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Everything posted by PKB

  1. Hello Lisa. I wanted to take time to respond to your question because I have heard it alot lately. Here is my answer. If you are familiar with the bible at all you should know that one of the "signs of the endtimes" is that there will be deceivers and "false witnesses" abundant. I'm not trying to go all "holy roller" on you and all but I do remember hearing that enough from sermons and my grandparents and parents. The puzzeling thing is knowing that there will be deceivers and "false witnesses" in the end should enable you to spot them better. Right? Apparently not. I live smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt and it is as if these people are in a trance with G Dub. Crazy. There is a nice old couple who lives across the street from me and they invited me to their church because they were having a "Billy Graham" style evangelist coming all the way from Dallas to speak. I agreed to attend and----- First off I'm United Methodist. We Methodists are very reverent in our worship. This church was Assembly of God. Not knockin' AOG's but it was ---um----different. First off, the evangelist they had as a speaker was NO Billy Graham. I lost count of how many times the offering plate was passed around. I lost count after I think 3-4. I dunno! This speaker gets up in front of the congregation and proceeds to go into this diatribe about Bush! What? I looked left, right, over my shoulder. Yep. I was in a church alright. On and on he went as if Bush were some Godsend! "We have to take this city back for God! We have to take this state back for God! We have to take this country back for God!" and "We must elect George Bush to another term and make sure we keep the devil where he belongs! Can I hear an AMEN?" I finally got up and left. Now that is what I find dangerous. Very, very dangerous.
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