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Posts posted by elisabeth1965

  1. in human perception this is bad, and I don;t say this should go with no correction, I do believe in god's perception there is no good or bad, there is no judgement, this is hard for us to get our head around as we all grow up learning what is good and bad and what our values should be, but again it is human values. If you make a negative decision, or even kill someone I believe the universe will come back but as I tried to explain before it might be in a totally different time period. Lets take it one step further, the soul doesn't feel pain, there is no good and bad for the soul only our emotional conscience reacts on the things that happen. I believe all we are experiencing is just a little part of what our life is really about, it is our existence in the material world,as kaballah teaches we are living in the 1% and in fact it's just an illusion, a journey to fulfill and come to the other 99% which is our part in god.

    Learning to step out of our emotional conscience might be our most difficult task but is also our human experience for if we wouldnt we would be god

  2. good afternoon to all of you,


    I do believe things happen as supposed to but that does not mean we have no choice, we were given free will. When your path is laid out you will only see the little part of it which you as a human can see. Imagine yourself watching a parade, what will you see? just the part that is happening right in front of you, now what would you see when you would be high up in the air? you would see beginning and end and even before and after that. I think all things happen for a reason, cause and effect, as we invented time there can be a long stretch between cause and effect, a seed you plant might only have results ( neg or pos) in years, when you have forgotten all about it. So all the negativity today, in my view, is planted maybe recent, maybe a long time ago, we do have the choice at every moment to choose to let the light in, the result of this might take years too, we in our lifetime might never even notice this. I believe (my opinion so please take no offence) when we all choose for the light, when we transform in beings of love and light, this will be the second coming, also think we still have a long way to go, bless you all, may the light be with you

  3. interesting topic. I turned vegan in January, both for health reason (actually my husbands health) and out of compassion. I don't want to be judgmental but I hope and pray more people will get more conscious about where their food comes from. When you have to hunt and kill i believe you get a better understanding of the cycle of life. It is really easy to go to the store and buy your ready packed meat but I also believe in just being grateful for the choices you have. If I would be a poor woman in Africa, owning a goat and having 2 children the choice of vegan would not be there. The problem lies with our world of over consumption, I have a hard time with cows being raised on feedlots, chicken who never see sunlight or are caged for their entire life. I also believe that a happy animal gives you a different energy and that we are all different individuals who have to find out what works for us in certain parts of our lives and transformation can occur.....or not. So should Christians be vegan, my answer would be no but i would say a christian in my vision should be conscious.

  4. Good afternoon, My name is Elisabeth, I live in New Brunswick Canada since 2005, after I emigrated from the Netherlands. For 15 years I have been practicing classical homeopathy and holistic nutrition. When I look back at my practice and patients over the years I started to realize there is another layer of healing, one that if being untouched will always stand in the way of becoming "whole". This is our spiritual layer, we all have some loss in knowing who we really are and where we come from. Because of this I started to re examine the bible, for years I have had all these questions and turned away from church as it only gave me more questions. I was lucky to find the Houlton Unitarian church, A church with totally different people, encouraging everyone to find him or hers own spiritual path. when rev. Dave Hutchinson handed me a book by bishop Spong I knew I would find my answers as he was so clear about how Christianity emerged out of Judaism and that most people have a totally wrong interpretation of what the bible says and how its words were violated and changed. Now I am studying bishop Spong's books, kabbalah and spirituality & world religions, It seems everything falls into place and I understand so much more about religion and its origins. It also makes me wonder how it is possible this day and age so many people are stuck in a religion that seems totally stuck in it's own dogma's and doctrine's. I believe the important thing is to realize we all come from a place of love and only love will survive, light will always be brighter from a place of darkness so to emerge out of the dark into the light is the most effective transformation.

    I am looking forward to read and re-act on topics that come up. may the light be with you all, Elisabeth

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