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I am very glad to hear this..cause I did not know if they did or not. But I am very glad to hear they do


Yes they are - but remember one fact - I am in Europe, and when I talk about Baptist or Conservative , i talk about Conservative denomination in Europe..


We have left 20 years ago the "Left Behind Theology", I remember the issues of the "Left behind " theology have been disputed 20 years ago.. And now anybody can grow his own opinion in plurality..


The choice is open , some books (in french - in don't know the equivalents in english) show side by side all the point of views about the "end of times questions"..


They include


- "The left behind theology " (aka Premil- Dispensationalism)

- Historical Premil (Iraeneus of Lyon - early fathers)

- Amil position (The position or the Reformers)

- Post Mil position (Not a lot of representation - may be in the Restoration movement..)



Most of the evangelical conservatives unions are a-mil (now) in fact they relate to the reformers tradition.. The" Left behind " theology has been discarded with good exegetical arguments..(and hot debates)


A joke , a good friend of mine (English) was applying for an American organization .. They have asked him :


- "Are you Pre-mil or amil ?" and he has answered "I am British"

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“Who Speaks For God?” Series at Minnehaha, UMC, in Minneapolis, MN Jan. 9, 16, 23, and 30. Revs. John Darlington and Bruce Bjork are hosting a January series at Minnehaha UMC entitled "Who Speaks For God?" The focus of the four Sundays is on the building of a morals platform for progressive United Methodists and the community-at-large that is in contra-distinction to the set-in-stone "moral values" agenda of the "Christian Right." The topic for the first workshop in the series on Jan. 9 is: Have We Progressives Lost Our Voice? A Time to Be Silent and a Time to Make Noise.


The schedule for Sunday, Jan. 9 is:


Sermons (at worship) at 9 a.m. (traditional) and 11:15 a.m. (contemporary)

Question and Answer from 10:15 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.

Work sessions from 2 to 4 p.m.

Potluck and Program from 5 to 7 p.m.


Guest speakers to-be-announced.


Contact John Darlington at john@minnehaha.org or (612) 721-6231 or Bruce Bjork at (612) 721-8687, ext. 567 with questions.



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I believe that one of the main challenges that Progressive Christian churches like United Methodist and United church of Christ 'NEEDS' to meet..is that fact one of the main obstacles in the Far Right being the major bull horn that the majority listens to..is the fact that whatever church does the best job of appealing to the youth..then, naturally all the youths from all the churches will flock there. Unforuantly, some of the most radical churches are the ones who are the best at attractiving the young. These churches would include Calvary Chapel, Vineyard, and FourSqaure Gospel.


All three of these mega contemporary Evangelical Protestant churches are big time into the "Left Behind", belief and hellfire and also all three of the churches DENY women's as pastors. These '3' churches have proven to be the most sucessful in attractiving the young because they are the best churches at using and welcoming contemporary Christian Rock bands into their churches. These churches are also the ones that are the biggest supporters of Christian Surfers. Infact, the famous Surf church in Hunghtington Beach called "Surfer's Chapel", IS a Calvary Chapel.


Like I said before, the thing that concerns me is that these churches are VERY sucsessful at wrapping their narrow-minded views in appealing "Seeker-Sensitive" packaging. They give the younger generation the preception that because their music is hip and their pastors speak on their level that this somehow oddomatically means that they are tolerant and inclusive.

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..The problem, I believe also is, that though United Methodists and D of C, ect churches have now begun to start and become contemporary....the problem is that they waited SO long to start..that these fundamental churches have already stole all the youth's attention. Also, UM, D of C, UCC, these few Progressive churches numbers are small and so they can not compare to the numbers these mega neo-Evangelical churches draw. If this statement is true, and I believe from what I have onserved that it iS..then these few Progressive churches need to unify together. Maybe UM, D of C, ect. need to come come together and do a Christian coffee shop or use surf shop or whatever and take make their own contemporary places.


My OWN experince here in Ventura has been that this one non-denominational Evangelical church named Bible Fellowship has the best pastor at speaking and sermons. They also have the very best contemporary rock band that i have heard. While the United Methodist Church I visited and the Disciples of christ church of Ventura that i visted...do not have good speakers and their contemporary band were not as good nor well organized.


Studies show that the ages that people are most likley to turn to religions are like ages 15 to college, these are also the most influnced years..and unforuantly, while these age groups COULD be hearing a more inclusive and tolerant version of Christianity at a progressive church..they are by large hearing another version of christianity and being convinced it IS THEE ONLY version.

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