process the whole Jesus experience. So stories got past down from the Jewish leaders, in the only way that they knew, their language, their culture. that's the reason people don't get Christianity today, people can't relate to a past culture, with a modern day life.


    Not to get off point, the experiences we go through in life both good and bad, are just that experiences, tell that to a child getting held down and raped, the only way an insignificant mind of a human being can act is ultimate in a bad way, the energy in a person like that has been corrupted by negative forces flowing all through the universe, not understanding what life is, they act the way corrupted energy flows through them, I stress the point, but not overwhelm others ideas, that this live is not real in the sense what most people think like, just look at an average persons, life drink down the pub, a quickie and steal music from the net, God would not create such beings, the universe would not spawn out creatures made of dust and particles for no real reason, everything needs to play it's part for the universe to be whole, both bad and good, the ultimate source of life God and we are small bits of energy, created or set free from him in his image.


    Free will is explained in my opinion, by our thoughts and feelings taking on a life of there own, made up of universal energy, that could not exist without the source God, free will exists in the same way we do created by the source, then manipulated by our surroundings, not just this world but beyond the universe as a whole. I s free will real, Yes , but not in the ways most think about it, it's part of the universe and part of the whole creation all coming from the source.


    Every action has a reaction, true but again not in the way most people think, energy and matter coming into contact produce actions and then reactions, so where is our part to play in this, chain of events, our emotions , feelings etc, are part action and part reaction and collide with all other actions and reactions always in motion throughout the whole process, if I was a second too soon or late you have heard people say, without realizing they are talking of forces that don't have a concious and therefore like a virus just act until another process a cure halts that action and sends things on a completly new course, events don't stop they merley change form or direction, energy is constantly flowing all around us and in us, you have heard the world is in Gods hands, and we are made in his image, we and the universe are made by him and set in motion by energy, which is truely God Him/Herself.


    The process of going through this experience we call life is to centre that energy, we can't change or stop it as I explained, but we can balance ourselves with it and experience a higher form of life , that early Christians have taught to this day as heaven.


    Thank you


  5. Hello again,


    First of all we need to get away from this attitude 'the devil makes bad things, happen' An all powerful God would not cast out, if we go by the story, an angel knowing he would go on to cause all types of destruction. to me the whole war in heaven was a human invention as it's human nature to take side, most siding with good over evil. On the other hand Iv'e heard Satanists say the war was God trying to keep Satan in heaven not throw him out. Both of these attitudes point to me thinking it was man made.


    Ok you may say I still haven't given a good answer, i will try, life to me (only my opinion) is a way of getting the spirit or soul ready for the next life, that's my answer to what's the meaning of life, learning from day one it's better to be good than bad, then the hard part of trying to put it into action in the world we live.


    The bad things you list are of human doing and we should turn to the social sciences to explain them, why do some men/women like children sexual, it's built into them from the start, something triggers it in life, why does God lets these things happen the best answer I can think of is free will God has given us, free will to do good or bad, which puts doubts into the minds of christians , it did for me, I think he dosen't let things happen, he lets the world move along by itself, and bad things are part of good life. that's ok for the people not getting abused, some would say, but what about those that are, they need treatment or locking away for life, which still doesn't answer the question God could stop it why doesn't he.


    I can only answer it's back to the free will of doing good or bad, but those who continue to do bad will get punished by getting what they want the, next life away from God, Eternity to reflect on was that crime worth this emptiness now. Wandering and lonely souls with no point.


    One of the hardest questions a christian will have to answer is why did God let my son/daughter get abused. And without an answer I really want to go back to basics and start knocking heads together.


    Your last question, I think we should get involved to show goodness and a better way to live, showing love, which can be shown in many ways, turning a family member into the law if you know they have commited a crime against someone, is one.


    But by getting involved and doing good, we are showing by example, and pleasing God also. We did not get any real answers I'm very sorry, all I can say is God know what he's/she's doing.

  6. Hello Annie, a bit late to the conversation, sorry but heres my two pennies worth, the answer I got back when I asked this question was in those times it was manly so to speak, to hit someone with the back of your hand and not the plam of your hand, and with more people being right handed, turning the other cheek would mean they would have to use their weaker hand or the less manly way of palm of the right hand also disgracing themsleves, in front of other men, so to turn the other cheek was a way of retaliation without violence. I hope that makes sense to you.


