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Posts posted by psychsteph22

  1. For me Progressive Christianity is a place where I can stop repressing my questions about the evangelical Christianity I was introduced to earlier on in my life. These questions and thoughts would most likley get me labeled as a "non-Christian", or as someone too "of this world" by my more orthodox Christian friends. PC is a place where I don't have to be afraid of exploring and learning. The mostly Pentecostal and Baptist traditions I came from warned against knowing too much that was outside the tradition itself - For the very reason that it often conflicted with the tradition. I'll never forget in my college senior psychology course where the students (most of who planned on being counselors at some point) came to the conclusion that people with mental disorders were demon-possessed, and that homosexuality is a choice and therefore, wrong. :blink: They didn't want to know anymore than what they were comfortable with.

  2. From what I understand about the New Atheist movement, it is a relatively new movement that claims religion can be tested by logic and reasoning, and some believe a world without any religion would be far more peaceful then what we have now. Some distinguish from bad religion, but many do not. A prime example of this would be Richard Dawkins, at least from what I understand.


    My question is, how can we describe our brand of Christianity to people who may call themselves Antitheists? Some of them are quite hostile to religion, but especially to Christianity, and not completely without good reason, I think. How would you describe your take on Christianity to an Antitheist or New Athesist? I'm not asking in the name of conversion, but in dialogue and possibly healing and friendship. This is something that has challenged me for a long time.


    And if I have any of my facts wrong, feel free to set me straight.

  3. i think one of the main reason that poverty will always exist is because people will always exist who simply do not care. Some people don't care to give to charities. I think many countries have plenty of resources, but the political system of the country may not care about the poor. I think this is the case with many dictatorships. Some people may just feel like they can't help in a significant way, so they don't try. I think education is important because so many in the U.S. don't seem to know what's going on in the rest of the world, but people also need to be shaken out of their empathy.


    Thank you for posing such a challenging question! It really makes me stop and think about what more I could do to help.

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