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Posts posted by Brekke

  1. 4.) God is both the creator and the manifestion of the universe (all that is, all that isn't); therefore, we are manifestations of God. This means that we all have a divine self that need only be realized. Our divine self is like a drop of water in the ocean. By itself, it is just a single drop, but in the ocean it is the ocean.


    Fatherman, I agree with you. I have always believed that "God's light lives in all his cretures" (from The Secret Garden) and that all creations carry the finger prints of God. Once people realize this, they can see the harmony in all living things - something some fundamentalists are blind too.

  2. The hostile views about anything (or anyone, for that matter) untraditional is one of the reasons I left the church for so long. It's sad to me that differences in interpretations of God's love can draw such hostile lines between people. I live my Progressive faith by example. I am a part of Progressive organizations (both religious and mundane) and speak my opinions every time I get the chance. So many fundamentalists are 1) taught that all progressive/liberal thinkers are tree-hugging, pot-smoking, Neo-hippies that want to take away their proverbal "guns" and corrupt their children, and 2) aren't moral people anyway, so they're already condemed to Hell. I am rebellous, yes, but threatning, not so much. Once people see that I'm progressive, but I'm not promiscuous, I don't drink (which is more tan I can say about many fundamentalist teens), don't do drugs (etc) and that I try to be a a generaly good person they tend to, at the very least, let me speak my mind, even though they don't agree. For where I'm at in life right now, it's my best way of sreading my faith.

  3. I live in the Bible Belt, so I have encountered many people that believe the Bible as te completely literal, unchanged, unbiased word of God. In an English class we were talking about the Biblical allusion to Mary Magdalene in Toni Morison's Song Of Solomon and our teacher talked about how several Gospel's were taken out of the Bible by the Catholic Church and combined to make the Apocraphia and there was this girl who was getting so upset because she was so sure the Bible had NEVER been changed. She was so mad, despite the historical evidence that contradicted her. I was shocked, but then I guess if you've been raised to think one way it's rather difficult to think another.

    My best friend is Jewish, and she just laughed and told me that the Jews had figured out that the "body of God" wasn't literal a long time ago, "that's what the Talmud is for."

    The whole personal talk with God thing that we people do, I think is more of the human need to communicate with our creator, whether or not he has "ears" to hear us. It's the act of communiation that's spiritually important.

    I hope that you and your co-worker's differences in opinion won't make work too difficult, I know people with fundamentalist points of view can be (and usually are) quite stubborn!

  4. *Waves Hello* My first post, I thought this would be most appropriate.


    1) Do you consider yourself to be a progressive Christian? Why or why not?


    It's very hard for me to call myself Christian at all. It is something I have newly come to. When I was younger I was shunned by my peers because my parents didn't attend church with me. After that experience I left the church and sought a spiritual home in other religions, but after a long (almost 5 years!) search I'm back home again. Since this is who I am, I'd say I identify most with "progressive" or "liberal" Christianity.


    2) Where do you live? If you're under 18, please don't be any more specific than your city and do NOT give us your school or your last name. Its not safe


    Right-out-side-Atlanta, Georgia


    3) What do you do for a living? What do you do outside of your wage-earning job?


    I'm a Student, so I don't have a perminent job, although I have been known to earn a buck by working in a head shop, as a memeber of an OSHA and EPA accredidation team, and as a free-lance writer. B) In my spare time I am the resident Properties Misstress with my school Theatre, I work with local charity organizations, am the president of G.O.D. (Gregarious Order of Dadaists), attend concerts when I can, and read (just about) everything on religion/spirituality I can get my hands on. (oh, and I write, too.)


    4) How did you find out about these boards?


    I was looking for a liberal church, or an alternative worship group in my home town. There aren't any, so I'll have to keep looking!


    5) What are you looking for as you post here?


    Open-mindedness. Living in the South I've been told SOOO many times that I'm going to Hell because I don't believe the Bible is perfect. It, like the people who wote it, is fallable. You must take everything it says with a grain of salt.


    6) What on Earth do you think this icon means? :ph34r:


    It looks like a scared little kid peeping through the mail slot on a door.


    7) Tell us anything else you want to about yourself


    I am a living history re-enactor (of the Pre-Civil War flavor), and I love history, art, religion and politics ( I have fun dinner conversations, maybe that's why I'm still single...). Both my parents are artists, so I have grown up in a fairly liberal household. I am a music Junkie and have diverse tastes, I like everything from goth/metal/punk (AFI) to Celtic ballads (Clannad and Clandestine). I am trained in Disaster and Terrorism Responce Management by the US Gov. (LONG story), and I hope to go to grad school...eventually! And, to forewarn, I am AWFUL at spelling, that whole spell-check generation, so just be aware.




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