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Posts posted by RevsBox

  1. I will admit, there is a lot of hypocracy in various churches. Anywhere you have human beings you will have this. However, that cannot change the validity of the Word of God. God does hate divorce. He has spoken against divorce and remarriage. And He has said that homosexuality is an abomination against Him.


    Most Christians -- even the conservative, fundamental Christians -- have nothing against the person of the homosexual. It is the lifestyle we do not condone. Personally, I have had a number of friends who are homosexuals. I enjoyed their company and their friendship, however, I am strongly against their way of life. Biblically, it is wrong. God never intended people to mate with the same sex. Just as He never intended people to mate with fish, horse or tree.


    Churches are not perfect. Regardless of what church you attend, you will certainly find people who will say one thing and do another. You will see that inside the church and you will find that outside of the church. People are like that. But that does not change what God has said. That also does not change what God expects of us. His word is true! We must abide do our best to abide by what He says, regardless of what other people do, or don't do.

  2. Friends,

    It sounds to me like what you are looking for in church is merely entertainment. You can find that on the television, radio, books and other forms of media. If you go just to be entertained, it is no wonder you are disgruntled with it. If I went to a rock concert to learn how the soldiers were doing in Iraq, I would be disgruntled as well. However, the purpose of attending church is to worship, not for entertainment. We attend church in order to meet the Creator and to offer Him praise from the heart and to learn what His word teaches. I would encourage you to return to church, a good Scripturally sound church, for the purpose of meeting God, and see if your outlook changes.

  3. I was SHOCKED to read people referring to the issue of homosexuality as peripheral or unimportant! In the church of our Lord Jesus Christ this is much more than an unimportant or peripheral issue. The homosexual lifestyle is an abomination to God. Now don't get me wrong -- I am not saying that homosexuals themselves are an abomination, I am saying the lifestyle and the act itself is an abomination.


    The conservatives were right to consider seperation if the convention refused to reverse their decision. There are other issues as well that the church should stand firm upon.


    Whatever the Lord has had written in His holy word is to be our guide for living. We should never sway nor compromise this standard.

  4. In constrasting with Sponge, I do not believe in universal salvation...rather I embrace a universal fair 'CHANCE'...at salvation.  Meaning that I believe contrasting to what Billy Graham teaches...I believe a person DOES get a fair 'CHANCE' after this present life.

    I am glad to see you do not embrace a "Universal Salvation" theology. You are also correct in that there is a "universal fair chance" at salvation. However, that universal fair chance occurs in this life only! Not after this life is over.


    Everybody is given a chance during this life to receive the salvation mentioned in the Bible. Once we die there is no more chance. God provides us with every opportunity to accept His gift. It is up to us to recognize it and to take Him up on His offer.


    When Jesus died, He did so willingly to buy us back and to redeem us from the bondage of sin. The only way to receive salvation is to accept the gift He made available through His death on the cross. There is no other. At times, I wish there was, but this is the way it has to be -- regardless of what we may wish or think.


    We can think that God is "unfair" by only permitting one way to heaven -- but how much more fair can He be but to open it up to everyone? Also, we are in no position to judge the God of the universe. He, after all, is the one who will rightfully judge us.


    We, as humanity, are in this sinful state by our own fault. We, that is you, me, and the rest of humanity choose to sin on our own accord. But God, through the maifestation of His love for us, provided a way out! Out of love, He came to earth Himself, as a man, to pay the penalty for our sin! All we have to do is accept that gift! How could He make it any more fair, or any more easy?


    God IS so good!

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