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Posts posted by shscaptain1234

  1. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for being so friendly! Second of all, Lily, you seemed to hit my feelings right on the nail. I don't like to share my personal beliefs with my friends because they would rather argue about my beliefs rather than embrace them and thank me for being a Christian. I'd like to believe that there is no particular right and wrong, truthfully doubt that my friends know the absolute truth. I have values that I uphold in my everyday life, and also lead a spiritual life that embraces all lifestyles. I might not choose to life a homosexual lifestyle, but I do embrace those who do. My best friend is Catholic, and isn't quite as forgiving. Her family sits down before election and her father tells her how the family should vote. I can't imagine living such a lifestyle! It's funny how she associates her religion so close to her political beliefs. She votes based on those beliefs. I am also a Christian and base my voting off my religious beliefs yet I'm on the completely opposite side of the spectrum. It's amazing how everything works like that.

  2. I have been searching the internet for a means of practicing worship, but still being able to uphold my personal values and political beliefs....being mostly democrat beliefs. I am pro-same sex marriage, pro-choice, and anti-death penalty. I also am a Christian and believe that worship is a personal thing. Is this the place for me?

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