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Posts posted by KayHarker

  1. Yes, I quite like Taoist writings and see them as compatible with Christ as 'the Word'. The verse you quote from Galatians seems so obvious, but I've heard it argued away so many times. I think I shall come back to it and really dwell on what it means.

  2. Someone who principally considers Jesus as the role model for living out one's life.


    I like this a lot - I am constantly being told that if I don't subscribe to a b or c I cant be a Christian, when all I feel led to do is follow Christ, quite simply.

  3. I was once told that women were like the moon, and men were like the earth. God was like the Sun - so earth(man) revolves around the sun primarily, and the moon(women) revolve around the earth primarily. It's thinking that sometimes I still fall back on - it's so very hard to break out of patriarchal mindsets. I'm currently trying to find out if it's still possible to be Christian and yet reject all that baggage. I think it is. I hope it is.

  4. Hi, I'm Kay, and I'm just curious. I come from a fundamentalist background, faithwise (born into an atheist family, but came to faith in my late teens). I was immersed in 'patriarchy' which led to some very difficult life decisions - like home educating, not using contraception and so on. My health suffered greatly and I ended up nearly crippled, and eventually spent some time in a mental institution. Gradually I've begun to reject a literalist view of scripture and have found that I don't want to just reject Christianity wholsesale, but that my understanding needs to evolve if I am to hang on to my faith. So I found this site and think it may well be a good place to explore. thanks for reading :)

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