    The psychological way, is were all hard wired to get even, I always think of things this way (and it is only my way, it might be wrong) I'm a spirit in a body not a body with a spirit. This shell won't last forever and all those things were hard wired to do are a small hurdle to get over considering the power our spirit has, empowered by the holy spirit, which is only limited by these bodies.


    I always ask myself (again it's only my opinion that might be wrong) is the stress of getting even going to do me any good long term, will it get me to the pace I want my mind to be, or will forgiving and letting it go thinking in the grand scale of things place me that much closer to God.


    I have heard of atheists having accidents and losing ther legs and then turning around and saying if I still had the use of my legs I wouldn't be a Christian now. So to give up my legs in this life to one day be with God in the next is worth it.


    Sorry for going on a bit I hope you can get some type of answer to your question.


    Take care



  7. Hello Paul,


    Another great welcome,


    I completely agree, those looking in from the outside only see what I refer to as the garden wall or the church systems elitist attitude, too many take a peek over the wall and think that's not for me. And I believe everytime that happens it saddens God, all we can do is explain to them that's not they way it has to be, Gods love is far greater than any type of belief system, I always tell people who question what I believe going by the church standards, the disciples never received any money for the work they did.


    God is Good


    Stay well and safe,



  8. Thank you very much Joseph, a welcome from the man at the top, well I mean Admin of this forum :D or spokesman for God maybe?


    I understand about the struggle of forgiveness, it will haunt everyone of us 'till we pass over, but the reward after, we will all say I would go through 1000 times the struggle just to get here.


    It's an honour to be with open minded believers and a fresh start I think. I look forward to joining in where I can.


    Just gone 11pm here my prayers (will be for you all tonight) and bed, God has a new day for us all tomorrow. I bid you all a goodnight.



  9. I've been a practicing believer for many years following the traditional Salvation Army way of things, I enjoyed going out helping the homeless and also played in the band it was a fantastic experience, the two captains in our church were as easy going but very traditional and easy to approach, I met lots of good and very good fellow believers, life was being lived they way I wanted. Turning down parties and and sex for a belief that was close to my heart very much. I always new throughout my growing experience there would be bad christians along the way, this did not bother me and still doesn't, although it did lead me to not using the title christian and stuck with believer, backed up later by 2 years of study into the history of christianity and not seeing anywhere telling us to call ourselves christian, the disciples never refered to themselves as that, as far as I can know it came in at a latter stage by either enemies (romans) of us or by later christians. Same goes for the cross when did jesus say ever wear one, I know some might say what about "pick up your cross and follow me " but I don't think anyone of the time thought if he really did say that wear one around your neck. What about going to church, some will say "where one or two gather I will be there" or "gather with other believers" but I don't go to church, I am part of the church and get together with other believers when I can, we study and really pray and discuss topics of faith. What about changing the day from the original jewish day Saturday, which seventh day adventists still abide by to our Sunday, was that the church hire ups again telling us what God or G-d wanted. And the pope when did God actually speak to him and say your my representaive on earth, if that is true then every Protestant (another silly man made title, to divide and cause damage) who denies him is going to hell, if there is such a place, or another invention of the church which I think it is.


    God to me is the ultimate love and forgiveness, above and beyond what us humans are are capable of and unless we all turn to God we never wil be, it's sad that the world won't wake up and just say God I fully trust you with my life, here you go take control. Petty things like getting the last word in or getting on over on others has been replaced in me by the holy spirit as soon as I let go of the reins, and one final lesson I found again only in my studies, I used to preach to anyone I could and then found through studying Jesus never ment chapter and verse when he told us to spread his message he ment tell people of the eternal love God has for them all they have to do is let go of control.


    We cannot take on the stuborn churches out there, but we can show the right way is love.


    To this day I am still a follower of the christ path which is not the only way but one of many ways to find God, we will be in the place some refer to as heaven with all people of love, Muslims, Jews and many more people of different belief systems, God sees the person not the religious rituals we perform. Still a virgin, still a beliver and still very thankfull for all the love of God shown through his son Jesus Christ.


    Whatever doubts I have I always turn to the thoughts of loving and helping others and soon all doubt has gone. That's my way , God has us all on our own path to him oneday and has left a wonderful and beautiful world for us to spend this life in.


    Bless you all, thank you.


    In Jesus' Name












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