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Posts posted by Azvanna

  1. Some more questions :)

    (1) What denomination of church do you attend, and how regularly do you attend?

    (2) What other religious practices do you observe (e.g. prayer, fasting, meditation, volunteering, etc.)?

    (3) Are you able to openly express your progressive beliefs, or must you keep them private?

    1. Independent Pentecostal

    2. Active meditation (tai chi sequences /yoga asanas), mindfulness meditation, prayer, witchcraft using breath, giving, engaging with music ie praise and worship.

    3. I must keep them private.

  2. There's a guy called Shane Willard who preaches a little bit on this in his message 'You are the Tabernacle'. Shane teaches scripture from a hebraic perspective. I really liked his explanation.


    Jesus is the expression of what the tabernacle was aiming to achieve - the pathway to God.


    The tabernacle consisted of 3 courts, separated with 3 gates: The gate into the Outter Court was called the Way Gate, the Inner Court gate was the Truth, the gate into the Holy of Holies was called 'the Life Gate.'

    So, from a Hebraic perspective, when Jesus was saying 'I am the Way, the Truth and The Life" he was saying: I am the Tabernacle!


    If you listen to his whole message, you will be able to hear the whole thought in context. I don't really want to try to repeat his teaching, but I thought this a significant point.

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  3. I am so glad to have come across Progressive Christianity. I thought I would have to abandon my faith altogether. My history is in the evangelical movement and it is quite rigid in its beliefs, despite claiming freedom in the Spirit. With a very sad heart, I thought I would not be able to call myself a Christian anymore because my beliefs were so different to what I knew my church could accept. I am so glad to have chanced upon Shelby Spong's interview on the Spirit of Things on Radio National and to find like-minded Christians.


    I am a worship leader on an extended break, partly because of working out my own faith, and partly because I have given birth to my firstborn. He's five months old now and absolutely beautiful :) My husband and I are extremely proud of him and hope to have a few more. I love to sing, play acoustic guitar and write songs. I am returning to music ministry, but not at the same capacity as previously.


    No one in my church knows of my beliefs fully, because I am sure they would not let me do the things I do or accept me as much as they do. So if you happen to live in Australia, and if you figure out who I am in real life, I ask that you please keep my identity a secret. Until I feel convicted, then I am keeping many of my beliefs to myself. Already, they know I practise Yoga and don't believe that the Bible in infallible. I have championed for Christians and seekers among the LGBT community. I hold other beliefs and draw on pagan traditions to practise my faith as I feel lead, but I do not tell anyone else about these.


    I am currently reading 'Liberating the Gospels' by Shelby Spong and 'Magic on the Breath' by Tylluan Penry.


    I am open to making friendships here and sharing ideas and experiences with you all. I will pretty much talk to anyone and everyone!


    Looking forward to catching up with you!


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