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Posts posted by TheMeekShall

  1. PCs as a seperate group haven't had enough motivation to create their own identity until recently. "The Moral Majority", gaybashing, and Bush's "Crusade", have motivated it recently. PCs unfortuantely, are a bit too intellectual in their values, love comes from the heart. We need to come up with ideas that create community. The Christian right has, and as people who believe in nutrurance, we'll do even better.


    If we're true to our values, empathy will be our strong suit, so talking to the average Joe can be easy. :lol:

  2. :P It's time that spirituality became scientific. Let's stop using religion to beat people over the head and start exploring the power of prayer, near death experiences, the relationship between conciousness and quantuum physics. In a world with 10,000 nukes, and 26 storms in the Americas in 1 year, maybe the only way out is a scientific understanding of God.
  3. (1) A thinking species destroys the planet.

    (2) Animals lived on earth for billions of years (in very large numbers)

    without destroying nature.

    (3) They did not destroy nature because their thinking / activity was

    limited to searching for food for one time only.

    (4) Man has existed on earth in large numbers for only a few thousand

    years / a few hundred years.

    (5) Within this short period Man has destroyed the environment.

    (6) This destruction took place because of Man's thinking.

    (7) When man thinks he makes things.

    (8) When he makes things he kills animals / trees / air / water / land.

    ( Nothing can be made without killing these five elements of nature ).

    (9) A thinking species destroys the planet.

    Intelligence Is A Curse.


    Intellegence is an amplifier of good or evil, I've seen it drive people into a destructive path when they have a philosophy that sees others as something to be overcome. I know, I'm now plantiff in a small claims action - the destructive corporation fighting me hired a firm that's argued in front of the US Supreme Court. I expect to lose the case, but I also expect this corporation's brutality to be it's undoing. Anyway, the most intelegent people are often the kindest. It's the mediocre minds who try to rule by subjugation.


    Here are some quotes from Einstein:



    Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.


    Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.


    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


    Imagination is more important than knowledge...


    Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.



    My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.


    Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.


    The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite subjects of human efforts, possessions, outward success, luxury have always seemed to me contemptible.


    The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.


    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.


    To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.


    Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.


    We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. [My point exactly:TMS]


    As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.


    Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

  4. "Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely" We have to look within to relate to God, not through a minister or Church hierarchy. Maybe God has given us such an abomoninable government to see that the best way to reach a "beloved community", is to start within, not to look to those using the patchwork of antiquated and usurped rule we call government.


    A loving society starts with you, not The President. If you think about it long enough, you'll realise it's great news!

  5. It was a lousy day for Chicago, no doubt, but not nearly enough to pass statistical muster. Now if Chicago was nuked on the same day a tsunami hit New York and a UFO crashed into the White House..... In a world of 6 billion people has at least 5000 major cities, in a Century with 100 *365 days , you'd have 5000 * 100 * 365 or roughly 180 million city-days, enough for some really weird coincidences. If any of the above happened, and anything else well out of the ordinary happened, maybe a space shuttle being destroyed, or Chechnia declaring was on America, that would be enough for one to state things had gone beyond the laws of probablity. The 26 storms, including Katrina, that hit America in 2005 certainly indicate something has changed, and probably some other things [i do believe these are the endtimes].

  6. Chaos and randomness are very different. If atoms were random, then there'd be no order. In '89 it was odd that large earthquakes happened in the most conspicious possible situations, uniting the world in sympathy: First Gorbechev had to cancel his appointments in the UN because of one, then one happened on internataional TV - During a World Series. For about a year, I'd hear stories about how bad weather followed Bush around, snow in the Holy Land and Hawaii, 26 tropical storms in 2005. The weather is chaotic, not random, something very strange is going on.


    As a chaotic system gets larger, more and more order appears. We not only have more people than ever before, by defination, more human history has transpired than in the past, therefore we may find more and more patterns emerging over time.

  7. My personal (un)favorite is that you can't be a christian if you don't agree with Bush.   /off on screaming rant, blood pressure through the roof.



    deep breath...


    Then trying to explain why, perhaps, Bush et al would make Jesus spit and really don't represent christianity if you've ever, say, done something extreme like read the gospels.    :blink:  :D


    I know what you mean. I live in the south and I see this all the time. It isn't unusual to see 'We support president Bush' on a church sign.

