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Posts posted by anglican_01

  1. note: The GOP campaigned heavily to sway Evangelical and Conservative Christians to vote for them via appealing to their being "the party of moral values."



    i agree with the post topic - it is very sad that the government, currently under the administration of the Party which bills itself as the party of 'limited government' continually expands government into the family life and bedrooms of ordinary Americans - this party only thinks of governmental limits when things interfere with the wealthy accumulating more and more wealth off of the backs of the working class and the poor. As for the suggestion that gay marriage will destroy the 'sacred' institution of marriage, if one popular pop starlet can get married and 48 hours later have it all undone through an annullment, there is no 'sacred' inistitution of marriage. The christo-fascists who came out in force to support this un-christian war-making deceitful Administration were voting their own 'christian' prejudices - however history is on their side as the christian Church has traditionally offered to the poor, marginalized, and the outcast nothing but invective designed to keep them in servitude to the Establishment - little more than bigotry, homophobia, and mysogyny flow from the poison pens and hate-filled pulpits of these christo-fascists! i find it striking that when those in power speak of Jesus' message most often the parts about scattering the proud, bringing down rulers from their thrones, lifting up the humble, filling the hungry with good things, and sending away the rich empty-handed receive scant attention - continuous calls from the Right to return to 'biblical morality' and the 'word of God' are usually calls to make a return to some oppressive law arising out of the ancient world which had no sense of democratic values nor real worth of human life - hence their bizarre fixation, with biblical justification, of how gay marriage will destroy civilization as we know it...it is a very sad state of affairs how Americans choose to demonize fellow Americans...

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