    It's time we accepted the nation, and Christianity has become polarised. The neocons and FoxNews have done a good job so the right doesn't lose its core constuancy, so enough people believe the election "results" after they've been tampered with. www.blackboxvoting.org There will be 2 Americas and 2 Christianities until the neocons mess so many things up, they'll fall. :D Before the schism, there was ambiguity, soon the truth will be obvious to everyone.

  8. Good one. Nail her on sexism. :DWhile you're at it, find out if she's followed a Biblical marriage. :D:D


    A. Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between

    one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5)


    B. Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in

    addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron



    C. A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a

    virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut



  9. The more they call us heretics, the better, as long as we don't react with hate, their hate will become ovibious, and their followers will become alienated, and leave. I once started a thead on Hannity's site, my intention was to get people to realise that they shouldn't always vote Republican, my poll question was: Who would you rather vote for Kerry or Hitler? The poll was about 50-50, and the posts really poured it on, many saying why Hitler would be a better President. I kept the thread going as long as possible, hoping that moderate donseratives would see what kinds of lunatics they were in bed with. :D

  10. Is this possible?  To become wealthy without it being at the expense of someone... best I can tell, this world economy is a zero sum game.

    Not even close, it's hard to think of a single action that's a zero sum game.


    Positive Sum games:

    Feeding people - improves the labor pool

    Solar Energy

    Teaching love

    Building transportation systems



    Negative Sum Games:

    Subsistance labor - no time for education, raisng kids


    Teaching Hate

    Using Methamphetemine


    Two people may transact a deal, and one lose, like the guy who buys the drugs.


    The world's economy only appears to be zero sum because we've let the blood suckers grab new supluses for themselves only.

  11. There is a "background intellegence" that gets things done in the body, which gets disrupted by fear - the fight or flight reaction. Digestion, immune response and thinking take a backseat when being chased by a tiger. At the very least, peacefulness from prayer restores that "background intellegence". Since Understanding this clearly, two weeks ago, there seems to be more going on "miracles", connections with people that I've needed etc., that hasn't always happened before. I don't want to go into further explanations without more expereince or a scientific explanation.


    Four billion years of evolution has made the chemicals in our bodies smart. An electron can jump from one atom to another in under a quadrillionth of a second, and our bodies contain a quadrillion trillion atoms each, which the fittest survive. 30,000 genes know how to create 150,000 proteins, althogh biologists thoght that better than a one to one corrospondence was impossible. If there's a trick the body can use it will use. It will use the best of the quatum and classical worlds. Our cells are made of molecules, and these do react to quantum effects. Molecule A might be affected by a quantum effect, say observation(conciousnees), while molecule B might replicate Molecule A a quadrillion times. Now it's part of the larger, classical world.

  12. I find that my desire to convert fundies more than others comes from how I've felt they've tried to control me. Now I'm trying to control them back. As I've gotten older, I've become more opportunitist, always looking for an opening. Also, plenty of the fundies I've met are preaching to get rid of the guilt from what they did before, as many were drug addicts who Came to Jesus after a few overdoses. At least they've stopped robbing houses.

  13. Actually, the jokes on the neocons. Had 9/11 happened 40 years ago, we'd happily accepted a dictatorship within 3 years. Back then, the older generation grew up fighting Hitler, and the younger generation was enraged and screaming at the older generation [and there was no internet to refine & communicate these ideas].


    Today the older generation has had 30+ years to rethink their poor communication. Two years ago, I saw a stooped over old man. His face said he thought he was a failure. As I was gathering the courage to cheer him up, a friend came over to me pointed to the old man, and said, "I'd like to introduce you to Mark Rudd. [in the 60s, he blew up ROTC buildings, and made all of us look like mad bombers.] I asked him if he'd learned anything and he said, "Our big mistake was we didn't make coalitions". Thanks to our mistakes, the last resort now is civil disobience, and there is a huge emhasis on learning how to communicate. The progressive community now has learned enough to successfully communicate to everyone how warmongering works. We will be aided by Bush's fiascos - their ideas make them look like idiots, look what's happened in the last year: A growing insurgency, Cindy Sheehan, Katrina, Rita, 26 tropical storms & hurricanes, 2 mining disasters. I'm sure I've fogotten some of the news, but it was all bad for the neocons, and rest assured it will continue until they can no longe keep stealing elections. www.blackboxvoting.org


    Thanks for the comments on my intellegence, the same is within your grasp. Here's how it happened in my life, whatever ideas you can take for yourself PLEASE do:


    I was born shy, so I had plenty of time to read. I was also shy around women, so I observed them from a distance. This gave me the huge blessing of empathy. I saw much pain in people that was caused by unclear thinking, so I learned how to say things as clearly as possible, and it made my own thinking clearer. For a year, I collected signatures on political petitions, taking to 3 people a minute, to improve my communication skills. Got a Math degree, later understood most problems can be solved by logic, or by quantifying - turning problems into numbers. Ran into some difficult problems solved one by relaxing and asking if there was an answer, what would it be - spent a good part of a month in a bathtub relaxing into the answer. Answered another by imaging myself as a cosmic antenna, you'd be amazed at what answers can come from the spirit world. Having a good education was a huge plus here, I've been able to tune in the wheat, tune out the chaff.


    One problem I probably can't solve so I need your help:

    I'm 49 and I know I won't reach my potential for another century, so those of you who are half my age, learn now so I don't have to take time to go back to work while I'm in heaven.

  14. I have no understanding of what "spirituality" or "spiritual things" means so I'm not clear why it matters if good works are separated from "spiritual things." 


    If any one would care to try to explain to me what "spirituality" and "spiritual things" are I'd greatly appreciate it.  This is a question that came up about a year ago and I still have no idea and haven't been able to find any explanations.


    My point is that threads on good works soon get offtopic with Biblical references. I think we all have a sense of what doing the right thing is without needing to turn to scriptures, and that focusing on the works in the thread will help us to brainstorm on how to do them better.

  15. Back in the '60s there was a cute program that simulated a conversation with a psychoanalyst. Not like passing the Turning test, but impressive. 40 years later, still nothing passes. Quantum Physics makes the morphogenic field occur in organic matter, and especially water, but none has developed in silicon. Hydrcelphy is a condition where as little as 5% of the brain exists, yet some people can live normal lives as a result of the morphogenic field of the cerbrospinal fluid. Passing the Turing test may be possible, but it still won't be concious.

  16. It's good to find a social justice forum where we can talk about it from a personal point of view. My previous home forum has become too much of a discussion on how "Bush ruined this...." I felt powerless.


    The one problem I have here is that when there is a discussion of dealing with life issues such as the Doing Greater Things thread, stories about compassion get turned into theological quotes. Christianity is about the heart! I've done plenty of cruising on the net, and seen forums become more and more resticted in their point of view. It would be a pity to see good works disappear from tcpc over time. I strongly suggest the administrators set up a seperate forum for it.

  17. It's a scam to keep people in fear and polarized, so they don't talk rationally. People in fear don't think well. Hitler had his people so whipped up about the Jews and the Communists that he was able to convince them that he had to attack Poland preemtively. The Germans had tanks, the Poles only horses.


    The Biology of The Big Lie:

    Fear stimulates the adrenals, creating a fight or flight responce. Blood flows to the arms and legs. The higher brain, especially, requiring large amounts of oxygen, has its activities curtailed. Since being chased by a lion is a more urgent situation than healing the flu, the brain will shut down its immune system, digestion, and other nonurgent functions. Constant reinforcement convinces fundies what a grave threat outsiders are, so their bodies and brains, having been starved for years don't function rationally.


    In America, Orange alerts have come when Bush didn't want Americans to think. A month before the invasion, I turned on the TV to hear "Al Queda is going to gas the East Coast, and North Korea will nuke the West Coast", just like Hitler talking about the Jewish and Communist threats to frighten people into attacking Poland.


    What do these creeps really want to destroy?


    The love and fellowship that come with Christmas. Let's look at what was in the news around Christmas:


    2002 : Prepare for war with Iraq

    2003 : Month long Orange Alert

    2004, 2005: Fox "News": The liberals are stealing Christmas.


    The best book I've ever read on science is The Biolgy of Belief, it's not written by some fruitcake. The author is a former member of Stanford's Medical faculty. A liberal arts major can understand the entire book with work, and enough of it can be understood with a diploma for it to be worth the price. He does cover the subject with enough rigor to be convincing. The only part he only partially covers is Quantum Mechanics, and, believe me, for those who don't have a background in scalar em, that's doing you a favor.

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